Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 51 Best Actor

After Zhang Rang sat down, he smiled at Zhang Feng and said, "What's the so-called thing about Mr. Zhang's next time?" Looking at that Rang's expression, Zhang Feng knew that the eunuch was afraid that he would not do anything for you. At present, Zhang Feng also smiled and said to Zhang Rang, "Marquis is wrong. This time My nephew sent Tian Feng to visit the marquis. First, he thanked the marquis for his original promotion, and second, he really wanted to ask the marquis for something small. After listening to Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Rang nodded and turned his head to look at Tian Feng. Tian Feng secretly said the old fox, and then said to Zhang Rang with a smile, "Li Zhong, the governor of Liaodong. Xia Tianfeng met the marquis. Zhang Rang was very satisfied to see Tian Feng talking to him so lowly. He immediately said to Tian Feng, "I don't know how Lord Li has been recently." "Thank you for your concern. My lord is still good, but" looked at Zhang Rang, Tian Feng wanted to stop talking.

"Just what", "Oh, it's just that after my lord arrived in Liaodong, he had no foundation and was constrained by the local clan. Fortunately, he relied on the prestige of the marquis, and those people were still interested. However, this year, Zhang Chun and Zhangju actually colluded with Wuwan Hufu to rebel against the masses, and went to dozens of counties in Youzhou, Weizhou shepherd Liu Yu in Ji County, my lord After receiving Liu Zhoumu's letter of asking for help, without saying a word, he poured 30,000 soldiers in Liaodong to rescue Liu Zhoumu overnight. Tian Feng took a look at Zhang Rang and saw his expressionless face. Tian Feng continued: "After nearly half a month of trekking, our army arrived in Ji County without delay. Fortunately, it relied on the prestige of the marquis and my master's plan. More than 5,000 people were killed. Qiu Liju, the head of the Wuwan thief, led more than 4,000 people and fled in a hurry, but our army also suffered most of the casualties." He said here, Tian Feng's eyes were a little wet and his tone was a little choked. Zhang Rang nodded to him. At this time, he continued to say, "Then my master led me all night. The army first broke Zhang Ju's army of more than 100,000 thieves, then Zhang Chun Yuling County, and killed two thieves. However, our army also suffered heavy casualties, and in the end, less than 3,000 people survived." Looking at Tian Feng's tearful face, Zhang Feng and Le Jin's faces suddenly became a little wonderful. If they knew that there was an Oscar, then the best man Tian Feng must be the only actor. He plays too much like a mother.

"Sir, you don't have to do this. Your family and your master are also old acquaintances. If you have any grievances, please come." Zhang Rang was a little dizzy by Tian Feng's tearful words. He didn't understand what Tian Feng was singing.

"Later, there was no food in our army. My master went to visit Liuzhou Pastoral Mansion alone and asked Liu Zhoumu to borrow some food and fodder from our army. When my master returned to Liaodong, he would return it to him in the next day. But, "But what, what are you saying?" Zhang Rang's curiosity was a little aroused.

"But Liu Yu not only didn't give it, but also wanted to murder my lord. Fortunately, my lord mentioned the marquis's name at the time of crisis. Liu Yu just let go of my lord and said, and said, "What else did you say?" "I dare not say" and "Say" Seeing Zhang Rang's anxious look, Tian Feng coughed twice, but Later, he lowered his head and whispered, "Liu Yu also said that he would let you go for the sake of the eunuch this time. Don't think I'm afraid of him. If he dares to come to my Youzhou, he will call him back." "Liu Yu, how dare you do this?" Zhang wanted to hate others for calling him eunuch in his life, which was his pain.

"The marquis is angry," Tian Feng said to Zhang Rang. It's just that Zhang Rang was still gasping. Obviously, he was angry.

"What your master means," Zhang Rang asked calmly after a while.

"My father-in-law brought the heads of Zhang Chun and two traitors to dedicate to your majesty. Secondly, my lord also asked me to bring something to honor the marquis. I hope the marquis will not refuse." "Oh, then thank Lord Li for his kindness for me, but the family will be disrespectful." This is Zhang Rang's face. A smile.

"Wen Qian, go ahead and get in too much," Tian Feng turned around and said to Le Jin. Le Jin nodded, turned around and walked out.

"Carry it here and put it here." After a while, Lejin came in with more than 20 people carrying 7,8 wooden boxes, and several others led 20 good horses.

After putting it away, Tian Feng took back the people who carried the boxes and opened one of them. Zhang Rang was a little stunned. Tian Feng almost had no nausea when he saw his appearance. He resisted the discomfort and forced a forced smile, "Marquis, I don't know if the marquis is satisfied?" Well, Zhang Rang nodded, and then went out to touch it again. With the hair of those good horses. Feeling very soft, he immediately turned around and said, "Oh, I'm sorry to bother your father-in-law to bother you so much. What's the matter? Tell me?"

"My lord means to help the marquis kill Liu Yu's villain to vent the anger in the marquis's heart and avenge the day. The marquis only needs to take these two traitors to meet your majesty and ask for the position of Youzhou herdsman for my lord. In the future, my lord will obey the marquis's order. I don't know what the marquis wants?" Tian Feng said quickly.

Zhang Rang's eyes turned around, and then said to Tian Feng with some frustration, "Oh, this matter is of great importance, and it's not easy to do this. Besides, Liu Yu is a royal family. Forget it, you'd better take these things back."

As soon as Tian Feng heard it, he knew that the eunuch had been blackmailed. It was because Youzhou Mu's position was a little big, and Li Zhong was only 18 years old (virtual age). Although it was a little troublesome, I'm afraid it wouldn't take much to have the heads of Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju.

"Oh, damn it, the lord asked me to take everything I brought to the marquis. Wen Qian, go back and move all those things to the marquis," Tian Feng quickly said to Le Jin. Please forgive me." Tian Feng bowed to Zhang Rang and almost knelt down for Zhang Rang.

Zhang Rang smiled in his heart, but on the surface, he said to Tian Feng indifferently, "Hey, who called Lord Li and Lord Li an old acquaintance? Anyway, I went to the palace to meet your majesty and asked your majesty to make the decision for Lord Li. "Thank you for your kindness, my lord must keep it in mind," Tian Feng said loudly to Zhang Rang.

Well, Zhang Rang nodded with a smile, "Okay, you go back first. If there is news, I will send someone to the Hero Building to inform you." After saying that, Zhang Rang, who was about to turn back to the inner hall, would not say to Tian Feng after listening to it, "Oh, by the way, you can send the things directly here later. There will be someone He came to take it away," and then left.

"I originally wanted to save these 3,000 taels of gold for my lord, but it seems that I underestimated Zhang Rang's greed," Tian Fenghui complained to Zhang Feng after arriving at Zhang's house.

Zhang Feng also shook his head with tears and laughter.