Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 380: Xunzi

Previously, Tian Xiaoyue only thought it was a coincidence, but did not think it was Sun Mei's intention. She only felt that Zhang Guilan was too much of a fuss. Now when she heard this, she was also shocked. At the same time, she was glad that she guarded against Xu Min and distanced herself from the Xu family. Otherwise,

"Mom, don't worry. Come back and tell Aijun that he will understand." Luo Aiguo still believes in his younger brother, and he is not a hot-headed person.

Zhang Guilan sneered, "Look at him. He went to military training for a month, and he didn't even go home first. Then he went to see Sun Mili. Then just wait. Let's tell him the truth, and he must have said that we wronged good people."

If it hadn't been for the practice of her inner endurance a while ago, Zhang Guilan would have been angry again.

"Let's wait until the child comes back. It's useless for us to say anything now." Tian Xiaoyue urged her son again, "Go, make another paging call, and say that Aunt Luo is sick and ask him to come back quickly."

Zhou Aiguo answered and went to call again. The four of them sat at home and waited.

As for Luo Aijun, I didn't know that his family was waiting for him. The pager was turned off for a long time. He didn't know it himself, and he was still sitting in Sun's house. This time, he came to the Sun family for more than a month. Luo Aijun didn't want to come, but Sun M Li people will say.

Luo Aijun saw that Sun Mili was very embarrassed. After all, he thought that the two were in the same place. Then he came. As soon as he entered the room, he took off his coat and didn't even know that the phone was turned off.

"Is your father in the army? My family used to be in the army and has been in the army's compound. Maybe we still know each other. Sun Mei brought the fruit to Luo Aijun.

Luo Aijun thanked him. He took it and put it aside without moving. "My father's surname is Luo. Do you know my aunt?"

"I really know someone surnamed Luo." Sun Mei smiled and said, "Luo Jijun doesn't know if you know him. We stayed in the same army at the beginning."

"That's my father." Luo Aijun was very happy, "I didn't expect such a coincidence."

"Humph. It's a coincidence." Chen You sat aside and sneered.

Luo Aijun took a look and smiled without a squeak.

He is not a fool. When he called in, he saw that Sun Mili's father had been cold-faced. He was even hostile to himself, but he was afraid of his daughter-in-law and didn't say anything.

"Your uncle had some conflicts with your father in those years. He was just like this. Don't take it to heart." Sun Mei smiled and said a word and didn't say much, "It turned out to be the child of an old family. This is also fate. Let's stay here for dinner in the evening. Auntie is going to buy vegetables now."

"Auntie. No, I just came back and haven't come home yet. As soon as Luo Aijun heard that there was a contradiction, he didn't want to stay longer.

He doesn't know anything else. He still knows who his parents are. Over the years, no word has been said, or even bad, but some people can have conflicts with their parents, which is a little strange.

Sun Mili was a little anxious when he saw that Luo Aijun was leaving. "It's not bad this time. Let's stay for dinner before going back."

Sun Mei saw that Luo Aijun was because of Chen You's attitude. Wanting to go, he pushed his daughter, "You take Aijun to your room to talk. I'm going to buy vegetables now. Let's eat early and let Aijun go home early."

Sun Mili immediately understood his mother's intention and took Luo Aijun to his room. They were all like this, and Luo Aijun was embarrassed to return to his decision. When he had something on his mind, he was not as easy as when he came.

When he got to the room, Sun Mili asked him. Don't you want to stay here because of my father? In fact, I don't know if they know your parents, let alone have conflicts. I also know for the first time today, especially my father is not my own father. He and my mother came together later, and my sister was brought by my father.

"My father has been very cold to me since I was a child. My mother does all my things, and even the money I spends is my mother's. He has never paid a penny, let alone fulfill his duty as a father." Sun Mili lowered his head and said, "Do you know? I once asked my mother who my own father was. My mother never told me. It was not until that day that I mentioned the Xu Min I knew. My mother lost her temper with me that I knew that my own father and Xu Min were the same. I was scared after I knew these things. I didn't realize it for a long time, and I haven't told you. Until today, my mother said that she knew your father, and even my stepfather had conflicts with your parents. I wanted to tell you these things. I don't want us to have any separation between us because of our last life. "Heng."

Sun Mili pulled out a touch of smile, but tears fell down. "When I didn't return to this city, I had a very happy life. Until I came back here, everything changed, and all the things I didn't know were turned out."

