Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 38:Statement

Zhang Guilan entered the city and went straight to the market. The old man who sold vegetables in the past was still there. He was also very happy to see Zhang Guilan and told her about the past these days.

"Sernessy families have also made their own mung bean cakes to sell. The taste is not as good as what you make. At first glance, they use less materials, but they sell cheaply, only one yuan per catty, and they sell quickly."

Zhang Guilan had long expected such a thing to happen, "Uncle, in this case, ours will also be reduced, just one yuan per catty. If we buy five catties, we will get one catty for free. I don't plan to do this often. Do you still want to buy it?"

Doing business is what you want. Zhang Guilan knows that this old man is also kind to tell her, and it can't be ruled out that he has no other meaning.

The old man smiled and said, "I only sell some small dry goods, which I usually collect by myself. I really don't have much capital. Or I'll help you sell it. Just give me some salary."

After all, there are several stores selling in the market now, and the old man dares not buy goods as before.

Zhang Guilan was not angry, "Oced, I'll send it in a few days. The uncle will sell it for me, and I will give the uncle two yuan a day. Do you think it's okay?"

If you don't stay in the market, you can earn two more yuan. This is a good thing. The old man smiled and answered. Zhang Guilan went to the market to buy 50 catties of soybean oil. The current soybean oil costs 80 cents per catty, plus honey and sugar, it cost a total of 53 yuan. Finally, he bought a layer Eat in the west, and then we rushed to the passenger terminal.

The bus home met Milan after work. Zhang Guilan became fat again these days. Obviously, it was a circle bigger than Milan at a glance. Milan found this and came close to Zhang Guilan's side.

"It costs a lot of money, right? In our village, the whole village can't eat so much oil in a year. He accused Zhang Guilan of not living.

Zhang Guilan squeezed her lips and smiled, ignored the eyes that looked around, "What's this? I've also hired two people to pay 20 yuan a day, but it's almost up to your monthly salary."

Milan smiled slightly, "Twenty yuan a day? It's not a formal job. How can there be such a good thing? Guilan, you can't mess around. Jijun only opens 35 yuan a month. How can he stand your toss like this? When you are in the village, you will get used to it. Otherwise, Jijun's parents would not have made trouble with you. We are our own rural people, and we can live in peace of mind.

"Didn't Jijun's salary last month give you 20 yuan to buy clothes? He still has more than ten yuan left, which is not enough for me. I earn all my own money. As for my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, my mother-in-law says that my mother-in-law is reasonable, and the public is reasonable. How can outsiders understand it? Zhang Guilan looked at Milan with a smile, "Jijun also asked me to help you see what kind of clothes are suitable for you?" You also know that I haven't made new clothes when I married Jijun. Even the new clothes I made a few days ago were bought by myself. How can I know this? Don't think too much about it. After all, Jijun treats you as a goddaughter, that's my sister. It's normal to give you some money to buy clothes, but don't feel sorry.

Milan blushed with shame, "I can't borrow this. I'll return it to Jijun when it's opened."

Seeing the eyes around with contempt, Milan just wanted to find a seam to get in.

Zhang Guilan clapped her hand enthusiastically, "What else? Although Jijun only opened thirty-five yuan a month, it's all for you, and I won't say anything. Isn't this money spent? What's more, Jijun divorced you at the beginning, and now it's normal to spend some money on you.

The car was already quiet, and Zhang Guilan's voice was loud again. The origin inside could not be heard as a fool. At first, everyone thought that Zhang Guilan would not live because of Milan's words. Now they don't like Milan. Because of this, they have to spend other people's money when they are divorced, and they look like What does the family owe her? She looks like a good girl. Why does she look like this?

Milan laughed twice, hated it to death, and regretted messing with Zhang Guilan in the car. In the past, he found that he was not Zhang Guilan's opponent, but why did he forget it? Now he is ashamed and complains that he doesn't remember long.

Zhang Guilan closed her eyes and covered the coldness in her eyes. The bus went all the way to the compound, and then she got out of the car with something. Unexpectedly, Luo Jijun would wait at the door of the courtyard. Fifty kilograms of soybean oil was very heavy. Although Zhang Guilan could lift it, she had to take some effort .

Milan shouted shyly, "Jijun, come and pick up Guillain."

Zhang Guilan seriously suspected that if there were no outsiders present, Milan would not have said the following words. Looking at her like a spring, it would be annoying to see her.

Unwant to take another look, Zhang Guilan walked forward with sugar and honey and left the soybean oil barrel directly to Luo Jijun.

The soybean oil barrel is in Luo Jijun's hands, just like there is no weight. It can't affect Luo Jijun. Milan naturally wants to stay and walk with Luo Jijun, but he also knows that he should pay attention to the impact. He ran to Zhang Guilan's side.

"Guilan, let me get some for you."

"It's too heavy. I'll take it myself."

"It's okay, give it to me."

Zhang Guilan was not polite. A flash of succeeding in her eyes and said with a smile on her face, "Oced, then you can take honey."

He handed over 20 catties of honey casually. With the sudden weight, Milan almost returned the things directly to the ground without receiving the weight. Zhang Guilan also asked with concern on his face, "Are you all right? Why don't I take it?"

"It's okay." Milan seemed to guess Zhang Guilan's intention. He took a look at Zhang Guilan, straightened up and walked forward with honey in his arms. "It's much heavier than this at home."

Zhang Guilan squeezed her lips and smiled. Her brain reacted that it was very fast, and she didn't say much. The three of them walked to the building.

I met a few people on the way. When I saw them, I greeted them, and even asked for good things, "Sister-in-law, do you still hire people there?"

Obviously, he knew that Zhang Guilan hired someone for 20 yuan a day.

