Reborn Farmer's Field

54. Watching movies

Zhang Lan picked up her little baby with tenderness on her white face. "Jianqian, it's just the two of us, and we can only rely on the two of us to cultivate the field. There will be some hard work in the future. Mom just feels a little sorry for you."

Although Wang Qian is only seven years old, in Zhang Lan's heart, the child can understand what she said. Look at what her daughter is doing quickly and doesn't leave a trace, so from her heart, she thinks that the child is early, and she naturally treats her as a big child.

Although Wang Qian's face is like a child, she is already an adult inside. What is the mood of what Zhang Lan said? When ** is reluctant to give up the child's hard work, but the situation is here. There is only the secret of the two of the mother. She has to bear all the many things. I guess it is also her mother who

Sitting in his mother's arms, he stretched out his little hand to wipe off the dripping sweat. He said with an unconcerned face, "Mom, it's not bitter. As long as our family is beautiful, it's nothing to work hard. On the way, we have to go to the cinema quickly. If it's too late

The two of them hurried out of the space and cleaned up, and then hurried to the direction of the brigade.

The brigade is in the east of their village, not very far from her home. The two of them rushed in a hurry. Fortunately, the film has not been finished, but they did not find Mingcheng's masters. The screening venue is an open-air place. It is in the courtyard of the brigade. People are crowded with three floors inside and outside. The two Watching it, the movie was shown to the scene where Wu Qionghua led Nan Batian on the street, and the members who watched the movie below couldn't help but get excited. Someone shouted, "Fate to Nan Batian, hit the local tyrant and evil gentry."

The people around him were also influenced by him and shouted with their arms raised high. Wang Qian looked at everything in front of her coldly. Although it was just a movie, everyone's hearts were all the same and hot.

Zhang Lan was afraid of scaring the child and hurriedly hugged her head to her chest. Wang Qian hadn't seen enough. She secretly looked out from her mother's arms. She didn't feel afraid, and felt that life now seemed to be quite good. It was not as stressful as modern times. People are very enthusiastic about life and easy to be satisfied. Happiness is also very strong, and the spiritual life does not seem to be as scarce as she thought, but on the contrary, she is very rich.

Soon the movie came to an end, and the crowd began to leave slowly. Although no one organized it, everyone was very orderly, and there would be no stampede. There were people carrying small benches and chairs, but many people were empty-handed, because those people stood and watched like them, and there were few adults. There will be things about grabbing seats with children and the elderly. In her opinion, these members are really cute and simple.

The two women also walked out with the flow of people, and the two of them strolled around on the road, hoping to meet the master.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Mingyuan's chirping sound behind him, and Wang Zhenhe's constant echoing voice.

"Mom, it's Dad" turned his head and shouted behind him, "Brother, we're in front."

Several children heard the voice and ran up quickly, "Mom, we didn't wait for you. We occupied all the seats for you, but we didn't see you coming." Mingyuan said with some complaints.

"Okay, when Mom and I went there, it was full and we couldn't squeeze in at all. We can only stand outside and watch. If we walk slowly, we have to wait for you."

Zhang Lan was excited to say that she was a little unhappy with one sentence, and she heard Mingyuan talking about the movie there all the way.

Although it's spring, the temperature is still a little cold at night. The four children ran home first because of the cold title, leaving only the couple behind.

"Zanhe, the materials for building the house have been made." The two talked about the house while walking.

"It's all bad. I've handed in all the money, and I'm waiting to pull it back. When the farm is done, we'll build a house, but we don't care about the people who help?"

Wang Zhenhe is also worried about this. You said that those who help are all villagers, and you definitely don't need to give money to others. Besides, they don't have money to give, but you can't let everyone help them work for free. You have to give them a period of food, right? There are many words on No Novel Network, but the situation at home makes him a little embarrassed.

Zhang Lan understood the meaning and took her hand to comfort her, "It's okay. It's just in charge of the food. Our family must take care of it. We should not only control the food but also eat well. We can't let people scold us for being mean behind our back. You don't have to worry about me to solve the If something happens, we will stare."

Zhang Lan is also a reminder. Don't really have no help on the day of building a house. The couple really don't have the ability to stack the house.

"Don't worry, I've already said hello. I'm just waiting for the farm to be busy. Are you sure there is no problem with the food? Don't skip the word.

Zhang Lan pushed, "Stupid, I said it's okay. At that time, let our little brother help deliver two trips of sea goods, and there will be."

While walking, the couple said that they would soon get home. The children had washed and got into the quilt. After a tiring day, the children soon fell asleep, leaving Wang Qian's big eyes to wait for everyone to fall asleep. After the couple, she squinted at ease and slept for a while, and waited until Zhang Lan pushed her. Wake up.

