Reborn Farmer's Field

46. Space

Speaking of building a house, the couple have been busy and forgot it during this period. Zhang Lan also advocated borrowing money to build a house first. The children all know the way.

"Dad, if you have nothing to do in a few days, you will ask someone to buy materials and ask my mother to borrow money from someone. Let's prepare for it. After the farming, we will build a house. Even if we borrow money, we will build the house." Mingcheng began to come up with ideas.

Wang Zhenhe quite agreed with his son. The male protagonist and the female protagonist, he came to take care of these matters, and his wife was in charge of the money.

"Seon, just do as you said, daughter-in-law, you can borrow some at noon, and I'll find the captain to approve the house base."

After the husband and wife discussed everything, they went out to work. Mingcheng went to hug the grass. He wanted to get more back while the sun was shining. In case it rains again, there would be no grass burning, and the family would have to starve again. All three children went out, leaving the youngest sister to look after the house.

The sun was still shining tomorrow morning, but in the middle of the day, it suddenly became cloudy. The thunder began to come from afar, and several children were still outside and did not come back.

Wang Qian quickly took out four sacks from the house, and there was no umbrella at home. She could only replace them with a sack belt. She stuffed one corner of the sack into the bottom corner of the other, made a simple cloak, and went out with the remaining sacks. The raindrops outside had poured down, and the lightning was He spit out letters everywhere like a long snake.

The little man ran in the rain with a sack. The sack was soaked by the rain and the sack was particularly heavy. Wang Qian's footsteps had begun to stagger,

A purple lightning in the sky was like an eye, covering her small body and split down. Wang Qian didn't look at her head. She didn't know what had happened, but she felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She trembled all over her body, and the sack in her hand fell to the ground, and then her body fell straight down She said that she was hit by lightning, and her whole body was as painful as if she had been stabbed by a needle. Her consciousness was out of her control, but the ring she picked up on her chest glowed green at this time, wrapping her little body. In an instant, she could no longer be seen on the ground. The rain was still down, and everything just It never happened.

Wang Qian woke up in a warm feeling. She couldn't see that she had been wet by the rain all over her body, and her whole body could not tell how comfortable it was.

She opened her eyes and looked at the situation around her. This time, she felt that she should have gone to the hell to report. She had never heard of anyone who could still live after being hit by lightning. However, she didn't see ghosts wherever her eyes went. Instead, it seemed to be a space. The place was not too big. It was as big as two acres of land. There were three green gems on her head, which made her warm all over her body, and she didn't feel breathless, as if the air here was also circulating. This place reminded her of a possibility. It can't be the space in the ring she picked up.

In order to confirm her guess, she said in her heart that she went out silently. Sure enough, it was still raining outside. After meditated, she returned to the place just now.

Shit, this time she picked up the treasure, went back to the outside, and looked at the ring on her neck. At this time, the ring had converged into a very ordinary appearance, but the color was more black.

Thinking of what she did just now, she quickly picked up the sack at hand and ran to the place where Mingcheng often held the grass.

The three children were forced into the ditch by the rain, and the three of them hugged each other to keep warm. Fortunately, the branches on their heads were blocked by the rain.

"Brother, sister, where are you?" The heavy rain seemed to be like a smoke screen. It was difficult to see what was in front of her. She had no choice but to open her mouth and call.

"My brother is my sister." Mingyuan heard that his sister was calling them.

"Sister, we're in the ditch. Come here quickly."

Mingyuan also replied in a low voice.

After Wang Qian determined the direction of the children, she walked into the ditch with deep feet and shallow feet. She saw the children hugging together like drowned chickens. Mingcheng protected the two little ones, and the tears in her eyes flowed uncontrollably along the rain.

"Brother, sister, put it on quickly and don't freeze." handed the three folded sacks in your hand to the children.

The three children, who were soaked all over, shivered. Although they were wet, they could still shelter from the wind and rain, so that they would not be so cold.

"Brother, let's take things home quickly, and it's dangerous to take shelter from the rain here." She hadn't realized what was going on after being struck by lightning just now. This time, she was a little afraid. If there was no space, I guess she would have died. Fortunately, there is no problem now. Let's wait for her to study the space later.

The three children wore simple raincoats, carried a basket of soaked wet grass, and walked back with difficulty.

Mingyuan carefully took his sister's hand for fear that she would slip again.

