Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 328: The Mi family had an accident

Zhang Guilan returned home from the hospital, and the house became lively again. Zhu Lan and her child were sent to Zhang Guilan's house by Bai Song. During the day, she stayed at Zhang Guilan's house. At night, Bai Song came to pick up people. There was a child, and people also found the topic.

In addition to Tian Xiaoyue, there are two pregnant women.

If there is anything he doesn't understand, he pulls Zhu Lan to ask. Where Zhu Lan can't understand, Mrs. Zhou and Sun Shubo help explain. Luo Jijun also sits aside and listens. Zhang Guilan sees that he is still very serious and sweet in his heart.

Counting that there is still a month and a half before the family planning, Zhang Guilan's heart is also nervous. If she is pregnant, she will give birth prematurely. After pregnancy, she didn't leave much, especially later she gave birth again. She can't give birth. She must have a caesarean section. She also discussed with Luo Jijun. No matter how you dissecre the person, you will also suffer.

When Zhu Lan was cooking in the kitchen at noon, the door of the Luo family was knocked.

Zhu Lan opened the door and saw the people outside. He was stunned, "Who are you looking for?"

Isn't it impossible for this compound to come in casually? Why didn't you see the little soldier send someone here?

"Is this Luo Jijun's family?" Zhuang Juan opened her mouth carefully.

Zhu Lan nodded, "Are you?"

"I'm Milan's mother." Zhuang Juan was afraid that the other party would refuse to let him in. "I have an emergency with Luo Jijun. It's a matter of life. Let me see Jijun."

Hearing that she was Milan's mother, Zhu Lan was not happy. When she heard that she came to ask for help, she knew that there was no good thing. Everyone found the door and could not stop people from coming in.

"Zijun, someone is looking for you." Zhu Lan didn't say much, turned around and shouted in the study.

I turned around and went back to the kitchen.

Sun Shubo was stewing vegetables in the kitchen. Seeing Zhu Lan coming in, she also asked, "Is it Jijun's comrade-in-arms?"

"It's Milan's mother." Zhu Lan only knew Milan, and then he remembered that Sun Shubo was from the same village, "Give mother, do you want to go out to meet?"

Sun Shubo was not in a hurry to go out and took the stewed chicken out of the pot. "As soon as she came, she said to find Jijun?"

"Yes." Zhu Lan was not full either. "As soon as people come in, they say that they want to find Jijun for their lives."

"Then let's wait until we finish talking to Jijun." I'm not looking for myself.

Zhu Lan smiled and counted the dishes on the stove. "Gui Lan said she wanted to drink soup and make a seaweed egg soup."

"Ok, just fry some cooked soybean oil and get some chili oil. Guilan can't live without a meal of chili now. I think she must be a woman in her stomach." Sun Shubo likes both men and women, and she is worried about Luo Jijun.

"What's wrong with the girl? At that time, I also thought that if only this baby was a girl. After giving birth to a son, I just came to marry a sister-in-law like Guilan, and I had to give up. It's better to have a daughter and find a mother-in-law for her, which is more worry-free than anything else. Zhu Lan really thought so.

"This is the reason, but no one needs a successor. Guilan is married to a soldier and can't violate the regulations. Even if she can take out the money she was fined, she can't be reborn. Besides, she is pregnant with twins this time, and she can't take it anymore." When Sun Shubo heard Zhu Lan's persuasion, he was more relaxed.

Outside, Luo Jijun heard that someone was looking for him and strode out. When he saw that it was Zhuang Juan, he was also stunned. He still invited people in and entered Luo's house. Zhuang Juan glanced around and sighed in her heart that if it was her daughter, she would not have asked for someone as low as she is today.

"Aunkey, what's wrong with you?" After waiting for someone to sit down, Luo Jijun asked.

Zhang Guilan, Tian Xiaoyue and Mrs. Zhou in the bedroom thought that Luo Jijun's comrades-in-arms were coming, but no one came out. They were all talking in the room, which also made Zhuang Juan relieved. Otherwise, she really didn't know how to speak in front of a group of people.

"Jijun, something happened to Milan. I can't help her now. I really have no way to go, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to come." Without waiting for Luo Jijun to ask, Zhuang Juan began to learn, "Hu Youguo has a woman outside. He got a divorce and asked Milan to take the child away, but he didn't take a penny to raise the child. Milan is now taking out with the child. He has no money. Where he has not been to go, the Women's Federation wants to If Hu Youguo doesn't take a penny, they can only wait to starve to death. We are from the countryside. How can we get over the Hu family? Now the child is so hungry that he cries and has no money to buy milk powder. I can only beg you to come here.

Zhuang Juan said it quickly, but Luo Jijun still understood it.

She was not in a hurry to open her mouth. Zhuang Juan knew that she dared to come to the door now, but she saw that Luo Jijun was kind-hearted. With the help of what her daughter did, even if Luo Jijun borrowed her own family, she had paid it off.

