The glory of the center

Chapter 186 James of Tragedy

The first quarter of the game lasted 8 minutes. Sporstra replaced James for a break. James, who walked off the court, looked gloomy. In 8 minutes, he shot five times and failed, and at this time, he was forced to leave the court with two fouls.

"LeBron played the worst quarter of the playoffs this year. Despite his three assists, he had a bad shot rate of 0 out of 5 and two fouls."

"Zhao completely suppressed LeBron in this quarter. After scoring these two goals, his score has risen to 10 points."

Zhao Yue stood on the free throw line. His just attack was fouled by James, who came forward to make up for it. He hit all two free throws, and Zhao Yue raised his score to 10. At the same time, the score of the two teams was rewritten to 1423, and the Suns' lead was expanded to 9 points.

In the first quarter, the Suns completely gained the upper hand. The Heat's excellent lineup in the last game was completely limited in this game. Zhao Yue's advantage in the inside line was fully played, and James's performance obviously dragged down the Heat.

6 shots scored 10 points and 5 shots out of 0, which is the comparison between Zhao Yue and James in the first quarter. James's limitation, the tactics that Polstra envisioned before the game for Bosh to pull open the Sun's inner line, and James and Wade took turns to bring offensive opportunities to their teammates were ineffective.

The Sun has established its advantage. One minute after James's last rest, Zhao Yue was also replaced. Elvin Gentry guessed that Spolstra would replace James at the beginning of the second quarter, and then replace Zhao Yue to restrain his opponent.

Wade is obviously in a better state than James today. After James took a break, Wade led the Heat to play well, but the advantage established by the Suns was not so easy to be broken.

21:29, after the first quarter, the Suns still lead by 8 points.

"The loss at home in the first game obviously stimulated the Suns players. After the start of the game, their performance was very good. Obviously, it was not easy for the Heat to win two consecutive games at home of the Suns."

Sporstra also understands this, but he doesn't want such emotions to spread in the team, otherwise there will be no chance for the Heat in this game. Of course, it is difficult to win two games at the Suns' home court, but what happens once you get them? The Heat will completely dominate the situation in this round, which Sporstra can't resist.

Realizing this, Spolstra mobilized again after the first quarter. His mobilization made the Heat players' eyes bright and exciting to think about it. They won two games at the home of the Suns, and then the Heat returned to their home court, and no matter how bad they were, they could win a match point.

Following Pat Riley, Spolstra has also learned a few skills about the psychological grasp of the players. Under his mobilization, the ** and fighting spirit of the Heat players improved instantly, and this is exactly what Spolstra wants to achieve, because the Heat has completely fallen into the wind at this time. If he doesn't play actively and More fierce will be more passive.

As Gentry expected, Spolstra sent James after the start of the second quarter, his partners Chris Bosh, Eudounis Haslem, Mike Miller and Mario Chalmers.

Zhao Yue, the Sun, is naturally playing, and the other inside line is Yi Jianlian. Anthony, who is the small forward, still stays on the field, and two important substitutes Shannon Brown and Vance Carter are sent to the defender line.

The Heat took the lead in attacking. After Chalmers dribbled the ball through the half, he immediately handed the ball to James. The unbearable performance in the first quarter did make James angry. After re-entering the court, James naturally hoped to sweep away the haze of the first quarter. Even if Chalmers did not pass the ball, he would take the initiative. Ask James for the ball.

It is Anthony who defends James. Such an arrangement of the Suns undoubtedly makes Spolster a little relieved. He doesn't think that James will be completely killed by Zhao Yue, but if James, who doesn't feel good at shooting on the outside line, is indeed terrible for Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue's existence interferes with James's attack on the inside line. .

If James finds the feeling of attack, Spolstra believes that even against Zhao Yue, James will not be as embarrassed as the first quarter.

Anthony uses an almost close defensive strategy. Such a defense makes it easy for James to find a breakthrough, especially when there is a gap in the strength of the two, but Anthony obviously has a reason to use such a defensive strategy.

After taking a look at Anthony, who was almost about to stick to himself, James immediately made a decision. It would be very disturbing for him to shoot, but if it was a breakthrough, there was a complete hope to break through Anthony's defense. Suddenly, James rushed straight to the right.

Although the focus is on defending James's shot, Anthony did not want his defense to be easily broken through by James and take a quick step towards the side. Anthony used his body to stop James from rushing forward.

"bu!" After all, Anthony was too close to James, and the bodies of the two before they were stopped in front of James collided. The gap in physical strength was reflected again at this moment. Although Anthony was not directly hit and retreated, it was difficult to move for a while under the impact of James. On the contrary, James However, the speed slowed down slightly, but it still kept rushing forward and rushed directly past Anthony.

reluctantly turned sideways and took a step closer to James, and Anthony was completely dumped by James, but he did not stop, but rushed to Haslem on the bottom line.

