Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 224: Congratulations

Bai Song took Luo Jijun and Chen You around the factory, and finally took the two to the dormitory of the employees. In fact, it was the place where Dongzi lived. In the first year of this year, Dongzi and others had not picked up their families and usually lived here.

"You have also seen that you have to sign a confidentiality agreement when you enter the factory. If someone leaks the things in the factory, you have to bear legal responsibility." Bai Song looked at Chen You with a smile, "The technology in our factory is something that others can't buy even if they want to spend a lot of money. After all, this is a way to get money every day. Whoever gets it can use it to earn enough money for a lifetime. So not everyone who enters the factory can come in.

When Chen You heard that the technology could advance day by day, his eyes lit up, but he still listened politely and did not speak with an airs. Bai Song thought of Zhang Guilan's explanation and knew it in his heart, "In this case, you can stay. Start from the lowest floor first and be a doorman. It's also 30 yuan The welfare of the holiday is coming.

Luo Jijun looked at Chen You. Chen You nodded. Even if this matter was settled, Chen You went to work that day, and Luo Jijun left.

Previously, Luo Jijun didn't understand when he heard that his daughter-in-law asked Chen You to work in the factory he opened. When his daughter-in-law did this, no matter what Chen You did, the shame would not spread to the outside, and he also understood that his daughter-in-law was thinking about himself everywhere. Luo Jijun was The son is also running.

When he arrived in the army, Luo Jijun was called to the office by Sun Hai. " Jijun, there is a place for further training on it. I have signed up for you. In the next few days, you can go home to pack up your things, accompany your daughter-in-law, and then go for further study."

After knowing his daughter's thoughts, Sun Hai thought a lot and asked the little officer around him to go out and inquire again. By the way, he was shocked. He didn't expect that his daughter-in-law and daughter had done so many things behind his back, especially if most of the rooms were empty, he could make people vacated.

Using his hand to stretch out so long, Sun Hai was very angry. After thinking about it carefully, he also felt sorry for Luo Jijun, especially when he was saving people, but he was correcting him like this. Originally, the quota for further study had to be agreed upon. Sun Hai knew that Luo Jijun also had a great chance, but he still used his Rating Luo Jijun's name can be regarded as a compensation for him.

"Yes, thank you for cultivating it." Luo Jijun saluted.

Sun Hai looked at Luo Jijun more and more satisfied, "Go back and work hard. You still have a long way to go."

"Yes." Only then did Luo Jijun withdraw.

After he came out, he was not in a hurry to go home. When he went to Yang Zongguo, he saw that he was frowning alone. Someone came in and didn't notice it. It was not until Luo Jijun knocked on the table that he came to his senses.

"What's going on at home?"

"What can happen at home? Isn't it about moving? Today, Song Weidong and others also came with me. I heard that Guilan was pregnant. Let's take a look and help me move on the way. Yang Zongguo came to his senses.

Knowing that he didn't tell the truth, Luo Jijun did not ask deeply, "It's okay to come. Today, I will receive a notice and go to study in a few days. I can prepare at home in the next few days. It happens that everyone is also gathering. Do you have any news?"

"No, I guess it's almost time." The people who went this time were all determined internally. Yang Zongguo was not in a hurry. He picked up the hat on the table and said, "Let's go home together."

Obviously, I want to be absent from work, and I am obviously in a bad mood.

Luo Jijun knew it and took Yang Zongguo home.

Zhang Guilan was tired enough at home. She removed all the covered quilts. When Luo Jijun was not at home in the morning, she went to the mall to buy a washing machine. After returning home, she cleaned up the house while washing clothes. When the quilts were cooled, Luo Jijun and Yang Zongguo also came.

Seeing that his family was refreshing, Luo Jijun was in a good mood, "Didn't you say wait for me to come back to wash?"

"I bought laundry, so it's easy."

"Empt, you can buy whatever you like." Luo Jijun had no money, and he was a little lack of confidence when he spoke.

Yang Zongguo also smiled, "I didn't find the feeling of home until I arrived at your house. The room smelled of soap. It's clean."

The three people laughed. When Yang Zongguo and Luo Jijun came back, they also bought vegetables. They went to the kitchen and let Zhang Guilan rest. Zhang Guilan answered with a smile and discussed with Luo Jijun about calling his family.

"I inquired. We can make it cheaper in the compound. Let's put one in our house, and it's convenient to use." The family has money now, and it's not short of money.

"It's good, but it's a lot of money."

"Don't worry about this." Seeing that he agrees, Zhang Guilan can let it go.

When I heard that Luo Jijun was going to study, he was on holiday these days, and he thought that he would put on the phone in the next few days, so that when he went to study, the two could often contact each other, otherwise it would be too slow to rely on communication.

