Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 365: Revenge

Zhou Chengcai was beaten by his father and lost face, and hated Luo Haiying in his heart.

He didn't dare to touch Luo Jijun, but he was not afraid of Luo Haiying.

The next day, when he heard that Luo Jijun and Zhang Guilan had left, Zhou Chengcai began to calculate.

However, as soon as he left the house, Dong Chunhong followed him with the child in his arms. Zhou Chengcai wanted to find an opportunity to clean up Luo Haiying. Now Dong Chunhong is following him. It's not convenient, and he naturally doesn't want to.

"What are you doing with me?"

"It's not a shamesome thing. Are you still afraid that people will follow you? Luo Jijun and his couple also came yesterday. What did they say? You should understand, right? No matter how brazen you are to go to Luo Haiying, you don't know how to be looked down upon by Luo Haiying, or do you like to be regarded as a dog by Luo Haiying. If you are asked to come, you can come, and if you leave? Dong Chunhong saw that Zhou Chengcai could only settle down for one day. Now when he heard that Luo Jijun and his couple had left, he immediately left the house. Why didn't he go to find Luo Haiying?

The more Dong Chunhong thought about it, the angrier she became. "Zhou Chengcai, people want faces, trees and barks. Don't you always feel that you are superior? What is it like you are chasing behind Luo Haiying now? It really makes me look down on you."

Zhou Chengcai has had enough of being scolded by his parents. Now he is still scolded by Dong Chunhong. How can he stand it? He was slapped down. Despite the crying of the child in Dong Chunhong's arms, he pointed and scolded, "What are you? If it hadn't been for the Zhou family's pity on you, you would have been a beggar now. Now you still dare to point to my scold me. I think it's just after eating for a few days to make you forget what you are. I tell you, you can get out of here if you look down on me. The Zhou family didn' Shameless things, how dare you point at me like this and scold me again?

There was a fight in the yard, and the front and back yards heard it.

Zhou Shumin was picking vegetables in the back garden. Hearing the people in front of him quarrel, he threw the basket directly in his hand and strode to the front yard. Unfortunately, when I heard the letter in the front and back yard and read it, I knew it was too late.

"You beast, why don't you go back to the house?" Zhou Shumin wanted the people in the village to watch the fun, and they had already gone up to beat people.

Zhou Cheng didn't know that his father was afraid to be outside. How can I go into the house to be beaten and scolded? I'll sneak over first, and I don't want to think about it later. "Dad, you always scold me. Look at her and think that giving birth to a son to our family is a meritorious official, pointing to my nose? Why am I also an old man? Let her point to her nose? Will I still be working outside in the future? The Zhou family's face was lost. It's reasonable for me to scold her. If you don't believe it, look at her. That face didn't look like he was wrong, and he stared at me fiercely.

Zhou Shumin listened to his son's words and looked at the past. It was not true. He only saw his usual honest daughter-in-law. At this moment, he is staring at his son fiercely, with the hatred in his eyes, he can't wait to kill his son.

Zhou Shumin's heart was a lin, "Chun Hong, what's going on?"

If the couple become enemies, it will be difficult to do it in case of the wrong move.

"Dad. I know I don't have the right to speak at our house, but look at him. Luo Jijun and his wife just left, and he is about to go to find Luo Haiying. I'm not here for his good. Saying that we are pestering the Luo family, I don't know how to look down on us. I said that to him, and he still hit me. Dong Chunhong was questioned by her father-in-law, and she became more and more wronged. "The Luo family has no good intentions. If Luo Haiying really likes to become a talent, how can she eloped with others? Now she comes back to seduce a talent. She doesn't want our family to have a bad life and make the villagers laugh at it. I'm not stopping him for this family.

Dong Chunhong and the child, the two of them stood in the yard crying.

Again, it seems that the Zhou family is bullying Dong Chunhong and has no support.

Zhou Shumin stared at his son fiercely, "Chunhong, don't listen to him. You're right. From now on, you can take care of him. If he dares to say anything again, you can tell your father.

Liao Youxia came back from the backyard with a basket and also came to coax, "Chunhong, don't cry. Come into the house with your mother and let your father clean up the bastard."

Dong Chunhong knew that if he made trouble again, it would only make the old couple of the Zhou family unhapproached. He nodded and followed Liao Youxia into the house. Zhou Cheng knew that his father still had to scold himself. He turned around and walked out, "I'll go to Li Er's house to have a look."

"Son of a bitch, I'm telling you, if you want to make trouble for me again, I'll break your leg." Some people watched it, and Zhou Shumin couldn't say it too clearly, so he could only talk about his son.

I also know that I can't bring my son back now, and I have to let the villagers see jokes. I just hold my breath and wait for him to come back in the evening to deal with him.

Zhou Chengcai really went to Li Er's house in the village. Unfortunately, Li Er went to the field. Zhou Chengcai wandered around the village alone. After Zhou Chengcai's marriage went wrong, the villagers were polite to him, no different from before, but secretly he was far away from him.

