Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 10 Incident 1

Xia Ruoxi sat down in the corner and looked at these crazy people. If she can, she really wants to cheer like this, sing happily, and drink loudly... However, Xia Ruoxi's heart and the happy people in front of her have become the most distinct deficit. She is thinking about her mother and her future full of disasters. It is basically possible to determine that her becoming mute will bring to her life in the future.

Xia Ruoxi can only say that she is very worried.

Ruoxi, why don't you drink? Can't you drink? They are all adults. It doesn't matter if you drink a little. Yue Jiayi found Xia Ruoxi sitting in the corner and coming over with two glasses of wine.

Xia Ruoxi waved her hand with a smile.

Yue Jiayi put down a cup and sat next to Xia Ruoxi. Life is actually like this, with many ups and downs and many misfortunes. Almost everyone will say to God, ah, why am I so unlucky? It seems that in this world, the unlucky one is herself. In fact, this is not the case. There are still many people who are not as difficult, more bumpy and more painful than our lives, but they are still living tenaciously. Therefore, Ruoxi, you are still young. Don't lose your enthusiasm for life because of the little misfortune you have encountered now. Just like me today, I thought I was very unlucky and desperate today, but God actually asked you to make miracles and turn bad things into good things. As long as there is hope and courage, miracles will happen, don't you think so? Yue Jiayi thought that Xia Ruoxi was lonely about what she couldn't talk about now, and kindly comforted her.

Xia Ruoxi nodded with a smile. Why didn't she understand the truth? But many things are easy to say and difficult to do.

"Today's you really amaze me. I didn't expect you to have such a high painting ability and such a smart mind to react so quickly on the spot. It's incredible, Ruoxi, you are really worthy of Shuyi's pride, because she gave birth to such an outstanding daughter like you. Yue Jiayi was full of admiration for Xia Ruoxi and was grateful for Xia Ruoxi's wonderful rescue to make her fashion show complete.

Can't speak, Xia Ruoxi can only smile.

At this time, I don't know who shouted in English, "Look there!"

The noisy people calmed down and looked at the huge LCD screen in the center of the box.

Xia Ruoxi also looked at the LCD screen, which was the broadcast time of the evening news, and a picture of today's fashion conference appeared on it. The title of the news is "Legend from the East." Several close-ups were painted pictures of her when she rescued the scene.

The crowd gathered around Xia Ruoxi, and everyone cheered and gestured victory and the best gestures to Xia Ruoxi.

"Tomorrow, our Ruoxi will cause a sensation in New York!" Yue Jiayi shouted excitedly in the crowd.

"Ruoxi, you are on TV, my God, you are on American TV..." Tao Bingjie danced happily.

Xia Ruoxi has no feelings for these. All this is because of Yue Jiayi's popularity. Those reporters came to the scene to collect news, which is based on Yue Jiayi's influence in the New York fashion industry.

What Xia Ruoxi thought of at the first moment was that there was no such thing in her previous life, but such a sensational thing in this life will bring to her fate?

always feels like a bad omen. Xia Ruoxi's eyelids began to jump non-stop, and a strong uneasiness began to spread in her heart.

Crazy and happy people didn't leave the hotel until the early morning.

Yue Jiayi drank a lot, and even Tao Bingjie drank a little drunk. The two drunken women kept singing. Yue Jiayi sang the story of the small city, and Tao Bingjie sang the red flag fluttering.

Xia Ruoxi looked at the two crazy women who were still dancing in the carriage, which was angry and funny.

In fact, she envies that they can be so indulged freely, but she has never been in such a mood.

The driver drove three women back to Yue Jiayi's house. Before he got to the door, he heard the driver shouting, "mygod!" Mygod......”

What's wrong? Xia Ruoxi looked doubtfully through the front window of the car and found that there were many fire police gathered outside Yue Jiayi's house.

God! Xia Ruoxi's head made a loud noise, and the hunch really came true--

The driver stopped the car and shouted at Yue Jiayi, who was still singing, "Madam, there is an accident. There seems to be a fire at home, madam..."

Yue Jiayi didn't understand at all and continued to sing. Xia Ruoxi rushed out of the car first and went straight to her door.

Firefighters have long set yellow lines to prevent idle people from approaching dangerous fires.

The fire is still burning, and the blazing flames illuminate the night.

Who? Who did it?

Xia Ruoxi shouted in her heart, why is it like this?

"Miss, please stay away from danger." The firefighters saw Xia Ruoxi approaching and came to stop her from approaching.

"That's my home, my God..." Yue Jiayi also got out of the car and shook her body to the house that had turned into a fire.

"Madam, please calm down, please calm down..." Two firefighters came to stop Yue Jiayi.

"Oh, my God, how did it become like this? Why is there a fire? Tao Bingjie also rushed over. Originally, she was only half drunk, but she was so scared that she woke up seven minutes by the scene she saw.

"Let me in, let me in, my home, my God, my home..." Yue Jiayi cried and tried to rush past the firefighters who blocked her and rushed into the burning house.

Xia Ruoxi hurriedly helped the firefighters to hold Yue Jiayi. What else can you do to enter at this time besides endangering your life? It's already on fire, and everything in the house has been destroyed.

"Why is this so? God, why is it on fire? How did this happen? Oh, my God..." Yue Jiayi screamed in a crazy state. No matter how crazy she is, it will not be good for what has happened.

After the firefighters kept the fire out for two hours, the fire was finally extinguished.

"Madam, please be strong." The firefighters comforted Yue Jiayi and then evacuated the scene.

"Aunt Yue, don't be sad. It's already like this." Tao Bingjie comforted Yue Jiayi.

Yue Jiayi sat on the ground, extremely sad, crying helplessly, repeatedly repeating, "Why is it like this, why is it like this..."

Why is this so? There was a problem at Yue Jiayi's clothing press conference. It was not an accident that her clothes were destroyed. Now the house is on fire and burned. Is this also a man-made tragedy? Who is behind the scenes? Yue Jiayi's enemy? The answer is yes.

However, Xia Ruoxi and his mother Mo Shuyi in their previous life, although they did not meet Yue Jiayi much later, they did not lose contact. I haven't heard of such a tragedy in Yue Jiayi's life.

Is it because of her? Xia Ruoxi suddenly realized.

Because she came to New York and her fate changed, the disaster was given to Yue Jiayi?