Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 20 Having IQ is equal to having hope 3

The servant led Xia Ruoxi directly back to the upstairs bedroom, "Young grandma, you are very tired. I'll bring some food later. After the young grandma finishes eating, go to bed early. There are a master and his wife greeting at the banquet, so you don't have to worry about it." After saying that, the servant turned around and went out.

This is not her world, without her language, let alone her position. Xia Ruoxi walked to the bay window. Originally, she wanted to sit on the bay window for a while, but somehow, she suddenly thought of the intimacy with Tang Yu in the bay window, and her mood suddenly became depressed. Tonight, Tang Yu is in other women's **. A sense of disgust derived from Xia Ruoxi's heart. She knew that she had no qualifications and position to care who Tang Yu would be tonight, but she would have a cleanliness fetish, hate Tang Yu like an apple bitten by others, and sooner or later she will come back here to force her to eat.

Sigh! Xia Ruoxi knows that she should not have any emotions. Now what she wants to do is how to protect herself and make herself safe.

In the bedroom, there is a laptop. However, with the boot password setting, Xia Ruoxi can only give up. What she wants to do now is to please Tang Yu's mother Li Shanni, imitate those who follow Tang Lin in her previous life, and set up a consolation webpage for Tang Lin. Such behavior is not suitable for the sneaky behavior of villains.

Xia Ruoxi found the paper and pen and then went out. A servant was waiting outside the bedroom for a dispatch at any time. As soon as Xia Ruoxi came out, the servant respectfully shouted "Young grandma" in Mandarin.

Xia Ruoxi wrote a paragraph on her notebook, "Please take me to the young master's study."

The servant nodded and took Xia Ruoxi to the study on this floor.

Xia Ruoxi went in, waved her hand, and signaled the servant to leave. There is a desktop computer in the study, and there is no power-on password. Xia Ruoxi turned on the computer and connected to the Internet. Xia Ruoxi first set up a blog page on a website without posting content. Instead, she immediately went to her MSN, sent a help message to her alumni group, and asked her students to follow the URL she pasted, go to the website to help her step on it, leave a message, and declare that it was a prize-winning post.

Then Xia Ruoxi immediately got off the MSN and cleaned up the traces. Even if she has the opportunity to use the computer and send emails or something to ask her mother Mo Shuyi for help, Xia Ruoxi still gives up. Far water can't save the fire. Now she can only rely on herself.

And I believe that her mother Mo Shuyi already knows her situation and is bound to find a way, or is already on her trip to the United States. If she sends another distress message or something, it will only make her mother more panicked and annoy.

Xia Ruoxi concentrates on making consolation web pages, and then sends obituary in major domestic forums and bars, asking everyone to commemorate Tang Lin, a girl who donated a lot of Hope Primary School for Chinese students.

Xia Ruoxi is very focused on advertising for her consolation page. I don't know at all. I don't know when a tall figure has stood behind her...

Tang Yu narrowed his eyes and knew from the servant that Xia Ruoxi had entered his study. He instinctively thought that Xia Ruoxi was trying to ask for help from the outside world with a computer. He quietly came in to catch Xia Ruoxi, but he didn't expect--

"What are you doing?" Tang Yu lowered his voice and opened his mouth.

Xia Ruoxi was absorbed and was shocked by Tang Yu's sound. Her face turned around slightly. After seeing that it was Tang Yu, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Unable to speak, Xia Ruoxi typed directly on the computer, "I'm sorry, I used your computer privately. I want to make a contempt website, hoping that those who have received help from my sister will pray for my sister in heaven together.

"Who asked you to do this?" Tang Yu roared and grabbed Xia Ruoxi, which seemed to be very angry.

Xia Ruoxi's face changed greatly. She thought Tang Yu was going to hit her. Unexpectedly, after Tang Yu pulled her up from the chair, she kissed her fiercely. While kissing, Xia Ruoxi felt something cold from Tang Yu's face and fainted into her mouth along their kiss. It was slightly Salty taste...

When everything was about to begin, Tang Yu suddenly became gentle, kissed Xia Ruoxi's jaw and muttered, "Why... so afraid of me..."

