Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 48 The Prince Returns to the Palace

Yes! Yes!" Now the bodyguard did not dare to salute and hurried down. The previous bodyguard who caught the sinking fish stretched out his hand very carefully. He instinctively did not dare to touch the sinking fish again, so he had to pull the end of the belt and lead the sinking fish out. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took two steps, his feet slipped, and the whole person fell to the ground alive and fell to eat shit.

"Haha---" Some guards couldn't help laughing.

"What?" And some other bodyguards who didn't smile looked at each other. They shouldn't, this shouldn't be. As a guard of the palace, who doesn't have two brushes? How could it fall down so firmly?

"Demon, demon, monster---" The fallen guard fell to the ground. Because he crawled on the ground, he raised his head so gently and looked at the woman in front of him. Between his feet, there was a fish-like tail faintly. With this shock, he could no longer control his mouth, pointed to the sinking fish and screamed.

"Hmm! Nonsense in broad daylight, drag it down! Heavy stick!" The king had never been so angry at this time. At first, the excitement of expecting his son's return turned into disappointment, but then it turned into anger. First, the girl challenged his authority, and now, the two guards have lost the face of his palace, and he can't forgive them for anything.

Seeing, countless bodyguards rushed over. The sinking fish turned around and jumped into the Jiuqu River not far away.

"Ah!" All the bodyguards stopped and screamed. Even the queen covered her mouth in surprise, and the purple nine crane pattern on her body almost flew out. She was the most generous and kind in her life, but she didn't expect that she looked at the little girl and threw herself into the river!

The last trace of sunlight disappeared in the sky. At this time, outside the palace gate was extremely silent because of the night.

"Dad--" Suddenly, a fast horse in the distance stepped through the silent night and rushed to it, "Report! The prince and the national master have arrived in the nebula country!"

"Haha--haha--" The guards suddenly cheered desperately, "I'm back, I'm finally back!"

"Xing'er, Xing'er--" The queen's face was suddenly full of tears. At this time, she had already lost the queen's high calmness and self-reliance. She took the king's hand tremblingly, "Xing'er is back. Miss Fish didn't lie to me. Our star really came back.

"Well, I'm back." The king nodded, suddenly changed his face, and hurriedly ordered, "Come on, go to the Jiuqu River, and be sure to find the fish girl."

"Yes!" With an order, none of the guards dared to obey. Whether it was watery or not, they rushed into the river. The king personally urged the queen to palm the lamp. At night, the river still retains the remaining temperature of the day, and the guards of the river flutter up and down in the river like dumplings.

As soon as Xing Sa and Guo Shi arrived at the gate of the palace, they saw the gate of the palace. The torches were as bright as day, and the crowd hurriedly shuttled by the Jiuqu River.

"Father, mother, what happened?" Prince Xing Sa jumped off his horse, ran to the king's side, and asked puzzledly.

"Xinger--" The queen only called, threw the palace lamp in her hand, and rushed to Xing Sa. She cried like rain, but she couldn't say a word. At this time, she saw the child's great joy in her heart, but it turned into great sadness. Nebula, when has there been such a big mess?

Now, the whole country has seen with their own eyes that they forced another girl to die for their own child.

"Bang!" The king turned around, pulled away the prince of Xing Sa, and slapped him in the face fiercely, "Son!" He has spoiled him for 1784, and has always been under his nature. If he hadn't left without saying goodbye, there would have been no news, how could he have caused her mother to be seriously ill, and how could there be such a change today!

"King, please calm your anger!" The white-robed national master quickly bowed his hand and saluted, "What on earth happened?"

"Hmm!" What happened when the king shook his sleeve robe? How did this make him say? He walked to the Jiuqu River and ordered again, "Look again. If you want to see people, if you want to die, you must find the fish girl!"

The Jiuqu River is as bright as day, and you can't sleep all night.

The guards in the palace changed one batch after another by the Jiuqu River. They held hands and formed a dense network of people. They shuttled back and forth in the river, but still had no harvest. The new sun rises again.

Up and down the Nebula Palace is extremely exhausted.

The king sat in the middle of the hall with an iron face. The queen who accompanied him on the right side was full of mournful faces. The national master and the prince Xing Sa knelt under the hall. They were dusty to rush back. Even if they were royal children, under the long journey, the white robe of the national master was already covered with dust, and the handsome face of Prince Xing Sa was also haggard. At this time, he knelt on his Highness, and his thin lips were squeezed tighter.

"National teacher! Where have you been?" The king's voice is as majestic as possible, but this majesty hides great anger. The prince and the national teacher leave the palace privately, which is not a trivial matter!

"This--" white-robed national master, no, now he is a gray-robed national master. He turned around and looked at Prince Xing Sa, hesitantly. In the Nebula Kingdom, he is above ten thousand people below one person. The king has always treated him with courtesy and served him as a guest. Why did he ever kneel down and answer? And how can he deceive his king?

"National teacher, is it difficult for you to speak, or do you mean to hide it?" The king scolded angrily without waiting for the national teacher to answer.

"Wang Shang, let's listen to what Xing'er said." The queen's eyes did not leave his son for a moment. She gently reminded the king, "Since the national teacher is not easy to answer, I believe Xing'er must have a reasonable explanation."

"Well, that's good!" The king patted the dragon case, "Then tell your father where have you been these days?"

"Father!" Prince Xing Sa looked deeply at the national teacher next to him, took a breath and reported, "We went to the border of Tianchen Kingdom!"

"Ah?" The queen exclaimed, "Tianchen Kingdom? The war between the two countries is coming again, which is extremely dangerous. What are you doing in Tianchen Kingdom?

"After reporting to his mother, his father often told his ministers that he knew him that he could fight against a hundred battles, so he went out of the palace with his master. Because he was afraid of his mother's obstruction and the leakage of the news, he did not report to his father and mother." The star prince made a sound, and his haggard face was full of confidence in an instant.

"Oh?" The king stared at His Highness motionlessly. His son, who had always been loose and wayward, actually cared about state affairs. With three points of disbelief, he asked in a low voice: "National Master? Is that so?"

The national teacher was stunned for a moment and finally answered, "I dare not deceive the king."

When Prince Xing Sa heard this, he turned his eyes and said in his heart, "You old man, you dare not deceive my father, which means that I am deceiving my father?" Even so, he did not dare to scold him face to face.