Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 112 Set 1

"Deheng (Ma Jun's son)" and "Lord," Ma Jun replied respectfully.

"How many pairs of heavy armors are there now," Li Zhong looked at Ma Jun expectantly and asked.

"There are only 4,000 pairs in total," Ma Jun frowned when he looked at Li Zhong and felt a little nervous.

Li Zhong asked, "Why is it only 4,000 pairs?" Obviously, his tone was a little unhappy. Because of this, the A process is complicated and expensive, and we have too few technicians, so please forgive me," Ma Jun bowed, and Zheng Hun and others also knelt down to Li Zhong and said, "Please forgive me."

"Oh," Li Zhong sighed, and then picked up Ma Jun and Zheng Hun and said, "I'm too anxious. Don't do this. Let's all get up." "Thank you, Lord," everyone stood up and shouted.

Li Zhong nodded to them with a smile, and then said, "I'll give two gentlemen a suggestion." "Lord, please speak," the two said respectfully.

Then Li Zhong simply told them the method of assembly line operation in later generations, and Pu Yuan, who was beside him, listened to Li Zhong's suggestion, looked at Li Zhong with an admiring face and said, "The lord is really a god. Although this method is simple, it is quite practical and not as good as his subordinates."

"Mr. Pu Yuan is flattered," Li Zhong smiled, and Ma Jun and Zheng Hun's eyes also lit up after listening to Li Zhong's words, and their hearts were full of joy, and then said with admiration: "Master's talent, I can't wait."

"The three gentlemen have been flattered. In fact, this is also what I found by chance. I hope it will be useful to you," Li Zhong said nonsense, and his face is not red and breathless.

"Don't worry, I will make 20,000 pairs of heavy armor within the specified time," Ma said solemnly to Li Zhong. Well, although we have to hurry, we should also pay attention to the quality of heavy armor," Li Zhong reminded.

"Yes," everyone answered in unison.

So Li Zhong visited some other places accompanied by Zheng Hun and Ma Jun, and then went back.

"Deng Zhan", "Lord", Deng Zhan replied respectfully with a horizontal face.

"You go to the Wu Research Institute tomorrow to transport 3,000 knives and 3,000 pairs of heavy armor to the First Legion and hand them over to General Zilong." Returning to the former general's mansion, Li Zhong said to Deng Zhan.

"Yes, Lord."

"Okay, now you all go down and have a rest," Li Zhong looked at Wang Yue and Deng Zhan in front of them and said.

"Yes, the subordinates will go down first," "Well," Li Zhong nodded with a smile to them.

They all know that the general's mansion is heavily defended, so they agreed so readily. If it is in other places, the two people will certainly not agree. If Li Zhong has any advantages and disadvantages, I'm afraid they will be inexcusable.

Seeing the two leave, Li Zhong also went to the backyard with a happy face. Needless to say, he must have gone to Xiuer's place.

And time passed quietly like a white colt. In a blink of an eye, it came to the fifth year of photosynthening, that is, 185 AD. It can be said that time is like an arrow and the moon.

There is still a scene of ice and snow melting on the land of Youzhou.

And the people in Youzhou are also getting richer and richer under the rule of Li Zhong. Now children can be seen playing everywhere. The old people sit quietly in the courtyard and watch their sons work in the fields, watching their grandchildren play together, folds, and the faces of vicissitudes of life are filled with happy smiles. What a harmony Harmonious and peaceful picture.

"Lord", Li Zhong came to the state pastoral mansion on this day (now the official office of Youzhou, and Li Zhong now lives in the former general's mansion, next to the state pastoral mansion).

"Guo Rang, Zitai, you are finally back." When he came to the lobby, Li Zhong saw two strange and familiar faces, so he shouted excitedly.

The two were also very happy and immediately bowed down and said, "Tianchou, Tian Yu has met the lord." It turned out that these two people were Tianchou and Tian Yu.

"Two gentlemen, please get up quickly," Li Zhong came to them and helped them up.

Seeing that Li Zhong was so sincere, the two couldn't help but be moved.

After sitting separately, Li Zhong asked the two about their situation for nearly a year before getting to the point.

"Lord, but the news came from the wind," Ju Shu took the lead in asking.

Li Zhong smiled undeniably and then said, "Ju Shu is Ju Shu. You guessed it before I said it." Li Zhong gave Ju Shu a thumbs up and praised it.

Ju Shu shook his head with a smile.

Li Zhong looked whole and then said, "According to the news from Yang Li's return, Fuyu seems to be in civil strife, while Goguli has taken advantage of the fire and has robbed several cities south of Fuyu. At present, Fuyu's situation is not optimistic." Li Zhong said angrily.

"What about Juwo and Louwo?" Tian Feng asked.

"The two countries did not intervene. I guess they are waiting for Fuyu to collapse and give them the best blow," Li Zhong said with a mocking face.

After listening to Li Zhong's words, everyone was silent, and Li Zhong did not disturb them, but picked up the teacup and tasted it slowly.

"I don't know the Lord's plan," Tian Yu asked after a while.

Li Zhong glanced at him, and then replied with a smile, "Sri and clams compete with each other, and fishermen get profits", looking complaed.

However, Tian Feng's words poured cold water on Li Zhong. "Lord, I don't think this is appropriate." Li Zhong did not say anything, but looked at him quietly.

"My subordinates think that if we leave it alone, the final result will be Fuyu being annexed by Goguryeo, and if we go north, we are bound to fight against the victorious Goguryeo army, which they think is not possible," Tian Feng said worried.

Everyone also nodded in support of Tian Feng's words.

Li Zhong was embarrassed. Now he is neither advancing nor retreating, so he asked anxiously, "Does Mr. Yuan Han have a good strategy?"

Tian Feng thought for a moment and then said, "Gao Gu Li's move is obviously to destroy the country, and Fu Yu people will resist tenaciously. It can be predicted that if Gao Gu Li wants to break through Fu Yu, he will lose at least 100,000 troops, and if he uses the master's plan at this time, he will definitely succeed."

After listening to this, everyone threw an admiring look at Tian Feng, and Li Zhong was also very excited and sighed in his heart that Tian Feng was Tian Feng, which was really powerful.

"Okay, Mr. Tian Feng has a very good plan. Is there anything else to add?" Li Zhong looked at his counselors with a happy face and said.

After a while, seeing that everyone did not respond, Li Zhong said, "Okay, since everyone has nothing to add, let's follow this plan."

Everyone nodded in agreement, only Ju Shu was still frowning and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Okay, everyone," before Li Zhong finished his words, suddenly someone shouted, "Master, slow down, I have something to report."

Li Zhong looked at the source of the voice, but found that it was Ju Shu who had been silent.

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