Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 134: Home

Zhang Guilan's illness was not good until she returned to the city. She looked expressionless, but it scared Zhu Lan and her. They took her to ask for a while, and then let her go back to ** to lie down.

"I'd better go back to the compound. I haven't been home for several days." After all, that's my home.

Zhang Guilan also planned to take good care of herself. After being ill in the past few days, she obviously felt that her body was not as good as before. She had eaten and her weight had dropped in a straight line. What's more, after realizing that Sun Mei's condition was so good, Zhang Guilan also hesitated. In fact, it was

"You are sick now. You and my eldest brother and I don't trust you when you go home alone. Just stay here." Zhu Lan disagreed, "Look at your thin face. I'll make something good for you these days. Make up for it."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. I can take good care of myself when I go home. Besides, there is an infirmary in the army, which is better than here, and the home is quiet. As soon as I hear the noise, I feel that my brain is about to explode." Zhang Guilan smiled feebly, "I'm saying that I can't lie down when I see you busy."

Bai Song thought for a moment and agreed, "Oy, then you can go back to the compound to take care of it, or close the store for a few days and ask your sister-in-law to accompany you?"

"No, I'm all right now. Is there anything else that I can't take good care of myself?" Zhang Guilan pushed it off with a smile and saw that the time could still catch up with the bus. "Then I'll take the bus. My eldest brother and sister-in-law are busy here."

"Don't think about what's going on here. Take good care of yourself." Zhu Lan asked her man to see the store, "I'm going to send Guilan and help her buy something to take it back. I can't do anything at home."

Zhang Guilan also felt bored all over, so she asked Zhu Lan to go to the market with her. When shopping, Zhu Lan rushed to spend money, and Zhang Guilan did not quarrel with her. Before getting on the car, Zhu Lan asked, "Guilan, what's wrong with you? Did you call Jijun? What did he say?"

"No, sister-in-law, I'm fine."

"Guilan, don't say it's okay. Your sister-in-law doesn't believe it. Seeing that you are obviously in a bad mood, your sister-in-law doesn't know what's wrong with you, but people always have to think about it by themselves. The more difficult it is, the more uncomfortable it is. If you If you can't go, you won't want to. You can't get along with yourself.

"Well, I see." Zhang Guilan didn't expect that what was on her face.

Since Zhu Lan saw it, everyone else saw it, right?

Get on the car, Zhang Guilan sat in the bus and saw Milan and Hu Youguo outside. Hu Youguo followed Milan with a vegetable basket, and it seemed that he had been coaxing Milan, but Milan's face was not good, and he never laughed at Hu Youguo.

Zhang Guilan didn't want to say hello, and she was so far away, but she didn't expect Hu Youguo to see her. He not only waved his hand, but also came to the bus.

"What a coincidence, sister-in-law, are you going back to the compound?" Hu Youguo is very polite.

Zhang Guilan only smiled politely, "Yes, are you buying vegetables?"

Milan has already entered the market and ignored Hu Youguo. Zhang Guilan is surprised what happened, which can make Milan and Hu Youguo not pretend to be and reveal their true feelings.

Hu Youguo's words relieved Zhang Guilan's confusion. "I married Milan last month. She got married a few days after she came back from your house, and she didn't have a banquet, so she didn't deliver a letter to her sister-in-law."

"Ah, this is a good thing." Zhang Guilan was shocked. No wonder Milan has been honest these days. "Congratulations to you."

Hu Youguo scratched his head, "It's just to say hello to my sister-in-law and invite her to dinner when I have a chance. Then I'll go first. Milan is pregnant now, and I don't trust her alone."

Zhang Guilan was stunned again, but this time she really smiled, "Congratulations, you have a child so soon."

Hu Youguo nodded with a smile and got out of the car.

Zhang Guilan's mind is no wonder that Hu Youguo is inferior. It turns out that Milan has support now. No wonder she is so tough. Sure enough, it's good for a woman to have a son.

When she got home, Zhang Guilan saw Yang Zongguo waiting at the gate of the courtyard. She was slightly stunned. Yang Zongguo came up and took the things in her hand. "Bai Song called me and said that you were sick. Let me pick you up. Don't take good care of yourself. Are you all right now? I didn't know until I was sick.

"Yes, so take good care of it this time." Zhang Guilan smiled and didn't say much. Ren Yang Zongguo helped him get things. Seeing that Yang Zongguo was not going to the compound, he asked again, "Where are we going?"

"The army called and said that he was in a hurry to find you. Let's call him back first." Yang Zongguo was secretly glad that Bai Song called late. He didn't know that he was about to tell Luo Jijun that his daughter-in-law was ill. Why didn't that guy worry about him?

