Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 48 Showdown

Xia Ruoxi felt comfortable in her heart and felt that her plan had been successfully achieved. But it didn't take long for her to feel that something was wrong. Because she heard the sound of taking off her shoes, someone slept until **.

"Shu Yi, you won't accompany me well for Ruoxi these days. This time, you should rest assured that Ruoxi is fine."

"Hmm..." The extremely light woman moaned.

"Let me love you..." Ling Yimo's voice fell, and he heard the crisp sound of the belt hitting the ground.

Xia Ruoxi was dumbfounded when she heard this. She didn't expect her mother and Ling Yimo to be so obscene. They obviously came to find her but took this opportunity to have an affair?

I was embarrassed and angry, but I couldn't get out.

Beast, bitch! Xia Ruoxi hated to find a bomb to explode the whole building, so that the ugly appearance in front of her was buried in hell...

Tears, disappointing tears kept rolling down from Xia Ruoxi's eyes, and she never dreamed that she would witness her mother's such a bad moment...

Just like suffering all kinds of inhuman torture in hell on the 18th floor, Xia Ruoxi suffered extremely painfully and waited until the ** movement disappeared. But I don't see that the two have the intention of leaving. Do they still want to live here?

Xia Ruoxi can't stand it anymore under the bed. It's better now. She doesn't have to go around, wash any photos, and then threaten her mother with Lian Jingfen. Now expose your mother's ugly face to your face.

Xia Ruoxi crawled out from under the bed and instinctively looked at the dirty man and woman of ** with sharp eyes. However, when she saw Ling Yi silently holding her mother together** outside, she turned her head in panic, turned her back to the bedside, and shouted, "Mo Shuyi, Ling Yimo, you two Dog men and women. Xia Ruoxi has lost her mind at this moment, and she is ashamed to call Mo Shuyi her mother.

Mo Shuyi was originally knocked unconscious by Ling Yimo. In order to let her wake up as soon as possible, among the people who Ling Yimo grabbed her, Mo Shuyi woke up with a painful cry.

When she saw the scene in front of her, she was immediately dumbfounded. No matter how she has experienced the big scene, she doesn't have the ability to face this scene calmly. She was held in the arms by the young and beautiful Ling Yi, and her daughter Xia Ruoxi stood in front of the bed. What happened?

"Go out first and let us get dressed. Of course, if you don't mind us talking naked, you can continue to stay here." Ling Yi said with a silent smile, as if he was not disturbed by Xia Ruoxi's sudden appearance.

People are shameless and invincible in the world! Xia Ruoxi was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, but she had no choice but to get out of the suite and wait outside.

"You..., why..." Mo Shuyi saw Ling Yimo**'s upper body as if she had fallen into hell, and was scared and chilled.

Ling smiled like a goblin, "I just knocked you unconscious, and then... I don't need to say the rest. They are all adults. It's just too unfortunate. All this was witnessed by your precious daughter."

"It's so despicable. What on earth do you want to do? I didn't expect to look at you wrong. You are such a person. I won't let you go." Mo Shuyi pulled the quilt and avoided Ling Yimo with a pale face, and her body trembled, desperate and helpless.

Ling Yi smiled enchantingly and lifted the quilt out of bed. Mo Shuyi was afraid to see Ling Yimo's naked body and turned her face awkwardly, so she didn't have a chance to see Ling Yimo's lower body wearing boxers.

Ling Yimo put on his clothes, then lay down and grabbed Mo Shuyi's jaw with one hand. "You can sue me. I will be in prison for a few years, but I tell you, this is only a 30% chance, because I have an excellent witness who can help me prove that you and I are adulterous, and that person is your daughter. " Ling Yimo's smile was very enchanting, and there was a terrible anger in it, which made people frightened to see his smile.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Mo Shuyi stared at Ling Yimo angrily.

Ling Yi silently approached Mo Shuyi's ear and lowered his voice while saying something. He saw that Mo Shuyi's face was like a palette, suddenly pale, suddenly iron blue, and suddenly red.

After a few minutes, Mo Shuyi's expression gradually calmed down, except that her face was still a little pale.

When Xia Ruoxi, who was cooked by fire, heard her call in the suite, Xia Ruoxi saw the well-dressed mother Mo Shuyi and Ling Yimo.

She still holds her cameras in Ling Yimo's hand. This demon actually found her cameras, but those cameras are no longer important. She is more direct and effective than cameras.

"Mo Shuyi, please explain." Xia Ruoxi resolutely refused to call Mo Shuyi as her mother again. Her love for her mother in her previous life was also burned at this moment.

"What can I explain?" Ling Yimo, a peerless evil goblin, smiled and gently hugged Mo Shuyi's shoulder. Although Mo Shuyi instinctively dodged when he met Mo Shuyi, Xia Ruoxi did not see it. Things have already been like this. Your mother and I really love each other. You don't need to understand, just understand.

