Reborn Farmer's Field

218. Half-way visitors

After Zhang Lan sent the two children in, she was holding it in her heart, and she didn't know what the two brothers could do in the exam. There are also groups of parents waiting outside in the scorching sun.

Zhang Lan turned around and took Hao Lianchun's supply certificate to buy a fish and some ribs for the two brothers. This is not the time to save money. It doesn't hurt to spend the money. It's all for the children.

After making lunch, I hurried to pick up Mingcheng and others. There are already many families waiting anxiously outside the examination room, but most of them are from the city, and few people from the countryside can be seen. There are many things to do at home, and you have to spend money to find a place to live in the city, so most parents will not come to accompany the exam.

One by one, they were drenched in the sweat of the sun. They all stretched out their heads and looked into the examination room. As the bell rang, everyone was relieved and worried. I don't know how the children inside were doing in the exam.

Zhang Lan hid in the shade of the tree and bought two bottles of soda for the two brothers and held them in her hand. Seeing the students coming out one after another, Mingcheng was in it.

I looked out and saw Zhang Lan's position, and the smile on her face became brighter. "Mom, is it hot? If you're tired, we'll go back by ourselves in the future. Don't wait here. It's too hot. What should you do if you get heatstroke?"

Seeing that his mother's white cheeks were red, Mingcheng was a little distressed.

Zhang Lan saw that her son was in a good mental state and smiled and said, "Silly son, mom is not tired. Come and drink some soda to quench your thirst. Where's your eldest brother?"

Mingcheng turned around and saw Wang Mingshan coming this way, "Big brother is there."

"Third aunt, I'm coming. Ha ha, there's soda to drink. That's great. I'm thirsty." Wang Mingshan began to drink water no matter how he bit off the lid. After Mingcheng bit off the lid, he let Zhang Lan drink it for the first time. Seeing the expression on the child's face, Zhang Lan couldn't help but warm her heart. After opening her mouth and taking a sip, Mingcheng slowly began to drink it.

The two brothers walked to the topic, and Zhang Lan didn't ask much, but silently accompanied them.

When I was waiting for dinner, I asked, "Is today's test difficult?"

The two brothers shook their heads and nodded, "It's hard. Third aunt, you don't know that I didn't answer a lot, but I filled it in the nonsense. The teacher who approved the paper has to give me one or two points for the sake of my hard work."

The two of them couldn't bear to laugh when they heard what he said. This Mingshan was so funny that she was still thinking about it.

My son nodded, and Zhang Lan didn't say much. She quickly picked up the vegetables for the two of them. "Come on, eat more. The exam is tiring. Eat more fish, eat more spare ribs, and eat more green vegetables. You have to continue the exam in the afternoon. You eat more in Mingshan. We used to save it You two have to catch the exam. Only when you eat well can you have good physical strength.

Turn around and bring out another bowl of tomato and egg soup for the two brothers from the kitchen, so that the two of them can drink more or less. It's not too good when the oil is too big. Drink some soup to make peace.

Wang Mingshan can rarely have such a good meal, and it is also a small stove specially prepared for the two of them. Wang Mingshan, who hasn't seen any meat for a year, has quit this time, and his mouth is full of oil. "Auncle, your cooking is so delicious. I just like you to come and accompany us. Even the banquet can't catch up with the taste you made today."

Zhang Lan knew that she put more oil when cooking today, so it tastes delicious. In addition, Wang Juan lives a careful life. The Wang family's food is not as good as her family's, and Wang Mingshan thinks it is delicious.

"Eat more if it's delicious. Don't be hungry in the afternoon. The exam is not a brisk job. Come and eat more ribs."

Zhang Lan picked up vegetables for the two children. Seeing that her son and nephew had a good appetite, she was also happy.

After dinner, the two brothers took a nap on the kang for a while. She stayed by the clock of the left family and stared at the time. She couldn't let the children miss the exam because of her negligence.

Seeing that the two children were asleep, they quickly added some sugar to the boiled water in the pot and filled it for the two brothers, but as soon as they walked out of the kitchen, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Is there anyone at home?"

Zhang Lan didn't know who could come at this time. The Zuo family didn't hear that there were relatives here. They opened the door lightly. There were two little girls standing outside the door and a Mingcheng Chinese teacher. Zhang Lan saw this woman when she reported with her child.

"Mr. Lin? How did you get here?"

The female teacher said apologetically to Zhang Lan, "Mingcheng's mother, I'm in trouble. I want to ask you for a favor. I heard that you live alone. Can you leave these two students behind?"

Mr. Lin was also really embarrassed and pulled Zhang Lan aside to explain why she brought two girls.

