Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 52 The Shadow Behind 3

With a long sigh, Xia Ruoxi tried his best to suppress the chaotic mood.

If there is no faith, there will be no direction. If it hadn't been for her, she would have had a heart-eating hatred, or she would have been convinced by He Linbang's tenderness and fallen, forgetting the meaning of her reborn waist to change everything.

She won't be tripped by anything. Go wherever you should go, and she can't live up to this opportunity of rebirth. Don't let yourself have the opportunity to change your fate, but let yourself lose control again and be regretful and miserable.

In fact, thinking about it, Ling Yimo became the chairman of Tianze Group, which surprised her, but also brought her another benefit. The so-called tree attracts the wind, and Ling Yimo at this time is the same.

If he is still the master behind Mo Shuyi, it will be difficult to deal with him. He was blocked by that curtain, and she couldn't do it at all.

The eternal truth in this world - open guns are easy to avoid and dark arrows!

Ling Yimo stood in the bright place by himself, so he deserved to be the target of the dark arrow.

I believe that Ling Yimo is now the chairman of Tianze Group, and many directors will despise him. What is he? Even if he reveals that he is the eldest prince of Hong Kong Shengfeng Group, what is his value? He approached Mo Shuyi before and let Mo Shuyi be kicked out of the house by the Xia family. He has deeply rooted his white-faced identity in people's hearts. Once the image is lost, it is futile to make up for it.

Xia Ruoxi frowned slightly. Now what she wants to know is where Ling Yimo got the money and put the shares sold by Xia Jun into his hands. Where did the huge amount of money come from? As long as you figure this out, it's like finding his source, and you are sure to deal with him.

Such a huge amount of money will not be borrowed by Ling Yimo casually looking for someone to borrow. Not to give rise to usury in the black market.

Someone must secretly support Ling Yimo behind his back.

Who will it be? The answer is obvious. It must be Ling Yim's close relatives.

From the outside, these things should be Ling Yimo's private affairs, which are not easy for Xia Ruoxi to find out easily. But don't forget how huge the funds that let Ling Yimo hold Tianze Group are. With such a huge capital flow, it is impossible for Ling Yimo to withdraw cash to invest in the stock market.

Bank! This is the key.

This is going to let He Linbang help her.

In the investigation, Ling Yimo asked for both black and white, and He Linbang was obviously just such a person.

If you can't find it out by walking the white road, then use the black background. The most important thing to peep is the people who live in the dark. Their eyes are the brightest and can see what others can't see; their ears are the smartest and can hear sounds that others can't hear.

People who adapt to daytime life are always easy to be framed and disciplined. Some things may be known, but they are not so casual to say or do something, but those who go out at night are different.

With He Linbang helping her, Xia Ruoxi felt that she not only had support, but also had backing. Ling Yimo can always be evenly matched.

At dinner time, Xia Ruoxi will ask He Linbang to help her investigate Ling Yimo's matter.

She has an excuse——

"I want you to help me investigate Ling Yimo. What kind of person and identity he is, I think you may hear less than I do. I just wonder why he suddenly became the chairman of Tianze Group. Did you cheat my mother out of money? What I'm most afraid of is this little white face, losing money and losing money. If he turns around in the end, I'm afraid that my mother will be rich.

"Well, okay." He Linbang will not refuse Xia Ruoxi's words, not to mention that such a thing is too easy for him.

Or is He Linbang the nobleman of her life? Xia Ruoxi suddenly felt a little happy. At the beginning, she wanted to think about many friends and many ways. Without He Linbang, an enemy, she blocked fewer walls, but she didn't expect to change He Linbang's life. He once said that she was his goddess of luck, and now Xia Ruoxi also feels that He Linbang is also the noble person in her life. If she finds a way to investigate Ling Yimo, it will be much more rare, and if she wastes her efforts, she may not get the result she wants.

"Mainly help me investigate how Ling Yimo got so much money so that he could buy shares of Tianze Group. That's not a small amount. With his identity, he can't borrow it." Xia Ruoxi told him in detail.

"Okay, put it down. I'll let people investigate him carefully." He Linbang put the dishes into Xia Ruoxi's bowl and paused. He said, "I always feel that there are many stories hidden in you, and there is a lot of depression. Can you tell me and see if I can help you?" As for why Xia Ruoxi had plastic surgery and why she changed her identity to become an American, Vicky Swift, He Linbang has always felt that there must be a huge background. Xia Ruoxi, who forced her to hide her identity and became another person, even now she can't even recognize her family.

Especially when he saw Xia Ruoxi panicked because of the tattoo of the blood rose today, he felt a burst of fear. He is not afraid of anything else, but only afraid that he will lose Xia Ruoxi.