Hearing that the man at home grew up, Zhang Guilan's heart was also sweet, which finally gave the gray mood fresh air. When she arrived at the office, Zhang Guilan was not affectionate. She picked up the phone and dialed it.

When the phone was answered, Zhang Guilan couldn't help opening the corners of her mouth, "What's wrong?"

Although the words are not intimate at all, the tone is full of intimacy.

"Do you know about Milan?" Luo Jijun's voice was very heavy.

Zhang Guilan was stunned for a moment, "Is it about Milan's marriage? I know."

And she just knew it today, otherwise she really didn't know what Luo Jijun was going to ask herself.

Luo Jijun's face was dark and gloomy, "Did Milan go to the team at the beginning, do you know?"

"Yes." The smile on Zhang Guilan's face also receded, "What's the problem?"

Originally, the happy mood was gone. His man looked for him because of other women, and the tone of questioning came up, which made people unhappy.

"What's the problem? It's so dark that you let a girl go home. Aren't you worried at all? What should I do if something happens? Haven't you thought about the consequences? I used to think you did a good job. Why are you confused about this matter? Why are you so narrow-minded? I said that I had nothing to do with her, and I also refused her. Why don't you believe it?

Suddenly, Luo Jijun at the other end of the phone shouted, and Zhang Guilan was also angry. "What's wrong with me? You sneaked to my mother's backyard private meeting, but you didn't feel guilty about your open meeting? Why not? It's okay for you to have a private meeting secretly. Go to your own backyard and don't dirty my backyard. Do you think my house is easy to bully? What's wrong with me? She is here to provoke the feelings between husband and wife. Why should I leave her at home? Am I cheap? Am I easy to bully? I think I'm too bully to let you go to my backyard for a private meeting.

Zhang Guilan didn't want to say more, so she dropped the phone.

Regardless of Yang Zongguo's presence, tears crackled. She was so busy with her family affairs that she was so tired that she was sick, and she didn't see him ask. Now she is still fighting for Milan. Has his heart been eaten by the dog?

Yang Zongguo also looked embarrassed, "Guilan, don't cry, Jijun's bad temper. I'll tell him later that I'll send you home first, and you can calm down. There's no quarrel between husband and wife. I'll explain to him then."

Zhang Guilan wiped her tears and said, "It's okay. I'm going to make you laugh."

At this time, the phone on the table rang again.

You don't have to think about it and know that it was Luo Jijun. Zhang Guilan didn't even look at it. "I'll go back first."

"I'll see you off." Yang Zongguo took a look at the phone. At this time, it was useless to explain in detail. It was better to appease the people in front of him first, and then it was not too late to call back.

When Zhang Guilan returned home, he rushed to **, and tears gushed out again.

Yang Zongguo ran back to the office with sweat, picked up the phone and called, "You answered quickly. I know you're in a hurry. If you can't say anything, you can't say it well, which makes your brother and sister cry."

"Jijun, I'm not talking about you. I don't know where Milan got your phone number. Guilan was not at home when Milan came. That's what I said to her. She and I asked me for your phone number, and she also told me about the business of the Bai Song couple. Why don't you ask clearly and lose Yang Zongguo didn't wait for the explanation there, and even said, "My sister-in-law is still sick, and she doesn't look energetic. You can see if you don't care about her. Now she is angry with her. I didn't ask much, but I heard from my sister-in-law that you and Milan were meeting in the backyard. This is your fault. My sister-in-law didn't care about you, and you still lost your temper. You can't have a good life.

"Is she sick? How's it going? What kind of disease? Is it all right?" Luo Jijun was in a hurry, "Aren't I also in a hurry? If something hadn't happened to Milan, I wouldn't have called me, and I wouldn't have lost my temper. I couldn't help it for a while. She didn't have such a bad temper in the past.

"If people let you go again, you won't be afraid to lose your temper if you want to lose your temper? You really bully people because they have a good temper, don't you? Yang Zongguo felt that he was late enough in terms of feelings. He didn't expect that there was something later than himself. "This time, you are not right. No matter what happens to Milan, you have to blame herself. You can't blame others. Don't look at the other party's weakness and sympathize with each other. Some people are It's your own beneficial interests.

"Milan was jian by Hu Youguo on the way back. She married Hu Youguo for fame, and now she is pregnant." Luo Jijun also knew that Yang Zongguo was right. He was depressed and made excuses for the mistake just now.

Yang Zongguo was slightly stunned and asked, "Is the Hu family good to her?"

Luo Jijun didn't speak.

He only received a phone call from Milan, saying that he was forced, and that he was pregnant and could not marry Hu Youguo. He also heard that something happened because his daughter-in-law did not keep her at home. Luo Jijun didn't want to ask anything. RS