Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 121 Seeing the Wind

Keywords: wing, weapon of enlightenment, acquired treasure

In the city of wealth.

Li Daqi just woke up his wings with tears of drought.

The wings stirred their wings, flew in mid-air, rubbed their eyes, yawned, and then looked at Li Daqi with some confusion.

"Tears of drought, your boy is now in transit! What? The peak of nature! You have reached the natural peak! How long have I slept, 10,000 years or 100,000 years?

Li Daqi smiled indifferently: "How is your memory now? Has the damage you suffered before been repaired?"

"Tut, you are not bad. These tears not only restored all my memories, but also brought my strength to the peak of ancient gods. Even if you encounter a unique acquired spiritual treasure ancient divine object, you will be able to carry it for a period of time with the power of your master!"

The wing is a spirit, and he has a natural feeling for other magic weapons. He felt that there was a familiar atmosphere in Li Daqi's purple mansion, so his eyes shot out two divine light and fixed his eyes: "Chenhua! You actually refined two excellent spiritual treasures!"

"What is 'the best acquired spiritual treasure'?" Li Daqi has also heard of the "the acquired spiritual treasure" before. In his impression, the so-called "afterlife" is just a magic weapon that appeared after the Pangu god opened up heaven and earth.

Now Wing has recovered all the memories of ancient times and knows many ancient secrets like the palm of his hand. With him, Li Daqi has once again increased his knowledge.

"Whether it is ancient gods, ancient gods, or other spiritual magic weapons, all magic weapons refined from materials after the creation of heaven and earth belong to acquired things. Among them, the divine objects of ancient and ancient times are magic weapons refined by the two generations of great powers after the creation of heaven and earth, each of which belongs to spirituality, so the divine objects born in these two periods are also called acquired spiritual treasures.

"The acquired spiritual treasures are divided into four levels: lower grade, middle grade, top grade and excellent grade. The first three divine objects are typical magic treasures refined by the ancient period, but the last masterpiece is the magic treasures refined by the ancient period, with only nine. It can be said that within the source, the best-quality acquired treasures are the nine great gods.

"The unique spiritual treasure is the most suitable weapon for testifying. As long as you survive nine heavenly disasters and the Taoist is successful, the unique spiritual treasure can be promoted to the acquired treasure. The power has been greatly increased, and it can destroy a large Hengsha world in an instant! Your boy's luck is simply not ordinary. Even the master is jealous and jealous!"

Yi said, and his saliva was about to flow out.

"Where are the tears of drought?" Li Daqi knew that there was a "fire" in the necklace that could burn the yuan god, so he was very afraid, and the necklace was given to him by Wei Yanshui and did not belong to him.

Yi said with a smile, "I'll take care of it for you first. I'll give it to you when you cross the fifth witch disaster and condense the fire. By the way, where did you get these tears of drought?

"It was sent by a friend. What, do you have a problem?" Li Daqi was a little unhappy with Yi's behavior. After all, he was not willing to occupy other people's things.

Suddenly, Li Daqi moved his ears and said, "Someone is coming."

The wing reacted very quickly. Before Li Daqi spoke, he sensed a strange breath and was coming at a speed infinitely close to the speed of light. At the moment Li Daqi opened his mouth, he turned into a beam of light and penetrated into the latter's heart. He chose Li Daqi's heart because if someone attacked Li Daqi's heart, he could just use fire to plot the attacker.

"Chutong Wu Zun, do you remember Xiaoxian?" Lin Yan narrowed his eyes and smelled cold in his words.

Li Daqi stabilized his mind and fixed his eyes. He found that the young man in white in front of him was extremely familiar. On second thought, he suddenly realized, but his face remained in an unwavering state.

"You seem to have good mental cultivation now, and you are not surprised to see me." Lin Yan is quite satisfied with Li Daqi's performance. After all, this performance is like a leader.

Li Daqi held his arms, looked at Lin Yan, and said slowly, "10,000 years ago, when I flew to the realm, I was attacked by the messenger of the upper realm. The two worlds of Yuanjing immortals and Buddhas sent countless people to attack the witch gate established by their own hands. We all suffered heavy losses in that war. If I remember correctly, you were just a less conspicuous apprentice of the Heavenly King of Immortals now.

"The venerable has a good memory!" When Lin Yan heard this, there was no murder in his eyes: "I didn't expect that many years have passed. It's really an honor for Xiaoxian to remember Xiaoxian!"

Li Daqi smiled and said, "How can I not remember you? At that time, although you had just survived the first natural disaster, you practiced five fairy arts, and it was difficult not to be remembered by others. I don't know how many days after ten thousand years later, Yan Zhenren's five fairy skills have been practiced?

"I dare not be a real person!" Lin Yan smiled and said, "Your Holiness is flattered. How can the little fairy be compared with you? If the venerable person must praise the little fairy, the little fairy has nothing to say. In fact, the little fairy is only a little better and can be born to practice five different attributes of fairy arts. However, it's a shame." He touched his chin awkwardly and said, "Although Xiaoxian has good talent, he realizes the way, but it is like fishing for the moon in the water and looking for needles in the sea, so his understanding of fairy art has not improved."