"Jijun, my aunt knows that she has no face to come here today to beg you. Milan has done a lot of wrong things, but she has also been punished as she deserves. Now that she has come to such an end and lost her job, the punishment for her should be enough. If she is herself, her aunt will not beg you. The main reason is that there is a nursing child, and the child is innocent. Even now when I take Milan back to the countryside, I can't afford to live. As you and your uncle know, I moved from a foreign country, and I have no land. When I was in the countryside, I also made some money by working for other people's homes. A little land is enough for three people to eat, but the children will need more and more, " Zhuang Juan is a woman who is very good at talking and doing things. She is not as shrewd as before, and her whole body looks flattened.

"Aunkey, what I can help is limited. This is Milan's family matter. I'm an outsider and it's not easy to manage. You let Milan sue, and let the Hu family pay alimony, which is the only way. Luo Jijun gave an idea.

"We have also inquired. I heard that the prosecution procedures are very cumbersome, and the lawsuit may not be won in the end. You also know something about the situation in our family. Your uncle and I are all odd jobs, and we can't get involved." Zhuang Juan talked about the difficulties at home.

"What do you want me to do?" Luo Jijun asked directly.

The left one can't do it, and the right one can't do it. Luo Jijun can't figure out what the Mi family is going to do.

Zhuang Juan lowered her head awkwardly, "Your uncle and I mean to let you talk to the Hu family."

"In what capacity?" Luo Jijun asked rhetorical.

Zhuang Juan knew that she would encounter embarrassment when she came today, just like at this time, "Milan's brother."

This is also discussed at home. Let Luo Jijun talk to the Hu family as Mi Bangan's brother. Luo Jijun's identity is there. The Hu family must not dare not give a penny, so that the matter can be easily solved.

At that time, the family was worried that there was nothing they could do. This was the way that Milan came up with.

Finally, the couple discussed it, which was really a good idea.

But whoever comes will become a problem. Zhuang Juan also knows that there is no other way but herself.

Luo Jijun smiled. Only those who knew him knew that a man like ice would smile faintly. If he was abnormally a demon, he must be angry.

But Zhuang Juan didn't know Luo Jijun. She was relieved to see him smile, "Jijun, aunt knows that this is embarrassing you. Aunt must do what she says. This is the last time to bother you. For the sake of Milan's engagement with you at the beginning, and for the sake of her waiting for you for three years, help her this time, not for her face, but also for the sake of the child.

It depends on the face of the people in front of him. Luo Jijun will not listen to Zhuang Juan say so much. In the end, his heart is soft because of the child.

"I can't go." Luo Jijun refused directly, "I sympathize with the child, and I still suggest that you fight for alimony through legal means. I'm suspended now. Something happened at home. I don't know if you've heard about it? In the past, it has no effect on the Hu family. Aunt, I was sorry for Milan at the beginning. I did everything I had to do and made up for it. I don't know about the work, but I believe that if she hadn't asked for three days off, I wouldn't have fired her. Luo Jijun had heard Yang Zongguo talk about this for a long time.

Milan always asked for leave. Originally, it was entered by relationship. Now, it has caused a lot of dissatisfaction. People rely on the relationship of the Yang family. The Yang family can't make trouble for themselves because of an outsider.

Zhuang Juan's face suddenly turned red, "There are too many things at home. Milan takes care of the children alone, and the children are always sick. Otherwise, how can she ask for leave if she works well?"

As for the matter of the Luo family, of course she knows.

At that time, I still felt very happy. It was said that God opened my eyes, and the Luo family finally got retribution. Unexpectedly, the feng shui flowed, and in a blink of an eye, I came to the Luo family next time in my junior high school.

Now I have been rejected so bluntly, which is too far from my own expectation.

"Zijun, now there is no one else to help the child except you. I've also heard something about you. Anyway, it will be useful for you to go now." What Zhuang Juan said is also half right.

The matter of Luo Jijun has been made clear. Of course, the Hu family is afraid of Luo Jijun.

But now it is obvious that Luo Jijun doesn't want to go.

Zhuang Juan got up and suddenly knelt down in front of Luo Jijun, "Jijun, auntie, please."

"Aunkey, what are you doing?" Luo Jijun stood up and helped her.

Zhuang Juan was pulled up hard, and she knelt down again. The two of them pulled like this in the living room. When the people in the kitchen and the bedroom heard the noise, they all came out, and Zhang Guilan also stroked her waist and walked out.

"What's the matter?" Old man Luo also came out.

Zhang Guilan was also shocked to see that Zhuang Juan was the person who came. Then she immediately thought that Zhuang Juan must have something to ask for, otherwise she would not have been kneeling like this. Luo Jijun has been refusing, which seems to be related to Milan.

"Brother, we really have no way out. Please persuade Jijun to help Milan and help the child. The child is only one year old." Zhuang Juan cried and burst into tears.

No one can bear to see it.

Sun Shubo still held a rice shovel in her hand and looked up at her daughter. Zhang Guilan shook her head at her mother. Zhang Laowu stood behind Luo Laoliu with a strong face. RS