Reborn Farmer's Field

40. Send the god of plague

After dinner, Zhu Jianshe's family of five came out of the main courtyard and planned to go back to sleep. Unexpectedly, the door outside was locked.

Take his wife and children back to the old lady's room. "Auntie, we didn't sleep well yesterday. Let's sleep with you for a while."

The old lady frowned and said, "Construction, you go to sleep in your father's room first. I have something to say to your father."

After sending away the family of five, he looked at Zhu Mancang, the eldest brother who was two years away from him and said, "Brother, did you bring food this time?"

Zhu Mancang was full of food. He leaned on his back and said, "How can it be? I have consigned all the food and it hasn't arrived yet. During this period, I will eat it at your house first. We will pay you back when the food comes. By the way, little sister, we can't live in your A house is also good.

The old man didn't mention the money. Although the old lady hasn't seen her eldest brother for many years, it still hurts to take out the money from her pocket.

So he beat around the bush and said, "Brother, you see, your family has so many strong labors. Now you can build a shack and live at night. You see, you can ask these guys to buy a plastic cloth and get a house like our third brother. It's not too late for you to live first and build a house when you

Zhu Jianguo, the boss of the Zhu family, was unwilling to listen to it. "Dad, our house has been sold. If it doesn't work, we will build a house here. What about the construction fee in the morning and evening? Besides, the shack will not be hot to death in summer. I don't live in such a house

Wang Desheng clicked his cigarette bag, took a look at the big family in front of him, and began to say, "Brother, I have no problem with you moving here, but you have to go through the captain to work in the future. You'd better talk to the captain about this today."

Zhu Mancang and his husband looked at each other and said, "That brother-in-law, can't you tell the captain that you can't skip words?

Wang Desheng shook his head and said, "Brother, you must go there in person. In the future, you have to arrange the work, and the approval base has to say hello to the captain. This can't be replaced by others. Do you have a right idea to build a shed or build a house today? If you want to build it, tell

The old man made it clear to them, and no matter what they said, he went to work first.

Wang Zhi, who slept with the old couple last night, said with a gloomy face, "Mom, I'm going to work. Don't forget what I told you."

The old lady stared at her daughter and quickly discussed the house with her eldest brother. "Brother, why don't you build a shack today? If there is a shortage of manpower, I will ask a few children to help. The production team is not in a hurry in advance. The house is a big deal."

Zhu Mancang's wife also advised, "His father, we might as well buy a ready-made house and save it. This granddaughter is old, and it won't be a long-term thing to go on like this."

The old lady was also in a hurry, and she didn't want to squeeze into the same room with her daughter-in-law, so she urged the old man to think of a way quickly.

"In fact, brother, you might as well go back to the original village and do something convenient if you are familiar with it." This sentence is what Zhu Qiyu said. If his eldest brother and nephew get along well in the future, their family will also get some money in the future.

Zhu Mancang is also considering this matter, otherwise he will not mention building a house for a long time. For so many years, he still wants to go back to his hometown.

The place where the Zhu family used to live is a mountain away from where the Wang family now lives. It is very close to it. Behind the orchard in the south is where they used to live.

"His father, let's go back to our hometown to live. Everyone there is a person there who knows and a speaker. I really don't know anyone here. Isn't our ancestral hall still there? Let's move there and live there. It's more spacious."

Zhu Mancang has given his ancestral hall to his neighbors to take care of him over the years, so he doesn't have nowhere to go.

"Little sister, we are moving now. Can you lend us some food? I'll return it to you as soon as I arrive."

When the old lady saw that the eldest brother had opened his mouth, she also promised to pay it back and took 200 catties of corn flour to the Zhu family. The big brother of the province, they are going to grind. The old lady found three sons to help her uncle's family move. Hearing that the plague was going to be sent away, the boss and the second brother came back happily, even calling the uncle with joy.

Wang Zhenhe didn't show much difference, but silently pushed the car behind the eldest brother and sent the big family to the back of the mountain. Although Liu Jiayao Brigade was separated by a mountain, the division was different.

The three brothers sent the people and came back immediately. They didn't stay there for a long time, mainly because the old 2 insisted on leaving.

On the way back, the boss wondered, "Lao 2, what's wrong with you today? Why are you so angry? Didn't your uncle say he would invite you to dinner? Don't skip.

Wang Zhenjiang sneered, "Brother, are you stupid? Just our uncle's old stingy. He can make food for us. I think he is going to let us make food for him. Don't you run away and stay there and wait for others to fight."

Both the boss and the third brother had to admire him. They thought long enough, "Lao 2, your head is turning fast, why don't we want to fight?"

When the old man heard the eldest brother's praise, he was a little complautious. "Well, your two heads tied together are not as uncles. That old thing is ghostly. I began to want to want our mother to buy him a house. If I haven't seen the house this time, I guess this is a grain and meat bun to I told my mother not to borrow so much, but they don't listen. I won't be responsible for it at that time.

Both the boss and the third brother didn't think it was possible to say this to Lao 2, "Second brother, uncle, at least * brother, can he do such an immoral thing?"

Wang Zhenjiang looked at the two simple brothers and couldn't help shaking his head, "Big brother, third brother, just wait and see, will you know in the future?"

Wang Zhenhe remembered that the child was still on the mountain. "Second brother, you send the car back. I have to pick up the children. I took them to the mountain to pick up the grass."

After the four children finished the grass, they watched the people farming. At this time, farming depends on man-made and livestock. The people in front drove the cattle to hit the long road with a curved plough. The people behind began to twist the seeds with a small basket on their back. The seeds were scattered into the ridges and ditches. There was also a man behind him pulling the horsepower to cover the soil on the seeds. This didn't work. The soil must be compacted to keep The floating earth.

It's quite easy for people to pull horsepower. It's not heavy. It's something like a half-open bow made of wood, but it's quite tiring to pull the roller. It's made of solid stone. It's okay to pull it up, but it's really bad if you don't have good physical strength to pull this thing over time.

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