It turned out that these two female classmates also asked their relatives and friends to live in the homes of relatives who could not be beaten in the city. They also wanted to save some accommodation fees in the family, but the relatives' house was already very nervous, and it was not convenient to catch up with the summer. Well, the relatives' families were very unhappy, two Girls also grew up in the countryside, with strong self-esteem and short face. They cried to the teacher for help without finishing the exam.

Mr. Lin also helped them find several places, but because the exam was full, he had no choice but to remember Mingcheng that he lived here and said that he could come to him if he had something to do, and Mr. Lin had no choice but to find him.

Zhang Lan looked at the embarrassed teacher and couldn't bear to refuse. At this time, no place to live will really affect the future of the two girls.

"Empt-on, Mr. Lin, you can put these two children with me and let them come to you after the exam."

"Mingcheng's mother, I'm really sorry this time. I really can't help it. I think of you. I'll take them back after the exam. Thank you."

There is an exam in the afternoon. Mr. Lin asked the two girls to stay here first, and she went back to arrange for other students.

Since Zhang Lan received the two girls, she arranged, "Have you two eaten yet?"

The two of them nodded shyly, "Aun Aunt, Mr. Lin bought us food to eat."

Zhang Lan asked the two people to enter her room to rest for a while, and then went to the kitchen to wash some fruit for the two people to eat. Then she found two bottles and poured two bottles of water for the two people. It was not easy for children to favor one over the other.

Seeing Zhang Lan coming in with fruit, the two of them were even more embarrassed. "Aunkey, don't be busy. We're going to take the exam soon."

Zhang Lan asked uneasily, "When you two left the house, didn't you say that you wouldn't go back at night? Don't let people worry about it. It's not good if we don't tell them."

The two nodded together, "Aunch, I told them that I won't go back if I stay with my classmates for a night today."

In the conversation with two people, Zhang Lan learned that one was Lin Fang and the other was Cao Hong, both of whom were from the village near them.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Zhang Lan knew what the problem was. The two girls may be neglected by adults in the family. Such a big daughter has begun to develop her body. She hasn't made a chest for the two people, and she hasn't made another pair of pajamas for the child when she went to bed, just like She slept in floral trousers, and she understood when she saw this.

The living conditions and ways of people in the city are different from those in the countryside. There are many people living in a large yard. If the family has a large population, they can only be squeezed into one room. Some people in the city may not be able to live up with the housing conditions in the countryside. Because of this situation, the two girls of this size go Isn't it troublesome to have a crowded family? Not everyone has the same conditions as the small yard of the Zuo family.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart. The adults in the family didn't take the children too seriously, and the children of this age didn't do it well.

Today, she saw it and couldn't help but say it. Just think she talked more, and she was dedicated if it sounded good or bad.

Before going to bed, Zhang Lan began to follow a series of people, which led to their growth and things to pay attention to little by little.

At this time, the two of them understood what was going on. Cao Hong suddenly realized, "Auncle, if you hadn't told us this, we really didn't understand. I said how my chest hurts recently, and I didn't dare to tell the adults. It turned out that's how it is. It seems that we still blame others. I'm living in a house, and I can't catch up with our house. At least our family is also a sister living on a kang. As soon as you say so, I understand. When I go back, I'll ask my mother to make a bust for me. Auntie, thank you very much today. Really, no one has told us about such Inscrib, you can only keep it in your heart, hehe, aunt, you are so kind, better to us than my mother.

Seeing that the two girls understood what was going on, and they had no resistance to what they said, Zhang Lan also felt happy. The gift rose hand had a lingering fragrance, and she also felt a sense of accomplishment to solve the confusion of the two girls.

"Cao Hong, Lin Fang, if there is anything you don't understand in the future, tell the adults at home. Don't worry about it. I guess your mother is so busy that they forgot to tell you this. As long as you don't mind your aunt is wordy. Well, it's time for you two to go to bed. We have to continue to take the exam.

Zhang Lan never dreamed that because of her kindness and talkativeness to the two girls, she had solved the confusion in her heart, but made a good relationship for herself in the future.

Early the next morning, she began to get up and busy with the breakfast of the four children. She woke up all four of them and cleaned them up quickly. Fortunately, she was alone in the Zuo family. She didn't have to grab the faucet from other people's house, and she didn't have to rush so much time.

The two girls who had a good night's sleep were all smiling when they saw Zhang Lan. This aunt was really kind to them, and both of them could feel it from their hearts.

bow and thank lizzie110 for giving 99 peace charms, thanking god-level nerds for giving 99 pink, and wishing you all peace, many red envelopes and bulging wallets! RS