Reborn assassin breaks into the city

Chapter 310 Secrets on the map

As the straight lines of places were drawn by pencils were connected into lines, the two big characters of Ye County suddenly jumped into Han Long's sight.

Not only him, but also Fang Aotian, who was watching, slowly opened his mouth wide. Is this a coincidence, or what kind of secret is hidden?

Although Han Long has a certain guess in his heart, he is also a little uncertain. So, Han Long casually dialed Li Mengmeng's phone. He always unconsciously has an idea in his heart. If he has difficulties in finding Li Mengmeng, it seems that it is natural.

At this time, Li Mengmeng was already asleep. When she answered the phone with sleepy eyes, she muttered, "I'm going to die! I don't call in the morning, and I don't call at noon, but I'm on the phone while I'm asleep at night. You sincerely don't let me sleep well, are you? If I have black eye bags, are you responsible for it!?"

Han Long was scolded by Li Mengmeng and said that he had no temper at all. After she finished complaining, Han Long said weakly, "If no one really wants to be responsible, I can think about it."

"Go to hell!! There are a lot of people who want to be responsible!" After Li Mengmeng came to her senses, she couldn't help scolding loudly.

Han Long secretly laughed in his heart, but he did not dare to laugh out loud. After this tossing, Li Mengmeng was basically not sleepy at all and completely sober.

"What's the matter with calling me so late? If it's not a matter of business, you will die!" Li Mengmeng said angrily.

Han Long said with a smile, "It's definitely a business. I want to ask, where is Ye City in the Three Kingdoms period now?"

After a short silence on the phone, Li Mengmeng suddenly shouted, "I don't know if you can't Baidu!" Do you think I'm Baidu Encyclopedia, or do you think I'm a god? It's rare for me to know everything!"

After saying that, before Han Long could react, she said that she hung up the phone directly.

Han Long was also a little confused when he listened to the beep in the microphone. Only then did she realize that Li Mengmeng really had no reason to know, and she was not a history teacher. What's more, even a history teacher may not know so much. It seems that I really rely too much on Li Mengmeng.

After Fang Aotian first listened to Han Long's questions, he also thought about it, and felt that he seemed to understand what was going on. However, when he heard the roar of a young girl from Han Long's mobile phone, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

Han Long twitched the corners of his mouth twice and smiled awkwardly. But I'm calculating whether I'm looking for a reliable person and help me check it on Baidu.

Just as Han Long was thinking about the best candidate, the text message on his mobile phone sounded. After subconsciously opening it, he smiled and quickly replied "thank you".

It turned out that the text message was sent by Li Mengmeng. I thought that she just hung up the phone to help him search for the address on the Internet.

Fang Aotian really wanted to see why Han Long laughed, but he was embarrassed. Fortunately, Han Long didn't make him anxious and said directly, "Yecheng in the Three Kingdoms is in today's Zhongjiang City, and Ye County is now Chenguan Town."

After listening to it, Fang Aotian suddenly realized. Now it is basically possible to determine that the real location of Cao Cao's tomb should be Chen Guanzhen. Unfortunately, at the last critical moment, Jia Jianwen was arrested by the Yamaguchi organization. Otherwise, their mission would have been successfully completed.

Han Long also did not expect that the real Cao Cao's tomb would be in Chen Guanzhen. He thought that the first 71 suspected tombs had scattered records, so Jia Jianwu found it. Only the last real tomb is not recorded, and it can only be pushed out by the 71 in front of it. Therefore, Jia Jianwen may have known the general method for a long time, but he just didn't know the location of the first 71.

"I think Lao Jia should have calculated Chen Guanzhen. I don't know if he will be forced to say his position by the people of the Yamaguchi organization." Fang Aotian suddenly said worriedly.

Han Long sighed and said, "I'm afraid they already know."

"What are you talking about!! How do you know!" After hearing this, Fang Aotian was shocked.

Han Long smiled bitterly and briefly told the planning of the Yamaguchi organizer in Chenguan Town. Of course, he just implicitly said that he knew Li Wan'er's identity, but Li Wan'er did not know what he knew, and did not elaborate on herself and her temporary bodyguard career in Japan.

Fang Aotian looked up to the sky and sighed, "I'm afraid it's the gang of people in the Yamaguchi organization who used Lao Jia's mother as hostage and forced him to say it. I'm afraid that after saying it, Lao Jia will lose its use value, and they will be unfavorable to him. Fang Aotian suddenly thought of the recording of Jia's mother's voice before Jia Jianwen was arrested, so he was worried.

Han Long shook his head and said, "I can't say it either, but maybe they won't attack him easily until they are sure that the real Cao Cao's tomb is in Chenguan Town."

Fang Aotian sighed, "I hope so!" And Han Long is just a guess, and he can't guarantee anything.

Just then, a hand fell and stumbled open the door. Fang Aotian's heart jumped. It was reasonable that his subordinates had never been so rude. Could something big happened?

Sure enough, the man held a mobile phone in his hand and said with a pale face, "Mr. Fang, it's not good! Minister Guan asked you to answer the phone, saying that Mr. Jia's body was found in his hometown.

