Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 60 Flower Protector

Keywords: Xiaoye Dan, the power of merit

Jin Ju, Honghe and Xuemei are all messengers of the outreach of Su Nvcheng. They are the image spokespersons of the city. They are not only outstanding in appearance, but also their manners and personal quality. They are also the best. Her words and deeds reveal an indescribable charm.

Li Daqi is a normal man. Everyone loves beauty, and naturally he also has it.

Zhou Tianhua used the strongest "dharma desire eye" in the eyes of the six desires and golden light, and suddenly taught the three goddesses to be fascinated and unstable.

The "law" of the six desires is actually the "thre idea". Zhou Tianhua's magic eyes were transformed by his thoughts. He weighed thousands of pounds but had invisible and colorless "dharma eyes". They directly broke into the sea of consciousness of the three women and collided with their thoughts, making them immediately get into trouble and suffer.

If it hadn't been for Jin Peng's secret trick and disturbing the minds of the three women with strange weapons, Zhou Tianhua would not have found time to display his innate endowments.

"Today's endless situation is all for you! Don't blame me for being ruthless! Go to hell!"

With a burst of shouting, Zhou Tianhua turned his hand and threw out three flying swords. The flying sword was like a meteor, dragging a blood-red tail, like a hungry tiger and pounced on the three women.

"It's worth it to die under the 'Six Desire Sword' of my house!"

It was late. At that time, Li Daqi broke out with all his strength, and the speed was instantly accelerated to 200 times the leopard speed. At the same time, with the help of the powerful mobility of space bubbles, he instantly rushed to the front of the three women and threw a poisonous thunder with lightning.


Zhou Tianhua's three flying swords were suddenly shaken down, and the high platform was also shaken by the powerful explosion. Jin Peng and Zhou Tianhua have not yet reacted, and the three women have disappeared.

"Li Daqi, you and I have returned to become flower protectors." Yi said, "The three of them have been taken into my abdomen and are out of danger, but their minds have been damaged and need to sleep for a long time to fully recover."

Li Daqi replied in his heart, "I'm afraid Zhou Tianhua and Jin Pengyao have found me. At present, it's better to avoid the limelight first.

After saying that, he turned around and accelerated and flew to the outside of the array.

"Do not want to escape! Now that I know the secret of this house!" Zhou Tianhua said coldly, "Don't want to go out alive!" Jin Peng, help me quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, Jin Peng raised his hands and pushed them into the sky. He cooperated with Zhou Tianhua to control the array hub and immediately locked Li Daqi's position.

"Six Desire Spirit Sword, go!"

With Zhou Tianhua's cold hum, the six spiritual swords turned into six long rainbows, shooting into the space bubbles where Li Daqi is located from six directions: east, west, south, north, upper and lower.

"What a sword spirit!"

As soon as Li Daqi's voice fell, six spiritual swords had broken through the air.

He felt the strong sword spirit close at hand, and threw out another poisonous thunderbolt like lightning.


After the explosion of Yinlei, six spiritual swords flew back to Zhou Tianhua's body, and the space bubbles had been blown up. Li Daqi's body was exposed. He opened his mouth and spewed out a pool of blood and was surprised: "The sword spirit is so strange that it can disturb my mind and make me want to think about it!"

Yi said, "Thanks to you for understanding the method of meditation I taught you earlier, otherwise you would have been killed at the moment of your loss of mind!" There is no time to throw out the thunder!"

On the other hand, Zhou Tianhua was shocked when he saw Li Daqi, and his heart was full of anger, and the water of the Jiujiang River could not be extinguished.

"Why is it you?"

Li Daqi raised his head, looked at the high platform and said arrogantly, "Why can't it be me?"

Taking advantage of communicating with Zhou Tianhua, he looked at his whole body and said helplessly to Yiyan, "The desire makes the vitality in my meridians chaotic, and the vitality that plays the role of the original suppression is also out of control. Wing, I'm about to. Burned to death!"

Yi said, "Try the meditation method I taught you before."

Zhou Tianhua looked at Li Daqi, who had a somewhat distorted face, looked up to the sky and laughed, and then said with a sneer, "How about the six desires and sword spirit of this house?"

"No matter how powerful your six desires are, can you compare with Wei Yanshui's 'falling flowers and flowing water'?"

A slightly mean cynic came from outside the array. Li Daqi frowned, fixed his eyes and found that there were two more people in front of him, one was tall and thin, and the other was just right.

"Look at me breaking your array!" The tall and thin man held his hands in the sky, and endless black gas came out of him, spreading lightning in all directions.

"Zhou Tianhua, you didn't expect me to come, did you?"

With the disappearance of the sound, the colorful airflow in the array also dissipates at the same time.

