Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 81: The Return of Milan

Zhuang Juan thought for a moment and said tentatively, "Yesterday, I saw Guilan go to buy wine, and Jijun immediately caught up with me. I really love my daughter-in-law and never leave her. The relationship between the two is really good. I don't know when my Milan will have a home. I dare to tell you this

For a long time, in Zhuang Juan's eyes, Guo Ying is a brainless person. What she wants to do can be provoked in a few words, and she is a person who shoots.

This is also the reason why Zhuang Juan dares to come to Guo Ying to inquire about the reality.

I have never paid attention to Guo Ying.

Guo Ying had begun to think wrongly. She just smiled and didn't say anything. She put the folded clothes in the cabinet.

In her heart, she scolded her son and daughter, and even scolded Zhang Guilan thousands of times. Now in this family, she can't hold it. How dare she talk big again, otherwise wouldn't Zhuang Juan laugh?

It's better not to say it than to be laughed at.

When Zhuang Juan saw that Guo Ying didn't say anything, her heart was blocked. "Milan had an operation, and I don't know what's going on with a person there..."

Just in the middle of the words, I saw the girl of the Zhao family next door to the Luo family coming in, "Mother Milan, your Milan is back. You just arrived at the entrance of the village. Why don't you pick her up?"

It turned out that the woman of the Zhao family was a good thing. When she saw Zhuang Juan entering the Luo family, she couldn't wait to fly into the house and listen to what Zhuang Juan and Guo Ying said. It was not until she looked at Milan at the entrance of the village that the Zhao family woman broke in directly, which was justified.

Zhuang Juan was stunned, "Have you arrived at the entrance of the village? My home is Milan?

Guo Ying also stopped her work.

The woman of the Zhao family said, "That's not true. Your Milan look has changed. She is wearing a gray suit. Oh, that spirit looks like a city person and carrying a big package. Go and pick it up quickly."

"Yo, then I have to go. Isn't this child at work? Why did you suddenly come back? When Zhuang Juan heard that her daughter was coming back, she was not only not happy, but also worried. She got up and walked out.

But then he returned. For no other reason, Milan had already come in with his bag.

"Mom, aunt." Milan's sweat, when he entered, he put the bag on the ground first, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his head.

The woman in the Zhao family said loudly, "Oh, you see, I'm right. Isn't this Milan?"

Milan called his aunt with a smile. He was pulled by Zhuang Juan and sat on the kang. Guo Ying also pushed aside the things on the kang and felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Milan, which had become like a cityman.

Look up to chase the woman of the Zhao family, "Her aunt. The child is also back. You can also go home. There is still a lot of work in the field in this spring. Don't delay your words.

So Guo Ying was scolded for having no brains. Whether Milan whispered to his mother or not has nothing to do with you. What kind of door you came out of? After Guo Ying finished speaking, he got a warm smile from the woman of the Zhao family. He twisted his body and snorted coldly.

Look, this offends people.

Obviously, it had nothing to do with her, and she even offended her.

Zhuang Juan winned at her daughter and signaled her to go home to say something later. Milan nodded obediently. Zhuang Juan was also relieved. Guo Ying and Ben didn't notice the small movements between mother and daughter.

It was a concern on Milan's face, "Why did you come back? Isn't it work? Have you asked for leave?"

"Aunkey, aren't I worried about Jijun? I just asked for leave and came back." Milan looked anxious, "Aunkey, why didn't you see Jijun? How is he? You tell him that he must think about it, but he can't give up now.

Guo Ying originally wanted to watch Milan's jokes, but now when she heard her mention her son, she couldn't figure it out. Zhuang Juan beside her was full of excitement and suppressed her laughter, "You child, what's going on? Take your time to tell me. The more you and my aunt listen, the more confused you are."

"Aunkey, don't you know yet?" Milan looked stunned.'s face was stunned.

Guo Ying nodded, "Milan, you've made it clear. What's wrong with Jijun? I just feel strange. For no reason, it's not a festival. Why did he suddenly take a vacation? He didn't say a few days off, let alone when he would go back.

Milan looked regretful and hesitated, "Aunkey, it's actually nothing to do."

Zhuang Juan glanced at Guo Ying and said nothing.

Guo Ying was in a hurry, got up and went down the kang. "If you don't tell me to ask Jijun."

"Aunion, don't be angry. Maybe I heard it wrong. Since Jijun didn't say anything, it's okay." Milan's words flashed, which made people and could not believe her words.

Zhuang Juan also pretended to persuade, "No, don't think too much about it."

Then scolded Milan, "So is your child. It's rare to come back, which will add a blockage to others. Come home with me quickly. If you are sick, don't inform your family, just let me and your father think of you."

Milan was not angry. When he left, he didn't forget to comfort Guo Ying. "Auncle, don't think too much. I'm too worried about Jijun, so I think too much."

After sending away Milan's mother and daughter, Guo Ying was not in the mood to pack up. She also learned to be smart and did not dare to go directly to her son. As soon as she locked the door, she went to the field to find her man for advice.