I knew that the people in the compound were coming in the afternoon, and it was easy for the three people to eat at noon. After a simple bite, the three of them cleaned up before going to the compound of Yang Zong's country.

The courtyards on both sides are not far away, only two streets away. When the three people arrived, the big truck had arrived. People were busy moving things down. Zhang Guilan saw several familiar figures, including Wang Li and Zhao Chunmei. Jiang Zhi was the most eye-catching. He stood aside with the child in his arms, as if he wanted to help but It looks like getting started.

"Ah, sister-in-law, I heard that you are pregnant. Congratulations." Wang Li loved to be smart and was lazy at work. When she saw Zhang Guilan enter the courtyard, she quickly put down her work and greeted her.

"It's nothing. What's the congratulations?" Zhang Guilan said politely, "Have you finished moving things?"

While looking at the truck, Jiang Zhi also came over at this time, "There are a lot of things I didn't want, so I moved some useful things back, and the other sister-in-law Yang gave us all the things."

"Yes, I have everything to move back to the city, and I don't need it." Wang Li's tone was sour.

Zhao Chunmei came out of the building at this time and saw that Zhang Guilan also came over. "My sister-in-law is now a double-body person, so she said that she would go to your house after moving."

Last time, I had never had a chance to return such a big favor. Now when I heard that Zhang Guilan was pregnant, Zhao Chunmei wanted to come and have a look. Although there was nothing, I was finally close to it.

Several people stood in the courtyard and talked, which also attracted the attention of many people in the courtyard. In the past, Zhang Guilan's reputation was not very good, but now when she saw people talking around Zhang Guilan, she found that she was very popular.

When Shang Hong came out, she saw Zhang Guilan squeeze out a smile and didn't say anything. Looking at the people moving things and following them into the room, Wang Li was gloating.

"Sister-in-law, you don't know yet, do you? Someone bumped into Camp Leader Yang holding Zhao Xue, the new military doctor in our team.

Zhao Chunmei drank her, "Don't talk nonsense. Dr. Zhao explained to someone. He almost fell down. Camp commander Yang took her and was seen. Everyone misunderstood."

Wang Li curled her lips and said, "You only believe in such an excuse."

"If you don't like it, I can see that everyone in the compound believes it. Don't talk nonsense anymore. You are not afraid of people listening to it in such a place." Zhao Chunmei warned her.

"That Shang Hong doesn't look good. Look at her face and see that everyone owes her money." Wang Li was not convinced and gave an example.

"That's someone else's business. What do you care about?" Zhao Chunmei sneered and said, "If you say it, no one can control you, but it's not that you don't know your Song Weidong's temper. It's up to you."

Because she used to talk nonsense, she was taken to the canteen to pick vegetables. Now after Zhao Chunmei's reminder, Wang Li is quiet.

Jiang Zhi held the child and didn't say a word again.

The clothes worn by the three people are still the ones that Zhang Guilan gave to the three of them last time. Obviously, they were kept for the door. The clothes were very clean and there were no folds on them.

Seeing that the atmosphere was frozen, Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Let's eat at my house tonight. Jijun and Zongguo will buy the vegetables back at noon. It will be done in the evening. Let's go there after moving."

In this way, the embarrassment just now was overturned.

Zhang Guilan didn't expect such a thing to happen. Thinking of Zhao Xue, that person is straightforward and jealous of evil. He is not like a person who is all the way with Sun Mei, and he will not make that kind of invisible hook-up. In this way, it can be seen that it is really a misunderstanding.

However, listening to Wang Li's meaning, Shang Hong is very concerned about this matter. Thinking that Yang Zongguo is no different today, it can be seen that people didn't pay attention to this matter. Now his men also have such rumors. I don't know how Shang Hong feels.

When the men had moved out, Zhang Guilan entered the room and said hello to Mrs. Yang before going home with everyone, leaving only Shang Hong to pack up with Mrs. Yang.

Mrs. Yang looked envious, "Shang Hong, you and Zong Guo have also remarried. Hurry up and have a child."

Shang Hong's hands packed up slightly, "Mom, I know."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Mrs. Yang shook her head and turned into the room. Although her son got back together again, every time she was with Shang Hong, Mrs. Yang couldn't go back to the original feeling. It's like seeing through a person. Even if she has become better now, as long as she sees her, she Those stains.

There was only one left in the living room. Shang Hong sat in the sofa in a daze, thinking that a group of people left happily. Only she stayed and couldn't say that she was uncomfortable in her heart, especially the two people still fake remarriage. Until now, Yang Zongguo did not mention the remarriage procedures, and even spread

Yang Zongguo didn't even explain a word. Seeing that he didn't care about his appearance, Shang Hong's anger could not come out, so he could only make himself half angry. RS