Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 78 The Origin of the Four Cds

Keywords: the origin of the source, the origin of the four demons

From the appearance, the bone demon is no different from that of human beings, but the white-skinned demon, the red lips are scary, the voice is not male or female, and the yin and yang are strange, which makes Li Daqi feel very unhappy.

"Those who know the current affairs are handsome, and you can't beat me! Smart, convert me early, otherwise I will let the three of you live and die!" The bone demon sat cross-legged on a dark cloud and looked down at Li Daqi. Under him were hundreds of white bone demons.

Li Daqi said, "We don't seem to have a deep hatred with you. Why do we have to kill human beings?"

Wei Yanshui followed: "Yes, you are too shameless!"

"Do you know what a demon is? Ha ha, you are all ants, and you don't deserve to know! You human beings claim to be the spirit of all things, but you have done some evil things to slaughter other creatures, and you are ashamed to reason with me. If you are shameless, you human beings are the only one!" An imperceptible sneer flashed on the face of the bone demon, and said strangely, "Human beings are willing to fall. At present, zombies rule the origin of the earth. Ten thousand years ago, the immortals and Buddhas abandoned you. Even if they would have today, hehe, you may not know. Now even ghosts don't want to be human beings anymore."

With that, the bone demon stretched out his palm and a skull floated from his palm. He threw the skull into the sky and heard a crackling thunder, and a huge skeleton with five heads emerged from the ground out of thin air.

"Five heads, you tell these ants the current status of the source!" The bone demon disdained to talk to Li Daqi, because in his eyes, no matter how strong Li Daqi is, he is no more than Nei Dan. Only Zifu and above can attract his attention and deserve his attention.

The five-meter-high skeletons spit out people's words. The strange thing is that the language he uses is English. It's not Li Daqi who has learned it, otherwise he can't understand it at all.

"The source world is called the 'big source universe' and 'human world' by human beings in the era of science and technology, and is called 'red dust' and 'red dust all kinds of human world' by most ordinary people, and the source world was originally transformed by Pangu, the great god of creation."

Listening carefully to the story of the five-headed skeleton, a historical picture from the ancient Honghuang gradually opened to Li Daqi, Wei Yanshui and Ge Zhong.

It is said that the world is one, and everything is chaotic and different, and Pangu was born in it. 18,000 years later, Pangu grew up and divided the world with divine power, and everything returned to its place according to the yin and yang turbidity. The sunny ones rise to the sky, and the turbid ones sink to the ground. Pangu was worried that heaven and earth would return to a chaotic state, so he thought that his body would stand up to heaven and earth and continue to separate heaven and earth further. Pangu is in it, nine changes a day, God is in heaven and holy on earth. The sky is ten feet high, the earth is ten feet thick, and Pangu is ten feet long, so eight thousand years old. The number of days is extremely high, the number of earth is extremely deep, and Pangu is extremely long.

Pangu, the creator god, fulfilled his wish to create heaven and earth, so he gave up his spirit and body and let them dissipate freely between heaven and earth. The body turned into natural things (excluding life) such as the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, while the spirit has become a "qi" that fills the whole world. Although the body and spirit have dissipated, the law of the spirit that dominates the body has not changed. The ubiquitous "qi" of the whole world is the real factor that controls everything in the world.

Because the region where the gas is located is different, the world begins to have the concept of "region". Among them, the most main and largest area is the location of Pangu's flesh, which is the origin of the universe, so it is called "source" and is the central area of the circle of the Pan ancient universe.

At that time, when the world first opened, the spirit of the Pangu god became the "qi" that filled the whole world. The essence of qi slowly merges with each other and gradually becomes the yin and yang poles. The two yin and yang are condensed and gradually become conscious. This is the original "two gods of yin and yang".

The two gods of yin and yang have no individual thinking and self-awareness, but inherit the wish of the Pangu god to build heaven and earth - continue to operate the "qi" scattered around the world and guide them to aggregate into individuals. And this will to manage the world was brought to all the gods later by the two gods of yin and yang, and finally became the highest principle of the gods.

The two gods of yin and yang completed the task of building heaven and earth, and the main part continued to converge to form the first pair of self-conscious ancient gods: Fuxi and Nuwa. And the essence of other sources has also followed suit, all of which have gathered into self-conscious gods (including Shennong). This is the first gods in the universe. Because there is no Pangu's body in the universe, there is no entity for gods. But because they are all aggregated of the essence, they have a strong ability to control the whole world, and all natural changes in the world are actually manipulated by these gods.

