Reborn Farmer's Field

35. The battle of shoes

At noon, Zhang Lan came back in advance to cook for her brother. The meat she distributed yesterday was just in handy. Anyway, the children didn't eat it yesterday, so she ate it today to save some people's memory and relieve the children's cravings.

Soon, the fragrance came from the kitchen. I made a stir-fried pork with cabbage at noon, and by the way, I also cooked a pot of seafood brought today.

It's spring, and the snails are also the fattest time, and the snails are also fat at this time. The shrimps are also cooked for the children and eat fresh. This thing can be put aside, and it is easy to be poisoned after a long time.

When she saw the new shoes on the ground, Zhang Lan felt a little happy. Her man went out to buy shoes for her brother.

When Wang Zhenhe came back, Zhang Lan's food was ready, just waiting for him alone.

The children happily greeted him for dinner, "Dad, hurry up and try it. The shrimps are so fat and delicious."

Wang Qian took a shrimp for him and crawled it out, which was full of seeds. "Dad, you eat" raised her little hand and sent the shrimp to his mouth.

"Um, my old girl's shrimps are really delicious."

Mingyuan was not willing to show weakness, and also picked a fat yellow snail and came out, "Dad, your favorite snail is so fat."

Everyone else laughed as they watched the two children stuff something into Wang Zhenhe's mouth like a competition.

"Okay, children, you all eat obediently, and Dad eats by himself."

There are meat dishes today, but the children politely picked out some of the meat on the plate for the couple and their uncle, and the rest of them stopped.

When the husband and wife saw their children's behavior, they looked at each other and smiled. The children were sensible, but they still continued to eat meat for the children. It is rare to eat meat. Today, they plan to let the children have a good meal.

Today's meal made the child's stomach full. Wang Qian didn't eat much cake and basically gnawed shrimp. It was so fat and so fresh that it was difficult to stop talking.

After dinner, a family sent Zhang Weiguo away.

Back to the house, Zhang Lan handed the money to her husband to buy shoes. "Zanhe, did you borrow the money to buy shoes for your younger brother today? Go and return them to others quickly. Don't forget it at that time. Let people say, by the way, how much is the money for the table and bathtub?"

Wang Zhenhe took the money with a smile and said, "Daughter-in-law, I don't need money for those. I asked the former postman to do it. It's all good. I don't need money. When our family is in good condition, we can buy him a drink."

Zhang Lan picked up the things that her brother brought and asked the child to send him milk. This heavy responsibility fell on Wang Xuan's shoulders.

The other three are unwilling to go.

Last time Mingcheng sent something there, the old lady thought it was too little, not enough for their family to eat. This time Mingcheng said nothing.

Wang Xuan sent a pot of seafood, but before she entered the house, she heard her sister-in-law complaining to her, because her father bought a pair of shoes for her brother-in-law.

"Mom, look at the third brother. I'm his own sister. Why don't you buy it for me? His brother-in-law bought a pair of shoes for others as soon as he came. Can we still see their things in the future? I took it all to his father-in-law's house. Mom, I also want to wear new shoes.

Wang Xuan was not in a hurry to go in, but stopped outside the door. She wanted to hear what she would say under her breasts.

There was an angry voice from the old lady, "You're stupid. If you want to wear shoes, go to your brother. If I don't buy it for you, I'll go to their house to eat."

Wang Xuan's hand was a little shivering with the basin. What kind of person is this? She turned around and went back with the basin.

When they entered the house, the couple had not left yet, but they were quite puzzled to see the girl taking things back.

"Xian'er, what's the matter? Why didn't you send your milk?"

Speaking of this, Wang Xuan's eyes turned red. "Mom, you know what the milk just said to her sister-in-law. She said that if her father didn't buy shoes for her sister-in-law, she would let her go to our house to eat and drink until she bought it. Do you think I can still go in?"

The child's aggrieved appearance, the mother was distressed to see it. Although the family sold a little money, she still didn't know whether she had enough to pay the debt to build a house.

Turn back and ask her husband, "Zan He, did you buy shoes for your little sister to see?"

"Well, she asked me at that time, but I didn't agree, but I didn't expect my mother to give her such an idea, alas."

What can Wang Zhenhe say? After so many years of marriage, it is the first time to buy something for his brother-in-law. The child used to send a lot of things to their house, but the good things could not be exchanged for a word of thanks from his family, but compared with this. He estimated that his brother-in-law had no money to buy shoes and that his mother-in-law gave all the money to their family.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go to work. Don't pay attention to her. The children have taken good care of the house. Don't open the door for her when your sister-in-law comes."

It was the first time that he felt that this sister was a little annoyed and would not think about him at all. Even if he had a little face, it was okay. Good boy, his face was about to make them almost skinless.

But as soon as the two of them walked outside the door, Wang Zhi blocked the door. "Brother, I want to buy shoes. You don't have time to give me money. I'll buy them myself." That look seemed to be what the couple owed her, and there was no sense of shyness at all.

Wang Qian, who stood in the door, didn't wait for them to speak, but Wang Qian, "Suntie, you're so embarrassed. You have a master and a nurse. You don't want to go with our family. Dad, it's time to go."

She didn't say more about it. This is shameless. Such a big girl is so thick-skinned that she is embarrassed to carry shoes, and she doesn't see how many things her uncle has sent to her family.

Wang Zhi never dreamed that he would be told by his little niece, "You dead child, my third brother and I want shoes to have nothing to do with you, lack of upbringing."

This is the first time that Wang Zhenhe heard his sister scolded his child so much in front of him. Although rural people don't talk too much, they often put some swear words on their mouths, which has become a mantra, but the husband and wife have never been like this, so the children in the family will not curse. They listen to their With dirty words, the eyebrows began to frown.

Mingcheng heard a voice in the room and came out, "Suntie, it's better to keep your mouth clean. Don't forget that we are all separated. Our family has no obligation to provide you with food and clothing. You go slowly. We won't send it away. Dad, go quickly and earn more work points. It's easy for

After saying that, he closed them. Wang Zhenhe just wanted to say a few words to his son, but when he thought about his son's words, he put down his mind, "Little sister, we have to go quickly. You can also pack up quickly." He took his daughter-in-law's head and left without looking

The husband lowered his head silently all the way. Zhang Lan knew that he was uncomfortable in his heart. "Zanhe, are you all right?"

"It's okay. I just feel a little uncomfortable. You said that she actually scolded our child in front of me. Wasn't the child scolded a lot at home before? I feel uncomfortable when I think of this."

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