Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 19 Towards Liaodong

Li Zhong flew all the way to the Yecheng treasury and saw a carriage pulling grain out of the city, which seemed a little chaotic. Outside the treasury stood an elegant and slightly tall man who was commanding. Li Zhong sat on the horse and looked at him. Two hours later, when the grain was transported away, Li Zhong returned. He asked Zhang Yan, who was beside him, "This person is Ju Shu," and Zhang Yan nodded.

Li Zhong said to Zhang Xi and others: "This escort of food and grass is also responsible for this. General Ju Yi and Wen Qian assisted Junyi in doing this matter well. I hope you will live up to my expectations." Zhang Xun saw that Li Zhong entrusted such important things to a new leader, and immediately felt that "Lord, don't worry, the last general will die and will be finished. "It's a task," Li Zhong patted him on the shoulder, nodded, got off the horse and walked towards Ju Shu, and Guan Hai led the horse behind.

"Is it Ju Gonghe?" The man looked at Li Zhong with some doubt and nodded and said, "I don't know what the prince is?" "It's the new Liaodong Taisman Li Zhong," Li Zhongping said to Ju Shuping, with no arrogant look.

Ju Shu said for a moment, "I have seen Lord Li." "Li Zhong waved his hand and said, "You don't have to do this. Do you dare to ask Mr. Gong and Mr. Zhou Mu if you have received the order?" Ju Shu said secretly, "I have received it." Li Zhong saw that he looked gloomy and couldn't help but quickly, "Is Mr. Gong and Mr. not Comfortable? "Thank you for your concern, Lord Li. It's very good." Li Zhong nodded and said, "That's good. I'll be in trouble with you in the future." So Li Zhong prepared to take Ju Shu's hand and was dodged by Ju Shu. Li Zhong looked at Ju Shu in surprise and didn't say anything. Instead, Ju Shu looked at Li Zhong and saw Li Zhong. Zhong's face remained unchanged and looked at him, and it was still the calm smile. Ju Shu nodded secretly and said to Li Zhong, "Dare to ask Lord Li's ambition." Li Zhong smiled and replied, "Hasn't Gong and Mr. Gong and Mr. Jianghong?" Ju Shou nodded and asked again, "I have seen the song of Lord Li's full Jiang Hong, heroic and magnificent, like nature, is admired by Lord Li. But Lord Li knew that he didn't ask this." Li Zhong nodded, thought for a moment, and suddenly said excitedly, "I want all the people in the world to have food, clothes and houses to live in. Not only that, I also want to take the world in my arms and go boating on the sea in my lifetime. I don't know if Mr. Ju Shu is satisfied?" After thinking for a while, he suddenly knelt down and said, "If Lord Meng does not give up, he is willing to help him." Li Zhong laughed and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he finished this guy, and then said to Ju Shu, "I hope that Mr. Wen is like the king of Wen looking forward to Jiang Shangye?" Then Li Zhong helped Ju Shu up and Ju Shu heard the words and said, "Sadmon. Seeing the lord, the lord praised it." Sir, don't be polite. Let's go to the camp with me, and then go to Liaodong together." Ju Shu nodded and rode the horse out of the city with Ju Shu.

Ju Shu (?-200), a native of Guangping (now Jizedong, Hebei Province), was a counselor under Yuan Shao's account at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Juzong's brother and the father of Juhu. History records that he "rarely ambitious and good at strategy". He once drove away from Jizhou, raised Maocai, and served as a county magistrate twice. Later, when Han Fu said goodbye, he was regarded as a riding captain by Han Fu. After Yuan Shao occupied Jizhou, he appointed Ju Shu as his job. He often proposes good policies to Yuan Shao, but many times Yuan Shao does not listen. Yuan Shao was defeated in the battle of Guandu. He failed to escape and was captured by Cao Cao and executed by Cao Cao for refusing to surrender. In 200 A.D. (the fifth year of Jian'an), on the eve of the Battle of Guandu, Ju Shu gathered the clan, scattered his wealth and said, "If Yuan Gong wins in Guandu, we will have all power, but if we are defeated, we can't even protect ourselves. It's really sad!" Ju Shu's younger brother disagreed and said, "Cao Cao's sergeant's horse is not enough for us. Brother, why should you be afraid?" However, Ju Shu could see that Cao Cao's hero said, "With the general idea of Cao Yanzhou, there is also holding the emperor as the capital. Although we have destroyed Gongsun Zan, the sergeant is tired, the general is arrogant, and the army is in this move. Yang Xiong said, 'The Chi Chi of the Six Kingdoms is a weak girl,' that's it. Cao Cao once commented on Ju Shu: "I get together early, and the world is not worried." Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "Many scholars in Hebei are loyal to Jujun. Gaze and know the formation method, and look up to see astronomy. The heart of death is like iron, and the breath is like a cloud in the face of danger. Cao Gongqin is righteous and specially built a lonely tomb.

This shows the ability to teach.

However, after returning to the camp overnight, Li Zhong and others saw that the people in the camp were sharing food and did not disturb them. Instead, they got the camp account with Guan Haiju. Li Zhong said to Guan Haiju, "Bo Yong took the father-in-law and Mr. to rest first. If you dare to go all night, the father-in-law and Mr. should also be tired." Guan Hai clicked a little. Head, he said to Ju Shu: 'Mr. Gong and Mr. Please come with me.' Ju Shu did not refuse and arched his hand to Li Zhong. Li Zhong nodded with a smile, and then went out with Guan Hai. And Li Zhong also fell asleep because he didn't have a rest for a day.

It was not until noon the next day that Li Zhong woke up and said to the soldier outside the account, "Come and get me some food. I'm starving to death." The soldier answered and left.

After Li Zhong finished eating, he called Lu Su, Ju Shu, Tian Yu and others to come over. Lord," after they arrived at Li Zhong's tent, they arched their hands to Li Zhong and shouted. Li Zhong nodded, looked at the people below and nodded with satisfaction, "Guys, we have been delayed for two days here and can't wait any longer. It's September now. We have to arrive in Liaodong before October and help the people stabilize, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable." Li Zhong sighed. Looking at the people below not talking, Li Zhong nodded and said, "Now I order, Zhang Yi, you lead the people of the headquarters to go to the front to inquire about the news." Zhang Li nodded, "Yes, lord." Li Zhong nodded, and then Zhang Xi went out. Ju Yi, "Yes, what do you have to order?" Ju Yi arched his hand to Li Zhong and said, "You lead the rear of the headquarters, pay attention to the movement behind, and don't make loopholes for the bandits." "Yes, Lord," Ju Yi answered and walked out.

"Man City, Wen Qian, you two lead the remaining soldiers and horses to patrol among the people and don't disturb the people." "Yes, Lord," the two answered and walked out. Tian Guorang, where is Guan Boyong, his subordinates are here, there is a problem for you two to lead the tiger guard to take care of the grain and grass, I respectfully follow the Lord's instructions, the two replied, and then walked out.

Then Li Zhong said to Lu Su and Ju Shu, "What else do you have to add?" The two shook their heads, and then Ju Shu said, "The lord has arranged it very well, and there is nothing to add." "Su has nothing to add," Lu Su also replied. Seeing that the two counselors agreed, Li Zhong said to them, "In that case, let's go, but I'm the only one responsible for the safety of the two gentlemen." After that, he laughed. The two looked at each other and smiled, but they were not as exaggerated as Li Zhong's smile.

A huge team walked towards Liaodong.