While the first Protoss were formed, the qi scattered to other galaxies in the source also began to gather and became the first "demons". The essence of the devil is the same as that of God - it is aggregated by the essence, so it also has a strong ability to control the world. Unlike gods, demons are not affected by the two gods of yin and yang, but gather naturally, so they do not inherit the will to operate the world. Because there are no restrictions, the devil has endless desires and bulging ambitions, and never wants to improve his strength. Its essence is to gather more qi and have stronger abilities. Because of such unrestrained characteristics of demons, later some gods who were unwilling to abide by the "manage of heaven and earth" and just wanted to improve themselves also entered the devil's camp and became "evil gods" and formed a demon clan together with the original demons.

This is the source of the gods and demons.

Fee the desolation and loneliness of the flooded universe. After careful consideration, the god Nuwa used herself and Fuxi's qi to produce the most important race in the later universe, the human race, according to her general form according to the method of yin and yang, and constantly enlightened the human mind. The human race is born from the two gases of yin and yang in the source, so it is divided into two types: men and women. Despite the large number of human beings, the ability of each individual is not very strong. However, human beings have special wisdom, know how to master methods and accumulate knowledge, and have created the concept of collective cooperation in labor methods and recycling resources.

This is the origin of the human race.

At this time, the planets suitable for human habitation in major galaxies are mainly inhabited by humans and animals. At first, the human race was weak and often bullied by beasts. And you can only live by picking wild fruits. If you are unfortunately sick, there is only one way to die. Another ancient god Shennong couldn't bear to see this situation, so he taught humans some ways to resist beasts and invented agriculture to teach humans to grow grains. After that, he tasted hundreds of herbs, looked for medicinal herbs, and taught human beings how to cure diseases.

Soon human beings became stronger and became the main body of the source. However, human power is not strong enough to escape the cycle of "qi" - that is, the fate of death.

After the human race became strong, it began to slaughter the beasts. Although the compassionate Shennong has repeatedly dissuade him, it has not been effective. Although human beings are obed on the surface, they still slaughter the beasts behind them. Shennong had no choice but to enlighten the beast's mind. At that time, the beast's mind was not open and had not yet formed a family. Shennong taught some methods of using vitality to beasts, tried to improve the minds of beasts with fairy grass, and also taught them the study of medicine. Whenever a beast is attacked and injured by the human race, Shennong will treat it carefully.

Finally, the beast's mind gradually opened up, and the wisdom and strength of some of the best people have been greatly improved. So a new kind of creature appeared in the source realm - demon! Because the animal's qualifications are too blunt, few of them can really cultivate into demons. But even so, the spirituality of beasts has greatly improved, and the human race can no longer slaughter them as casually as before.

Although the native demons are powerful enough to revenge on human beings, they respect Shennong, keep in mind Shennong's teachings, tolerate everywhere and try their best to avoid conflicts with the human race. Although the demon clan also created some demons later, wisdom and power are far from comparable to these original demons from the true biography of Shennong.

This is the origin of the demon clan.

"Looking at your shocked appearance, I probably didn't expect that the secrets about the origin of the universe and the origin of the four clans would be learned through a demon clan of mine, right? Ha ha, only my demon clan has such a mind, and only my demon clan will not care about you, because my demon clan is as supreme as the gods!"

The strange voice of the bone demon sounded again, and the three people immersed in the long river of history came to their senses and got their own gains.

Li Daqi said, "I can understand your inner delusions as a demon, but as a human race, how can I allow you to slaughter your own race and sit idly by!" He took a look at Ge Zhong and Wei Yanshui: "No matter what you plan to do, I will fight with the bone demon!"

"I support you spiritually!" Wei Yanshui. Seeing that Li Daqi was a little disappointed after hearing this, she hurriedly added, "At the critical moment, I will help you."

Ge Zhong put away his fan, frowned and said, "Brother Li, I will also help you at the critical moment. Just play!" He really wants to know Li Daqi's strength and takes this opportunity to see Li Daqi's real means.

At first, the bone demon was just a skeleton, but later got the enlightenment of the demon king, developed consciousness, learned to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, gradually grew up, and finally turned into a bone demon and became the leader of the demon to attack the human race.

"I was ordered to lead an army from distant galaxies across countless spaces to the source star of the earth, in order to establish a demon base here and open the way to the evolution. The realm is the second layer of the universe opened up by the power of the Protoss. Our demon clan is bound to attack the realm. Anything that hinders me, regardless of demons, will be killed!"

The bone demon shouted, like a humanoid cannonball, shooting at Li Daqi.


PS: Recently, I have been thinking about the plot and updated it late. I hope you can understand it and thank you!