Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 16 Message

Xie Rongsheng smiled. No matter from what position Xia Ruoxi said these words, he was still moved and gratified. No wonder Mo Shuyi kept telling him that Xia Ruoxi had been as sensible and well-behaved since the car accident. Ruoxi, it's good for you to think so, but it's not something we can't let go of. The newspaper was found to be suspected of illegal profit, publishing false advertisements and other problems. The public security bureau has begun to file a case for investigation, so even if we withdraw our complaint against them, the public security bureau will not let him go. Ours, it is beyond the scope of our solution.

Xia Ruoxi was shocked, but immediately calmed down. She did not expect everything to be manipulated by her. Since the newspaper's problem had expanded, she could only give up the original plan to take the newspaper for her own use.

Seeing Xia Ruoxi's face of disappointment, Xie Rongsheng said earnestly, "Ruoxi, it's good for you to have a kind heart, but sometimes some illegal businessmen with bad tendencies can't condone them. If they do something wrong, then they have to bear the corresponding responsibility for their actions. Kindness should also distinguish between objects. No one can tolerate pity.

Are you going to have an education class? Xia Ruoxi had a headache, but she didn't dare to show it on her face, so she had to nod frequently, indicating that she had listened to Xie Rongsheng's words in her heart.

Seeing that Xia Ruoxi is so clever, Xie Rongsheng really feels that what Mo Shuyi said is true, so Mo Shuyi can also take less attention. It's really a good thing.

Xie Rongsheng also knew that he had talked too much, and there must be a suspicion of being talkative. Instead, he attracted Xia Ruoxi's disgust and said, "Uncle Xie is going to work. Ruoxi, you can play for a while at will."

Play for a while? Forget it, it's true to leave quickly.

Xia Ruoxi took the opportunity to quickly flash away.

The matter to be dealt with has been concluded, and Xia Ruoxi was not in the mood to stay here. She went to wait for the elevator to go downstairs, but she didn't wait for a fight for a long time.

Xia Ruoxi waited here and saw someone in the office area looking at her from time to time, like a living sculpture being watched. It felt strange, so Xia Ruoxi simply went to the stairs and waited on the next few floors.

Open the door of the safety exit and go to the stairs. Before she began to go downstairs, Xia Ruoxi faintly heard the laughter of a woman on the stairs above, and listened to the sound. Why did she go to Qin Yao like that?

Instinctive curiosity made Xia Ruoxi have the desire to be a detective. Haha, maybe she hasn't had a chance to dig out her mysterious boyfriend's message from Qin Yao, but she is looking at here?

Xia Ruoxi held her breath and slowly went up the stairs.

listened to the voice like Qin Yao and said coquettishly, "Well, I'm going back. I'll be found later."

"What are you afraid of?" A man's voice sounded. This voice was shocking enough, because Xia Ruoxi heard it really. This voice was none other than her second uncle Xia Jun.

Qin Yao and Xia Jun?

How is this possible?

Xia Ruoxi killed her, and Xia Ruoxi refused to believe it.

In order to determine this answer, Xia Ruoxi is more eager to know who the two people above are.

However, at this time, Tao Bingjie actually appeared, calling her name and looking for her.

Xia Ruoxi's heart was weak, but she had no choice but to agree and then appear. Tao Bingjie's voice has exposed her, and it is useless to hide.

"I'm here, Sister Tao." Xia Ruoxi went down the stairs and walked to Tao Bingjie, who looked downstairs.

Tao Bingjie saw Xia Ruoxi's surprised face, "For good, you haven't left yet. There is news. Let's go to another place together." Tao Bingjie didn't say anything directly, but Xia Ruoxi already understood.

"Real?" Xia Ruoxi's attention was immediately diverted and immediately followed Tao Bingjie back to the office area from the security door.

"Ah, I forgot to take my mobile phone. Please wait for me." Tao Bingjie remembered that she forgot to take her mobile phone and planned to go back to get it, but she bumped into Xie Rongsheng and shouted at her to help him find some documents. Ruoxi, please wait a little longer.

Xia Ruoxi nodded, "It's okay. Don't worry, go first."

