Reborn Farmer's Field

90. Teach each other

After work in the afternoon, Wang Zhenhe peeled all the rabbits when he came back, left one for his family, and stewed the other one. He went to invite someone to dinner.

The four brothers and sisters came to the production team with two fish. They saw that Zuo Zhanshan and Wu Changyong were making a fire to cook. The two old men who had fought all their lives were also in a hurry to cook. Cooking a meal seemed to be charging into battle. "Grandpa Wu, let's come to see you. Let's see "

Hearing the crisp cry of the little girl behind him, the two turned around together. Wu Changyong saw the fish in the hands of several people without looking carefully.

"My good boy, good stuff. It's been a long time since I ate fish. You're welcome, girl."

Wu Changyong took the two big fish in Mingcheng and Mingyuan's hands and cleaned them up. Several old men in the room came to see the hustle and bustle. Everyone knew the little girl who gave them wormwood and mosquito repellent last time. Today, when they saw the fish they brought, the intimacy came spontaneously.

"Dwarf, it's good. I know that I love your grandfathers. Come and let grandpa hug you." Old Chen came over and picked up Wang Qian.

"Grandpa, this is my eldest brother, second brother and eldest sister. You all know each other. If I don't come here in the future, they can also send you delicious food."

Seeing several children of the Wang family, the old men next to them nodded happily. Everyone was from the grandfather's generation, and all of them had granddaughters. But now when they came here, they can't see their children and grandchildren for the time being. Even if they can meet, some old men began to feel sad in their hearts. So what can I won't come to see them.

Mingyuan and Mingcheng found a change in their look at the same time. "Grandpa, we'll eat fish later. Let's talk about some happy things, and life will be much better."

Mr. Cui didn't expect that the little rural doll was so good at observing people. It's good. It's a good seedling.

Wang Qian and Wang Xuan saw that the two old men were in a hurry. They simply took over the things on the stove. The things burned were all the leftover forage eaten by cattle, horses and mules. They were basically the dregs of rice poles, and it was easy to burn. The old man looked aside and couldn't help saying, "It Let's see how many of us old guys can cook. If I go back in the future, I have to practice my little granddaughter. Don't know how to eat, drink and play all day long. It's better for rural children.

Mr. Wu sighed that his children were incomparable to others. They all said that they could train people in adversity.

Soon the two sisters prepared dinner. The old men all craned their necks and looked at the pot, and everyone's noses kept flowing in the air.

"Famous, we are worse than Kong Lao 2. At least they can't feel the smell of meat after eating meat. We haven't even seen the foam of the meat." Old Chen said what everyone was thinking.

"Grandpa, the meal is ready. Let's come over for dinner quickly." The Wang Xuan sisters packed up the food on the table, and the brothers and sisters planned to go home for dinner.

Zhang Lan cooked the meal and served the three men in the family. She found that the children had not come back yet, so she simply brought something to find it. She was afraid that the brothers and sisters would eat here, and the old man would not have enough to eat, so she brought some cakes, a plate of rabbit meat and a plate of cold dishes from home.

When Mr. Cui saw a woman coming in, he thought she had gone to the wrong place, but when he saw several children rushing over, he knew that it was the parents.

Zhang Lan saw that the old men in the room were all around the table to prepare for dinner. There were fish brought by the children on the table, but the color and aroma looked a little like their children's craftsmanship.

"Uncles, I haven't eaten yet. I thought the children were eating here. I'm afraid that the food is not enough to bring it to them. It happens that you can also try it. Today, my family caught a hare, and everyone came to eat it."

took out all the food in the basket, and the brothers and sisters politely found a seat and sat down.

"Grandpa, you can also try the rabbit meat. It's delicious, and my mother's cooking is also delicious." Mingyuan took the chopsticks brought by Zhang Lan and picked them up one by one for several old men. They had not smelled the smell of meat for a long time. Looking at the meat in the bowl, the stagnant water in his heart began to rise slightly.

"Nephew, you also sit down and eat together. We haven't been so lively here for a long time. You can eat first and I have something to tell you later." Old Cui saw the child's parents. If it was just his idea just now, he has made a decision.

Zhang Lan said with a smile, "Uncle, I've eaten at home. You can eat slowly. I'll just sit aside."