Is it the man who forcibly married Xia Ruoxi in the United States and is frightening Xia Ruoxi?

Xia Ruoxi has always refused to say anything to him. He doesn't know who is the person who stretched out his hand behind the scenes and wants to target Xia Ruoxi. There is no way to prevent it. Even if he has the courage to protect Xia Ruoxi desperately, he has no way to start. How can he talk about protection?

Xia Ruoxi doesn't want to say it, and she can't explain it clearly. It's one thing to be grateful to He Linbang, and her mind is another thing. In this regard, she can only hide everything and can't share it with He Linbang.

"One day, you will know, but now is not the right time." Xia Ruoxi smiled faintly and put a shrimp in He Linbang's mouth. Obviously, he wanted him to shut up and stop asking questions.

"Well, okay." He Linbang can only helpless. There is a kind of lover who loves but can't be together, which is very painful. The other is that you can stay together and get to the body, but you can't get the heart. This is also a kind of pain. However, compared with the former, there is a kind of curse that you don't know good or bad and don't know how to cherish.

I got people, and my body's selfish desires were satisfied, but my heart was empty and lost. Or, he really shouldn't be so insatiable. Being with Xia Ruoxi has been his dream and has come true. In addition to being grateful to heaven, he is grateful for fate and has no room to complain.

Perhaps it is also because he can't get Xia Ruoxi's heart that He Linbang is so greedy for fish/water love. Only the unbridled enjoyment of his body and the only feeling of harmony with Xia Ruoxi make his heart feel that his heart is not empty, and he has a sense that everything is real and non-dreamy. I feel.

At night, He Linbang overdraws his strength and takes Xia Ruoxi deep into the mutual possession of **.

At this moment, He Linbang was surrounded by a down-to-earth sense of happiness, and there was no resentment in his heart.

She is his, belongs to him, that is, only belongs to him.

This tattoo - when Xia Ruoxi fell asleep tiredly, He Linbang hugged Xia Ruoxi's body and stared at the enchanting blood-like tattoo on the back of her neck. He must find out the hidden meaning behind the tattoo. He had to find out the hand that would threaten him at all times, and then cut it fiercely to let that He can't take Xia Ruoxi away from his arms. Anything else can be debatable and capacity. Even in this matter, there is no door or window, and there will be no room for change.

Many of the ancient sayings of the Chinese people do not come out of thin air. Every proverb is refined and condensed from the practical experience of the ancients.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off. He Linbang really verified this sentence.

A few days later, he got a detailed information about the blood rose.

"Blood Rose is the totem of a transnational black organization. And the main force of this black organization is in the United States. In recent years, it has also been involved in mainland China. The main business is smuggling... The head of this organization is an American-Chinese. No one knows his real name. Only his name is Reg, and more people call him 'god', not because he is arrogant and unruly, but because he is ruthless and sees people's lives like grass mustard. Whoever wants to die can't live... As for the totem of blood roses, according to It is not that in their organization, anyone can tattoo at will. It is often based on their status. There are regulations on the size, size, more and less blood roses on their bodies. Often, the more tattoos, the higher the identity in their organization. But strangely, Reg's tattoo is not fixed, that is to say, he doesn't have a real tattoo, but uses a tattoo sticker. Or this is to better hide his identity. Hearing of his other identity, he is also one of the best celebrities in the society..."

These materials are He Linbang's right-hand assistant. After investigating according to his instructions, they obtained a summary of the information.

Since Blood Rose is the totem of a black organization, why did it tattoo on Xia Ruoxi's body? This doubt made He Linbang easily think of the man who forcibly married Xia Ruoxi in the United States. I have heard that his name is Tang Yu for a long time. He is the only son of a Chinese-American millionaire...

He Linbang still doesn't understand why this blood rose tattooed Xia Ruoxi since it is a totem tattoo symbolizing the identity of the transnational black organization? Prove that Xia Ruoxi is from that organization? Isn't it a little too naive to do this? What they should do to attract Xia Ruoxi's words should not be to tattoo a pattern on Xia Ruoxi's body, but to find other more feasible and effective methods.

He Linbang picked up the two tattoo photos of the blood rose on his desk again. One was obtained by his assistant to help him investigate and obtain evidence, and the other was that he secretly took pictures of Xia Ruoxi's tattoos.

At first glance, I feel that the patterns of the two blood roses are no different. They are all patterns of roses and leaves, but when I look carefully, I feel that they are different. Many of the roses are in full bloom, while the patterns on Xia Ruoxi's body are in full bloom, and some roses are ready to be released.

He Linbang looked carefully at the photo of Xia Ruoxi's tattoo. Suddenly, He Linbang's face changed greatly and he couldn't help screaming--