Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 1 The Age of Wild

Keywords: Li Daqi, Hu Qingqing

In the future world, countless animals such as ants, butterflies and frogs have mutated due to radiation and plague. Moreover, after zombies devouring the flesh and blood of other species, there is a possibility of mutation again, so tens of thousands of new species are born every day.

Because it is no longer human beings who rule the earth, but mutative beasts, the survivors call this bloody and violent world a barbarian era.

Some powerful individuals in the wild era used means to gather some ordinary survivors to remove zombies and mutant beasts in the ruins of some cities, and established new human gathering places. Large human gathering places are called cities, and small ones are called towns. Qingshui Town is one of the gathering places of many human beings.

In the evening, the last ray of sunshine in the West disappeared.

In the endless desert, there is an oasis called Qingshui Town.

Outside Qingshui Town, the ruins of the suburbs.

At night, the ruins of the crooked building are like a giant beast waiting for its prey. There is a disgusting smell in the humid air.

In front of the dilapidated building, there is a pile of abandoned cement bricks. Li Daqi stands on the top of the brick like a statue, and two red cows have surrounded him. The two-headed cow is the product of radiation variation. Its horns are sharper than steel knives, and its four-legged pedaling force can reach 1,000 catties. This kind of bison likes to eat meat, especially human meat with huge energy.

Two cows stared at their blood eyes as big as copper bells, their poisonous eyes were like blades, and they fiercely scratched Li Daqi. Suddenly, as if they had discussed, they jumped in the air and rushed to the target from the front and back directions at the same time.

Li Daqi's ∞-shaped heavy pupils contracted sharply, with a firm face and standing still.

With two deep exclamations, four huge bull heads hit Li Daqi, but it was like an egg hitting a stone, and the mutant cow fell into meat mud. As for Li Daqi, who was hit by a huge force, his muscles changed shape and his facial features were twisted into a ball. Despite this, he still stood like a statue.

The first realm of zombie cultivation is the iron bone realm, also known as the iron armor corpse. The physiological feature is blue eyes, with a total of nine stages.

The first-order yin qi, the power of the two wolves, attract the qi of the mysterious yin of heaven and earth, quench the body, and jump powerfully with both feet.

The second wooden body, the power of the three wolves, condensed for a long time, the body is like wood, not afraid of ordinary people. You can perform the first demonization and transform into a demon!

Three-order Dantian, the power of five wolves, doubled in weight, extremely strong, Dantiansheng, nails like knives, grabbing stones.

Four-order earth escape, the power of the seven wolves, dredge ten fingers with the qi of Xuanyin, break the rock wall, break the iron tree with both hands, earth escape.

Five gravel, the power of nine wolves, through the meridians of the arms, swinging the arm rotation, elbow crushing rocks, and arm rotation can produce a small dragon whirlwind.

Sixth-order spin, the power of two cows and seven wolves, dredge the meridians of the legs, one foot to the ground, jump ten meters, and fly to the sky. Through the five internal organs, the appetite is opened, the bloodthirsty desire increases, the fangs grow, the meridians are smooth, and the body is like a stone.

The seventh-order iron body, the power of three oxen and eight wolves, the yin qi refines the true qi, the body is like iron, and the claws cut gold. True qi has soared, and it can spray true qi, and the toucher is poisoned, like a poisonous beast.

Eight-order Zhenyuan, the power of eight cattle, gasification liquid, Zhenyuan, muscles and bones like iron, the power of tigers and wolves, the body is not afraid of steel knives.

Nine-order copper skin, the power of nine cows and two tigers, can be night vision.

The zombies in the iron bone realm are cultivated into the door. However, according to the heavenly god axe, the iron bone realm is only the primary stage of zombie cultivation. The iron armor corpse will also have a more advanced innate secret world copper armor corpse, followed by the legendary magic blood secret world.

As for the situation of the secret world of magic blood, there is no detailed explanation on the giant axe. It only points to the silver armor corpse and gold armor corpse that exist beyond the copper armor corpse in the legend occupy a level in the secret land of magic blood respectively!

Li Daqi is now a second-order wooden body. Theoretically, he has the power of three wolves, and it is impossible to deal with those two mutant cows, but he is a wild corpse. He is naturally powerful and strong, and he has had adventures.

Li Daqi turned his hand into claws, dug out a meat ball like a small steamed bun from the four bull heads and put it close to his body.

"Your clothes are rotten. It's time to change a new one." Hu Qingqing held a dress in his arms and appeared from behind Li Daqi. She unfolded the clothes in her hand, and a big golden leather coat flew in the wind, which was very beautiful.