"Your inverted five elements array has been corroded by my black dragon demon spirit. Zhou Tianhua, it's time to end the feud between you and Lin Jinghong, right?"

Lin Jinghong clapped his hands, looked back and glanced at Li Daqi faintly, then looked at Zhou Tianhua and said disdainfully, "I am also in the inner world. The ten-year promise between you and me is just fulfilled today! Come on!"

Li Daqi couldn't help but be stunned. The man standing beside Lin Jinghong was so familiar. However, when he looked away, Lin Jinghong had completely recovered the black dragon demon spirit from his body. At the same time, the figure also disappeared. When he recovered, he suddenly found that there was one more person on his shoulder.

Li Daqi secretly shouted that it was not good. He didn't see how the other party came over. Such a speed, at least the strength above the golden claw realm.

"Son, I haven't seen you for months. Are you all right?"

A thick and real voice came into Li Daqi's ear, making him tremble all over. How could he think that Andrew would be with Lin Jinghong and his strength would increase greatly.

Li Daqi smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with Andrew. As soon as he took a step, he suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood. Andrew's eyebrows jumped and hurriedly held the crumbling Li Daqi.

"How are you, my father-in-law?"

Li Daqi frowned and said, "I'm not a big problem, but the vitality in my body has been disturbed. Just take a break. Andrew, it's great to meet you here. Cough." With that, he spewed another mouthful of blood.

Andrew was very anxious. He took out a jade bottle from his arms and poured out a red pill with nine holes. Without asking Li Daqi, he directly stuffed it into the latter's mouth and said, "Engong, are you feeling better?"

"What did you give me to eat?"

As soon as Danwan entered Li Daqi's abdomen, it turned into a mass of pure energy and suddenly rushed into his meridians, which merged with the Ming Kun's vitality that had lost its dominant position. After strengthening, the Ming Kun's vitality immediately suppressed other vitality. The vitality in his meridians quickly calmed down and silently operated according to the previous normal track.

"This is a nine-hole blood elixir." Andrew's answer was very casual, as if giving a precious blood elixir, which was insignificant to him.

Then, he took out a completely restrained Danwan with a completely restrained color, like coal, and took it for Li Daqi. At the same time, he said, "This is a consumer elixir, which can help you completely eliminate karma, refine the mixed vitality in the meridians, and help Engong go to a higher level!"

Li Daqi was shocked when he heard the words and roared in his heart, "I can't die now!" Wing, I can't die!"

He learned from the books in the Book Pavilion of Fortune City that Xiaoye Dan is an anti-sky elixir condensed with the most magical power of merit in heaven and earth, which is enough to wash away the powerful karma of killing tens of thousands of life! With Xiaoye Dan, the other vitality in his body will be completely transformed into Ming Kun's vitality, and the purity of magic power will rise to an incredible level!

On the other side, Lin Jinghong is negotiating with Zhou Tianhua.

"This government is the successor selected by the city owner. Although you and I have an appointment, now is not the time for a fair confrontation." Zhou Tianhua said righteously.

Lin Jinghong couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard the coldest joke in the world. He glanced at Jin Peng on the high platform and said, "Hey! I said Jin Pengyao, did you hear what he just said? Haha! How dare he fight me fairly?"

"Brother Tianhua, this person is extremely disrespectful to you and repeatedly talks wildly, waiting for me to teach him a lesson for you!" Jin Peng couldn't get used to the arrogant Lin Jinghong and couldn't help shouting, "Where are you from? Report your name. I, Jin Peng Sanlang, never kills unknown people!"

Lin Jinghong laughed again and pointed to Jin Peng Sanlang and said, "Zhou Tianhua, look, the bird man is going to teach me a lesson for you? How dare you ask a birdman to help you? The sun simply came out of the pile of shit, and your Zhoufu lord also wants to help now! Haha, hahaha!"

Jin Peng became angry and shouted, "Look at my 'Jin Yu Ling thorn'!"

With one arm, countless dark golden inverted thorns emerged from the void behind him. With his order, as many golden feather thorns as wasps surrounded Lin Jinghong.

Lin Jinghong did not dodge or move, allowing Jin Yuling to stab his body. Because he had a reason not to move, the dense black scales had already emerged in an instantaneous minute before Jin Yuling touched his body.

Jin Yuling stung his body, like an iron crashing into a steel plate, making a crisp sound and falling to the ground one after another.

Lin Jinghong looked at Jin Peng Sanlang, stared at the five sun patterns on the latter's chest, and was slightly surprised: "Five-day demon clan, yes, it's worth my action. Birdman, let's see how I defeat you with re-cultivated innate endowment!"