Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 75 Trapped Dialogue

Keywords: Lock Symbol, Samadhi Fire Strategy

The paradise is the largest place for pregnant demons outside the world. There are not only ogre peach demons, but also grass ogre and other plant-based ogre. Demons are born to hate people, so the paradise will be so beautiful. The purpose is to lure people who like beauty into this place and then choose to eat them.

The surface is a vast mountain stretching for thousands of miles, but in the mountain, there are some ogre hidden on the restrained inner elixir realm. Peach demons are one of many ogre.

"I am very lucky. All human beings who dare to break into the paradise to steal the elixir are strong. If you two can be caught today, those guys who have been gossiping will definitely shut up immediately!" Peach Demon, an old woman with a wrinkled face and a strange speech, stood on a big stone. Opposite her were Li Daqi and Wei Yanshui wrapped in a strange vine plant.

After saying that, she waved her hand and said to the two beautiful attendants behind her, "Go, release the posts written by me, and feast those old ravens tonight!"

"Yes, mother-in-law!" The two attendants nodded at the same time and respectfully withdrew from the cave.

"Didn't you say that as long as you surrender, you won't kill us?" Li Daqi said angrily.

The peach demon swallowed his saliva and said, "I had that plan, but now I have changed my mind." She raised a finger and sneered, "Ha ha, one, you can only live one! I really want to know who will be the person who abandons his companions, becomes a demon, and lives secretly?

After saying that, she turned around and left a sentence: "Think about it."

"How strong do you think she is?" Wei Yanshui asked.

Li Daqi said, "I'm afraid it's equivalent to seven divine consciousness!"

"You overestimated the strength of the cannibal peach demon. She is just equivalent to the copper armor corpse of six paragraphs of Zifu. If it is seven levels of divine consciousness, you and I won't have a chance to breathe. I'm afraid that the huge mental pressure will also make us unconscious and we can't even open our mouth." Wei Yanshui: "The strength of the winged tiger is only equivalent to the early stage of Liuduan Zifu. On that day, we joined hands. Even if we win, it will be a tragic victory. Today, if you and I break free from the bondage and break the net with her, I'm afraid we will lose both sides.

Li Daqi turned his neck, looked straight at Wei Yanshui, and said in surprise, "Why are you so sure?"

"First of all, the body structure of demons is very similar to that of zombies. They all belong to pure yin bodies. Very few demons who practice some positive kung fu are not afraid of pure yang fire, and most of them are afraid." Wei Yanshui said proudly, "And my unique endowment is an ancient magic of yang attributes. Not to mention summoning fire to burn peach demons, I'm afraid that I can do my best to burn this mountain into ruins."

Li Daqi deliberately said, "I'm so lucky to meet a master like you. God is so kind to me!"

Wei Yanshui listened to Li Daqi's flattery and said happily, "My endowment is called the 'Samadhi Fire Strategy', which combines three extremely rare ancient techniques. There are three moves. The simplest 'red fire strategy' is enough to suppress the two followers around the peach demon, and the further 'green fire strategy' can make the peach demon dare not be light. If you act recklessly, I'm afraid the strongest 'black fire strategy' will burn you all to ashes!"

"However, the peach demon invited a group of ogre. At that time, we will not be able to fight them together. Why don't we do it now?" Li Daqi said.

Wei Yanshui: "No! Just now, when the old woman spoke, I had secretly lit the spiritual charm sent by Ge Zhong. He must be able to come before dark.

Li Daqi said, "Why are you so sure that Ge Zhong will come?" In his heart, he didn't believe the romantic-looking playboy.

"Ha ha, you won't understand even if you say it!" Wei Yanshui smiled mysteriously.

Although her smile is not charming, in Li Daqi's eyes, she is cunning and pretending to be a little profound.

"I won't say pull down!" Li Daqi said, "If Ge Zhong doesn't come, you and I will face dozens of Liuduan Zifu ogre. At that time, let me go."

Listening to the three words "let me go", Wei Yanshui's heart beat violently and instinctively asked, "Why?"

"I don't want to become a demon out of my mind, and you can take the opportunity to escape while they eat me." Li Daqi said pitily, "Your strength is two levels higher than mine, and there is a great possibility of escaping smoothly. In the future, please take care of the light for me. And there is another secret. Anyway, I'm going to die, so I'll tell you everything."

Wei Yanshui said curiously, "What secret?"

"In addition to Yao Guangling, there is another woman who needs you to take care of her for me," Li Daqi said.

"I know, isn't it Chen Qingwei? Her father is a Yuantong monk, one of the four deputy city lords of Wansheng City, an old zombie in the secret world of magic blood. She doesn't need me to take care of her!" Wei Yanshui interrupted Li Daqi and said.

