Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 19 The Painting Teaching

What? Are there three such brushes? It's too... to make her stunned. Xia Ruoxi looked at the table with astonishment, one good and one bad, and the pen washing of two agate peaches. She felt that this was really incredible. Does that mean that Mo Shuhui broke a pen wash and found the same one? And she also broke one, and then found the same one, and then broke it. Is there a fourth same pen wash? Why does Xia Ruoxi feel a little strange by fate?

Looking at Xia Ruoxi, Mo Songbai picked up the broken pen wash and took a closer look at it. "Well, this broken pen wash and this good one are all from a piece of agate seed material, and they are also carved by the same master."

Xia Ruoxi said "ah" in surprise, and then felt a little dizzy. "So these two pen washes are a couple? Is there a pair of pen washing?

Mosongbai took down the reading glasses, avoided the mirror and looked at Xia Ruoxi with his eyes, and then took the two pen washes together and took a good look at them. "The master who does the pen wash will not do two same pens by himself unless there is a guest's request. These two pen wash are modern imitations. The texture of the agate seed material is very pure, but because they are modern imitations, compared with my original pen wash, the price is heaven and earth.

Only then did Xia Ruoxi understand that her grandfather meant that these two pen washes could be customized, or imitated a pair of pen washes according to the pen wash broken by her aunt Mo Shuhui.

But it's too strange to say so. Why is it that one of the pen washes is used by aunt Mo Shuhui, but the other is used by her father Xia Ze?

According to what her grandfather said, the current imitation pen wash appeared after her aunt Mo Shuhui broke the antique pen wash, but if someone deliberately imitated a pair, why is the other pen wash in the hands of her father Xia Ze, which should be Mo Shuhui's lover?

Xia Ruoxi fainted. Anyway, she felt so strange, an indescribable strange feeling.

Mo Songbai put down the pen wash and took off the reading glasses. His face suddenly became very serious, and he looked at Xia Ruoxi with some scrutiny in his eyes, "Did you come to see Grandpa for the pen washing?"

Huh? What's wrong? Why do you feel that things are getting more and more wrong? Xia Ruoxi looked at her grandfather with a very solemn expression in confusion. She had never seen such an expression on her grandfather. What's wrong with her today? It was just a pen wash, as if there were many stories hidden behind her.

Before Xia Ruoxi answered Mo Songbai's question, she listened to Aunt Fu's voice in the yard, "Miss Er is back. Have you eaten yet? I'm still keeping food for you."

Hearing Mo Shuhui's voice, a trace of panic flashed in Mo Songbai's eyes and hurriedly said to Xia Ruoxi, "Hold the pen quickly and don't let your aunt see it."

What's wrong? Why is my grandfather so afraid that Aunt Mo Shuhui will see the pen wash? However, since Grandpa said, Xia Ruoxi did not dare to hesitate. She quickly washed the pen back into the bag and stuffed it into the coffee table.

Then the two grandchildren continued to drink tea as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, I've eaten. Where's my father?" Mo Shuhui talked to Aunt Fu and walked into the room. At a glance, he saw Xia Ruoxi, but his face was rarely good. Unlike the child of his enemies, he always wanted to stare out.

Without waiting for Mo Shuhui to speak first, Xia Ruoxi hurriedly stood up and shouted "Auntie" obediently.

Xia Ruoxi can't afford to provoke this aunt. She hates her and is a little afraid of her.

"Sit down and talk. I'll just come back to get something and go out." After saying that, Mo Shuhui went to her room.

Xia Ruoxi sat back and saw a lucky relaxed expression on her grandfather Mo Songbai's face. Grandpa can't do anything about her aunt. The so-called Qing official can't cut off housework, which is very reasonable.

Mo Shuhui tossed around in the room for a long time before coming out and shouted to Aunt Fu, "Aunt Fu, go outside and call my student in and ask him to wait for me at home." After saying that, Mo Shuhui went back to her room and didn't know what to look for.

Aunt Fu led the student of Mo Shuhui in. When Xia Ruoxi saw the man, her face immediately changed with fear.

Oh, my God! No way! She can't stand the excitement!

What's wrong? Xia Ruoxi actually saw Mo Shuhui's student, who was the second painting teacher in her previous life.

But something is wrong. Her summer vacation is almost over. If the second painting teacher is destined to appear in her fate, it should have appeared long ago. In her previous life, before the end of her summer vacation, the second painting teacher had been smashed away by her! Why did he appear late and meet for the first time at her grandfather's house, and his identity was not her painting teacher?

Xia Ruoxi feels like a big hand that controls everything. No matter how much you think about many things, it will still return to its original trajectory.

For a while, Xia Ruoxi's thoughts surged, and even felt creepy, penetrating her spine.

"Good night, Grandpa." The 21-year-old man politely shouted at Mo Songbai and noticed Xia Ruoxi's friendly smile on her, "Hello, little sister."

Xia Ruoxi had been so shocked that she couldn't speak. She couldn't even answer, and her neck seemed to have been stiff for a long time.

Mo Songbai called the man to sit down, and then listened to Aunt Fu say that his bird was out of energy, so he got up and went out to see his bird.

The rest of Xia Ruoxi, who was wrapped in a strange feeling, and the little white face painting teacher who was washed by Xia Ruoxi with a pen in his previous life.

The silent atmosphere is very embarrassing, especially two strange young men and women. The little white face also wanted to break the awkward atmosphere and said with a smile, "My name is Liu Ye. What's your little sister's name?"

Xia Ruoxi snorted coldly in her heart, Liu Ye? I have known for a long time that you are a "rogue" brother.

Xia Ruoxi ignored this Liu Ye and thought that Mo Shuhui was in the room. Hurry up and take the opportunity to take a flash. She hurriedly reached under the coffee table and touched her bag with a pen. Her hand also touched the bag, and Mo Shuhui also came out of the room. Xia Ruoxi was shocked and wanted to stuff the bag back, but she heard a sound like a pen washing out of the bag and rolling out.

"What's the sound?" Mo Shuhui noticed and came over as she walked.

Since her grandfather Mo Songbai was so afraid that her aunt would see the pen wash, Xia Ruoxi naturally did not dare to let her see it. He grabbed the remaining pen wash bag and said, "Nothing, I touched the teacup." Anyway, she has been seen by Mo Shuhui, so she can't stuff the bag back, which will make her more suspicious. It's better to hold it generously. Anyway, it's not strange for her to come to her grandfather's house to get things.

Xia Ruoxi fought boldly, took the bag, and stood up, "I have something else to do. I'm going back. Goodbye, aunt." Now, no matter which pen is washed out, let's leave first.

"How did you get here? I didn't see your car. I'll drop you off on the way." Mo Shuhui actually flooded her good intentions. This unprecedented glory made Xia Ruoxi tremble all over her body and get goose bumps layer by layer.