The glory of the center

Chapter 158 The Battle between Zhao Yue and Kobe

Zhao Yue and Nash made continuous air slam dunks, and the Suns' momentum was completely played out, but the Lakers were also unwilling to show weakness and fought back. Although the defensive strength of the two teams improved in the second half of the first quarter, the players' good feel still played a role. After the first quarter, the two sides won 29:33. For the Suns and Lakers, who are both strong teams in the league, it is indeed a high score for the two teams to score a total of 62 points in the first quarter.

Entering the second quarter, both teams replaced substitutes one after another. Compared with the starting lineup, the substitutes of the two teams did not seem to feel so hot, and the offensive efficiency of both sides also declined. However, the starting players of the two teams returned to the field, and the two teams played an efficient attack again in the second half of the second quarter.

56:59, at the end of the first half, the Suns led by a narrow margin of 3 points. At halftime, the two coaches naturally talked about the old-fashioned and continued to emphasize the importance of defense. After entering the second half, the Lakers took the lead in defense. The half-time break seemed to make the Suns lose their fiery. In the face of the Lakers' defense, the Suns could not get a point for three minutes. In contrast, the Lakers' attack at the other end was still efficient. In three minutes, a wave of 8:0 made the Lakers 5 points.

The Sun's performance on the field made Erwin Gentry angry, and the Suns had problems at both ends of the attack and defense, which he could not tolerate.

After calling for a timeout, the Suns returned to the field and their performance really changed. They blocked the Lakers' attacks several times in a row, but they still didn't feel their own attack. Only Nash got 2 points through a free throw.

Nearly half of the game, the Suns only got 2 points, which made the Suns fans on the sidelines fall. After all, the Suns played quite well in the first half.

At this time, the court finally ushered in a turning point. The Sun's attack regained the feeling. First, Zhao Yue completed 2+1 on the inside line, and then Anthony received Nash's three-point assist.

79, the offensive success rate of both teams began to decline in the third quarter, so the score was not high. The Suns only got 20 points, and the Lakers did not perform in the first half, getting 23 points, but such a score still allowed them to equalize the score after three quarters.

After the start of the fourth quarter, the scene was more stale than the third quarter. Although neither side had the staged scoring shortage like the third quarter, neither side could score**.

91:89, 6 minutes and 07 seconds before the end of the fourth quarter, the score between the two sides still did not open the gap. The leading player was replaced by the Lakers, and the ball was in the hands of the Sun.

Anthony ran and received Nash's pass, but he didn't get a chance to take a direct shot. Kobe appeared in front of him for the first time.

Seeing that Anthony did not have a chance to take action directly, Zhao Yue, who had just covered the bottom line, immediately took it to the outside of the three-point line.

With the help of Zhao Yue's blocking, Anthony dribbled the ball and rushed to the basket. The Lakers' defense contracted. Anthony, who rushed into the three-second zone, fell into the pinch of Gasol and Kobe. In the chaos, Anthony wanted to pass the ball, but Gasol, who was quick-eyed, stopped the ball. The Sun's retreat was fast, but it still did not stop the Lakers' fast attack. Luke Wharton received Fisher's pass and hit the layup.

"Di!" Seeing that the score difference increased to 4 points, Gentry stood up directly and called for a pause.

"Zhao, reduce the cover for your teammates and focus on the attack. We need to score!" The first sentence after Gentry called for a pause was to say to Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue's attack today is normal, but this performance does not satisfy Gentry. The game has entered a critical moment, and he must release Zhao Yue's offensive firepower. After all, the team can't open the outside line now and can only rely on the inside line.

Zhao Yue nodded slightly, because the Lakers' offensive firepower today is very strong, and Zhao Yue also focuses more on the defensive end. Now that the team needs its own attack, Zhao Yue will certainly not escape.

At the end of the suspension, the players on both sides returned to the court. Because of Gentry's admission, Zhao Yue came to the court and fell directly to the low position, and Nash also quickly handed the ball to Zhao Yue.

Like other teams, after Zhao Yue received the ball, the Lakers' first strategy was to attack. After passing the ball back to Nash's hand, Zhao Yue once again completely stuck Gasol. Nash's balls were all passed over. At the same time, the players of the Suns also pulled away and completely emptied this side.

The rest of the players of the Suns pulled too far away from Zhao Yue, and the Lakers players had more scruples about the bag, while Zhao Yue didn't have to worry so much about smashing the ball on the floor and began to dribble the ball on his back.

The body leaned back heavily, and Zhao Yue pushed Gasol half a step away. After feeling carefully, he found that Gasol was going to stick to it, Zhao Yue's body suddenly turned to the right and turned from the line to the three-second zone.

Gasol's reaction was not slow. As soon as Zhao Yue had a move, he began to move his footsteps, but after moving his steps, Garnet realized that Zhao Yue's turn turned out to be a fake action.

