Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 13 The steamed buns are not delicious

I'm really hungry. Xia Ruoxi finished eating the small steamed bun. Well, it tastes good."

Mo Shuyi was making a takeaway soup cup. Hearing Xia Ruoxi praise that it tasted good, she also ate a steamed bun. Then she looked at her daughter in astonishment and thought that her precious daughter was really hungry. She would also say that such greasy steamed buns were delicious? In daily life, it would be strange for her to eat such steamed buns.

Mo Shuyi also thought so in her heart that she didn't dare to say it. She was happy to see her daughter's rare food.

Mo Shuyi put the soup cup in front of Xia Ruoxi, "Baby, how about tasting this soup? If it's too bad, I'll ask the kitchen to make another one for you."

Xia Ruoxi shook her head while eating steamed buns, "Forget, don't toss around the kitchen. That's all right. When the steamed buns are cooked, I won't eat them. Let the chef take them home as a night snack for my family."

Mo Shuyi looked at her daughter incredulously. When will her daughter be so considerate to workers? However, this is really a good thing. Mo Shuyi smiled with relief at the corners of her mouth. I am very happy and satisfied with my daughter's change.

"So the steamed buns are so delicious?" Xia Ruoxi ate happily.

Mo Shuyi saw that her daughter was happy and followed happily. "If you still want to eat, we will go to that steamed bun shop tomorrow morning for breakfast."

Xia Ruoxi nodded.

The mother and daughter gossiped about something else.

After that, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Xia Ruoxi slept for a long time before, but now she can't sleep. She sits on the terrace to see the stars.

It's rare to be in such a good mood as today.

The other day, I didn't think about how to deal with Lian Jingfen's group, but how to balance fate. It's rare that it's easy and stress-free now.

From the terrace of Xia Ruoxi's room, the third floor is enough for her to have a bird's-eye view of the whole yard and the street outside the door.

The street lights are shining, and the garden is also burning. The night reflects a dreamy romantic feeling of lemon yellow in the lights and starlight.

Xia Ruoxi sat quietly like that, emptying all the burdens, leaving only a faint silence.

I don't know how long she sat, and Xia Ruoxi almost fell asleep.

It was still the sound of a sports car flying by, which looked particularly harsh in such a quiet night and shocked Xia Ruoxi.

Xia Ruoxi just woke up a little and wanted to get up and go back to the room, but saw a car slowly parked in front of her house.

With the help of the light of the street lights, Xia Ruoxi saw Qin Yao get off the bus from the co-pilot of the car, and then the man driving also came down. It seems that Qin Yao and the man are very close. They are inseparable from each other.

Xia Ruoxi vaguely felt that the man's back was very familiar, but the man always turned his back to Xia Ruoxi, and Xia Ruoxi couldn't see it clearly.

Qin Yao hugged the man for a long time before the man finally got into the car and drove away.

! Qin Yao has a boyfriend so soon?

Xia Ruoxi felt very happy.

Seeing that Qin Yao has been so close to the man who sent her back, she should have been dating for a while. Xia Ruoxi had to sigh that Qin Yao's secret work was super good. She had already had a boyfriend, but she didn't reveal any message to her. It's too boring.

Seeing Qin Yao open the side door and enter the house, Xia Ruoxi wanted to scare Qin Yao. Let her have a boyfriend and don't tell her.

Xia Ruoxi left the terrace, ran to the door, and then waited for Qin Yao to return to her room on the third floor. Suddenly, she opened the door to scare Qin Yao.

Xia Ruoxi was so malicious that she wanted to scare Qin Yao and play pranks. She was so excited that she waited and laughed secretly while thinking about Qin Yao being scared later.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't hear Qin Yao's voice upstairs.

Is this strange? Why haven't you gone upstairs yet?

Xia Ruoxi crept out of the room and went to the stairs to inquire, but she couldn't see Qin Yao's voice at all.

It was not until she faintly heard the sound of water from Qin Yao's room that Xia Ruoxi suddenly realized that Qin Yao must be afraid of waking everyone up, so she went upstairs lightly.

Thanks to her, she still wanted to scare her, Xia Ruoxi's disappointment. Listening to Qin Yao taking a shower, it was not easy to go to her room to ask her, so I had to go back to my room disappointed and ask Qin Yao tomorrow to dig her gossip.

Lying back**, Xia Ruoxi suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment. Because she felt that in order to thank Qin Yao for helping her and her mother Mo Shuyi in her previous life, she helped Qin Yao with a beautiful face in this life. What a right thing to do. How long has it been? Just after Qin Yao's recovery period after plastic surgery, she has found such a close boyfriend. Xia Ruoxi is even more relieved to see that the two broke up just now.

It turns out that seeing others become happy because of their enthusiastic help is also something that makes her extremely happy.

Moreover, she feels more confident, because many things, such as the conclusive thing in her previous life, will also change.

It seems that after helping Qin Yao with plastic surgery, many things are quietly changing, not repeating the trajectory of her previous life.

Although another sense of unknown makes Xia Ruoxi feel uneasy, it is a good thing after all. Is she happy when everything repeats everything in her previous life? Only fools can!

Then in the future, she will have to work harder and pay more attention to think about some things she predicts in advance, and she is not afraid of those things that are not within the scope of prediction. Except for Lian Jingfen and the evil, she has nothing else to fear and guard against now.

Xia Ruoxi can only wait for when that evil will appear. However, for Lian Jingfen, she will take the initiative to find a way to deal with it. Thinking of this, Xia Ruoxi felt that she should meet Tao Bingjie. I don't know if she asked Tao Bingjie to help her investigate the matter of Lian Yuxing. Is she going to ask tomorrow. In addition, there is the newspaper she wants to use for her own use. How far has the lawsuit been? She will ask Xie Rongsheng in person.

Xia Ruoxi went to bed after making a good plan for the next day.

The next morning, Xia Ruoxi, her mother Mo Shuyi and Qin Yao went to the steamed bun restaurant that was praised by Xia Ruoxi last night to have breakfast.

Everything was as Mo Shuyi expected. Xia Ruoxi grinned at the first bite of the delicious and greasy steamed buns. He frowned and said strangely, "Why didn't I taste like this last night? Wasn't it made by a chef?"