Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 336: Production

There is no movement in the delivery room, which makes people anxious.

Sun Shubo wiped her tears in a hurry. Mrs. Zhou persuaded her that there was no movement in the delivery room, and she couldn't wait for Luo Jijun to come. Mrs. Zhou asked her daughter-in-law to call again.

Tian Xiaoyue was also very anxious. She borrowed the phone from the hospital and dialed it. They originally lived in a military hospital and took good care of their family members. As soon as they heard that the man was going to borrow the phone to find a maternity, he knew that it was another military sister-in-law.

After talking on the phone and hearing Zhou Fuguo's voice, Tian Xiaoyue couldn't help complaining, "What's going on? Guillain is in the delivery room. Why haven't you come yet?

"This is not that Jijun is talking to the chief above. I'm waiting for someone. As soon as he comes out, I will ask him to come to me. Let's go to the hospital together." Zhou Fuguo was also very anxious, "How's Guilan? Be careful. You are still pregnant in your stomach. Don't be too excited. Isn't there still some days before production? Why are you going to give birth today?

"I don't know. I only heard that the widow in the store came to say a few words to Guilan. When the person was sent away, Guilan would have a movable property." Tian Xiaoyue was also very nervous. "You said it hurts to have a baby, right? I don't know what's going on with Guilan in it. Now that I think about it, I don't want to give birth.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Fuguo knew that she was scared. "Look, which woman is afraid of having a baby? It's not all born. When you give birth, I will ask for leave in advance to accompany you."

Tian Xiaoyue smiled. The two unconsciously chatted for more than ten minutes before Tian Xiaoyue came to her senses, "Just chat with you. Isn't it time for Jijun to finish?"

"Empt, hang up first. I'll go and have a look." Zhou Fuguo told her to be careful before he hung up the phone.

Tian Xiaoyue walked back. When he saw Luo Jijun in the corridor, he was stunned for a moment and blinked again. He was sure that he was right, so he greeted him, "Aren't you talking to the chief?"

"I listened to the letter from the little soldier and came over." Luo Jijun was too anxious to go to Zhou Fuguo.

Tian Xiaoyue rubbed his forehead, "Ok, I'll call Fu Guo again."

I've been waiting for someone over there, and everyone here has arrived.

When Tian Xiaoyue called back, the corridor was full of people. Bai Song and his wife came and brought the child. Liu Xiaolan and the little mute, plus herself and her mother-in-law, as well as the old couple of the Zhang family, Luo Laohan and his son. In less than half an hour, Zhou Fuguo and Yang Zongguo Shi came over and reminded him to be quiet twice, for fear that there would be a lot of noise.

These twelve people waited outside. They watched Luo Jijun lean against the wall, stared straight at the delivery room, and didn't say anything. Seeing that no one bothered him like this, Bai Song talked to Zhou Fuguo and Yang Zongguo. On the other hand, Mrs. Zhou and Zhu Lan comforted Sun Shubo. It can be seen that everyone I looked at the delivery room from time to time.

As soon as the door moved, Luo Jijun greeted him, and the speaker also surrounded him. He saw two little nurses coming back and forth, still holding the child in their arms, "Zhang Guilan's family?"

"I am, I am." Luo Jijun was so nervous that he didn't look steady on weekdays.

Everyone looked at the baby in the nurse's arms, just waiting for the nurse to speak.

"Congratulations, both of them are sons." The little nurse handed the child over.

Luo Jijun stretched out his hand and withdrew again. Looking at his appearance, everyone laughed.

"Let's give it a hug." Sun Shubo pulled Mrs. Zhou forward.

The two took the child and hugged it together to show everyone. "Look, it's exactly the same."

"The second army is really a good life, two sons."

"Look at these two kids, they are really fat."

"No, it's fatter than the one in my family when I was born." Zhu Lan also squeezed forward with the child in her arms.

"It's really like a follower." Zhou Fuguo was also quite shocked. He looked straight, "So it's so small."

This made everyone laugh.

Yang Zongguo was so envious that he only watched quietly.

It was Luo Jijun who kept looking into the delivery room. Seeing the little nurse who came out with the child first, he hurriedly stopped someone and asked, "Examp; how long will it take for my wife to come out?"

"The mother is suturing the wound, and it will take a while to come out. Adults know how to take care of the child, right? On the first day of today, don't breastfeed your child. Go to the nurse's desk to get a bottle of glucose water later, which is good for the child's spleen and stomach. Breastfeed tomorrow. Don't wash it too hard.

"Okay, okay." How could Mr. Luo understand? He only answered happily beside him.

I didn't think what would happen if he had a grandson before, but when he saw his grandson with his own eyes, his heart was about to melt away. These two fat kids had to make the villagers envy him for a lifetime.

"We have breast milk, which is good for children." Sun Shubo felt that nothing was good for anyone.

"Yes, it's this reason." Mrs. Zhou looked at the fat boy in her arms and smiled unconcerarily. "When Gui Lan comes out, I'll go home to stew pig soup for her to ensure milk."