Zhang Guilan thought of Luo Jijun coming to pick her up, and connected the look of the people in the courtyard together. He also understood a little. As soon as he entered the room and put down his things, Luo Jijun asked Zhang Guiban to go to the east room to talk, and the door opened as soon as it was closed.

"Do you really hire 20 yuan a day?" Luo Jijun was shocked when he heard this and always felt that it was fake.

Twenty yuan a day, which is up to some people's wages.

The whole compound knew it, that is, the leader went to talk to him, and it was impossible for him not to ask.

Zhang Guilan tossed around for a day. She was really tired. She sat back **, "It's only one day. It's only 40 yuan for two people. Besides, I'm tired. I make all those things in a day, and ordinary people don't want to eat it."

"How much money do we have now?" Luo Jijun knew that he was not qualified to ask, but listening to his daughter-in-law's tone, he seemed to be very rich.

At that time, the leader of the team also asked him the same.

"It's only a few hundred." Zhang Guilan didn't lie, "Do you want to use it?"

Luo Jijun sat down and said, "Today, when the leader of the team heard that you invited someone for 20 yuan a day, he came to me and asked me if you were still short of people. Can you use our compound? The salary is not 20 yuan a day, and five yuan a day is also okay. You also know the pain of being a soldier, and it's even harder to be a military sister-in-law. If you have a job, you can be richer at home, but if you don't have a job, you can only point to this salary and use it in your daily life, and you don't have any money left.

"If I didn't promise Jiang Zhi and others before you proposed it, I would have agreed, but I have agreed to others that you can't be untrustful. Forget it this time. Let's have a chance in the future."

Luo Jijun nodded, "That's what I said to the team. After finishing this time, you can rest first. You rely on your own ability to make money without money, but you can't stand that some people will be jealous."

"Good." Zhang Guilan didn't want to do this mung bean cake business anymore. After finishing it this time, she almost had enough money in her hand, so she wanted to open a factory by herself.

But what happened today also made her notice a little. Even if you use people, you can't use your surroundings and acquaintances. It's better to sneak around you. If others are jealous, there will be more problems in daily life.

Luo Jijun felt so wronged to his daughter-in-law. "When it stops for a while, I will ask for leave to accompany you back to your hometown."

Zhang Guilan knew that he was uncomfortable, "Oced."

"I'll do it for dinner." No matter how deep it is to coax Luo Jijun, he won't be able to express it.

"I'll do it." Zhang Guilan stopped him, "If you are free, help me take the mung beans to the grinding disc in the team's canteen and grind them into powder. Last time I grinded them in the village, I can't always go there."

"Empt, I'll go now." Luo Jijun said he would do it.

When the two of them left the East House, Zhang Guilan saw Milan holding a basin in his hand and washing rice. She looked at the two people and said, "I don't know what to do, so I soaked the rice first."

"All right, I'll take the rest." Zhang Guilan took the basin in her hand.

Luo Jijun put on his shoes and went out with a bag of mung beans. Milan's eyes were burning, and he looked at Zhang Guilan's body a few more times. He couldn't wait to see directly through whether the two had quarreled in the East House. Otherwise, how could Jijun resist the mung beans and left?

Zhang Guilan was in a good mood and hummed to cook in the kitchen. During this time, a little soldier came to fight against mung beans. Milan opened the door and asked where to take it. Hearing the little soldier said to take it to the canteen, Milan looked into the kitchen again. Unfortunately, he didn't wait for Zhang Guilan to lose

Milan was actually more understood by Zhang Guilan's words in the morning. Knowing that living here is more and more unfavorable to her. It's better to move out, which will increase Jijun's sense of guilt and gain some sympathy.

Unexpectedly, he didn't have a chance to open his mouth when he came back, and found that the atmosphere was a little wrong. Milan was slightly happy. He thought that when she said her ideas later, Jijun would hate Zhang Guilan even more.

However, when he saw the little soldier resisting back a bag of mung bean powder, he was a little confused. It was not until Luo Jijun came back and the three people sat down for dinner that Milan recovered.

"Jijun, I have found a house. There is a comrade in the unit who wants to go home to live in. The house he rented outside is still due in half a year. He said he would sublease it to me." Milan smiled happily, "I'm going to move there tomorrow. Anyway, there's nothing. I only have a few clothes. I'll take them and live there. I'll lend him something to me first."

"I can't ask for leave. Let Zhang Guilan take you there." Unlike Milan's expectations, Luo Jijun did not keep her.

"No, really don't. Anyway, it's a comrade. I'll do it myself." Milan felt uncomfortable, but his smile became brighter and brighter. "I'm sorry to trouble you and your couple these days. When I fix it, I'll invite you to dinner."

"It's all from the same village. It's not troublesome. Besides, it's Jijun who delayed you for three years, otherwise you would have found a good mother-in-law long ago." Today, I made stewed vermicelli with cabbage. Zhang Guilan put in the leftover meat skin from yesterday, stewed a large pot, and put a little brown sugar, which smelled like braised pork. "If you have anything to do at work in the city, just say hello to us. This is far from home. We are your relatives. Someone will introduce you to I'm not sure if we still have the idea.

Luo Jijun nodded with deep eyes, "Guylan is right. You treat us as relatives. If you have anything to do, just open your mouth. You can look for Guillain when I'm not here."

His statement proved Zhang Guilan's position.

Luo Jijun also felt that his daughter-in-law was right. Milan was obviously interested in himself. He couldn't hurt her, and he had already cut off the idea in her heart. After all, he felt sorry for her. In the past few days, he had inquired in the team about the unmarried conditions and the right person for Milan.

Milan laughed repeatedly and almost burst into tears. Luo Jijun and Zhang Guilan handed over a look. Both of them didn't see it. Until the meal was finished, no one said anything again.