Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 135 Seagrass Recovery

"Father, you misunderstood!" Chen Yu hurriedly explained that her father, King Donghai, had always been grumpy, and she didn't want to have any misunderstanding with Luoxuan.

"Fish, how could my father and mother misunderstand? From the eyes of the flower god, we can see that he likes you, and you like him. In this case, what else is there to hide? Our mermaid royal family has always been very generous about male pets. Queen B thought it was a thin-skinned fish and quickly persuaded her.

Male pet? Thinking of these two words, the sinking fish's head is big, not to mention that Luoxuan is the flower god of the country of flowers. Even if he does not return to the country of flowers, it is impossible for him to be her male pet in terms of his character!

"Well, looking at your embarrassing appearance, it must be difficult to say, so the father will go to that boy for you and ask him clearly! If he is willing, tomorrow, our Donghai Dragon Palace will inform the other three seas to set up a banquet in this Crystal Palace to celebrate!" The king of the East China Sea is obviously impatient. The mermaid royal family has always been unrestrained. He has always seen this kind of twisted little daughter posture. His daughter of the king of the East Sea should be decisive and straightforward!

"Father--" Shen Yu hurried forward to pull the king of the East China Sea. If the king of the East China Sea really went like this, where would her face go?

"King of the East China Sea--" The sinking fish had just blocked the way of the King of the East Sea, and Luo Xuan stepped into the hall at this time. He held the pale green seaweed left by Xiao Mo in his hand and gently saluted the king of the East China Sea.

"Humph," the king of the East China Sea already did not have the previous enthusiasm. His attitude took a 180-degree turn, so he only gave a faint cold snort to Luo Xuan, which was a response.

"Flower God, come on, come on, sit here." Queen B pointed to the chair beside her, but she was still as close as before. After all, she will be a family in the future.

What's more, he holds Noir's seaweed in his hand. Since he is the guest invited back by the sinking fish, the most basic courtesy is still necessary.

"Thank you, Queen B." Luo Xuan understands the closeness of Queen Yi's wife. He, the guest invited, must help Nuo Aier solve the problem as soon as possible. Therefore, he looked down at the seaweed in his hand and said with a smile, "I'd better look at the seaweed of Princess Noir first."

His words attracted all the attention in the hall, including the king of the East China Sea.

Luo gorgeously slowly opened his palm and saw a light green seaweed gently standing in his palm. This seaweed could not be more familiar to everyone. This is Nuo Aier picked up a weapon from the arsenal. Not only does it have no offensive effect, but it needs Noir's aura to nourish him.

Now, this seaweed is in Luoxuan's hand, and the faint aura rises from the gorgeous palm, wrapping the layers of seaweed. In an instant, the seaweed has absorbed the gorgeous spiritual power.

At this time, the seaweed, because it absorbed the gorgeous aura, did not have the previous withered yellow and became fresh and green.

There is nothing strange about this scene. Since Noir got this weapon, she has been feeding this strange weapon with spiritual power.

"Huh--" Luo Xuan looked at this seaweed. It is very rare to use seaweed as a weapon, and this seaweed is still a living weapon, which is rarer in the world. However, this seaweed needs spiritual nourishment, and as a weapon, its aggressiveness is almost zero.

Of course, it's almost, not all.

observed the seaweed in the palm carefully. His eyes can clearly see the veins of its leaves, and his palms gently stroke the leaves of Shanghai grass, using all his mental strength to detect and communicate with it.

Communication with plants with spiritual power is a necessary skill for the flower god in the flower country.

Plants also have souls, but the soul in this seaweed is asleep. This sleeping soul has always needed spiritual nourishment, but it has never woken up. That's why the current situation exists.

Luoxuan closed his eyes and tried to perceive the soul of the seaweed. His spiritual power searched among the seaweed with the veins of the seaweed. Finally, at the root of the seaweed, he found a small piece of the essence of seaweed, and the soul was hidden in this essence.

At present, what he needs is to wake him up!

The spiritual power in Luohua's hand is constantly converging towards the essence. This essence is as big and small as the thumb cover, and the whole body is emerald green. When the spiritual power is transmitted to the essence, the essence begins to absorb the spiritual power of Luohuan crazily.

The charm that wakes up the plants quickly enters the essence along the spiritual power. The stone-hard emerald essence began to soften and soften, and finally began to flow slowly like water.

When the essence flows halfway, a small figure suddenly appears from the essence.

"Ah, it's so noisy!" The little man was full of green light, and he stretched his waist and yawned. He was originally the soul of weapons. Hundreds ago, he guarded a pile of weapons in the arsenal every day. He was extremely bored, so he hid in the corner of the arsenal and fell asleep in an inconspicuous seaweed. Unexpectedly, unlucky, he was taken out of the arsenal by Noir and lost the nourishment of those good weapons in the arsenal. He could only rely on sucking. He received the aura of Noir and barely starved to death.

I didn't expect that now, it has been awakened. Now, when he woke up, he found helplessly that his soul could never return. From then on, he could only stay in this seaweed. What a pity!

Luo Xuan closed her eyes and explored carefully. The king of the East China Sea, Queen Yi and other people found that the seaweed in Luo Xuan's hands was growing wildly. He no longer attracted spiritual power. It was almost natural. It grew at a very fast speed. Each leaf quickly thickened and lengthened like a god, layer by layer. In a blink of an eye, it had From a seedling to a small tree, then the small tree began to become stronger and thicker, instantly filling most of the living room.

"Fat gorgeous!" The sinking fish screamed. If it goes on like this, the whole crystal palace will be occupied by this seaweed. She shouted, "Hurry up, stop him!"

Luo Xuan's heart moved, and the palm was gently closed, and the seaweed quickly became smaller and weaker in his palm, as if it were a new life. Luoxuan handed the seaweed in his palm to Nuo Aier, "From now on, this seaweed can be big or small, and it is in line with your heart."

"Thank you!" Noir said excitedly.

"Oh, by the way, the soul of this seaweed is the soul in charge of various weapons. If you communicate with him, he will fight for you. Otherwise, he is just the most ordinary seaweed." Luo Xuan reminded with a smile, "You need to treat him like a relative and friend."

"Huh--Flower God has good ability," he has been silently looking at the King of the East China Sea of the Flower God, and finally applauded. He looked at Luo Hua and said cautiously, "Now the Flower God is also grateful to our East China Sea. If you have any requirements, just say it."