The glory of the center

Chapter 207 Zhao Yue arrives in Boston

Zhao Yue was injured. Of course, the management of the Suns knew about this matter, and the management of every NBA team also knew about it. This is not a minor injury. This injury may affect Zhao Yue's career, which has to cause the hesitation of the management of each team, but there are several balls The team has never relaxed their pursuit of Zhao Yue, such as the Boston Celtics, Indiana Pacers, the Milwaukee Bucks and so on.

On the third day after the Olympic Games, Zhao Yue received a call from the Sun management, saying that the team was not going to renew the contract with him. To put it bluntly, the management of the Suns had given up the injured Zhao Yue.

This is also human. Even if the Suns don't have Zhao Yue, they also have Nash and Anthony, all of whom are strong players. Even if they are not as competitive as last season, they are still a strong team in the league. As long as they operate properly, it is not impossible to defend their title.

In fact, Zhao Yue's injury has healed. Don't ask me why. Don't forget that Zhao Yue is a super plug-in person. In the center glory system, as long as Zhao Yue has enough points and wants to exchange a few therapeutic agents, it's just a small matter.

There are two reasons why he concealed the news that he has recovered. One is that he doesn't want to stay in the sun, and the other is that he recovered after only a few days of such a serious injury. Zhao Yue is worried that he will be treated as a little white mouse for dissection and research.

According to John's introduction, there are so many teams interested in Zhao Yue at this time that Zhao Yue can't help laughing. This is a symbol of strength.

The Rockets are the first team to show interest in Zhao Yue. They are interested in the market behind Zhao Yue. As long as they sign Zhao Yue, the Rockets' market in China will definitely expand further. After the Olympics, the Rockets were more enthusiastic, and John received calls from Houston almost every day. Darrell Murray, the general manager of the Rockets, even connected Zhao Yue through Yao Ming, so that before Zhao Yue was going to fly to the United States, Yao Ming called and invited him, "Zhao Yue, go to the Rockets, that's a very good team."

The Hornets are another team that has been interested in Zhao Yue very early. They began to chase after Zhao Yue became a free agent, and they are still interested. The Hornets hope that Zhao Yue can join the team. His defensive and inside ability are considered to be the best puzzle for the Hornets to continue to perform strongly in the next season.

The Spurs also fell in love with Zhao Yue. The Spurs want to reorganize the twin tower combination of Duncan and Robinson. At the same time, the Spurs are eager to find a player who can help the team on the defensive end and be hot on the offensive side. Zhao Yue is undoubtedly very good at them.

The Warriors are also one of the very active teams chasing Zhao Yue. After having outstanding young players such as Stephen Curry, the Warriors want to increase their internal strength. David Lee's joining gives the Warriors hope. At the same time, they hope that Zhao Yue can join the team, even if he is injured.

The league's superpower Boston Celtics are the most active team chasing Zhao Yue. At the end of the 11-12 season, the Celtics' old three giants, Garnett and Ray Allen, have become complete free agents, and have been reluctant to renew their contracts with the team, which has kept the management of the Celtics. Without these two people, it is almost impossible for the Celtics to remain as competitive as in the league as in previous years, which makes them have to chase a strong player.

Although there are powerful inside players like Andrew Bynum and Tim Duncan in the free market, Duncan will not leave the Spurs. Bynum is a neurotic player and his defensive ability is not what the Celtics need, so Zhao Yue became Kai. The target pursued by the Ertes.

Injured? So what if you get hurt? It's just that it may affect your career and possibly recover completely! This is a big bet of the Celtic management. If the bet is won, the Celtics will still be the superpower of the league. If you lose the bet, what are you afraid of? Zhao Yue is still in the rookie period, and his salary is only a few million at most. For a super team like the Celtics, there is no lack of money.

After talking about the team that pursued Zhao Yue, and then talked about giving up Zhao Yue's Suns, now the management of the Sun has been pointed out by thousands of people, but because the players were injured, they gave up the players. In this way, the team that has been crossing the river to tear down the bridge will be disgusted. Just look at the reaction of the Phoenix players.

As soon as he learned that the team would not renew his contract with Zhao Yue, Iverson immediately chose to become a free agent. After all, he struggled in the league for more than ten years, and finally Zhao Yue helped him win the championship.

At the same time, Nash, a superstar of the 96 golden generation, also chose to become a free agent the next day. According to his words, "I don't know if I will be abandoned by the team immediately after injury. I dare not try. I have won the championship for the team, and my mission in the Suns is completed. ."