Ten minutes later, Tao Bingjie finished handling the matter before taking her mobile phone and Xia Ruoxi to wait for the elevator to go downstairs.

At the first floor, Xia Ruoxi saw Qin Yao waiting for the elevator to go upstairs as soon as she got out of the elevator. "Sister Qin."

Qin Yao saw Xia Ruoxi and immediately smiled and said, "I just went out to do something. Are you leaving?"

When Xia Ruoxi heard Qin Yao's words, the doubts in her heart were immediately untied. So she misheard it just now! The woman with Xia Jun is not Qin Yao.

"Let's go." Tao Bingjie dragged Xia Ruoxi away.

Xia Ruoxi had to say goodbye to Qin Yao in a hurry. It was also when she had been dragged away by Tao Bingjie that she saw that Qin Yao's uniform seemed to be buttoned wrong, but when she wanted to remind Qin Yao, her people had been pulled out by Tao Bingjie.

Forget it, someone will remind Qin Yao that Xia Ruoxi was dragged away from the office building of Tianze Group by Tao Bingjie.

No one will have eyes behind them, so Xia Ruoxi couldn't see them. After they left, Qin Yao began to wipe their backs and breathed a long sigh of relief...

Xia Ruoxi and Tao Bingjie left Tianze Group and went straight to an address Tao Bingjie said.

When I asked Tao Bingjie in the morning, she said that there was no news. Now there was news again. Xia Ruoxi was surprised and wondered, "Why did you get the news so soon?"

"We'll talk about it later!" Tao Bingjie looked cautious, indicating that it was inconvenient for the taxi driver to hear.

Xia Ruoxi was so clear that she no longer asked. However, I still care about Tao Bingjie, "You haven't slept all night. You must be sleepy now."

Tao Bingjie stretched out, "I've been used to it for a long time. I haven't closed my eyes for two days and nights."

Xia Ruoxi showed pity for Tao Bingjie, "Why do you toss yourself so much? If your body collapses, how can you work?"

Tao Bingjie said carelessly, "What is this? You don't know that it was hard when I used to study in other places and go home from vacation. On the train for four days and three nights, people were crowded. Not to mention sitting, it's good that you can stand on the ground with both feet. That's tos to death."

Serve her! Xia Ruoxi smiled helplessly and stayed up all night, but she was still so satisfied.

arrived at the address, and the two got out of the car. Then Tao Bingjie said to Xia Ruoxi, "Didn't I ask the person who helped us on that road? Last night, they went to the nightclub to spend money and happened to meet a Miss A Xing. Originally, most of the women were pseudonymous. They didn't care. As a result, when they didn't want to be in the hotel, they were unlucky and arrested by the police. Later, when the police questioned, they knew that A Xing was the person we were looking for.

Xia Ruoxi also found that Tao Bingjie took her to the police station after Tao Bingjie finished speaking. Is Lian Yuxing still at the police station?

Tao Bingjie nodded, "The person who helped us has paid the fine, and now we just take the opportunity to protect Lian Yuxing out, or get her favor."

Xia Ruoxi immediately thought of using the money, but she didn't have much cash on hand and pulled Tao Bingjie to stop. "I have to pay a fine for Lian Yuxing. I don't have much cash on me. I'll go to the ATM to withdraw some money."

Tao Bingjie shook her head, "No, that person has helped pay, and now he is only waiting for us to lead the people. When we make sure that Lian Yuxing is the person we are looking for, then you will pay with their remuneration the next day.

"Okay." So Xia Ruoxi and Tao Bingjie walked into the police station together.

It didn't take long for them to bring out Lian Yuxing, the Axing that Xia Ruoxi had seen before. However, Xia Ruoxi is really puzzled. After all, this Lian Yuxing is a woman who has been her father Xiaze, so she didn't get any benefits from her father Xiaze? Unexpectedly, she has become a seat/Taiwan lady to make a living?

Looking at Lian Yuxing, he was embarrassed and haggard, and she became a typical beauty with ribs. Compared with Xia Ruoxi's first meeting with her, she looked like two people. At that time, she was always a charming and beautiful normal woman, but now she can be judged as a dusty woman at a glance.

How did she fall like this?