Reborn Farmer's Field

416. The Ragged King

"Brother, should we talk to my sister about this?"

Mingyuan nodded with a smile, "Of course, no matter when we are brothers and sisters, of course we have to think about our own brothers and sisters, so that I can talk to the eldest sister to see if she is interested?"

When Mingyuan went to find Wang Xuan, she was checking the account books of these days and saw that her little brother came in with a proud face.

"What's the good thing?"

Mingxuan smiled and said, "Sister, you still know me. Just now, my sister thought of a way to make money. Are you interested in collecting junk? Do you want to do it?"

Wang Xuan shook her head with a smile, "Mingyuan, let's do it with your sister this time. I won't participate. You should also have your own business. I'm going to do something else. I'll be big in the future. If there are any problems in our business in the future, we can take care of each other. He can't participate, and he doesn't have the energy to care about it. In this way, you can do it with your little sister, and then think about helping us when you have the strength in the future. By the way, take the money you contributed from your sister, and just talk to your parents at that time. I guess you two don't have much capital.

Wang Xuan knows these two small families too well. Wang Qian's hardware and building materials have just been on the track, but she hasn't made much money, let alone my younger brother.

Mingyuan smiled and approached her, "Sister, you are really my own sister. I'll ask you to get the money when we have discussed it. When I have money in the future, I will buy you new clothes to wear."

Wang Xuan patted her little brother with a smile, "Little thing, remember that when my sister is old, you will buy my clothes for me. Who told you to be young? When my sister is old and can't walk, I will wait for my little brother to give us new clothes to wear."

The sister and brother joked in the room for a while, and then Ming Yuan went back to tell Sister Wang Qian's decision.

Wang Qian didn't expect that the eldest sister would not participate, but thinking about it, she can also understand Wang Xuan's meaning. If Mingyuan wants to take over the family's business, he must first exercise by himself, and he also needs a strong backing. There can't be too much involvement in these businesses, otherwise it will be easy to be When she figured this out, she had to admire this sister. After all, she had grown up and thought about it for a long time.

"Brother, let's do this first. When there is a good opportunity in the future, we will do it for our brothers and sisters, because we are brothers and sisters, and everyone does the same."

The brother and sister discussed in the room for a long time, and finally talked about all the details. This matter was handled by Ming Yuan, and the staff Wang Qian also suggested to use some veterans to take charge.

"Brother, I have to tell you something else. After finding the candidates, we'd better ask Grandpa Chen to tell you about the relevant knowledge of antiques. At that time, don't collect some old objects and send them to the factory as waste. This is a violent thing. Let everyone popularize some knowledge and wait to see some. When the old objects are left alone, Grandpa Chen will go to have a look when he has time. If it's true, we will stay, which can be regarded as protecting cultural relics.

After ten years of catastrophe, Wang Qian doesn't know what else to stay, but she is still prepared. In her previous life, she often saw some people selling old things as waste.

Although Mingyuan is not good at antiques and so on, he knows that his sister likes this thing. He nodded with a smile and agreed, "Ok, I'll arrange this. After all the personnel are found, I will ask Grandpa Chen to tell them about this knowledge. As for the account book, you can come back to see it when you have time. The elder sister is busy enough. When she graduates, she won't have time. Let's do this For the sales, just take care of the account and money for me.

My sister's studies are not easy. Of course, Mingyuan, as an elder brother, has to take more responsibility.

Wang Qian nodded with a smile, and the little boy in those years also grew up. "Brother, if you are not familiar with him, you can ask Grandpa Zhou for help. After all, his head in the officialdom is better than us."

Wang Qian gave Mingyuan some of the money she could use first, which was also convenient for him to do things. As for the house, she asked Li Fangyi and Han Zhengdong to help find it together.

Before the winter vacation, Mingyuan had found their office location and personnel. Wang Qian went to have a look. The location was good, the distribution was relatively reasonable, and all the start-up funds Wang Xuan gave them were also in place.

Wang Qian saw that the first-class workers were all small flat-headed workers. Now she was still dressed in military uniforms, but in addition to the lack of hat badges and collars, she thought they had gone to the barracks. Brother, when you have time, let's get work clothes for everyone to wear. I'm afraid they can't bear to wear this military uniform like this. Anyway, this is also their last thought about being a soldier. Let's keep them as a souvenir. I will match everyone's clothes in the past two days.

Mingyuan patted his head in embarrassment. He was trying to find someone to open a factory, but he didn't expect this.

