Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 148 The Corpse of the Cranes

I had an emergency two days ago. I hope you can understand! Tubo is not a professional writer. Try to ensure quality. Wrong words are inevitable. If there is a problem, please put it forward in the book review area. Tubo will take it seriously. Friends don't have to worry about the eunuchs of the Great Zombie Association. Unless the ancestors want to see me, this book will definitely be finished!


Keywords: the way of nature, the general trend of the world

In the dense woods, a debate is taking place to decide hundreds of millions of ordinary people.

It is strange to say that there are many resources in the world, but the control is often in the hands of a few people. As long as these few people are ordered, thousands of ordinary people will change their fate. Huo Nanxing seemed to realize this. He didn't want to be a big zombie puppet in his lifetime. He wanted to have his own will, so he tried his best to train himself to be a wise saint. Unfortunately, there are some things that cannot be changed by one person.

He Daoren is not only gratified, but also a little surprised in his heart. He can't find out when Li Daqi came. It can be seen that Li Daqi's current life level is beyond his understanding.

"There are not many respected people, and the real person is one of them!" Li Daqi was not angry or smiling, as if to say another thing completely unrelated to him: "However, when it comes to the struggle for Taoism, then I can never tolerate it!"

He Daoren was slightly stunned, and his originally stretched eyebrows gradually wrinkled. His previous calm was completely disrupted by Li Daqi's words.

"What the poor way does, everything is for the world. There is no selfishness at all. Heaven and earth can learn from it!"

He held his fists and arched to the blue sky.

"There are five stages of enlightenment, enlightenment, proof, attainment and success, with a total of nine small levels, but all those who eventually become Taoism will be recognized by the cosmic road and promoted to the 95 positions among the creator of the universe. Can a real person know, what is the way that zombies understand?

Li Daqi didn't seem to blame the crane Taoist and said to himself.

"Zombies take ferociousness as their nature and domineering as their fate. The way that zombies understand is domineering! It is a great mistake for you to use the way of immortality to educate zombies, just like training tigers by educating kittens, which is against the natural way of heaven and earth!"

"If the poor road does this, everything is for the people of the world!" The crane man didn't understand what was wrong with him.

Li Daqi shook his head helplessly, sighed, reached out and patted the crane on the shoulder and said, "Don't you understand why I said that? It's very simple!"

He turned around, took out a handkerchief-sized Nianqing from his arms, waved to the void, and Lei Xiong and Huo Nanxing emerged.

"I've met the master!" Lei Xiong bowed.

"Fare to the Venerable!" Huo Nanxing knelt on his knees.

Li Daqi waved his hand.

Huo Nanxing stood up and walked behind the crane. As for Lei Xiong, he went to Godzilla and stopped.

"Huo Nanxing, don't be nervous and don't be afraid. I won't kill you. The general trend of the world will be divided for a long time, and will be divided for a long time. There are some things that cannot be controlled by human beings. The development of the earth to today is all deduced in the dark.

Li Daqi said this and then took a look at the crane Taoist.

"Real person, you don't have to worry, I won't kill you."

After saying this, he turned his head to look at Lei Xiong and nodded. The latter was understanding, twisted his body, turned into a shadow, and instantly put more than a dozen Taoist priests such as Zhuge Junjie to the ground.

"What are you, you, what are you going to do?"

The crane Taoist couldn't help but be afraid and retreated step by step. Because he saw Lei Xiong bite his apprentice, that is to say, when these unconscious Taoist priests wake up, they will become demon corpses because they are infected with Lei Xiong's zombie spirit.

Lei Xiong smiled gerociously and grabbed the crane Taoist.

"Don't bite me!" The crane Taoist let out a scream before his death.

Lei Xiong roared and opened his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs, and did not hesitate to bite the neck of the crane man.

At the same time, Li Daqi also grabbed Huo Nanxing in his hand, carried out the skill of soul search, detected the latter's memory, and then deleted all its information related to zombies, including cranes, zombies and so on. He ordered Godzilla to send Hornan Star back to the emperor's villa.

Ten minutes later, the Taoist priest became a zombie.