At the same time when James rushed before dribbling, Zhao Yue had moved from Haslem to enter the basket, which is why Anthony would rather let James break through. Most teams in the league would rather James shoot on the outside than let him rush into the inside line, but the Suns have Zhao Yue's existence Even James's ability to rush into the inside line will be greatly reduced.

Of course, it would be best if Anthony could prevent James' breakthrough while limiting James' shooting, but there are not many people in the league who can do this, except Zhao Yue.

Breaking through Anthony's defense, James naturally saw that Zhao Yue, the inside line, was waiting for him and took a step forward to complete the acceleration. James held the ball and jumped into the basket. In the first quarter, he had been restricted enough by Zhao Yue, and at this time, he finally ushered in a chance to revenge. He did not believe that he could be prevented by Zhao Yue after jumping up with impact.

"LeBron broke through Cameron Anthony's defense and jumped against Zhao..." Kenny Smith shouted. Such a scene was what they wanted to see. Whether James's attack was a failure or a success, at least he and Zhao Yue faced each other again.

"Zhao, cover him, cover that guy!" On the sidelines, the Suns fans also shouted excitedly at this time.

In the first half of the basket, Zhao Yue took off and quickly rushed into the air, and his high arm was also raised at this moment, blocking James like a barrier.

The height of Zhao Yue's hands has exceeded the height of the ball in James's hand, which made James' eyes begin to flash. He realized that it was very difficult to dunk through Zhao Yue.

"bu!" James was not reconciled and raised the ball to the back of his head, and his body continued to slide forward and hit Zhao Yue. Their bodies shook slightly after bumping into each other in the air. At this moment, James finally gave up trying to force dunk. He hit Zhao Yue with impact, but he failed to knock Zhao Yue away. The bodies of the two were still sticking together at this time.

The body rotated and flashed a little space from Zhao Yue's side. James grabbed the ball from the back of his head to his side with his right hand, trying to bypass Zhao Yue's layup.

"Shh!" Seeing James's movements, the boos of the Suns fans immediately sounded, mixed with the shouts and ridicule of some fans.

"Don't dare to dunk? What a coward." In the face of Zhao, you don't even dare to dunk. Why don't you get out of the stadium and play wnba!"

When Zhao Yue saw James pull down the ball, he vaguely guessed the opponent's movements, but at this moment, he didn't have time to make too many adjustments to defend. He subconsciously waved his left hand to the side to interfere with James's layup, but Zhao Yue's arm was not strong, and he was also worried that his hand would hit James by swing. Si's hand, it is obviously not cost-effective to make another foul at this time.

With his palm waved, Zhao Yue's expression was suddenly stunned. He felt that his palm touched the physical object, but this was obviously not James's hand.

"Isn't it so lucky?" Zhao Yue was a little surprised, and the cheers at this time had already told him the answer.

"Clock? Seal! Oh, God, Zhao completed the block under such circumstances! It seems that even the goddess of luck is on Zhao's side.

"Shit!" James looked at the ball rolling down the bottom line and couldn't wait to punch the ball. Zhao Yue waved his hand casually and actually touched the ball, not stepping on shit.

"Oh!" Although the seal at the last moment has a trace of luck, it does not affect Zhao Yue's fist celebration, and even luck is on himself. What are you afraid of?

The Heat launched a new attack, and the active Zhao Yue made great achievements again. Bo would force Yi Jianlian's layup and was bounced out of the basket by Zhao Yue's supplementary defense, and Zhao Yue directly took off the rebound.

The ball was handed to Carter, and Zhao Yue ran to the other side of the half. After rushing into the three-point line, he stopped at the middle distance on the left and reached out for the ball.

After receiving Carter's pass, he turned to the basket and stood. Zhao Yue raised the ball above his head with both hands and stood defender Haslem in front of him.

Hit the ball on the floor, and Zhao Yue rushed straight to the right. His breakthrough was similar to James at some times. For example, at this time, relying on the advantage of physical strength, Zhao Yue pressed Haslem to rush under the basket.

Seeing that Haslem could not stop Zhao Yue's forward, the Heat players began to shrink the defense. James, who defended Anthony in the bottom corner on the left corner, and Bosh, who defended Yi Jianlian from the bottom line, ran to the basket. James was far away from the basket. When he saw Bosh rushing over, he slowed down. He was also worried that Zhao Yue would divide the ball directly into Anthony's hand outside the three-point line.

James slowed down, but Bosh rushed to the basket at an accelerated pace. It was undoubtedly extremely dangerous for Zhao Yue to press Haslem to rush into the basket.

Zhao Yue rushed into the three-second area. At this time, Haslem basically had no ability to interfere with him. Watching Bosh rush towards him, Zhao Yue pushed the ball towards Yi Jianlian on the bottom line with both hands.

Zhao Yue's action made Bosh stop involuntarily, and his body also turned to rush back to Yi Jianlian, but when his body turned halfway, Bosh suddenly woke up. Where was the shadow of the ball in his sight?

"Oh, I'm fooled!"