"Guys, I'm sorry. I'll get you work clothes these two days. They all have work clothes in the factory, and we can't be bad here. We have everything we should have."

Those soldiers who had just recovered were also embarrassed and smiled. If they could stay in the capital to work, everyone knew that it was a blessing from the chief, otherwise how could they use them?

Mingyuan sent a copy of the acquisition project and price sign to everyone, which was also based on the price of the state-owned waste acquisition station, but the project was more than the state-owned. Mr. Chen listed what he could think of to them, and also explained to everyone what to pay attention to when acquiring.

Among these people, the family basically has limited conditions, and they have sold waste products before, so they are very familiar with this business. Mingyuan said that everyone is very transparent and knows what they are going to do in the future.

"Brother, since it's almost done, let's put the whip on the business tomorrow. If you do it early, you can make money early."

Mingyuan nodded with a smile, "That's right, I've bought all the firecrackers. We will officially open tomorrow. I have chosen the person in charge of all places, and it's still the candidate recommended by Grandpa Wu to me. I've seen it. Everyone is good. There should be no problem. Let's wait

Wang Qian can't help with the rest of the matter. The final exam is coming soon, and she doesn't have extra energy to take care of this matter. The rest is up to Mingyuan.

After the final exam, everyone packed their bags and went home. Wang Qian packed some gifts for Li Tiange at home. Every time she ate the specialties brought from home, she was also embarrassed.

So this time she prepared more dried seafood, which is also convenient to save, and the matter of sending her to the train was done by Cong Tao. Wang Qian can see that this little girl has no feelings for Cong Tao during this period of time. As long as she can create convenient conditions for Cong Tao, she is very happy to do it. .

After sending Li Tiange away, she sat at home and began to think about something. She called Peng Ziyun and asked her to come over for dinner and discuss something by the way.

Last time I told her about the clothing, because Zuo Xiangkun's son Zuo Xuan hasn't come yet, she hasn't started, so she plans to let Peng Ziyun do a pen business during the Spring Festival, so that she can have more capital.

At noon, the left-facing city couple actually came over at the same time.

"Xiao Qianqian, we're here. Where are you?"

As soon as Peng Ziyun entered the yard, she began to look for someone. Wang Qian stretched out her head from the kitchen and said, "Auntie, I'm here to cook delicious food for you. Third uncle, wait a minute, the food will be ready soon."

When Wang Qian finished everything and the people who went out of the family came back one after another, Wang Xuan saw Peng Ziyun coming and took her hand happily, "Auntie, why haven't you been here for a long time? I miss you a little."

Peng Ziyun touched Wang Xuan's long ponytail with a smile. "We have been a little busy in the hospital during this period, and your uncle is also busy with training. After all, he has just been transferred back for a long time, and it's not good to be absent from duty. As soon as we received a phone call from Qianqian,

Peng Ziyun really envies these capable children. He has to wait until after the Spring Festival to start his business. Look at other children. He hasn't been delayed in going to school for the past two years, and he has done a good job. Even an adult sighs that she is not as good as an adult.

"Auntie, the business is not bad. Well, have you seen my brother in the army?"

Mingcheng hasn't been back for a long time. My sister and brother really miss him.

Speaking of Mingcheng and Peng Ziyun's smile on her face, not to mention that she really saw this child recently.

"See, some time ago, we went to the army to give the soldiers a physical examination. I saw your brother and others. Alas, Mingcheng is much darker. I guess it was exposed to the sun."

Mingcheng is not only tanned, but also black and thin. Peng Ziyun is also afraid that they are worried and don't dare to say more. No matter how good the food of the army is, even Zuo He and his brothers are like this. They feel sorry for the children, but there is nothing they can do. The soldiers are all like this

Wang Xuan went to help her sister clean up the food. Everyone chatted while eating. Wang Qian told everyone her idea.

"Selling firecrackers? Can this work?"

Before Peng Ziyun could react, Cong Tao was the first to express his doubts.

Wang Qian looked at him with a smile, "Brother Tao, don't doubt it. When you go back, you can ask your younger brothers and sisters to wholesale some from the firecracker factory. If you get it to the market or other places for retail, you will definitely make a lot of money. I guess I dare not say after a winter vacation, Wang Qian stretched out her hand and made a gesture, and even the left-facing city was a little surprised.

Thanks to the fake fans and au_ji's pink ticket, Longlongma** evaluation ticket.

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