When the children got home, Wang Zhenhe hadn't come back yet. I guess they couldn't come back from the rain. Wang Qian couldn't take care of this. She quickly asked everyone to take off the wet clothes on their bodies. The children wiped their hair and bodies one by one. Wang Xuan found out the clothes to change for everyone, and Wang One breath.

Although her body was not burnt after being struck by lightning, she still felt very weak. There was no grass to cook at home at noon. She wanted to try to put the basket into the space. The warm feeling was a bit like the sun. She hoped that the warm feeling in the space could dry the grass.

Because the three children stayed in the rain for a long time just now, they all lay in the quilt and stayed honestly.

She, the little person, began to work on the ground.

"Little sister, come up and warm up." Mingcheng knew that his sister's clothes were also wet. He was afraid that she would catch a cold again, so he quickly greeted her on the kang.

"Brother, I'm not cold. You stay first. I'll go to the ground and see if there is any grass to get you some ginger soup to drink.

There is still some grass in the stove, but it's enough to make ginger soup. She first tried to put the grass brought back by the children into the space. It was very good to go in, and it was not convenient for her to go in at home. She had to make grass and burn the fire first. Wang Xuan felt that it was not cold, so That's broken.

After the sisters worked together to cook enough ginger soup for the whole family to drink, they gave the two boys to the kang to drink first, and the sisters finally drank it.

After drinking ginger soup, Mingyuan sighed, "Brother, I just know what warmth is now. It didn't freeze me just now."

Mingcheng touched his little brother with a smile and said, "Mingyuan, if my sister hadn't come here, we wouldn't have come back so soon, but I'm afraid the lunch is not finished, and there is no grass at home."

Mingyuan also knew what Mingcheng said. Although he had begun to be hungry, he still smiled and said, "It's okay. You can't starve to death. At worst, let's drink more water."

Wang Qian listened to the conversation between the two children beside her, and her heart was also sour. "Brother, maybe the sun will come out later. Maybe we can dry the grass in the sun. Don't worry, what will dad and mom do?"

If it keeps raining, she is a little worried that the couple will not be able to come back.

Mingcheng looked at the situation outside and said, "It's okay. It shouldn't be noon yet. Maybe it won't go down later. If it keeps going like this, we'll pick them up again."

Wang Xuan washed the clothes that several children had changed, washed all the shoes, and wasted them to dry and dried in the room. She was afraid that the clothes would not be changed. She put the shoes at the mouth of the stove pit, hoping that they could dry them earlier with the help of that weak heat.

The raindrops outside crackled on the roof, but the good thing is that it doesn't leak, which makes the children very happy.

The children who had nothing to do on the kang fell asleep one by one. Wang Qian took the opportunity and received the clothes and shoes in the space. She also went to the kitchen and re-entered the space to have a look. Last time she went in, she didn't observe it well.

Spread out the clothes in the space, and pour out the grass, hoping to dry them with the help of the warmth inside.

After a closer look inside, she found that there were two pockets of rice and white flour in the space, and there were a few white flour cakes that had not been eaten yet. This discovery surprised her a little. The cake was like just branded. She also broke a small piece and tasted it. The taste was very fresh, delicious, chewy and fragrant.

Rice and white flour are the same as if they have just been beaten. The space has a fresh-keeping function, which she can be very sure of. She doesn't know who used this space before. Maybe it may be a place for some real people to put things, as written in the novel.

She picked it up by chance. Maybe the owner of the tomb did not know the existence of the space, because she had not opened the space before. If it hadn't been struck by lightning, she might not have been able to enter here in her life. Maybe this is what the old man often says is a blessing in disguise.

However, thinking about the previous lightning strike, her body was not burnt, which made her a little puzzled, but since she couldn't figure it out, she was not obsessed with this problem. There were still a few clothes similar to ancient times in the space, but there were no other clothes made of coarse cloth.

When looking back at the wet clothes, there are already signs of drying. Under the warm breeze in the space, the grass slowly dried up.

She took the grass, clothes and shoes out of the space. She was afraid that staying in it for a long time would cause the children's suspicion.

As for the space, she hasn't decided whether to tell everyone whether to tell everyone whether there is no soil or water. Her space is really poor.

The heavy rain outside has begun to turn into light rain, but she doesn't dare to dry all the grass at home. It can only be half-dry and not wet. Thank you for the reward of 333310, and thank you for your support!


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