Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 92 Catch and Kill

The faint moonlight shines obliquely from the window, printing cold traces in the room, setting off the woman's white face, like mutton fat, which can arouse the deepest pity in people's hearts. Luo Xuan held the hand of the sinking fish, although

However, he didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said thousands of words.

So painful...

The pain is like standing on the edge of the cliff. Junhe feels that his heart is floating up and down like boiling water, but on his back, leaving the shade of the night wind

"Your Highness, do you want to rush in?" Black reminded. They saw a figure sneaking into the Lanxiang Pavilion with their own eyes, but they stayed outside the door of the Lanxiang Pavilion for nearly an hour.

Luo Hua looked sideways and looked at Lanxiang Pavilion, as if he could see through Lanxiang Pavilion. His eyes were cold and sharp, and he soon sank into the bottom of his cold eyes. Those clean and warm eyes are so rhinoceros

Li, the noble and flawless temperament emitted more and more dust in the night, and shook his head slightly and said, "No, continue to guard it!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" The man in black obeyed.

Luohuan looked at Lanxiang Pavilion with cold eyes. He believed that the man would definitely come out. Previously, he only saw his figure from afar. At that time, he had a strange feeling, but he couldn't say it. Now

, the man actually entered the Lanxiang Pavilion. Even if he was dressed in beautiful clothes, he could see his real body at a glance. This is an intuition, an innate intuition.

Who the hell is he?! Unexpectedly, he dared to sneak into his Tianchen Kingdom, and even dared to have a private meeting with the sinking fish in Lanxiang Pavilion under his eyes!

The eyes became dangerous, the night was thick, the moonlight was white, and the halo of Tsinghua gently shrouded the magnificent and majestic Tianchen Palace, adding a hazy beauty to the solemn palace.

The fragrance of peach blossoms, cool night breeze, quiet people, all this is only temporary!

Suddenly, the fragrance of flowers in the air floated, and a figure like a falling flower fell from the eaves of the palace in the Lanxiang Pavilion and disappeared into the night in an instant.

"Chasing!" Junhe said in a low voice, trying to escape from his hands and dreaming! Before the words fell, people were like dragons, soaring up in the air. In a few ups and downs, they have caught up with the figure in front of them. The closer you are to the figure in front of you, the sweeter the flowers are.

At this time, the figure in front of him who was struggling to escape suddenly stopped and turned around and waited for him quietly, as if it was to attract him.

This is the second time Junhe saw him and looked at him so closely. The person in front of him is really beautiful. If he is a real woman, all the men in the world will submit to her feet. However, he is obviously a man, but he is more beautiful than a woman.

Jun He narrowed his eyes, and the man in front of him had purple eyes, as confused as starlight. At this time, he was looking at himself with starlight-like water eyes, which was unfathomable.

"You are here for sinking fish!" Junhe's eyes are obscure, his face is cold and tight, and his cold eyes are full of complex haze.

"Well, you didn't chase me so hard for the sake of sinking fish." Luo Xuan snorted coldly, a breeze blew by, and the hair flew. With the fluttering of the hair, the fragrance of flowers in the night became sweeter and greasy. Shaking his head, with the slightly cool wind, Junhe wanted to get rid of this fragrance, which made him disgusted.

"Shemale, don't approach her with this charming appearance." Junhe warned coldly, "You'd better not think of her."

"Ha ha, Your Highness Tianchen has a good vision and can actually see my real body." Luo Hua smiled and was not threatened by Junhe at all: "Although you Tianchen Kingdom are descendants of the dragon clan, you are still slightly inferior to my flower country. You put her in Lanxiang Pavilion, aren't you thinking about her!"

The country of flowers has a gorgeous and distorted look. It is a country full of witchcraft and a daughter country. The country of flowers and the Tianchen Kingdom have never had any intersection. It is said that the people there have a magical power to communicate with the plants in the world. Therefore, the stunts of flying flowers can be seen everywhere. However, the country of flowers also Can you be a man?!

"Your Highness, you haven't been doing it for a long time. Do you fall in love with her?" Luo's face was full of gloating: "Unfortunately, that mermaid likes my charming appearance. Your Highness, you gave birth to a good skin for nothing--

Junhe's elegant chrysanthemum-like face flashed in Junhe's mind. She was like a daisy in the wind and rain, delicate and strong, as if there was a magic that attracted him, but she fell in love with this demon! He saw it with his own eyes and was jealous.

This demon actually used this to laugh at him!

Jun He's evil and cold eyes were slightly red, and his cheeks also blushed. He suddenly let out a dragon call, and Qingyue's voice went straight to the night. Suddenly, the sky was calm and dark clouds covered the bright moon. The wind blew away the stars in the sky. Thunder and lightning flashed. In the thunder and lightning, a huge dragon rose up and rushed to the gorgeous with its teeth and claws.

The gorgeous lips raised a touch of that enchanting smile. Humph, he dared to peek at him and Chen Yu outside the Lanxiang Pavilion. It was really embarrassing. The three petals of cinnabar between the gorgeous eyebrows suddenly emitted three red lights. Countless leaves in the air danced with the sound of wind and collided fiercely with thunder and lightning in the night sky. The dark night sky was as gorgeous as fireworks. Rotten, green leaves and flying flowers fiercely intersect with wind, rain, thunder and lightning in the night sky, concocting a strange picture.

Junhe's pupils are dark and cold, like a thick layer of frost, and his gorgeous face is mixed in the intersection of thunder and lightning, and there is no weakness on his beautiful face.

The two are evenly matched, fighting fiercely in the night.

In Lanxiang Pavilion, the sinking fish fell asleep quietly with a shallow smile on her face. She hadn't slept so peacefully for a long time. The gorgeousness in her dream was so beautiful and gentle. She wanted to lead her all the way to Mermaid Island in the East China Sea. Nuo Aier's seaweed became the most powerful weapon.

The happy smile in Shenyu's dream. Chenyu wanted to hold her hand all the time. Her fingers moved, but she did not grasp the warmth in her heart and opened her eyes blankly. There is no gorgeous figure of the flower god in the room,

I saw a thousand strands of love blooming alone in the night. He got up from ** in a hurry, put on his bathrobe, and walked barefoot to the pot of red flowers. He looked carefully. The flowers were like a ball of red thread, loosely wrapped together, looking so intimate and estranged.

" Luoxuan, where are you?" The sinking fish called intently.

In the night, Luo Huan's heart suddenly leaked a pat, and the three petals of cinnabar in front of his eyebrows began to light and darken. The mermaid was calling him again!

Alas, when will that damn love wither!