"Blood! Blood! I want blood!" Zhuge Junjie roared. He was originally a immortal in the Jindan period, but now he was bitten by the big zombie Lei Xiong. After waking up and resurrected, he directly became a bronze armored corpse. Some of his brothers have become demon corpses ranging from the seventh level of iron bones to a period of innate.

After his death, the crane Taoist naturally became a congenital seven-stage bronze armored corpse. The biggest difference between him and Zhuge Junjie is that his memory is complete, and Zhuge Junjie's memory has been a little confused. But it doesn't matter. As long as you take a break, you can recover.

However, Li Daqi did not make Zhuge Junjie hate him and Lei Xiong. He directly played more than a dozen witch breaths derived from corpse poison. These witch breaths, like metatarsal maggots, slowly invaded the body of the new demon corpses. In their memory, they planted the divine status of Li Daqi's zombie ancestors. That is to say, as long as the strength of Zhuge Junjie and others does not exceed Li Daqi, they will always regard Li Daqi as a god.

The crane man reached out and touched the fangs in his mouth and couldn't help making a hysterical howling.

"Li Daqi, why did you do this?"

"Do you feel any changes in your body from before? Do you feel any changes in your mind and will before? Do you think everything you have done before is really right? Li Daqi did not answer the question, which made the crane Taoist fall into meditation.

The crane Taoist held his head, shook it a few times, and finally knelt down weakly, like a defeated rooster.

"I see, I finally understand!"

He Daoren suddenly laughed, rushed to Li Daqi, hugged the latter tightly, and laughed, "Hahahaha! The poor road finally understood! Thank God for letting the poor Tao understand this truth in his lifetime!"

Li Daqi asked, "What did you understand?"

"I know that human interference in their evolution will only be conducive to seedlings, which will not be beneficial, but will make these ordinary people lazy and have no fighting spirit. Let everything take its course and let it develop naturally, which is in line with the way of heaven and earth. This is why there have been no immortals and Buddhas for tens of millions of years. Daodu is predestined, and the poor road has finally come to an end!"

"And! The Zombie Academy should be moved to the dangerous mountains to meet the ferocious and domineering nature of zombies. Just like people should live in a crowd, not with a group of wolves.

He Daoren's mood is high, and he has a great sense of luck to be blessed by misfortune and reborn after death.

Li Daqi nodded and said, "Before the zombies crossed the disaster, they all took the 'domineering' road. Once they crossed the disaster, they began to go their own way. Whether it is a zombie or a Taoist priest, it is ultimately to become a Taoist. He Daoyou, it's not too late for you to understand that it's still need your help for the development of Wumen in the future!"

"The poor road knows what to do!" He Daoren said, waved to Zhuge Junjie and others and said, "Assemble!"

Ten minutes later.

30 million miles away, in the barren mountains.

Godzilla asked, "Master, why aren't the cranes angry?"

"He understood the way he was going to go, and I'm afraid he will soon get through the disaster!" Lei Xiong was quite envious: "Linglong is really true. If she hadn't easily promised the crane Taoist at the beginning, she wouldn't have made the people distrust us."

Li Daqi pondered for a moment and said, "The responsibility lies with us. We ignore that people are human and harm their interests. Who wants to? Even if there is, I don't want to jump out and be pointed out by thousands of people. This kind of person who is not afraid of gossip and dares to face public criticism is a dragon and phoenix among people. I knew you two would be in trouble, so I came out to have a look.

"Master, what should I do next?" Godzilla asked again.

"It's very simple. Gather all the zombies on the earth to the Nether Forest and set the assembly site in the Nether Lake. You two act separately. Whether they are low-level zombies or high-level zombies above Neidan, as long as they are zombies, whether they want to come or not, they must forcibly participate in the assembly!"

"What if you are resisted?" Godzilla asked.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about those zombies resisting. You two are big zombies. They are eager to see you. There is no zombie who won't come to such a once-million-year event. In addition, I will release the breath of my ancestors. No zombie can resist the call of my ancestors, and it will be difficult not to think about it.

Yes! I will abide by the law of the door!" Lei Xiong and Godzilla bowed their heads and replied with one voice.