Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 90 Changes in Bath

Peach blossoms fell one after another and regretted.

In the Lanxiang Pavilion, the sinking fish was quietly soaked in the wooden barrel in the room. Unexpectedly, Junhe prepared a large bucket of seawater for her. The sinking fish was a little surprised. The innocent moonlight enveloped her face, with a faint color.

What happened tonight made her mood very chaotic. Before the gorgeous surprise dissipated, she was tightly bound by the oppression brought by Junhe. He raised his eyes and his wet eyes glanced at the pot of affection on the table. He couldn't help sighing secretly: "The flowers are blooming, why hasn't the flower god come yet?"

Lying lazily in the bathtub, with his arms resting on the back of his head, he only slapped a beautiful fish tail with a splash. The faint moonlight penetrated in, and the colorful scales on the fish tail flashed a faint light. The door knocked gently. It must be the maid outside. Shen Yu turned his back to the door and said lightly, "Go down first. You don't have to come in."

There was a wry smile on the corners of his mouth. Not only was the maid outside the door sent by Jun He to monitor her, but also the whole Lanxiang Pavilion was full of his dark guards. It seemed that he wanted to treat himself as a canary and be locked here.

The door opened gently. Bringing out a familiar and sweet fragrance of flowers, the sinking fish turned back in surprise, and the splash on his face could not be erased: "Faduan, it's you!"

"Well, I didn't know you were taking a shower." Turning around in a hurry, Shen Yu actually saw a trace of embarrassment on her face.

With a sound of water, the sinking fish got up from the barrel, pulled his bathrobe and put it on his body. He walked barefoot to her and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

His eyes unconsciously looked at the blood-red hydrangea-like flower, and the gorgeous words were helpless: "You summoned me, I have to come."

"Why did I call you?" The sinking fish is extremely puzzled.

"Don't you know? Can the love make two people who are happy-happy-like communicate with each other? Luohua stammered, and there was an unnatural blush on her face. Chen Yu stared at her with wide eyes. What's wrong with Luo Xuan?

"Well, anyway, don't think about me these days. I'm not used to being called. This sentence is clean and neat, and there is a trace of depression in his eyebrows.

"Ah?" Now, if it were a sinking fish, she really didn't know that the love was so magical. So, did she know all the little thoughts about her? Looking at the gorgeous frown, her heart was embarrassed and bitter, and she felt that her heart was entangled and painful.

"I, I," Shen Yu's fingers grasped the edge of the bathrobe tightly, and her fingers turned transparently white in the moonlight. Her face turned into a loss. Luo Hua would definitely despise her. Looking at her unhappy look, she knew and stammered, "I was just thinking about the flower god in my heart. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect, er, er, I may be distracted."

"Flower God?" Luo Xuan's imperceptible flash of surprise, "Do you like her?" Shen Yu's shy look made her unable to say whether she was happy or annoyed.

"No, no," she looked up at Luoxuan's entangled eyebrows, and finally couldn't help saying loudly, "I'm looking for her. I hope she can help my sister."

"Well, there are too many people who want to borrow the power of the flower god!" Luo Xuan's tone suddenly faded: "Obviously, you are luckier."

Listening to her tone, she seemed to be very familiar with the flower god. Chen Yu raised her head and looked at her up and down. Her beautiful appearance, faint floral fragrance, and a trace of surprise surged into her heart. Shenyu rushed out: "Is it, are you the flower god."

"Not yet," Luo Xuan looked at the sinking fish. Her happy face was confused by his words. He said lightly, "If I can get through this last disaster. Maybe I can help you."

Isn't it yet? That is to say, as long as she survives this last catastrophe, she will become the real god of flowers? Chen Yu's eyebrows, such a beautiful woman, has a star-like shining temperament, but she has to accept the disaster helplessly.

"What if, uh--I mean if--if--can't get through this catastrophe?" Chen Yu thought like this in his heart, and there was also a trace of uneasiness in his eyes. She asked subconsciously.

"Oh--" A smile flashed in the gorgeous eyes, shining like stars in the sky, but fleeting like a meteor, "Then only ashes and smoke will disappear."

The heart suddenly sank, and the sinking fish stepped forward, hugged Luoxuan and choked: "No, it won't." She fell in love with her at first sight, but she didn't dare to tell her, for fear of scaring her, and even more afraid that she would look down on her because of it. How could she disappear?

Luoxuan's body was stiff and his face was twisted. The angel-like beautiful face was extremely ugly in an instant, "What are you doing, doing, what are you doing?"

The gorgeous arms hung on his side and were suddenly hugged by the sinking fish. It was fake to say that he was not moved. However, she did not dare to lift her, let alone press her shoulder to comfort her. Now, the sinking fish is wearing only a very thin bathrobe, and her newly developed, delicate body, clinging to her tightly, making her uncomfortable and her heart tremble.

She lowered her eyes carefully. The long pink hair of the sinking fish had covered her eyes, but did not block the tears that had just slipped down. After all, she couldn't bear it. She carefully reached out to take it, but unexpectedly, as soon as her fingertips touched it, the tears turned into a small stream and flowed down from her fingers.

"Alas--you, you, why are you crying again?" Luoxuan is a little flustered. Is it because of herself? She wanted to open her mouth and ask, but the words came to her mouth and turned around again: "Are you worried that you can't help your sister?"

"Puff---" smiled with tears, Chen Yu raised his head, opened his tearful eyes, and said, "Yes, that's what I think."

"Huh?" Luo Xuan asked puzzledly, "What did you just say?"

"I'm just worried that no one will help my sister after your death." With a push with his right hand, he jumped away and left her arms. Chen Yu looked at Luo Hua devocatively and said loudly, "Do you want me to say it again?"

"Oh---" Luo Xuan shook her head and her eyes were full of spoiling. When she first saw her, she obviously did not have any spiritual power, but she stubbornly rushed to the sea again and again. For the sake of her dream, she could ignore life and death. She was moved and helped her. She thought that after such a long time, the edges and corners of time should have been worn out. My first dream, I didn't expect that she is still like this now.

looked at her carefully. Under her long pink hair, she exposed her pale pink neck and long bare bathrobe did not cover her beauty, because she had just came out of the bathtub, and she had no time to wear shoes and stood in front of her bare two tender feet.

There should be nothing in her bathrobe. Thinking of this, Luo Xuan's heart missed a beat!

How can you have such a bad idea? Luo Xuan cursed himself secretly in his heart. Was he also moved?

No, no, Luoxuan turned around and left, and no longer looked at the sinking fish: "When I become the god of flowers, I will help your sister. Remember, don't summon me again during the period of open love."

Love is unparalleled in the world, which can connect the love between mortals and even immortals. As the future flower god, she will be in charge of thousands of flowers in the country of flowers, and she must not lose her heart because of a wisps of love.