It's ridiculous. You think about how to kill me every day. Can I not be afraid of you? Xia Ruoxi snorted coldly in her heart and avoided Tang Yu's eyes.

"Don't be so afraid of me in the future, remember that I'm your husband..." Even Tang Yu himself didn't know how he could say such a thing, so when he heard such words in his own ears, I'm afraid Xia Ruoxi would hear it and immediately cough a few times, which has a kind of effect.

Even if Xia Ruoxi heard Tang Yu's words clearly, she would not think much and would only think that she had heard it wrong. This man is no different from the devil in his heart. Her greatest wish now is to escape from him forever.

"Tomorrow, I'll help you find my sister's photo, and you can send it to the web page for me." Tang Yu looked at Xia Ruoxi seriously, with extremely complex emotions in his eyes.

It seems that she has really made money this time. She may not only please Li Shanni, but also have a chance to buy Tang Yu's kindness.

The clothes have been pulled away by Tang Yu. Xia Ruoxi shrank her body resisting and felt disgusted when she thought that he might be stained with the smell of another woman now.

"I'm your husband..." Xia Ruoxi's resistance annoyed Tang Yu, and he shouted in a low voice.

Haha, it's ridiculous. Is there such a way to marry her husband in order to kill his wife and destroy the body? Xia Ruoxi looked back at Tang Yu coldly. She knew that her refusal was looking for a dead end. All the efforts she had been making would be in vain, giving her more opportunities to see death, but she just couldn't control herself and put up with it willingly. Even the principle of enduring humiliation and burdening could not impress her.

She didn't want him to touch another woman's body and get her dirty.

"Hell, at noon, it's still fine..." Tang Yu faced Xia Ruoxi's resistance and said, "Be good, I don't want to be strong with you anymore..."

Whether Tang Yu is a threat or a lure, Xia Ruoxi will not compromise. He stared at Tang Yu with aggressive eyes.

What's going on? Tang Yu was confused, but he quickly thought of a question with an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, "Ha, are you jealous?"

Xia Ruoxi stared at Tang Yu angrly. If she could speak, the first sentence was to "sn" directly to Tang Yu. Is she jealous? Let's dream.

"Do you think I'm a god? If the cat outside is full of food and drink, do you still have the strength to come back to deal with your wife?" Tang Yu said with a low smile. Although Xia Ruoxi was staring at him angrily, he felt that Xia Ruoxi was so cute at this moment and loved him so much. This little girl...

Didn't he do anything with Mina? Is it possible? Mina cheated him out. Can you let him go easily? Xia Ruoxi didn't believe it. Still staring at Tang Yu.

"I don't like to explain, so it's an exception for you." Tang Yu gently nibbled at Xia Ruoxi's jaw.

Then why did you explain it to me? Since you don't like it? Xia Ruoxi is not a fool. An idea suddenly slipped into her heart. He..., it's impossible! As soon as the idea came into play, Xia Ruoxi immediately strangled the new idea to death.

She is really jealous! Tang Yu smiled proudly and had a very satisfied sense of complacency.

Xia Ruoxi didn't know how she fell asleep and how she returned to the big ** in Tang Yu's room. When she woke up, it was noon.

Tang Yu is not next to him. Xia Ruoxi took the pajamas placed on her side, put them on, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower. Soaking in the bathtub and remembering what happened last night, Xia Ruoxi still felt like a dream, because last night, she found a completely unknown self, or a body that could be separated from the heart into two parts.

Xia Ruoxi's face turned red, red like a big red apple. She didn't know that she would have such a rotten side, which made her feel ashamed.

The body slowly dived, all submerged in the water, so that the water temperature would confuse the heat on her face.

After soaking in the bathtub for a long time, her skin was dehydrated and wrinkled. Xia Ruoxi climbed out of the bathtub, dried her body, put on her pajamas and went out.

What about the clothes? Only pajamas.

Xia Ruoxi couldn't find her clothes and nestled back in the quilt. Her stomach was already cooing with hunger. She didn't eat anything last night. Her diet has been abnormal these days. She feels that she has the effect of hunger and losing weight, and her body seems to be much thinner than before.