When Luo Yongzhi heard his wife learn what Milan said when she came back, his face was heavy, "Go back and cook some food, and ask Jijun and his wife to go home to eat in the evening."

What else did Guo Ying want to say? She was stared at by the man and suffocated back.

A person came home and cooked in the evening. In addition to potatoes, there was nothing else to eat with pickles. She was not afraid of being scolded by the men at home. Guo Ying went to the village to make tofu and bought a piece of tofu. In the evening, the dish was tofu stewed with potatoes and cut a bowl of pick

Zhang's family, not long after returning from Milan, Zhang Guilan heard from her mother that she had asked Luo Jijun to go home to eat in the morning. After all, she couldn't stay here, and it's hard to say. Luo Jijun kept saying that it was okay, and Zhang Guilan didn't take care of it any more.

In her dream, she returned to her previous life. She dreamed that Luo Jijun had become the military commander, and the military doctor who accompanied him was still there. Even if she couldn't see the military doctor's face clearly, Zhang Guilan confirmed that it was her.

The two returned to the village with their daughter, and the Luo family had a smile on their faces. Only Guo Ying kept asking when to have a second child. The Luo family could not be broken in Luo Jijun's life. The atmosphere was not good. The camera turned to Luo Jijun and came to Zhang's house again.

Zhang Guilan's heart was sad in her dream for her parents who were highly instructed by the villagers. Her father did not see Luo Jijun. It was her mother Sun Shubo who asked Luo Jijun why he wanted to divorce? Didn't you say you should take care of their daughter for the rest of your life? Why can't people be found now?

Zhang Guilan couldn't hear what Luo Jijun said. Luo Jijun knelt down and kowtowed to his mother, but his mother avoided accepting it, and then Luo Jijun left a pile of money and left.

After waking up, Zhang Guilan looked at Luo Jijun, who was sleeping beside her. She couldn't tell what she felt in her heart. She was more sad when she was sour and astringent. Husband and wife for two lifetimes, was it really just her fault in her last life?

In this life, she wanted to cherish it and tried to make her life better, but the people around her made Zhang Guilan very confused about the future of the two. At present, when she heard her mother mention that Milan had returned to the village, Zhang Guilan's only thought was to be tired.

After Milan arrived in the city, the life at home was not quiet. Now when she returned to the village, Milan came back. She knew that Milan was thinking about Luo Jijun, or she didn't care now. She left everything to Luo Jijun and let him solve it by himself.

Luo Jijun saw that his daughter-in-law was angry. When he heard his daughter-in-law let her go home, he didn't leave. "Dad is on the ground now. Why don't I go to the field?"

In the morning, Luo Jijun was going to go to the ground with Zhang Laowu. He was stopped by Zhang Laowu and his wife and asked him to stay at home to help Zhang Guilan cook lunch. In fact, the real meaning is to let the two have more time to get along with each other.

There was nothing he could do. Luo Jijun had to stay and set fire for Zhang Guilan at noon. Zhang Guilan heated the chicken left yesterday and made a sweet and sour cabbage, and the rice was a steamed bun with two noodles.

After dinner, Zhang Laowu left. Sun Shubo thought for a moment and still told her daughter about Milan. She also wanted to make her ready. After that, Uncle Sun patted her daughter's hand and went to the ground.

"Don't go. Mom will have to come to you in a moment." Zhang Guilan has expected what will happen.

"It's good for Milan to come back, which just shows my attitude and saves the villagers from thinking too much." Luo Jijun sat down and said, "Are you angry?"

Zhang Guilan shook her head, "It's not angry, it's tired. I want to live a good life, as you can see. It's not that I think I can live a good life.

Luo Jijun didn't think so.

If he hadn't been engaged to Milan, if he hadn't sacrificed to save himself on the National Day, if he would have understood his attitude after Guilan got married,,,,

Too much if, but it's useless to regret these now.

"You can't take the initiative to say anything about Milan. After all, she didn't say anything. Maybe something happened when she suddenly came back." Quiet treatment is the best way to treat the Mi family.

"I also found a job for Milan. She has arranged it for the rest of her life, and she doesn't owe her anything. Don't worry, I know what to say." Luo Jijun was obviously bored.

In the city, Milan chased the army and came back, and Milan came back.

It doesn't matter if he is still alone, but he is married. Besides, he made it clear to Milan that day that if she can't think about it, he can't blame him for not giving her mercy.

Zhang Guilan looked at him and suddenly asked, "You won't hide anything from me, will you? It doesn't look like the first time. Are you with Milan?"

When asked this, Zhang Guilan's own heart beat faster.

If this is the case, it is really difficult to solve Milan. In this era, pre-marriage ** is responsible for others.

Luo Jijun's eyes stared, and his expression became serious, "Am I that kind of person in your eyes?"

She was anxious to say it. Zhang Guilan was not angry but relieved. If the two of them really had that kind of relationship, she must divorce.


It's updated normally this time, six o'clock, hey hey, I'm exhausted, RP