Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 73 Finally Meet

Based on the previous several different processes and the same experience, Xia Ruoxi did not dare to be too surprised. Maybe as soon as she was happy, she got some bad luck, and then she was still injured.

Xia Ruoxi left the venue and, escorted by security guards, went to the hotel suite to take a shower and change clothes.

When Xia Ruoxi was about to leave the hotel, it was already night.

When we took the elevator to get off the first floor of the hotel, the hotel manager and several other staff came over. "Miss Xia, there are still many reporters waiting outside the hotel. If Miss Xia doesn't want to be disturbed, we can take Miss Xia through the side door and leave."

Pan Ye and several executives of Tianze Group also came from the door at this time, "Ruoxi, it's relatively chaotic outside. For the sake of safety, let's go through the side door."

Xia Ruoxi nodded, not that she was afraid, but unnecessary. At this time, the people who were shouted by public opinion are no longer rational, and talking too much is just a waste of spit.

"I'll deal with it here, Manager Yan, please take Ruoxi through the side door." Pan Ye said to the hotel manager.

"Okay, please rest assured that our hotel will ensure Miss Xia's personal safety."

"Uncle Pan, thank you for your hard work. Goodbye." Xia Ruoxi did not forget to say goodbye to Pan Ye.

"It's not hard, Ruoxi, goodbye!"

The so-called side door of the hotel is a direct passage to the underground parking lot.

Xia Ruoxi's Rolls-Royce, escorted by the security guard, suddenly flashed a magnesium light, and then there was a click of the shutter. Xia Ruoxi flashed her eyes by the dazzling light and subconsciously covered her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Miss Xia, what do you think about your mother beating..."

"Miss Xia, I heard that you wanted to privately hit people and make a sky-high price, but were rejected by Gao's family. Is there really such a thing..."

"Miss Xia..."

"Miss Xia..."

A group of people rushed over to Xia Ruoxi and took pictures while asking questions.

Xia Ruoxi's eyes were stimulated by magnesium lights and lost her eyesight, and her eyes were white. At this time, Xia Ruoxi understood why those stars love to wear glasses, not to be cool, but to protect their eyes. The impact of this magnesium lamp on the eyes is really not light.

In the chaos, the security guard protected Xia Ruoxi's attempt to rush through the surrounded crowd, but I don't know who it was. Xia Ruoxi's feet were unstable and almost fell down.

Someone held Xia Ruoxi. Xia Ruoxi couldn't see the other party clearly and said thank you, and her voice was also submerged in the noise.

"Come with me!" A voice sounded in Xia Ruoxi's ear, and then a pair of big hands held her and pulled her out of the crowd.

But in order to get exclusive news, those reporters surrounded Xia Ruoxi and prevented her from leaving.

Or in a hurry, the security guard identified by Xia Ruoxi, who pulled Xia Ruoxi at this time, carried Xia Ruoxi on his shoulder, forcibly squeezed away the crowd under the protection of the security guard, and then rushed to a car on one side.

As soon as they got on the car, the car moved immediately. With a harsh turning and accelerating sound, he drove out of the parking lot.

"Are you all right!" When the car got out of the chase of those reporters and drove on the highway, a gentle and concerned voice sounded in Xia Ruoxi's ear. The familiar magnetic baritone, how many times did the midnight dream lingering in Xia Ruoxi's ears...

Xia Ruoxi seemed to have been pressed the pause button, as if her breathing had stopped, her blood flow had stopped, and her heartbeat had stopped.

Xie Shaoxuan! Xie Shaoxuan!

Finally, finally...

Xia Ruoxi looked at the man in front of her with great shock, but her vision was still blurred. She couldn't see the person in front of her who put her teeth** and didn't know how many times she had chewed her teeth with resentment!

Even if she can't see his face clearly, why doesn't she know what he looks like? Always has a cold and alienated face; always quiet makes her unable to guess his expression; always with ambiguity, the guy who makes her want to give up and can't give up, actually appears in front of her again.

Xia Ruoxi thought she would be strong and hate him very much. However, when she was sure that she was not dreaming, she collapsed and burst into tears like a flood of levees, rushing down unstoppably. How much she hated this person! But--If she is honest, she must admit how much she missens this person!

Xuanxuan, her Xuanxuan, just her Xuanxuan!

"I'm scared." Xie Shaoxuan saw Xia Ruoxi's tears on her face, and he subjectively attributed the explanation to the shock she had just suffered.

Xia Ruoxi couldn't speak at all. She once imagined meeting Xie Shaoxuan again. Her expression was extremely arrogant in front of him and glanced at him faintly. It seemed that she didn't know him at all. It seemed that what had happened to them had long been light for her...

However, it was not until this moment that she knew that she couldn't do it and really couldn't do it. Even if it condenses a little hate, it seems to be so difficult! In her heart at this moment, I miss him, I miss him so well, I miss him so well...

"I didn't expect those people to be so barbaric that there is no reason at all!" Suddenly, a female voice familiar to Xia Ruoxi came from the front seat.

Zhou Zhiqing?

Is she actually with Xie Shaoxuan?

Xia Ruoxi's eyes have begun to slowly recover at this time. Although it is not so clear, it can be judged that the girl in the front seat is her so-called good friend and best friend Zhou Zhiqing.

They actually appeared together?

Xia Ruoxi's thoughts and feelings for Xie Shaoxuan just disappeared at this moment. The ambiguity between Zhou Zhiqing and Xie Shaoxuan in her previous life hurt her. In this life, she planned to collect debts. Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhiqing grabbed her in front of her this time and had become friends with Xie Shaoxuan.

What? Did they come to see her together today?

Irrational jealousy and resentment made Xia Ruoxi's eyes red. She remembered the tears just now, which made her feel extremely ashamed at this moment. How stupid she is. For a person who betrayed him in his previous life, I miss him in vain!

Have she forgotten all the pain he suffered? What's more, he approached her with ulterior motives. The so-called love is a single conspiracy to abuse her. He came here to hurt her. The things of his previous life were abandoned. What is he here for now? Xia Ruoxi thought of her grandfather's Lanzhu picture being lost. In her heart, she still has a good impression of Yao Qianqian. The person who is persistent in love seems to be her shadow. Even if the incident started by Yao Qianqian, in Xia Ruoxi's heart, there is still not much hatred for Yao Qianqian. Xia Ruoxi believes that Yao Qianqian was used by Ling Yimo brothers.

With a thought, Xia Ruoxi's out-of-control feelings for Xie Shaoxuan disappeared in an instant. Like a gust of cold wind blowing through the withered branches, even the last yellow leaf was blown away.

A cold breath gradually appeared on Xia Ruoxi's face. There was a trace of arrogance between the eyebrows.