Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 24 Receive Xu Rong

Xu Rong made an unexpected action in everyone's surprised eyes.

He waved his fist and hit Li Zhong. Li Zhong was also stunned by his action. He came to his senses and saw Xu Rong's fist in front of him. Li Zhong didn't have time to think too much. He fell to the ground and rolled a donkey and narrowly avoided Xu Rong's fist. Zhang Yi next to him was first shocked by Xu Rong's action. When he came to his senses, he saw Li Zhong fall to the ground, and Xu Rong raised his foot to attack Li Zhong again. Zhang He stretched out his foot to meet Xu Rong. Zhang He shook, while Xu Rong retreated 5,6 steps before stopping, looking at Zhang Yin with surprise, but did not see any other expression on his face. Gongsun Du, who was next to him, had already been shocked and sweated coldly by Xu Rong's movements. After seeing Zhang Xi and Xu Rong kicking each other, he quickly pulled Xu Rong and shouted, "Xu Boxiao, do you know what you were doing just now? Why don't apologize to the master."

At this time, Li Zhong stood up from the ground with the help of Zhang Li, grabbed Zhang Li with an angry face, looked at Xu Rong with a wry smile and said, "Do you have a grudge against Li?" Xu Rong shook his head. So what did Li do to offend Bo Xiao?" Xu Rong still shook his head and said nothing. Zhang He, who was beside him, saw Xu Rong so arrogant and saw Li Zhong talking politely to Xu Rong, while Xu Rong just shook his head and raised his hand to hit Xu Rong. Li Zhong quickly pulled Zhang He. Li Zhong did not say anything, but looked at Xu Rong with a smile.

At this time, the atmosphere in the living room was quite strange. Li Zhong and Xu Rong looked at each other, Gongsun Du was sweating coldly, and Zhang Yun glared at Xu Rong next to Li Zhong. About a quarter of an hour later, Li Zhong nodded to Xu Rong and still looked at him with a smile, while Xu Rong, who was expressionless in front of him, stared at Gongsun Du and Zhang Hao. Looking at Li Zhong in a daze, he knelt down and said, "Xu Rong visited the lord and hoped that the lord would take him in." Li Zhong quickly came forward and helped Xu Rong and said, "Please get up quickly." The two masters and ministers looked at each other and laughed, making Gongsun Du and Zhang Yi next to them confused.

After the four people sat down, Li Zhong said to Xu Rong, "Biao, do you want to be a military sima in the army first?" Xu Rong nodded and said, "My subordinates are the Lord's orders." Then Li Zhong said to Zhang He and Gongsun Du, "In the future, Bo Xiao is from our Liaodong Army. You two can't take the opportunity to find trouble with Bo Xiao, okay?" After hearing Li Zhong's words, Wei Weiwei is Nuo and quickly nodded. Li Zhong nodded with satisfaction.


The spring of the third year of photosynthetic is the beginning of a year. After nearly three months of efforts last year, all the exiles who came to Liaodong have built their own small homes with the help of Li Zhong and the army and got seeds. In the beautiful season of spring, people began to have new expectations and visions for future happiness. This was a day they didn't dare to think of before, but today is finally coming true, because they have all divided their own land from the government, 2 mu of land for one person, and the land is their own. Although the government stipulates that the land cannot be bought and sold, if it is to be bought and sold, the government will take it back. But no one objected, because these simple and honest people think that as long as they have their own land, life will get better and better, so they have divided the land today, which is full of laughter between the white mountains and black water.

Everyone also knows how the land came from, so everyone is grateful to him and worships his portrait at home and prays for him.

That day, Li Zhong spent a short but very ** morning under Xiuer's service. While Xiuer served him in his clothes, he pulled Xiuer into his arms and arbitrarily plundered her sweetness. Although she was very shy, she still refused to let him succeed. Under Xiuer's still shyness and annoy, Li Zhong left the room with a laugh and walked to the council chamber. Last year, Li Zhong redecorated the Taishou Mansion, adding not only the council hall, but also the living room and combat hall. The Taishou Mansion has become the military and political center of Liaodong.

Li Zhong came to the council hall, where there were not only Zhang Xi, Lu Su and others who stayed in Liaodong, but also Ju Shu, Tian Yu and Guoyuan who came from all over the world. Speaking of this Guoyuan, I have to say that when Lu Su was ordered to recruit him, he hesitated for a moment and refused, saying that he only wanted to learn in his life and did not want to become an official. No matter how brilliant Lu Su's tongue was, he just shook his head. However, when Lu Su handed over the letter to him by Li Zhong to Guoyuan, after reading it, he quickly told Lu Su that he was willing to be an official in Liaodong, which made Lu Su dizzy. Later, when I asked, I learned that Li Zhong only wrote the data on the number of people and the current population of the people in the letter. Guoyuan saw that the total number of people in the Han Dynasty was about 20 million, and the number of people in various places was about 6 million. For the sake of the people, Guoyuan promised to become an official. Lu Su was also surprised by Li Zhong's hand and secretly admired Li Zhong's talent and ability to know people.

"Guys, what's the situation in various places now?" Li Zhong sat down and said to everyone. Ju Shuxian stood up and said to Li Zhong, "I told the lord that 150,000 local people and 300,000 exiles in Xuandu County have been divided into land and seeds, and everyone is currently busy farming. In order to thank the lord for his benevolence and righteousness, the local people ordered to worship the portrait of the lord at home and prayed for me and Liaodong every day. Because of the benevolence and righteousness of the lord, the people have a strong sense of joining the army. At present, General Ju Yi has found 10,000 soldiers, but there are still 23,000 young people who said that they want to sign up to join the army. They have reported the lord's great kindness and ask the lord to make a decision." Li Zhong nodded and said, "As long as we are united in Liaodong, we will fight. Invincible. After you go back, let Ju Yi recruit 5,000 more people, but don't miss the spring ploughing. This is not only very important to the people, but also to us," Li Zhong said meaningfully. The lord was assured and made clear that he would not miss the spring ploughing," Li Zhong nodded.

Next is Tian Yu and Guoyuan. The situation of the two is similar to that of Ju Shu, so Li Zhong looked at them with appreciation and asked them to recruit 5,000 more soldiers without missing Chun Geng. They also nodded and answered.

And the situation in Liaodong County is also quite good. Basically, the people have been divided into land and seeds, and 250,000 local people and 300,000 exiles have been properly settled. Li Zhong looked at Lu Su with satisfaction, and then his face became a little solemn. He opened his mouth and said to the crowd, "Guys, today I will ask you to come and tell you something about my lifeline in Liaodong." Seeing Li Zhong's solemn face, everyone stood straight one by one and listened carefully to Li Zhong's words.