"Having fake pass, Zhao cheated Chris Bosh!" The person sitting on the sidelines watching the ball can see clearly what happened on the field.

Zhao Yue's hands did push towards Yi Jianlian, but his ball was firmly held in his hand and did not fly out at all. When Bosh stopped, Zhao Yue took the ball back and jumped forward and easily layup!

21:31, the Sun extended the lead to 10 points.

While cheering at the scene, the Heat quickly sent the ball, and Haslem sent the ball directly to James's hand.

James dribbled the ball to the half and did not seem to mean to pass the ball, but signaled Bosh to block it. James, who was restricted in singles again, decided to play in a different way.

Bosh took the demolition and brought Yi Jianlian up. After James rushed into the three-point line before dribbled the ball, Yi Jianlian took the initiative to change the defense, and Anthony also quickly followed up and attacked!

This is a tactic that the Suns have already arranged. Except for Zhao Yue's ability to achieve very good results when defending James head-on, it is difficult for the rest of the Suns players to win against James, so Gentry specially told James to attack James in due course.

It is a defensive tactic that the Suns are very familiar with. Although Anthony and Yi Jianlian's defensive ability is not the best in the Suns, it is still good to put it on the front-line players in the league, and the two attacks also put pressure on James.

"LeBron is trapped in the bag. Is the sun going to completely block LeBron today?" On the sidelines, Charles Barkley shouted happily, which made the Heat fans very unhappy. How could James be blocked? He can score and pass the ball...

James's sense of passing is indeed excellent. It is not too difficult for him to protect the ball when he falls into the bag. At the same time, he was able to observe the position of his teammates. After completing the block, Bosh cut into the basket from the middle and fell into James's sight.

His body stepped back and distanced himself from Anthony and Yi Jianlian. James dribbled the ball with his right hand and lifted it up and threw the ball to Bosh rushing forward.

The ball flew over Anthony's head and fell to Bosh. As long as he received the ball, he could get a chance to attack the basket directly, but some people didn't want this scene to happen. That was Zhao Yue.

At the same time as James threw the ball, Zhao Yue, who had come to the three-second zone to prepare for defense, suddenly started and rushed towards Bosh.

"Wo!" The abnormal speed was fully played by Zhao Yue at this moment, and a shadow flashed. The next moment, Zhao Yue had appeared in front of Bosh.

With the help of the impulse, Zhao Yue jumped high and grabbed the basketball in the air with both hands. At this time, Bosh suddenly realized that the danger stopped rushing forward, but the ball also fell into Zhao Yue's hands.

" steal! Zhao completed the steal! LeBron sent a high-quality pass in the bag, but Zhao gave LeBron a mistake!"

"Well done!" King Zhao!!!!" Quick attack!" Zhao Yue grabbed the ball in his hand, and the cheers of the Suns fans immediately sounded at the scene.

Zhao Yue flew forward and rushed out directly with the ball after landing. Bosh and Haslem are both in the rear, and Shannon Brown is the only one on the Sun's side with Battier in the bottom corner. How could Zhao Yue give up such a four-to-two chance?

rushed forward, and Zhao Yue pushed the ball in his hand into Carter's hand. He ran forward quickly. When he fully exerted his speed, Bosh and Haslem were destined to watch Zhao Yue's back get farther and farther away from him.

Carter was not greedy for the ball, and he was still next to Chalmers, so Carter passed the ball to Anthony in the middle when he rushed to the middle line.

In the middle, Anthony and Yi Jianlian formed a small range of two-one on the left and one on the right. Anthony rushed forward with the ball, but James did not dare to paste it directly. The three were constantly approaching under the basket like a fixed triangle.

Rushing into the three-second zone, Anthony accelerated his speed and rushed forward. James was forced to move in the direction of Anthony, and Anthony immediately pushed the ball to Yi Jianlian.

Yi Jianlian rushed forward after receiving the ball and saw that James was approaching him, so he pushed the ball back into Anthony's hand. After receiving the ball and taking a big step forward, Anthony raised the ball and soared into the air. Seeing that Anthony was finally about to take action, James jumped up and interfered.

However, at this time, the ball in Anthony's hand was not thrown, but thrown and sent to the rear. Zhao Yue killed it!

"Cameron Anthony passed the ball in the air, Zhao, I'm going to catch it!"

"Good pass!" With a roar, Zhao Yue, who followed the high jump, took over the basketball in the air, and his body continued to fly forward.

"bu!" Before James, who was ready to defend Anthony after jumping up, had time to dodge, Zhao Yue had hit him heavily, and the huge impact made James, who was about to be attached, accelerate to fall to the floor.

Such physical contact had little impact on Zhao Yue. When he came to the basket, he held the ball in his hands and hit it heavily.

"Bum!" The huge sound of dunks rang throughout the stadium.

"Zhao hit LeBron to complete the air relay slam dunk! Wow! Zhao completed the performance above LeBron's head again! God, who will save LeBron?