After saying so much, Sun Mili didn't get a response from Luo Aijun, not even a word. Her heart became more and more uncertain. She looked up slightly at Luo Aijun. Seeing that he only listened quietly, she couldn't guess what he was thinking.

"Aijun, do you know that you don't have anything to do with me anymore?"

Luo Aijun raised the corners of his lips and said seriously, "Mi Li, I don't know what's going on, but my parents are the best people in the world for me. If they can't get along with them, but your stepfather actually has conflicts with them. I really don't know what to think, so please forgive me for not You promise."

"No... You're right. I asked you to promise me to be an irresponsible person. How can I do this?" Sun Mili raised his smile, "I know I'm not wrong. You are a responsible and responsible man. You can't lie to girls sweetly. You are the man I love."

If it had been before today, if he had heard Mi Li say this, Luo Aijun would have rotated with the rice grain in his arms and felt that he was the happiest person in the world, but now he only listened quietly, and Sun Mili's heart slowly sank.

I really don't know what he will think when he finds that the pager is turned off.

Sun Mili bit his lip. How could it be like this? Obviously, my mother promised that she was not like this. They were all the men of Chen You. They could only destroy and rely on their mother to raise them. Even a man was not worthy.

Sun Mili hates Chen You here. Outside the yard, Sun Mei is also quarreling with Chen You.

"I'm really blind. Chen You, take a picture of your conscience and think about it. You have been living with me for the past 20 years. Have I, Sun Mei, have raised you for 20 years? When I left this city, you chased after my child. Seeing that you were infatuated with me, I promised to work with you. If you can't find a job in a foreign country, then I will let you take care of the family. But you can't even take care of the two children. You only know how to drink and watch money. If it Now when I return to this city, I say that we are separated. You don't agree and beg that you will change it. Is that how you change it? Remember, if my plan is ruined, you can get out of here and get out with your idle daughter.

Sun Mei's hand was about to poke Chen You's nose. Chen You didn't dare to squeak. He was scolded by Sun Mei with his head like a grandson. "Why don't you go out to buy vegetables? Are you really waiting for leisure to eat? Raising a dog can also make the owner happy. Let's see what you can do? What a rubbish."

If it hadn't been for the years, how could Sun Mei have let Chen You rely on her for so many years? She hated her impulse and promised to be with Chen You under the condition of blockage. As a result, she was like this.

Chen You obediently went to buy vegetables. After Luo Aijun had dinner at Sun's house, he went home. As soon as he left the alley, he met an acquaintance, who was Xu Hu.

Xu Hu was also quite shocked to meet Luo Aijun here, "Aijun, you didn't go home. How did you come out of here?"

If he remembers correctly, the alley is the old house of the Sun family.

"Come and see a friend, Uncle Xu, you have to keep it a secret."

"Bad boy, you know how to play. Go back quickly." Xu Hu patted him on the shoulder, and Luo Aijun left with a smile.

Walking all the way home, he took out the pager in his pocket and found that it was turned off. As soon as he twisted his eyebrows, Luo Aijun knew what was going on, and his face sank. As he turned on, he strode home, especially looking at the news coming from home over and over again. Luo Aijun almost ran home

Looking at the little son who came back panting, he did not eliminate the anger in Luo Jijun's heart. He directly pulled Luo Aijun and entered the study. Zhang Guilan was scared to follow, but the door was locked from the inside.

"Zijun, open the door first." Previously, Zhang Guilan waited for her son not to come back to be angry, but after all, the son who had been in pain since he was a child, and soon his anger subsided.

Luo Jijun came home at night. As soon as he heard that his son did not come back, he even got out of the car and left directly. He came up without eating. He stamped back and forth in the room. Now when he saw people coming back, he directly pulled people into the study. How could Zhang Guilan not be afraid?

"You said you were wrong." Luo Jijun ignored his daughter-in-law who knocked on the door outside and stared straight at his son.

Luo Aijun bowed his head and said no words.

" OK, if you don't say it, I'll say it for you." Luo Jijun's hatred was listed one by one, "When your mother was pregnant with you and your eldest brother, because my matter was found by the Discipline Inspection Commission to talk to me. After I came out, I moved the property. I lay in ** for a month and a half and cut you out. You can think about how it feels like to lie in ** for a month I just went to find a woman I've known for more than a month. Why did I give birth to such a child like you? I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet, and I don't even care about my own mother, right? So you don't know what's going on with your mother's hospitalization? I was so angry that you were so angry that I was hospitalized.


Pink ticket supports eighty-eight, leave Sun Mei here to end, eight eight new article "Evil Girl from Good" RP