Li Daqi said categorically, "No! Not Chen Qingwei! The person I mentioned is now Su Nvcheng. Her name is Hu Qingqing.

Wei Yanshui was stunned: "Hu Qingqing? Another woman! How can you be so careless? It's not enough to have a Yao Guangling and Chen Qingwei. There is another one outside! It's not that I'm dying. I'm afraid you won't say it.

"The screenwriter has started again!" Li Daqi shook his head helplessly and said, "Anyway, I hope you can help me with this matter."

Wei Yanshui: "For your death, I will definitely help you!"

"Thank you!" Li Daqi said.

The light was getting weaker and weaker, and a noisy footsteps came from the mouth of the cave.

The peach demon came first, followed by two old women who looked like her, one with a black face and a white face.

"This is the human who caught me. Look, the thin skin and tender meat must taste very good when chewing! Especially this watery woman, what do you think?

The black-faced old woman snorted and said dissatisfiedly, "This kind of thing is also called watery? I think men are good!"

Wei Yanshui scolded angrily, "Dead old woman!"

The white-faced old woman glanced at the dark-faced old woman with contemptuously, as if to say, "I have no vision."

She walked to Li Daqi, reached out and pinched the latter's cheek and said, "It's full of elasticity and chewy." She walked to Wei Yanshui again and was about to reach out to pinch Wei Yanshui's nose. She only felt a flower in front of her, and a green flame came out of thin air, which scared her to shrink her hand quickly.

"What a great woman! I want to eat her!" The old woman suddenly looked ferocious. She opened her mouth and swallowed the green fire made by Wei Yanshui.

The peach demon said, "If you eat her, you will eat her. You think too highly of yourself. Don't forget, whose territory is this and who caught this man?

"Hmm!" The white-faced old woman said, "We are three-one, what can you do to me?"

The black-faced old woman said, "That's right!"

The peach demon said, "I really regret calling you here!" Forget it, forget it." She looked at Li Daqi and Wei Yanshui, spread out her palms, exposed a black pill, and asked, "This is magic elixir. Which of you is enchanted?"

"With so much nonsense, I don't want to live. Eat me!" Li Daqi struggled to roar.

The black-faced old woman behind the peach demon said, "Tut, finally can't help it. Boss, I think we'd better eat him!" I hate women. Are women dirty animals or men's meat is delicious!"

As soon as her words fell, the peach demon's face changed and screamed, "No, a group of human beings broke into my Peach Blossom Valley. Two inner bronze armor corpses, one endowed bronze armor corpse, and dozens of golden claw bronze armor corpses. You two should escape quickly and move the rescuers!"

The strength of the peach demon is equivalent to the six paragraphs of Zifu, and the divine consciousness can feel everything within ten miles around, so there is this.

"If you know each other, let us go, otherwise when they come in, you will all die!" Wei Yan's water was ferocious, and he shouted and broke away from the vines pestering her. At the same time, she opened her mouth and sprayed a fire, burning the vines on Li Daqi's body, and said, "You go first! I'll stabilize these three old women first. Go and meet Ge Zhong!"

Li Daqi showed a strange smile at the corners of his mouth and waved his hand calmly and said, "Do you think I can escape?" After saying that, he patted his hands, and a layer of black protective scales appeared all over his body. At the same time, there was a huge attraction between his palms.

Kunjiagong was launched together with the swallowing skill, which immediately surprised the three ogre. Because of the ability to use two strange skills at the same time, at least it is also a bronze armored corpse. Li Daqi is a wild corpse, born with great potential, and it is the highest existence in the same level. It is also reasonable to have a slight outbreak of potential.

But the peach demons didn't know that they thought that Li Daqi was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. At present, they were in chaos. Just as the other two ogre were about to escape, two golden lights flashed, and a huge spiritual charm appeared on the ground under their feet.

Lock the ground! This is the unique secret spiritual charm of Refinery City!" The peach demon was shocked.

Wei Yanshui said proudly, "I knew that Ge Zhong would come."

But at the moment when she was relieved, the white-faced old woman disappeared strangely.

Because the other party's speed was too fast, when Li Daqi reacted, Wei Yanshui had been restrained.

" Let her go!" Li Daqi said.

He is very clear that if Ge Zhong doesn't come again, he can only explode his demon body, reveal his real body, and kill these three ogre at all costs. After all, without a Wei Yanshui, he will lose a help. However, once the secret of his dark bloodline was revealed, he was afraid that he would be killed. Just when he hesitated, Wei Yanshui actually lit up the divine cup!


PS: I came back relatively late today. Tubo will remember the chapters I owe. I will definitely make it up next week. I hope you can understand!