Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 395: Trusted

Tian Shuai's eldest brother knew at a glance that he was a local person, and his sister-in-law was even more honest. After saying ten words, she replied that she smiled from beginning to end. She always promised not to worry about the elderly. They raised them and let the young couple live a good life. There was a lot of pressure in the city

Luo Haiying was originally a stingy person. As soon as she saw that people were thinking of her daughter everywhere, she couldn't help it. "Don't worry, if my sister is unfilial, I can't let it be filial. It's natural to be filial to my parents. Although you don't Everyone mail some money to the elderly. It's normal to help you reduce some pressure. You don't have to be polite to them.

As soon as she said this, even Guo Ying looked at her in surprise.

Not to mention others.

Zhang Guilan thought to himself that this is really a mother and enlightened person.

Luo Haiying also knew what he had done before, and his face was slightly hot. "If there is anything wrong with the two children, just say that they don't listen. Tell us."

"Oh, aunt, don't worry, Tian Shuai can marry such a good daughter-in-law, and you can help the two get married. What are we not satisfied with? In the future, they can live a good life and have a child early." The speaker is Tian Shuai's eldest brother.

People sit on the sofa and tighten their bodies. I also heard that the uncle of the person my brother married used to be a military commander. Now, although he is retired, he still looks oppressive. He has never been out of the village in his life. The biggest official he has ever seen is the village head, and it is no wonder he is nervous.

At noon, Luo Jijun paid and took everyone to the restaurant to eat. The table had been set for a long time. When he went there, the dishes were all served, and the table was full. After drinking wine, Tian Shuai's eldest brother let go of it.

Li Amei went to the toilet, but when she came out, she met Dong Gou. Both of them were quite surprised, and then Dong Gou hurried forward, "Sister, where have you been these days? I'm looking for you everywhere.

The toilet is outside. The two spoke and stood on the side of the restaurant, and no one saw them.

Li Amei didn't have much joy, "I was busy shopping and getting married and went back to my hometown. How are you?"

It's like an old friend.

When Dong Gou heard that he was getting married, his eyes widened in disbelief, "Sister, are you angry with me? I know you asked me to pick you up when you got off work, but you should also know that I live in the countryside. I usually don't live in the city, and there's nothing I can do if I want to pick you up.

"Dong Gou, you misunderstood. I'm not angry with you. I'm really going to get married. He is a soldier. It's in the hotel. Would you like to go in and get to know each other? When Li Amei saw Dong Gou's appearance, she suddenly felt that her vision was really bad before. How could she have a similarity with such a man?

Fortunately, nothing happened to the two of them, otherwise they would have to regret it for the rest of their lives.

After insinuing about her mother's youth, Li Amei made up her mind not to follow her mother's path for the rest of her life. You have to live like a person.

Dong Gou left to hear what she said. He knew that she was not angry, but he couldn't help but be angry. "We are in the same time, but you are married to someone else. You play with me as a monkey, don't you?"

"Dong Dog Leftover. What's going on between us? You know best. How many days have you been together? How much do you spend on me? It's a free time to hold other girls with my money, isn't it? If I don't say it, it doesn't mean I don't know. I don't care about it because we are not together anymore, and I don't want to talk about that anymore. You don't have to make a look at how much grievance you have suffered.

"Li Amei, you came from the countryside, how dare you look down on me? Just like you, marrying you is not a good thing.

Dong Gou was scolding, and Zhang Guilan abducted him, "What's going on?"

Directly interrupt the rest of Dong Gou's words.

Zhang Guilan wanted to go to the toilet, but she didn't expect to bump into such a scene. Now that Li Amei is getting married, she can't let Dong Gouyu pester Li Amei. She walked to the two of them and looked at Dong Gouli, "I also know something about you and Amei. That day, I also bump If you get married, just forget about the two of you. You should also find a job. Don't fool around every day. I don't have time to talk to your mother these days. Go back."

These words were said to Dong Gou Yu.

Dong Gou didn't dare to provoke Zhang Guilan.

He knows that his mother's business is so big. Although he is a boss, he also works for others. The real boss is Zhang Guilan.

Dong Gou left in frustration.

Li Amei looked embarrassed, "Thank you, aunt, otherwise I really don't know how to get rid of him."

"In the future, Dong Gou will pester you again. Just talk to Tian Shuai directly and let him solve it." Zhang Guilan patted her on the shoulder, "Go to the house. Everyone is waiting for you."

Li Amei nodded and then went in.

Although it is a small matter, Zhang Guilan is still worried. At night, she called Liu Xiaolan and learned the things during the day. "After all, it's going to get married, and it's a military wedding. Dong Gou is also your son. It's not good for anyone on both sides. I think you'd better look at him

Liu Xiaolan listened and said, "He is capable now. He pointed to our noses and scolded. I'm really too lazy to care about him, just like his father."