Zhang Lan said with embarrassment. The old man was not polite. What are you waiting for with such a good meal? Everyone picked up chopsticks and began to wind up the clouds. That posture was that the four brothers and sisters had not seen for a long time. In my memory, it was a unique move of uncle and sister-in-law.

Brothers and sisters also tasted shallowly and did not participate in the robbery. During this period, Wang Qian made some delicious food for her family to improve her life. Today's four children's little faces are really tender, and their dry and yellow hair is now black and shiny.

"Cianqian, why don't you guys eat?" Mr. Zuo looked up and saw that the four children had put down their chopsticks.

"Grandpa Zuo, we've all finished eating. I'll give you the rest of the cake. Let's eat it slowly."

The four people divided the cake brought by Zhang Lan to several people, and then obediently sat next to their mother.

Several old men are all old. Of course, they know whether the children are full or not. Mr. Zuo picked up the rest of the cakes. "Brothers, don't be polite. Since the children gave it to us, don't let them down."

A meal was finished quickly. Except for fish bones and rabbit bones, there was no residue left. After eating the delicious food that had not been seen for a long time, everyone's heart was left with warmth. Such a mother and son in such a family brought them not only a plate of fish and a plate of meat, but also their relatives. When they were about to give up on them, the simple peasant family moistened their already dry hearts.

Lao Cui was the first to say, "Nephew, I want to discuss something with you. Look, our old buddies stay here, and I don't know when we can go out. What should we say? We can't say that we have the ability, but we can still know something more or less. I'm learning machinery. I think It's quite suitable. Learn something from me. Even if I don't take the college entrance examination in the future, how can I make a living? I'm afraid that if I die here all the time, my little thing will be put into the coffin. Teaching the children will also be a skill in the future. A lot of skills will not overwhelm people

Zhang Lan and others couldn't wait for such a result, so the mother and son also agreed happily.

"Brothers, don't hide your skills and teach these children. At least this is also the next generation of our motherland. In the future, if the form is good, it can also contribute to the society." Zuo Zhanshan said to the others.

Lao Chen came over and pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said, "If you don't stay for a few years, I'll teach the children some foreign languages. Maybe I will use them in the future. If you don't dislike me as a stinky nine, I will try my best to teach the children."

Lao Wu kicked Lao Chen in the back. "Lao Chen, they are all real people. You don't need to be literary when you are old. It's awkward to see me. In the future, it will be yours for the children to learn foreign languages. That Lao Zhou, you are a famous iron abacus. In the future, those two Let's talk about it. We old people have to rely on our children to carry it forward in the future.

Lao Zhou nodded aside, "No problem. I can teach you with my eyes closed. The children should study hard in the future. If you don't care, be careful that grandpa will spank you."

The way Lao Zhou waved his hand seemed to hold an abacus. "Grandpa, we will definitely learn from you in the future. If we can't learn, we will admit the punishment."

The four children expressed their determination in unison. Zhang Lan was a little flattered. They planned to learn something from these capable people, but they didn't expect that they would start to teach each other, "Uncles, how can we thank you like this?"

Zuo Zhanshan waved his hand beside him, "Nephew, today's matter is settled. In the future, let the children study hard with these teachers. If you are sorry, just send us some delicious food at home. The children will come to study from tomorrow. You can learn early. Master it."

Lao Wu said with a smile, "Nephew, Lao Zuo and I are a reckless man to fight, but we don't know much about those things. If there is a fight in the future, you can call us brothers."

As soon as Lao Wu's words fell, several old men around him began to laugh, "Lao Wu, you still think you are a young man. It's okay if the time goes back, but look at what you look like now. We are afraid that you will be beat down by others. You'd better save it."

Lao Wu's eyes stared, " Grandma, although I'm old, it's not a problem to deal with a few young people. I was able to beat several Kuomintang soldiers alone in those years. Although I'm a little old, my legs and feet are very sharp."

Everyone looked at Lao Wu talking about the heroism of those years, and listened with a smile. No one raised any objection. Yes, they were also so young and so vigorous. Lao Wu's storytelling seemed to bring everyone to that era of pride.

Wang Zhenhe was not idle. As he spoke, he talked about these old men. The comrade surnamed Zhang sighed, "Oh, to be honest, there is a cousin in my distant house. I didn't dare to admit it. When our family was in trouble, he helped us a lot. I couldn't even think about it."

Sorry, it's a little late to upload this chapter. Something has been delayed today. Let's take your time. ( To be continued