Li Daqi took off his tattered coat, and his thin torso looked weak in the moonlight. He came over and put on his clothes, showing shallow dimples on his face and smiled.

"When I was an orphan, I was appreciated by the major general of the Republic and joined the army. More than a hundred years ago, the Fourth World War broke out, and I was among the first soldiers to die. Because of a resentment, my body changed. That's why I got to know my master and sneaked into the eternal mysterious island with him to get a jade slip that records the secret method. At that time, I was injured by a nuclear bomb, turned into a stone statue and slept for a hundred years. If you hadn't fished me out of the water and woke me up. I don't know how many years I will sleep."

He shook his weak body and said, "Look, I'm not dead, but my body is much stronger after waking up."

Hu Qingqing said, "Now that the mutant cattle coiled around the periphery of Qingshui Town have been killed by you, the villagers are much safer. Let me show you a tour of Qingshui Town.

"Now?" Li Daqi doubted.

Hu Qingqing was stunned: "What's wrong? Right now! Aren't you a zombie? Night vision is better than me. Let's go!"

Li Daqi followed her through the ruins, passed a few lawns, passed five or six families, and felt that it was a huge pond.

Against the moonlight, the surface of the pond is sparkling, and two or three naughty fish jump out from time to time. Looking magnificent, it covers an area of no less than seven or eight mu of land.

Li Daqi said, "I didn't expect there to be such a big pond. No wonder it is called an oasis!"

Such, Hu Qingqing took Li Daqi to visit more than a dozen arable land in Qingshui Village and more than a dozen wild rabbits in captivity.

Qingshui Village is self-sufficient, and villagers don't have to worry about insufficient food and water. This kind of fairyland-like place, looking at the old times, may not be much.

After taking Li Daqi to visit the software equipment in Qingshui Town, Hu Qingqing took him to see the warehouse in Qingshui Town. Inside are old bicycles, motorcycles, generators, and hundreds of barrels of diesel and thousands of barrels of gasoline.

"How about it? Under my care, Qingshui Town is not bad, right?"

Li Daqi nodded, then pondered for a moment and said, "Qingqing, I plan to leave tomorrow."

Li Daqi just wanted to say something more, but Hu Qingqing immediately interrupted him: "I know you have been treating me as a sister, and I also know that you can't stay in Qingshui Town. However, if you want to come back one day, I will still welcome you.

Li Daqi was speechless.

"The three forces near the desert of death, I'll tell you later. To go to the City of Wealth, you must pass through the underworld forest. As far as I know, there are many people like you who want to go to Fortune City to make a fortune. This desert is called 'death' because people die in the desert every day. To the west of the Desert of Death is a super castle called Alexander Castle. If you go here, you may meet the people in the castle. However, I tell you, no matter what difficulties those people encounter, you don't have to save them.

Seeing Hu Qingqing's serious face, Li Daqi frowned and said, "Why?"

"Now the world is no better than the previous era of scientific and technological civilization. There is no law in the wild era. Naturally, there is no benevolence and morality, and everything is respected by means of strength. After a pause, Hu Qingqing said, "Unless it is a super city like the Fortune City, with urban rules similar to the laws of the old era. In other small cities like Qingshui Town, it is lucky to meet good managers and brutal ones, it will be unlucky."

"Also, the three magic axes falling from the sky have brought a way to survive the reshuffle of species, but I still resist the view of 'if you want to die, become a zombie'. I don't want to become a monster like you. At the beginning, I didn't want to be like that when I saw you start from ignorance and wisdom and grew up to the final high IQ level after thousands of hardships!"

"Have you ever seen a zombie?"

"I have seen that those who can walk in the sun are all copper armor corpses that were once rare in scientific and technological civilization. However, in this wild era, there are powerful bronze armored corpses everywhere, especially in some super big cities, where most of the city owners' confidants are zombies! That's why I don't want to leave."

What she said is right. In the barbaric era, most ordinary people are respected by powerful alien zombies, and they will basically rely on a super city to sell their physical strength to obtain living materials. As for some coincidences, most of the people who are lucky enough to see the cultivation method on the heavenly axe and become zombies are not strong, except for the peerless wizards who understand the profound method, so it is better to be able to enter the super castle and obtain the identity of a "landlord".

Li Daqi clenched his fist: "Anyway, I'm still going!" Only when I go to a big city can I broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge. If I want to know this unknown world, I must go!"

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