Half turn around and fake action! His body was about to turn to the right, but just after Gasol moved his footsteps, Zhao Yue suddenly turned to the left and flashed out of the basket from the bottom line.

Gasol, who sensed Zhao Yue's action, wanted to stop him, but Zhao Yue did not give him such a chance at all. His left foot was the axis, and his right foot drove his body to the right side and fell on Gasol's side. Zhao Yue's left foot quickly followed and suddenly took a step forward. At the same time, Zhao Yue's feet exerted strength, and he jumped directly.

The forward jump made Zhao Yue completely shake off Gasol and fly towards the basket, but Zhao Yue's movement did not stop. Following the inertia of turning around, Zhao Yue's body continued to turn back to the basket.

"Bum!" When Zhao Yue finished turning around, he also happened to come to the basket and buckle!

"Cax!" When Zhao Yue finished turning around, there were already cheers at the scene. When Zhao Yue smashed the ball into the basket, the huge cheers instantly drove the atmosphere at the scene.

"Sun! The sun!" Under the leadership of the live DJ, the fans began to shout neatly and uniformly.

"Zhao's beautiful goal will make the Suns' home momentum high, which may be a key point. Now the difference between the two teams is still 2 points."

Mike Brin's words had just fallen, and the Lakers' attack was played again. Kobe's singles Carter took 2 points in a mid-range retreat jumper.

Nash dribbled the ball to the half, and his eyes were still on Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue is now stuck in the middle distance and stuck in Bynum, but Kobe, who defended Anthony in the bottom corner, was ready to move. He was afraid of Kobe's steal, and Nash did not dare to pass the ball at will.

Zhao Yue also understood Nash's scruples and moved to the left near the middle. He distanced himself from Kobe, and Nash's pass also passed in time.

After receiving the pass, Zhao Yue had turned around and saw Zhao Yue holding the ball on his face. The Lakers players did not dare to stick too tightly, and Zhao Yue's pass also had a certain lethality.

Bending slightly, Zhao Yue hung down with the ball in his hands and staring at Bynum in front of him. As long as the other party showed a flaw at this moment, he would not hesitate to grasp and complete the attack. However, the experienced Bynum did not show his flaws. Obviously, the Lakers center knew the reason why the enemy did not move.

His right foot suddenly took a step forward, and Zhao Yue dribbled the ball to the right. He was not in the mood to consume the opponent anymore. In front of Zhao Yue, Bynum moved one step to the side while his body was moving forward. He didn't want to give Zhao Yue space to accelerate.

Zhao Yue did not accelerate forward and retreated. After jumping one step to the right, Zhao Yue jumped up directly, flew backwards, and stopped and leaned back.

Bynum's speed is not fast, but there is still not much way to lean back in the face of Zhao Yue's sudden stop. He can only try his best to raise his hand hoping to bring some interference to Zhao Yue.

After his body was finished, Zhao Yue's heart was completely relaxed. He was still confident enough that the opponent could not complete the cover of the ball, his wrist trembled, and he pushed the ball to the basket.

"Wo!" With a high arc, the ball steadily fell into the basket and hit two points.

In the Lakers' attack, Fisher held the ball at the top of the arc. Luke Wharton ran outside the three-point line and wanted to catch the ball, but Anthony's movement was not slow. He quickly rushed out and stuck to Wharton's side. Fisher sent the ball to Kobe on the other side after finding that Wharton had no chance to attack directly.

After receiving the ball, he made a slight fake shot. After seeing that Carter could not shake it away, Kobe smashed the ball to the floor and began to break through.

Kobe's first step was not fast. Carter could completely keep up, but Kobe's breakthrough was very sharp and ignored Carter's closeness in front of him. His body continued to rush forward and used his power to affect Carter's movement speed. After Kobe took a step forward to the left and flashed a trace of breakthrough space from Carter's side. .

Carter's reaction was very fast, and he quickly turned sideways to be next to Kobe. At this time, Kobe had a sudden stop. Carter was inevitably affected. Taking this opportunity, Kobe suddenly accelerated to the basket.

"Beautiful! Kobe used the rhythm change to get rid ofvince Carter!" Mike Brin couldn't help praising Kobe Bryant's sudden stop.

Seeing that Kobe broke through Carter's defense, Zhao Yue immediately moved his steps to the defense under the basket. When Kobe rushed to the three-second zone, Zhao Yue also came to the opponent.

Keeping the speed unchanged, Kobe took a step to the right, as if he was going to rush directly from Zhao Yue's side.

After seeing Kobe's movements, Zhao Yue's body's center of gravity inevitably leaned towards the right, but Kobe suddenly slid to the left, and the ball had been held tightly in his hand.