"That's why I let you take care of it. If it really doesn't work, send it to a closed school." Zhang Guilan also knew that Liu Xiaolan was not short of money. "It's easy for a boy to learn badly in this society sooner or later.

Liu Xiaolan didn't think about this, "Then I'll ask if there are any good schools."

When he hung up the phone, Zhang Guilan was held in Luo Jijun's arms. Looking at the man in black casual shirts and dark green casual trousers, Zhang Guilan was really not used to it. Seeing him wearing military uniforms for a lifetime, he didn't wear military uniforms, and it was uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it.

"What's wrong?" Luo Jijun looked at her and frowned, "Is it difficult to do there?"

Zhang Guilan shook her head, "It's just that there is no one in military uniform at home. It looks awkward."

Luo Jijun smiled and said, "Why not? Aren't those two kids wearing military uniforms? They came from the military academy and will develop farther than me in the future. This is my son.

Zhang Guilan smiled. She has been very busy these days. In addition, she vomited everything she had to eat, and she also lost a lot of weight. "Go to bed early. Let's go to Beijing after finishing the wedding at the end of the month."

I can't let go of the son over there.

Luo Jijun took her into the room with a smile, "I know, don't worry, they won't let you down."

Finally, I was able to rest. The next day, Zhang Guilan stayed at home for a day and didn't go out. It was Luo Jijun who went out for a run. As for the old couple of the Zhang family, now they go fishing with the Zhou family every day. The old couple of the Luo family came. They only came here once and left

Over the years, the two families are not often lucky in the village, and Zhang Guilan also understands.

Tian Xiaoyue caught Zhang Guilan and pulled her to complain, "I'm just waiting to go to Beijing with you, let him go happily at home by himself, so as not to say that I'm annoyed every day."

"Have you ever fought?" Zhang Guilan made fun of her.

Tian Xiaoyue's face turned red, "Don't be complacent. I don't know if you can let people worry about it. I'm just waiting to watch the fun."

After all, his stomach was disappointing. Even if he took off the ring, he was not pregnant. Tian Xiaoyue went to check and didn't have any problems. In the end, he had to just let it go. He couldn't complain about Zhou Fuguo. He just wanted to go out to relax.

At the end of the month, Li Amei and Tian Shuai held a wedding ceremony. Most of the participants were Tian Shuai's comrades-in-arms and Yishui's green military uniform. Zhang Guilan looked envious and whispered to Luo Jijun, "If you have a daughter, let her marry a soldier in the future."

Luo Jijun disagreed, "It's too hard to marry a soldier. I think it's up to her own."

"I gave birth to my daughter, of course it's up to me." Zhang Guilan is full of confidence.

Luo Jijun thought it was funny, "So you don't like me to wear military uniform now?"

Zhang Guilan nodded vigorously.

Seeing his daughter-in-law like this, Luo Jijun felt that he was young. This mentality would never grow old, as if he was coaxing a child.

After the wedding, Luo Haiying and his wife and Luo Laohan returned to their hometown and did not stay for a day. Before leaving, Luo Haiying came to Zhang Guilan, "Sister-in-law, thank you. I used to fool around."

Leave the words, and the person turned around and left.

When Zhang Guilan came to her senses, she saw that everyone was on the car. She looked up and saw her man smiling with her. Then she smiled, "I've done so much in exchange for an apology. I don't have to listen to this sentence, as long as she doesn't scold me in the future."

But I'm also very happy.

Luo Jijun smiled and didn't say much. The two went home to prepare. The plane ticket was set by Zhou Fuguo. Over the years, they have been doing business together. Some small money, and the two families didn't care about it. It's like a family. Yes, I don't know how many people in the yard are envious

The next day, Zhou Fuguo drove the three people to the airport, and the three went to Beijing.

In the past 20 years, because of business, Zhang Guilan has also run around. Beijing has also been here several times, and it is not strange to arrive. After getting off the plane, he directly took Luo Jijun and Tian Xiaoyue to the house he bought.

Luo Jijun looked serious, "Why didn't you say that you bought a house in Beijing?"

Zhang Guilan has the memory of her previous life. She knows that the price of houses in Beijing will rise. After all the money, all the money left behind have bought real estate in Beijing. Over the years, she has also saved a lot of money. Her mouth has been very strict. No one has told anyone that Zhou Fuguo and Zhu Lan and Liu Xiaolan learned I didn't buy much, but I also made money.

Tian Xiaoyue knew something, "My family also bought it, and it's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal, it's a matter of principle." Now after retreating, Luo Jijun found that he didn't know anything about the family.

Especially the villa-like house in front of you, how much does it cost in Beijing?


There is another update. Have you read the new article "The Wicked Girl" RP