Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 14 Rock and Hit yourself 1

Xia Ruoxi remembered the story of One Thousand and One Nights and felt that the moral of this story could actually be applied to Tang Yu. If Tang Yu has feelings for her, will he still bear to hurt her?

Or let Tang Yu fall in love with her is a more naive and ridiculous joke, but she must try hard, at least let her buy time and get a chance to escape.

Xia Ruoxi repeatedly thought about how to plan a turnaround for her future and fate, but after all, she didn't sleep last night. Xia Ruoxi was finally sleepy. She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already night. Tang Yu is no longer around. And she is still alive. In an enemy's **, the taste of waking up made Xia Ruoxi wake up from a nightmare.

I sat up to look for my clothes, but found that there was a neat set of clothes on the chair by the bed, but it was not my own. A set of Dior's latest fashion. Xia Ruoxi smiled bitterly, and even what clothes she wore was under the control of others. Such a situation was equivalent to a prisoner. A prisoner who will be executed at any time.

went to the bathroom to take a shower. When Xia Ruoxi saw that even her underwear had been replaced, she couldn't help laughing. This time, it's really not my own from head to toe, from inside out.

Hungry, Xia Ruoxi walked out of the bedroom dressed neatly. Before he went downstairs, he heard Tang Yu lose his temper.

"A group of useless things drove those reporters away. What do I hate most? Don't you have brains and can't remember?"

It seems that something happened. Listening to Tang Yu mentions the reporter, has Tang Yu been provoked by any big news?

"I can't drive away, and I can't catch up. I'm a reporter from the TV station. Is there a camera on at the scene? If it is rough, it will affect the reputation of our group in the future. New York reporters are not as easy to deal with as those from Hong Kong and Taiwan. A white American in his thirties said to Tang Yu in English.

"So, why did they come? Have you figured it out?" Tang Yu suppressed his anger and asked in a slightly low voice.

"Well, it's not because of the woman you married." A woman's voice came from the door, and with her voice, the beautiful woman Xia Ruoxi saw this morning came in.

"What? She?" Tang Yu's voice was a decibel higher and a little disbelief. Mina, what do you know?

The beautiful woman named Mina snorted coldly, "Let's see how you clean it up?" Xia Ruoxi became famous last night and became a celebrity in New York. The news of your marriage with her today let the reporter know. Congratulations, you are also popular.

"What?" Tang Yu kicked the coffee table and turned over the coffee table. The things on the coffee table fell on the carpet. Who spread the news? Tang Yu roared.

"Well, who else can there be? Who else can there be besides Yue Jiayi? I have told you a long time ago that your revenge method is a brain-damaged and idiot. Well, you are going to marry a big star, and you will also step into the entertainment industry tomorrow. Maybe a famous couple will soon become popular in Hollywood. Mina said strangely.

"You don't have to be weird. You don't have to take care of my affairs. S/h/i/t!" Tang Yu cursed angrily.

"Okay, I don't care. Then let the old man take care of it for you." Mina stamped her feet and left angrily.

As soon as Mina went out, a mobile phone ring rang. The white American around Tang Yu handed him the mobile phone, "It's my lord!"

Tang Yu took the mobile phone, followed the phone, and only said "Dad", and then presented a listening state without saying a word.

It took Tang Yu to hang up the phone for half a day. After that, he threw his mobile phone to the ground fiercely.

"Go and call that woman down." Tang Yu roared at the maid next to him.

However, the white American gestured to Tang Yu, indicating that he saw that Xia Ruoxi had appeared.

Tang Yu then turned around and stared angrily at Xia Ruoxi upstairs.

Watching here, Xia Ruoxi also roughly understood what had happened.

Last night, she became the focus of the evening news because of her temporary painting performance at Yue Jiayi's clothing press conference. It was an accident, but I didn't expect it to become a life-saving straw to save her now.

Xia Ruoxi probably also knows why Tang Yu is soaring. He originally wanted to marry her, so a husband had enough rights to deal with his wife's aftertries. That is to say, Tang Yu's purpose of marrying her is to improve the purpose of killing and hiding corpses. How natural it is for a husband to deal with the afterlife of his wife who died suddenly. How she died can be freely compiling reasons from his mouth. No one will track it down.

Even if her mother Mo Shuyi, who was far away in China, knew that she had been buried long ago during her arrival from China to the United States. The daughter has died, and the body was buried by her daughter's husband. What reason does a mother have to suspect that her daughter's death is abnormal? So what if you doubt it? Will a mother have the heart to make the soul of her daughter who has been grounded? Open the coffin for autopsy? No. Ordinary mothers will not have the heart to do this, and Mo Shuyi will not. She is a regular person, let alone do such a thing.

Then her death will become an eternal secret!

Tang Yu--, poisonous enough! Xia Ruoxi sneered in his heart. Unfortunately, he calculated a lot, but he lost to himself. If he hadn't sent someone to destroy Yue Jiayi's clothing press conference and destroy the clothes to be displayed, how could she have a chance to make an emergency and improvise the rescue? In this way, it became the focus of that night and became the topic of news attention.

Now, she can't die for a while! Xia Ruoxi showed a relaxed smile at the corners of her mouth and stepped downstairs.

She became famous in New York overnight last night and married the first heir of the famous heroic group the next day. It would be strange that such big news would not become those reporters eager to explore the big headlines.

It's not easy for Tang Yu to kill her for no reason. As long as she has something to do, it will be enough to stir up the whole New York. If she dies accidentally, Tang Yu will not only bury a coffin for her, but also himself, including the heroic group behind him.

When Xia Ruoxi went downstairs, Tang Yu looked at Xia Ruoxi angrily, and his eyes couldn't wait to strangle Xia Ruoxi to death.

How ridiculous. A few times ago, he turned upside down with her, and now he is naked/naked showing his teeth-clenched hatred. Man, this animal, love and desire are separated. This is Xia Ruoxi's deep experience at this time.