Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 146 The Birth of the Wild Empire

Keywords: Huo Nanxing, Zombie Academy

It has been more than ten years since the top ten old zombies came down from the throne of the super big city.

Over the years, the top ten cities seem to be calm, but in fact, they are much more complicated than people think.

When power was handed over from the power zombies to ordinary people, many of the stakeholders who performed the rules could no longer stand it. They also want to become powerful city managers, and ambitious city owners. They all dream of unifying the whole earth and building a feudal empire in the wild world.

Among many ambitious people, there is one who is the most special person. His name is Huo Nanxing. He is 45 years old. He is a strong man who has eaten mutant beast source elixir and has excellent physical strength. His most powerful thing is his brain and means to play power.

Of course, he has these abilities and does not allow him to reach the peak of power step by step under the covert surveillance of many zombies. The most amazing thing is that he has done a good job and he has done a great job! Under his leadership, people in Fortune City live and work in peace and contentment. There are no bullies or heroes, and people are very supportive.

That's why the crane man slowly noticed him.

The ambition of He Dao people is to teach all people and guide the public to live a good and harmonious life. Therefore, when he saw Huo Nanxing so wise, he was also very happy. He began to secretly guide Huo Nanxing as a master outside the world to help Huo Nanxing improve the construction of medical institutions in the city, the construction of educational institutions, and other aspects for the welfare of the public.

The other nine super cities are not willing to lag behind. After all, there are zombies building secretly. If they don't work hard, they will be forced to step down and replace another capable person to be the city owner and manager. Therefore, Huo Nanxing has become the most dazzling one among the top ten city owners.

One day, a subordinate of Huo Nanxing said something intentionally or unintentionally. He said, "How good would it be if we unified the scattered cities on the earth and built a perfect and harmonious country?" And now there are magic soldiers secretly protecting the people, and fierce beasts and zombies do no harm to people at all.

After saying this sentence, Huo Nanxing did not refute and criticize, but bowed his head and meditated. Slowly, this word reached the ears of the crane Taoist. The crane Taoist thought about it again and felt that unifying the earth, twisting a plate of scattered sand into a force, gathering into a large united country, and implementing a local and human-oriented education system, which would faster promote the development of the human race and gradually strengthen the human race. After all, the strength of the individual cannot represent the real strength of the human race, and the strength of the team is really strong.

Thinking of this, the crane man found Sun Linglong, Li Daqi's only apprentice on the earth, and said this idea. At that time, Li Daqi was still in the Yuanjing public domain, so the words of the crane Taoist moved Gongsun Linglong. Because the crane said, "After the establishment of the empire, two colleges will be established in each super city to recruit zombies and cultivate talents for the witch." With the ferocious and domineering nature of big zombies, he is naturally not afraid of secretly moles, and the crane is a reliable and unique immortal. Therefore, Gongsun Linglong agreed at that time.

Therefore, the crane man personally drew a map of the source star and earth, and replanned it according to the unfathomable knowledge such as the right time and place, Fuxi gossip and so on. In this way, the wild empire came into being!

Since then, the wealth city has changed its name to "Qiancheng". As the imperial capital of the barbarian empire, the remaining nine cities have been redivided into nine states according to the principle of innate gossip. Naturally, the wild empire seems to have another name "jiu zhou", which has the same name as the ancient legend "jiu zhou". In ancient times, how powerful the human race was. Today's demon world, Buddhist world and fairy world were founded by the human race at that time.

The painstaking efforts of the Taoist are still fruitful. When the barbaric empire was established, the people of Kyushu cheered and lived happily together regardless of race and color. This kind of people's outward republican life in the era of science and technology was easily realized.

Because Gongsun Linglong saw that the barbaric empire was so harmonious, when Li Daqi returned from the source territory, Gongsun Linglong did not mention that the earth had established a unified barbaric empire. After all, the earth or the earth has not changed much. It's just a different name and a name. Whether it's called a "super city" or a "state", it's all that place.

However, when Li Daqi's order was given, Lei Xiong and Godzilla set out to find ** Sixty-nine Pure Vine Girls, they realized that the earth had changed. Although Huo Nanxing, the city owner of Fortune City, promised them that he would post a notice for eligible girls to stand up, and the city manager also did so, but he did not provoke any reaction in the crowd.

"Fuck! What the hell are they! I have worked hard to create such a beautiful environment for you, and I can't ask you to cooperate with a small thing. It's a fucking white-eyed wolf!"

Lei Xiong scolded angrily.

Godzilla pulled his arm and said, "There's nothing we can do. We can't threaten those ordinary people with death. Let's leave the noisy city and go to the barren mountains to breathe. I like mountains and rivers best.

Lei Xiong didn't believe that those ordinary people would be so ruthless and insisted on walking around the city, but the result made him very disappointed.

In the middle of the night, the bright moon shines in the sky.

The top of the mountain.

After Lei Xiong left the city angrily, he took Godzilla to the top of the mountain.

Godzilla sighed: "In those years, our ten brothers often went to the top of the mountain to learn strange skills. I didn't expect to come here in this mood today!"

"All the fucking white-eyed wolves! There is nothing good! It's not as good as my landlord!"

The more Lei Xiong thought about it, the more angry he became and scolded.

"Come on, come with me to summon the Lord of the Conntial Mansion!"

Godzilla looked casually and saw a magnificent architectural complex in a mass grave in the mountains. When he looked closely, it looked like a university.

"What kind of school is that? How can there be a school in the barren mountains?

The two dodged and fell to the school gate.

Lei Xiong was very angry when he saw the words "zombie academy" written on the school gate.

"What the hell is this?"

Godzilla said, "Go in and have a look."

As soon as the two entered the door, they greeted many hateful ugly people. These people exude a stench. At first glance, they are low-level zombies who have just started their spiritual knowledge in the early days of the Iron Bone Realm.

Those low-level zombies felt the powerful and frightening similar atmosphere of Leixiong and Godzilla and knelt down one after another.

"Woo-woo~woo-woo-woo!" These low-level zombies can't speak yet.

For a while, Lei Xiong sensed two strong breaths and approached this side from the building.

Tomakiv came to this group of low-level zombies with a blonde man with a sallow face.

The two bowed deeply to Lei Xiong and Godzilla.

Tomakiv said respectfully, "I have met two elders!" Then, he hurriedly pointed to the blonde man beside him and introduced, "His name is Williams. He used to be a yellow-scared zombie king. After drinking my zombie blood, he opened his spiritual knowledge. Now he is an innate poisonous copper armored corpse. Why don't you meet the two big zombies!"

William hurriedly bowed. After the ceremony, he pushed him aside and thought of a sensible child.

"I heard that you have tamed all the zombies in the underworld forest. I don't know if it's true or not?" Lei Xiong nodded and asked more than 300 low-level zombies.

"Really, there are more than 5 billion zombies gathered in the Nether Forest, taming these more than 300, which has almost consumed my zombie blood. The elder can joke!" Tomakiv said with a wry smile.

Godzilla wanted to know the point, so she hurriedly asked, "Did you build the Zombie Academy?"

"I have this power, which is the idea of the national teacher and Taoist. Isn't he the master's military division? All his ideas are to strengthen the human race. Moreover, now there are more than two zombie colleges in each city. Take Qiancheng, the imperial capital, there are more than ten zombie colleges, and there are no less than 20,000 iron-bone third-order Dantian zombies cultivated! The development momentum of Wumen is just as high as the sun!"