"Look at these two kids. Fortunately, they are cut, otherwise they will give birth, but I don't know how much they will suffer." Sun Shubo thought of her daughter inside and felt sad again.

"Okay, okay, now adults and children are safe, that's all right. Women have to go through this level in their lives. Guilan still comes two at a time, but she has cultivated the blessings. Mrs. Zhou liked it more and more. "I just hope that there will be two in my Xiaoyue's belly."

"I heard that I can do that now." Sun Shubo didn't know much about it, so she still heard what her daughter said.

Mrs. Zhou squeezed her lips and smiled, "I've seen it. It's one."

I still laughed and couldn't close my mouth.

The two hugged the child and chatted. Now that the child came out, the men were also relieved and went out to smoke.

Only Luo Jijun stayed.

Half an hour later, Zhang Guilan was pushed out and fell asleep. Luo Jijun looked distressed, "Doctor, how is she?"

"The anesthetic hasn't passed yet. It will take three days to get out of bed. You have to bother to go to the toilet these days." The doctor told me.

Luo Jijun carefully remembered every sentence and went all the way to the ward. Under the guidance of the doctor, he moved Zhang Guilan to the hospital**. The little nurse also took the hanging bottle and tied it for Zhang Guilan. Two more strollers were pushed in, and then the ward was quiet.

Mrs. Zhou and Sun Shubo were reluctant to let go of the child, but they came to the hospital in a hurry and didn't bring anything for the child. When Sun Shubo saw Luo Jijun sitting by the bed and looking at her daughter, she smiled at ease.

Waiting for the men to come back from the outside, Sun Shubo put the child in the stroller and asked his man to come over and talk, "Go home and bring everything for the child, as well as Guilan's change of clothes... and a thermos bottle..."

Zhang Laowu interrupted her, "So much, I'm not careful. Let's go back and get it together. Whatever you see, bring it all at once. Now the child is asleep, and there is no need to hug him. Guilan still has Jijun. We can clean it up when we go back now, and we don't have toss around.

Sun Shubo thought for a moment, "It's okay. I'll talk to Jijun."

As soon as Sun Shubo said that she wanted to go back to pick up things, Luo Laohan also wanted to go back to help. Mrs. Zhou said that she wanted to make pig kicking soup, so Tian Xiaoyue also went back together. After all, her stomach is big now.

The boy of Zhu Lan's family was still young. Sun Shubo also asked her to carry the child back and asked Bai Song to send the mother and son back. As soon as Liu Xiaolan saw that everyone had left, she left. Finally, Luo Jijun, Zhou Fuguo and Yang Zongguo were left in the ward.

"You turned over this time and got two sons in one fell swoop. I don't know how many people envy you now." Zhou Fuguo patted him on the shoulder, looked at **'s Zhang Guilan, and his eyes shook.

A kind-hearted and smiling woman can always be happy.

Yang Zongguo is also envious, "Congratulations, Jijun."

"Don't worry, you will all have sons in the future." Luo Jijun held his daughter-in-law's hand and talked to the two happily.

"You can't be the same as you. You are two. Look, the sound of sleep is really obedient. Zhou Fuguo stood next to the crib, looking at the tender skin and didn't dare to touch it.

It was a faint smile on Yang Zongguo's face, and he only looked at it and didn't say anything.

Speaking of the two sons, Luo Jijun smiled. Although it was faint, it could be seen that he was very happy.

Even Luo Jijun himself felt that he was still in a dream. He had been talking to the leader in the team before. When he came out, he heard the letter from his daughter-in-law's birth, so he rushed here for fear of missing the birth of the child. Looking at the daughter-in-law lying on **, he felt guilty. He

With such a big belly, she is still worried about her affairs, but she hasn't done anything for her. If she loses her career because of herself, she is really not a man.

Luo Jijun went up with his superiors today to explain his daughter-in-law's business. From his daughter-in-law to the village alone to buy mung beans, he walked home in the middle of the night, and then helped his friends open a shop until today.

After saying that, he didn't know that his daughter-in-law worked so hard that he was silent when he saw the leader. Luo Jijun believed that they also understood. Before he came out, he received the news that his daughter-in-law was going to give birth, and the car was also approved by the superior leader.

The ward was not quiet for a long time, and I don't know how Song Weidong got the news. They came with Wang Baijun and his own, and the four of them were carrying two baskets of eggs.

When the old couple of the Zhang family and the old man Luo came with things, the people in the ward were full again.

Zhou Fuguo looked at it and got up and left. "My mother's hot pot is also going to be stewed. Let's go get the hot pot. You can talk first."

Yang Zongguo and Song Weidong and Wang Baijun haven't seen each other for a few days. The three of them took Luo Jijun out to talk together. The women stayed in the room to look after the children. After Zhang Laowu and Luo Laohan came back from picking up things, they had been around the crib. Guess which one was the eldest

As soon as the two of them argued about this issue, Sun Shubo wanted to come straight. Previously, she only cared about happiness and forgot to ask which one was born first. Now it's all mixed up, and it can't be separated from the original. RS