Whether it is immortals, Buddhists, demon cultivation in the demon world, demon cultivation in the demon world, and witch zombies, they all achieve the purpose of individual evolution by understanding the road of heaven and earth, constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and practicing hard. In a word, such creatures at all levels can be said to be "monsters". Since there are many stages, there must be many stages. Among them, enlightenment is the first stage of Taoism. Only when you understand Taoism can you continue to practice. Otherwise, Taoism and cultivation will always stagnate, and the heavenly disaster will not come.

"Oh? It's a little strange to say so. What is your weapon for enlightenment? Li Daqi knew that when he understood the Tao, he needed a weapon to understand the Tao. The so-called weapon of enlightenment is what you take as the goal of enlightenment.

For example, Newton used Apple as a device for enlightenment, so he discovered the law of universal gravitation. Watt regarded steam as a device for enlightenment, so he invented the steam engine. Relatively speaking, Apple and steam are the "instructors of enlightenment" in Li Daqi's mouth. As for the "law of universal gravitation" and "steam engine", they are the benefits obtained after enlightenment - great increase in cultivation and great progress in Taoism.

After hearing this question, Lin Yan looked a little strange: "Do you know why I came to see you this time?"

Li Daqi let go of his hands on his chest and shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "You will never come to fight with me. Only monks like you who have survived a catastrophe will cherish life very much."

"Yes, whether it is cultivating immortals, cultivating Buddhas, cultivating demons or demons, if you can't survive five heavenly disasters and prove that you can fly up to the realm, you will never achieve the goal of living with heaven and earth. Unlike your zombies, you zombies are almost immortal. Zombies who survived a disaster are several times stronger than us. Because of this, the word 'chaotic infinite' is added to the front of your zombies' heavenly disaster, which shows that the power of your heavenly disaster is not small.

Lin Yan seems to be very researched about zombies. He looked at Li Daqi and continued to say, "In those years, you have only survived five heavenly disasters, and you can fight against the powerful messengers and countless masters of immortals and Buddhas in the upper world. It seems that it is not enough to describe you as 'bright'. That's why I began to study zombies. To be honest, it's really enviable that you zombies exchanged death for immortality. What a pity!"

Li Daqi knew that Lin Yan deliberately lost his appetite, so he cooperated and asked, "What's a pity?"

"Unfortunately, the zombies after the disaster are not related to cause and effect, and their longevity is infinite. This is destined that your zombies will become the object of killing and research by our other monks, and your fate is destined to continue to be miserable!" Seeing a murder flash in Li Daqi's eyes, Lin Yan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Xiaoxian has no malice to the venerable. Please rest assured!"

"You have said what you should say. What should be returned, I also responded. Why, aren't you going to have a showdown in the end?"

After several dialogues, Li Daqi has figured out Lin Yan's details. Even if he hands with him, he has enough confidence to use Tianang Xingdou Gourd to kill the other party in an instant. Therefore, he walked to the sofa in the lobby and sat down easily.

Lin Yan suddenly felt a little blushed, but he finally said, "How dare the little fairy have a showdown with the venerable?" With that, he sat timidly opposite Li Daqi, then carefully took out a string of crystal beads in his arms, gently put them on the table, and finally said slowly, "Actually, Xiaoxian just wants to make a business with you."

"How do you say that?" Li Daqi knew that Yan Zhenren in front of him was the best at seeing the wind and steering the rudder, otherwise he would not have survived the earth-shaking war. This can be seen from the arrogance at the beginning, to the disappearance of murder in his eyes, and the final weak tone.

"Well, the king of the Buddha world, the master of the Buddhist world, made a bet with the lord of our fairy world a few days ago and lost the purple gold bowl to my prince. As for this string of broken crystal beads, it was given to you by the little fairy of the monk of Fahai.

Li Daqi knew that he could use the broken crystal beads to shuttle through the space, but he knew better that the pie would not fall from the sky for no reason, so he frowned: "Do you want me to go to the fairyland to challenge the King of Tota?"

"No! Venerable, please don't misunderstand. Listen to Xiaoxian explain it carefully. Lin Yan was shocked, and he felt the breath of Li Daqi from the ancient flood.

(PS: Tubo believes that many fantasy novels, fairy novels, etc. are full of fighting scenes, and the fight between two can be three to four chapters. The author is not annoying, and readers are annoyed. What's more, describing the internal changes in the body during the cultivation process is thousands of words. Speaking from the bottom of my heart, I feel bored when I read it. Just describe it in dozens or hundreds of words. What do readers like to read? Of course, I like to watch characters and plots. Writing a book is nothing more than reasonable. The characters are lyrical and the plot is reasonable. Therefore, Tubo will try their best to adjust the lyricism and theory to the best state.)