In addition, Anthony also said that he would choose to jump out of the contract. Although he is not a free agent, he has the player option and can choose to jump out of the contract.

In this way, within a week when the Suns abandoned Zhao Yue, last season's championship team almost immediately collapsed, Carter also left, and Shannon Brown was also considering whether to leave.

For a while, the Phoenix group was excited, and the citizens marched on the streets to show that the team could change their decision, but it was a fore and could not be changed.

After saying this, let's talk about Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue's performance in the Olympic Games has given many teams a better understanding of his strength, so there are many teams chasing him. Even in the whole free market, Zhao Yue is still a top figure. Near the beginning of the new season, all teams are hurrying to replenish the team lineup. At this time, Zhao Yue's appearance in a city in the United States is not much news.

The American media did not notice, but the Chinese media noticed that as the most concerned star in China recently, Zhao Yue's every move was infinitely magnified by the domestic media, and his itinerary was naturally stared at.

So the news that Zhao Yue appeared in Boston was reported by the domestic media at the first time. As for why Zhao Yue came to Boston, everyone can obviously guess.

At this time, Zhao Yue will definitely not travel to Boston. Thinking that Boston has an NBA team, the Boston Celtics, and the Warriors are one of the teams that are most interested in Zhao Yue, Zhao Yue's purpose of this trip is ready to come out.

As guessed by the outside world, Zhao Yue intends to be the first to contact the Celtics after some consideration.

There are many teams interested in Zhao Yue, but Zhao Yue needs to choose a team that can give himself more space. Some teams are first excluded by Zhao Yue.

For example, the Rockets, a team owned by a super stingy boss. He only wanted the players to help him make money, but he refused to spend money for the players. Thinking about the injuries of McGrady and Yao Ming, and the careers of the two of them, Zhao Yue couldn't help fighting a cold war, and the Rockets were directly excluded.

As the first team to come into contact with Zhao Yue, Zhao Yue has considered that the young Hornets do look very promising, and at this year's draft, they also got the top pick Anthony Davis, but how competitive the Hornets will be without Paul's. Zhao Yue can't guarantee .

So the Boston Celtics became Zhao Yue's first stop.

The Celtics are satisfied with Zhao Yue among these teams. At the same time, Zhao Yue's favorite team is the Celtics. Although the Celtics are full of stars, they have an advantage that cannot be ignored. The Celtics have a league that can rank in the top five point guard Rajan Ron, and the Celtics It is a team with strong defensive ability. Thinking about the defense of Garnett, Pierce and others, Zhao Yue believes that he can quickly integrate into this team.

Another important point is that Zhao Yue felt that the Celtics were sincere enough. From the moment Zhao Yue became a free agent, the Celtics expressed their interest in him, and this interest continued until the end of the Olympic Games. In the meantime, Danny Angie, the general manager of the Celtics, will call John two or three times every week and ask John to tell Zhao Yue about his appreciation for Zhao Yue. Even during the London Olympics, Danny Angie made a special trip to London to watch Zhao Yue's game.

From the beginning, only two or three teams chased Zhao Yue, and then so many teams joined. The Celtics have always maintained the same attitude. Danny Angie also admitted that they had a chance to get Andrew Bynum, but he preferred Zhao Yue to join the team.

John also agrees with Zhao Yue's joining the Boston Celtics. As one of the major cities in the United States, it has a broad player market, which is very suitable for Zhao Yue's development.

Based on various reasons, Zhao Yue's trip to Boston will be interviewed by Danny Angie, the general manager of the Celtics, and head coach Doug Rivers to decide whether to stay in the team or not.

"Hey, Zhao, John, I've been waiting for you for two months!" The first words of Danny Angie made Zhao Yue smile. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sorry, Mr. Danny, I should have come to interview you earlier."

Danny Angie shook his head with a smile and said, "No! Zhao, you came at the right time! What I want is not that you come sooner or later, but that you can stay in the city after you come.

Zhao Yue smiled, but did not answer directly and handed over the scene to John. Danny Angie began to reaffirm the sincerity of the Celtics again, stressing that as long as Zhao Yue came to the Celtics, he would definitely occupy a seat in the starting lineup.

Danny Angie has reiterated these things many times before, so Zhao Yue is not very interested. On the one hand, they came to Boston because John needs to discuss the contract with Danny Angie face to face. On the other hand, Zhao Yue hopes that he can get in touch with Rivers and learn about the bishop. The idea of practice is very important, because on the court, he plays under the head coach, not the general manager.