Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 4: Sourious Words and Serious Injury

Zhang Guilan lay enough alone in **, and then got up. The heating during the day was not hot. As soon as she lifted the quilt, the cool air came in. She had a cold war, but this real sense of existence still made her laugh happily.

Looking at the fat all over his body in the mirror, I don't know when it will be reduced. Looking back on the doctor in the previous life, his figure is now double that of others. After dressing up, Zhang Guilan went to the kitchen. Luo Jijun is a clean person. There is no place to clean up in the room. He is looking Fang, he and Ben left without breakfast.

I didn't eat dinner last night. Zhang Guilan cooked porridge for herself. At this time, she soaked mung beans and soybeans in warm water. The cheapest dish in winter is Chinese cabbage, but it's not a big deal to eat cabbage all the time. Zhang Guilan wants to make some bean sprouts to fill the dishes.

After the porridge was cooked, Zhang Guilan also took the bean sprouts out of the water, put them in a basin, covered them with a warm towel, pressed the cotton-padded jacket, and put them close to the heating.

He has been hungry for a long time. In order to lose weight, Zhang Guilan only ate a bowl of porridge. When Luo Jijun usually tried, he did not go home to eat. He ate with soldiers in the army. In fact, he can also go home to eat. However, except for the holiday, Luo Jijun has never stayed at home. In his I don't think anything, but outsiders don't let it go.

After hearing Wang Li's rumors outside, Zhang Guilan smiled faintly and said, "Your mouth grows on others. You can say whatever you like. Anyway, I can't miss a piece of meat."

Wang Li envied, "My sister-in-law is really good-looking. If I had heard that I had asked them for trouble long ago. I lived in a courtyard, how could there be such a choreographer, and there was also talk about Company Director Li. Company Chief Li is a man from Shandong. At night, they would not let go of the

"Yes." Zhang Guilan saw through Wang Li's embarrassment and didn't want to say more, let alone get into those things.

In the last life, she had heard about Company Chief Li. After hearing the rumors at that time, she told Luo Jijun. She didn't expect to quarrel with Luo Jijun because of this. Luo Jijun, who had just returned home for more than a month, left again and didn't stay for a day, so that she was often laughed at by

Company commander Li is Li Xuejun. He is from Shandong. He has the characteristics of a man in Shandong, and he is also honest. At this time, most of the marriages are arranged by the family. His daughter-in-law and he grew up with him in the same village. He is a local countryman. He has never come out of the countryside. With a Shandong accent, eight of the ten sentences are incomprehensible, but the two of them are shouting loudly on the **, so that it can be heard upstairs and downstairs. This is an embarrassing thing. Everyone knows it in their hearts, and they won't say it on the face, so when the women are free in private in the army compound, They would laugh and talk about this. Jiang Zhi was originally lined up outside, so he was even more excluded.

Now thinking about this, Zhang Guilan feels that she and Jiang Zhi are the same kind of people, but Jiang Zhi is not better than her. She is a good wife, and no matter what outsiders point out, the Yang family has been living a good life.

Wang Li saw that Zhang Guilan didn't like to talk, and her desire to gossip faded. After a few more words, she left. Zhang Guilan's family and Yang's family lived on the third floor, and they were still opposite the door. As soon as Wang Li went downstairs, someone from the Li family opposite

When Jiang Zhi saw Zhang Guilan, he greeted her with a smile, "Sister-in-law, are you going out?"

Zhang Guilan is obviously more enthusiastic about Jiang Zhi than Wang Li, or pity for her colleagues. "If the girl is bored at home alone, just take the child to my house. Anyway, I'm alone."

Jiang Zhi was happy to hear this, "I know."

Zhang Guilan closed the door and went back to the room. She remembered that she saw a young woman practicing yoga at her employer in her previous life. She sat in ** and practiced for a while, and her body sweated thinly. It didn't smell very good and she couldn't take a shower. She had to wipe it with a towel in the bathroom I bought two radishes and made some kimchi. It's good to eat them as reduced vegetables.

The soldiers' training and shouts could be heard not far away. Several women gathered downstairs with newspapers talking, and one of them stopped Zhang Guilan.

What's the name of Zhang Guilan? She forgot, but she knew that her husband was also a company commander. "What's wrong with you?"

"Sister-in-law, we don't know a word here. Can you take a look at it?" The woman was not polite, let alone whether Zhang Guilan should do it or not, so she handed over the publication.

Who in this courtyard doesn't know that Zhang Guilan came from the countryside and has not studied, so it is impossible to read with her. But now she stops her to ask her, and she has ulterior motives.

At this time, it was almost noon, and the men who had finished their work on the side of the army had gone home. A group of women gathered downstairs and naturally saw it.

Zhang Guilan took it over and didn't report it, "Which article is it?"

"That's it."

Zhang Guilan glanced at it roughly. The publication is called Xingxing, which is about poetry. "Tiananmen Poetry Copy: I want to be sad and scream, / I cry and laugh. / Tears to sacrifice heroes, / raise eyebrows and sword out of the scabbard. ( I found it on the Internet.

For these poetry transcription, Zhang Guilan knows something, mostly in the form of combining classical poetry with modern new poetry; the emotions of worrying about the country and the people, the emotions of anger, and the emotions of condemnation are expressed with lofty aesthetic characteristics; short, concise and combative, with the characteristics of reciting poetry in the square.

Zhang Guilan's appearance is not good, but her voice is very good. The high-spirited poetry is read out by the sound of her soft cotton. Although it will not make people excited, it is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Even the men who came back were attracted, and some people even boasted bluntly, "My sister-in-law read it very well."

Zhang Guilan smiled faintly, "It's just nonsense. I have to cook, so I'll talk to you more."

He didn't ask the women whether they could read or not. After Zhang Guilan read out the whole poem, she stuffed the publication into the other party's hand and went upstairs with the radish.

After a while, this matter spread throughout the courtyard, saying that Camp commander Luo's wife was not only literate, but also read poems well.