"What!!" Fang Aotian only felt a dark moment in front of him, and his body shook twice. Unexpectedly, he fell on his back and fainted.

The men were immediately stunned. Speaking of which, they were specially sent by the Chinese Security Department to help Fang Aotian protect Jia Jianwen. All of them were more powerful than the middle level, but they were also overwhelmed by the current situation.

After Han Long touched Fang Aotian's nose, he knew that he was just a sudden bad news, and he was too sad and temporarily unconscious.

"Hey! Mr. Fang, what's wrong with you!?" Minister Guan's strong voice came from the phone.

Han Long sighed softly, took the phone call from the man, and said in a low voice to the microphone, "Mr. Fang was too sad and fainted."

"Who are you?!" Minister Guan asked warily.

Han Long said lightly, "I am Han Long, the deputy leader of the Huaxia Long Group. This time, I was ordered to assist Jia Lao to find Cao Cao's tomb."

"Oh, it turned out to be the leader of the Korean team! Alas, Jia Lao and his mother have passed away. You persuade Mr. Fang for me and let him be sorry for the change. Minister Guan sighed. It can be seen that he also knows that Fang Aotian and Jia Jianwen have a good personal relationship.

Han Long also sighed and said, "I will."

"The hard-won clues are broken again. Let Fang Lao and others come back first!" Minister Guan said helplessly.

Han Long muttered, "Mr. Fang and I inferred that the group of people in the Yamaguchi organization may take the life of Mr. Jia's mother as a threat, forcing the real location of Cao Cao's tomb. If you retreat at this time, I'm afraid the people of the Yamaguchi organization will be able to succup.

"What! Do you mean that Jia Lao may have calculated the location of Cao Cao's tomb before he was arrested?!" Minister Guan was shocked.

Han Long nodded and said, "From the current point of view, it is very likely." After saying that, he told the other party how the Yamaguchi organization did in Chenguan Town and the discovery of his calculation of Cao Cao's tomb.

After pondering for a long time, Minister Guan said solemnly, "It turned out to be in Chenguan Town. However, this matter has to be kept secret. Don't let others know about it.

Han Long was shocked and said, "What?! Aren't you going to send troops directly to take over or let the police block it?!"

Minister Guan said with a wry smile, "It's not that simple. Since you are the deputy leader of the Huaxia Dragon Group, I won't hide it. It is said that this great secret may be hidden in Cao Cao's tomb. Once we reveal the location of Cao Cao's tomb, it is likely to cause domestic and foreign reporters to flock here, and it will be difficult to end at that time. So this can only be done secretly!"

In fact, before that, the Chinese government only asked Jia Jianwen to secretly find out the location of the real Cao Cao's tomb. Before the real excavation, he did not want to publish it to the public.

"So what are you going to do?" Han Long took a deep breath and said.

Minister Guan thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to discuss with the Zhu group leader of your dragon group. While you command the dragon group, you can also serve as the commander of this exploration of Cao Cao's tomb. Take Mr. Fang and others to find out whether there are really any secrets in it, and then consider whether to discover them in public. I don't know what you think?!"

Han Long was slightly stunned and said, "Isn't this good?! I'm afraid I'm not qualified for such a difficult task.

Minister Guan smiled and said, "Team Leader Han doesn't need to be modest. Mr. Jia and Mr. Fang respected you very much before his death. For this reason, he also specifically asked Team Leader Zhu to ask you to help them. He told me all this, otherwise I wouldn't have had such an idea. Don't worry, once we find Cao Cao's tomb, we will send experts and relevant personnel to fully cooperate with you to explore the tomb.

Han Long thought for a moment and said in a low voice, "Since Minister Guan trusts me so much, I'll try my best." In fact, even if Minister Guan does not allow Han Long to participate, he must participate because of the watch task. If he agrees now, it is equivalent to exploring Cao Cao's tomb on behalf of the country, and he will get a lot of convenience.

"As for the group of people in the Yamaguchi organization, since they know the location of Cao Cao's tomb, they must appear in Chenguan Town. At that time, when you find an opportunity, your dragon group must bring them to justice and completely remove the hidden danger of China." Minister Guan said coldly.

Han Long nodded. Even if Minister Guan didn't say anything, their dragon group would not let go of the people in the Yamaguchi organization.

"Then I wish Team Leader Han success and make great contributions to the country!" After Minister Guan finished speaking, he politely said a few more words and hung up the phone.

After the phone hung up, Fang Aotian just woke up leisurely. And the first thing he said when he woke up was to avenge the dead Jia Jianwen.

Han Long nodded and said that this revenge must be revenged, and told the content of Minister Guan's new instructions. By the way, he planned to lead the mysterious prince and the group of people from the Yamaguchi organization to Cao Cao's tomb in Chenguan Town, and then briefly told him the plan to annihilate it in one fell swoop.

After hearing this, Fang Aotian didn't say anything. He immediately expressed his willingness to listen to Han Long's dispatch. He must kill the mysterious prince and avenge the dead Jia Jianwen!