"Bah!" Xia Ruoxi spat at Ling Yi silently, "Shameless, disgusting..." Xia Ruoxi couldn't say more insults and slanderous words, and only her whole body was full of anger.

"What's disgusting? Your mother is widowed, I am single, and we really love each other and should only be blessed. Who is qualified to mock? Oh, your camera, I'll give it back to you. A daughter actually set up a game to catch/rap her mother. The person without a moral bottom line is you, Xia Ruoxi!"

Xia Ruoxi grabbed the camera in Ling Yimo's hand and said to Mo Shuyi, "Mo Shuyi, I think you also know the will left by my father. If you don't want to be embarrassed, you can transfer all the shares under your name to me tomorrow, or don't blame me for not giving you face and making you ashamed.

Mo Shuyi's body was shocked, and the twinkling eyes in her eyes confirmed how painful she was and how difficult it was to accept what she heard, but Xia Ruoxi would not understand.

Ling Yimo smiled and said, "It turns out that money is really a murderous knife, but it actually forced her mother's good daughter to force her mother for money. The world is too cruel and cold.

Xia Ruoxi's silver teeth almost shattered, "The most unqualified person to say morality is you!" If she had a knife at hand, Xia Ruoxi would really be unable to control her silence.

"I know, I see. Ruoxi, go home first. You will get what you want tomorrow. Mo Shuyi smiled palely.

Xia Ruoxi looked directly into Mo Shuyi's eyes. In addition to hatred, she got what she wanted and was ashamed to stay here. She took her camera, sneered, and turned out.

When Xia Ruoxi went out, Mo Shuyi collapsed on the ground. Her fingers repeatedly grabbed the blanket on the ground, and after a while, she actually caught several holes in the carpet.

"Do you know what I said?" Ling Yi stood in front of Mo Shuyi and said indifferently.

Mo Shuyi still grabbed the blanket and grabbed those holes bigger and bigger. What on earth do you want?" Mo Shuyi lowered her head and hid her face, so that Ling Yimo could not see her expression.

"Just what I just told you."

"Okay, deal!" Mo Shuyi raised his head suddenly, and his eyes were as cold as the ice in the Antarctic.

Ling Yi nodded with satisfaction. Deal." Turning to look at the night that has come outside, the darkness in Ling Yimo's eyes is deeper, and the real darkness has just begun!

When he and Mo Shuyi returned to Xia's house together, Xia Ruoxi sat in the living room with a frozen face and read the newspaper.

"Fang Yan." Mo Shuyi shouted to Fang Yan, "Clean up a guest room on the first floor. From now on, Mr. Ling will be the eldest lady's piano teacher and will stay at home for a long time." Mo Shuyi's face has returned to her daily level. Quiet and elegant, it seems to be a pool of still water, and you can't even see the ripples.

"Yes, madam." Fang Yan agreed and then went to clean it up.

Xia Ruoxi sneered and put down the newspaper, "Since you dare to do it, why don't you dare to bear it? What is hypocrisy to cover up?

Mo Shuyi went to the kitchen as if she didn't hear it.

"Welcome me? Miss Xia?" Ling Yi looked at Xia Ruoxi with a silent smile, and there was a provocative smell in his eyes.

"Don't you think you are shameless?" By now, Xia Ruoxi also knows that it is inevitable to break his face with Ling Yimo. At this time, she regretted her hastyness and confused her previous plan to use Ling Yimo. Now the location of those stores is in Ling Yimo's hands. She can be sure that Ling Yimo will not think about those stores, but if Ling Yimo handed over those land leases to her mother Mo Shuyi, then she will buy stocks. The plan is about to fail.

For her request to ask her mother Mo Shuyi to transfer her stock to her, everything seems to be going well, but based on previous experience, Xia Ruoxi knows that fate is not so simple to favor her. At this time in her previous life, she did have a hard time because of Ling Yimo and her mother, and there was nothing else. Now that things have developed, it has been broken. It seems that the fate is quietly changing. What kind of change will it be? It's still the same as before. The path is different. Is the result the same? Xia Ruoxi can only say that she is very worried.

"This word is also suitable for you!" Ling Yi smiled silently and narrowed his eyes. It blocked the sharp in the eyes.

"Will you give those land deeds to my mother to please her?"

"Ah, why didn't you call your mother's name again? Are you afraid of thundering you?" Ling Yi smiled more enchantingly.

Xia Ruoxi's chest hurt angrily, and she threw the newspaper to the ground with a pale face, stood up and turned upstairs.

Wait for tomorrow. At that time, I will get those shares of Mo Shuyi. Let's see how arrogant you are. Ling Yimo!

Xia Ruoxi gritted her teeth and was fierce in her heart.

The next day, Xia Ruoxi went downstairs with a solemn expression. She has always felt that things are not as simple as she thought. But I can't think of how my mother Mo Shuyi will deal with her.