Zhou Chengcai himself knew it, and he didn't pay attention to the villagers. Seeing Milan weeding in the garden, Zhou Chengcai's eyes lit up and walked over and stood on the edge of the wall talking to her, "Milan, do you want your work in the village? How can the work in the city be compared with that in the village, your man?

Knowing that the Mi family is coming back, Zhou Chengcai has never met Milan.

Milan didn't want to listen to him. "If you don't have a job, you will naturally come back. It's not like you. You can rely on your parents."

Zhou Chengcai whistled, "It's a pity. I don't know how many people in our village envied you at the beginning. Before you were envious, you came back, but let them hit their own mouths."

Knowing that he was mocking himself, Milan bowed his head and pulled the grass without saying anything.

In the current situation at home, Milan did not dare to offend Zhou Chengcai too much. Unlike in the past, he never paid attention to Zhou Chengcai. He had long known that he was a parasite who could only rely on his parents. Later, he messed with men and women in the town, so he looked down on him.

Zhou Chengcai saw that Milan didn't say anything and left boringly. In the past, he really thought that it would be nice if he had married Milan, but now it's just like that. It's not a good thing at all.

He wandered around the village, especially when he passed in front of Luo's house, Zhou Chengcai's eyes narrowed. He didn't believe that Luo Haiying could hide at home for a lifetime, and it was better not to let himself meet him alone.

On the train, Zhang Guilan was relieved to see that it was a sleeper. She thought that it was really good to have power. In this era, even if you have money, you can't buy a berth. After all, it still has something to do.

The two of them rushed to the door early in the morning and tossed around for a day. At night, they finally got on the bus and breathed a sigh of relief. They were all in the lower bunks and left in a hurry. They had no food at all, so they had to wait to buy something on the train.

Zhang Guilan was also tired. It didn't take long to sleep after lying down. Luo Jijun saw that his daughter-in-law was tired and distressed, especially for his own family's affairs.

After the two arrived home, Luo Jijun did not return home and went directly to the army. Zhang Guilan went to take a shower before she dared to go home. They all said that the child looked like one day. When she saw her son, Zhang Guilan's eyes were wet, and she could not hold her enough. Fortunately Sheng, he is still very close to Zhang Guilan.

After lunch, Tian Xiaoyue also came with the child in her arms. From Tian Xiaoyue's mouth, she knew about Liu Xiaolan's marriage to the little mute. After all, Zhang Guilan had been gone for too long. The two simply got married and did not wait for her. And that day, Dong Jianguo went to the scene again and was Go out.

Zhang Guilan squeezed her lips and smiled, "It's not good to miss this happy day. When everyone has time, they will come to my house for dinner."

"I think it's okay." Tian Xiaoyue said mysteriously, "You don't know, do you? Sun Mei has left. I heard from Fu Guo that she went to another city, where the Xu family arranged something.

"Is this a condition?" Zhang Guilan nodded when she saw Tian's novel, and her intuition was wrong, "Sun Mei is not a loser."

Tian Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Look, I said so, but Fu Guo didn't believe it. I also think it's not like Sun Mei's way of doing things. Sure enough, women know women. Forget it. Anyway, no matter what she has an idea, it's better for her to leave now. I think maybe she knows that she has no face to stay here, has no job, Xu Hu is married again, and there is no hope.

This may also be the reason.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that. Your child's name is Xu Yue, and it was married by Zhou Fuguo, right?" Zhang Guilan teased her.

Tian Xiaoyue was not shy at all and admitted generously, "No, even my old man didn't say anything, so he followed him. You said that a boy married Xu Yue, and I don't know why the child doesn't like it when he grows up."

He said so, but Zhang Guilan was very happy to see Tian Xiaoyue.

In the evening, Zhu Lan also came with the child in his arms, and the house became more lively. "In the past few days when you are not at home, I sometimes live here. Don't worry, I know that you have your own hobbies. I brought the quilts and sheets by myself."

Zhang Guilan blushed, "That's what's wrong with me."

Tian Xiaoyue was quite surprised, "I really didn't know you still have this problem. Every time I sat in your bed when I came, do you have to wash the sheets again?"

Zhang Guilan didn't say anything, and Tian Xiaoyue had already been agreed.

Zhu Lan couldn't help laughing. Sun Shubo opened the door and said, "Don't go tonight. I'll cook more dishes in the evening."

"Gyma, do more. In the evening, Xiaolan will also bring the accounts in the factory." Zhu Lan reminded him.

"All right." Sun Shubo answered and went out with her door.

In less than half a minute, he turned back again, "Jiang Zhi is here."

Zhang Guilan was stunned, and Zhu Lan lowered her voice, "What is she doing here?"

Tian Xiaoyue shook her head. She didn't know who Jiang Zhi was.

"You two are sitting. I'll go and have a look." Zhang Guilan knew that there must be something wrong, otherwise Jiang Zhi would not have come to his door.

Just got up and went out.


Pink ticket, the new article has been opened, the old article is about to be finished, and everyone should support the new article "The Evil Girl is Good" RP