The two people quietly got up and entered the space. As soon as Zhang Lan entered the space, she didn't feel like praising. After all, the temperature in the treasure was good, neither cold nor hot, and it felt warm. What kind of warmth was the feeling that the pores were opened, which was very comfortable.

The mother and daughter continued the land that had not been planted before. Fortunately, there was not much left. After both of them planted the land, Zhang Lan breathed a sigh of relief. "Daughter, let's get a jar here after a while so that we can put a water. At that time, it's not convenient for us to go out with

Wang Qian also agrees with this point. She can also save some water to see which one is dry and water it at any time.

The mother and daughter checked again in the space, and there were still some corners left that had not been planted, but she also planned to order seeds and make some grape branches to make use of them.

In the space, Zhang Lan planted an acre of corn and an acre of wheat. There are all kinds of coarse and fine grains, and the rest depends on whether this baby gives face.

The next day, in addition to continuing to find grass, the child also wandered around the river. Mingyuan also picked up two duck eggs, and there was no other harvest, but two of them were already very difficult.

When the children came home with the harvest, there was a basket of chickens at the door. The yellow furry was very cute. Maybe he was hungry, and the chicks were screaming.

Mingyuan hurriedly pushed the door in. Zhang Lan was preparing lunch on the ground. She looked up and said, "Mom, is the chicken at the door ours?

Seeing the child's happy appearance, he nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, those chickens are asked by his mother to Da Zhuang to help our family incubate. In the future, it's up to you to find food for the chickens."

After listening to two words, Mingyuan turned around and went out. He shouted to the three brothers and sisters who were watching the chickens by the basket, "Sister, this is our chicken, and we can also have eggs in the future."

When Zhang Lan heard what was said outside, she shook her head with a smile, "This child..."

Several children took the chicken back to the room and prepared to find some food for it. Wang Xuan took out a little corn flour and found a clam shell with a little water for the chicken to drink. Several children happily gathered around the chickens and watched them eat.

When Wang Zhenhe saw that he also raised chickens, he happily surrounded the chickens with the children. Zhang Lan's meal was ready, and the master hadn't moved the place yet. "I said it's time for you guys to eat. I'll watch it after eating."

Only then did I remember that I was hungry. "Mom, let's make a nest for the chickens later, otherwise it will be cold at night."

Wang Xuan has a lot of them, so I reminded her.

"Mom, I'll find out your pee ring when you were a child. It's just right for chickens."

After dinner, Zhang Lan marinated the ten duck eggs and a goose egg that the child picked up, just for the Dragon Boat Festival.

Find out the urine ring used by the previous child to make a comfortable nest for the chicken. At this time, Xiao Xiangzi went and ran in. "Mingcheng, the school notice can go to class. The three of you brothers and sisters remember to go to school. I have to inform others quickly. Don't forget." After saying that, he hurriedly ran out again.

Of course, the three children were very excited to hear that they had resumed classes, but when they thought of the situation at home, they began to feel depressed. "Mom, we're in class. What's the sloppy work at home? Who will come to see it?"

After resuming class, Wang Qian is also happy for several children. If she can go back to school, she can at least learn some knowledge. Without waiting for Zhang Lan, she waved her little hand carelessly. "Brother, sister, you should go to class. I'm old, and I don't need anyone to bring it. The matter of If it's early, just help me with it. What do you think, mom?"

The youngest daughter's arrangement, when ** naturally has no problem, but she is still a little worried, "Jianqian, can you not skip words?

Even Wang Zhenhe was not at ease. The child was only seven years old and let her stay at home alone. He really couldn't relax. Daughter, if it really doesn't work, Dad will take you to work in the future."

Zhang Lan took a blank look and said, "How can I go to work to take the child? If it rains in the wind and the sun shines, how can the child stand it?"

Wang Qian can understand the adult's worry, "Dad, Mom, don't worry, I'm not stupid, and I promise nothing will happen. I will be obedient. You put your heart in your stomachs. Mom, you still don't know me. Think about what I did when I did something unreliable?"

After thinking about it, it is true that what the little daughter did can no longer be described reliably. The child's behavior is no different from that of adults. Wang Zhenhe bent down and picked up his daughter. " Qianqian, do you think this is okay? You stay at home for a while first. If you think it doesn't work, let's find a way?"

"Well, okay, but I'm sure I can do it," she said categorically.

. An alternative Empress Dowager Cixi. Crossing

Pretend to be the Empress Dowager, how to play with modern little agents

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