Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 130 Hua Tuo 3(,)

The action of the five birds opera is to imitate the tiger's fluttering forelimbs, the deer's head and neck, the bear's standing up, the ape's toes jumping, the bird's wingspanting and flying, etc.

It is said that when Hua Tuo was in Xuchang, he guided many thin and weak people to do this gymnastics on the open ground every day.

said: "Everyone can exercise regularly to eliminate diseases and benefit their feet as a guide. If you are unhappy, you will be a bird's play, and you will sweat. Because of the powder, your body is light and want to eat."

The era of Hua Tuo's life was the early days of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, the warlords were in chaos, floods and droughts, epidemics, and the people were in deep trouble. And because of the needs of the plot, Hua Tuo is now on the stage, so there is no need to be too serious)

At that time, a famous poet Wang Can (one of the seven sons of Jian'an, the other six people are Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Xu Gan Ruan Yu, Ying Yu and Liu Zhen) wrote these two sentences in his Seven Lamentations: "Nothing is seen when you go out, and the white bones cover the plain."

This is the true portrayal of the social situation at that time.

Seeing this situation, Hua Tuo hated the evil feudal heroes very much and sympathized with the oppressed and exploited working people very much. For this reason, he does not want to be an official, but prefers to defend the golden hoop bell and run around to relieve the suffering of the people.

Hua Tuo does not seek fame and fortune, and does not admire wealth, which allows him to concentrate on the study of medicine.

The Biography of Hua Tuo in the Book of Later Han said that he "also knows the art of nurtuals and nourishment", especially "proficient in prescription drugs". People call him a "divine doctor."

He has compiled his rich medical experience into a medical book called the Blue Capsule Sutra, but unfortunately it has not been passed down.

But it can't be said that his medical experience has been completely annihilated. Because many of his successful students, such as Fan A, who is famous for acupuncture, Wu Pu, who wrote Wu Pu's Herbs, and Li Dangzhi, who wrote Materia Meads, partially inherited his experience.

The existing Hua Tuo's Central Tibetan Classic, which is the work of the Song people, was published under his name. But it may also include some of the remnants of Hua Tuo's works.

Hua Tuo's excellence is that he can critically inherit the academic achievements of his predecessors and create new doctrines on the basis of summarizing the experience of his predecessors.

Chinese medicine has made brilliant achievements in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Bian Que's interpretation of physiological pathology can be said to be a great achievement.

Hua's knowledge may develop from the theory of Bian Que. At the same time, Hua Tuo also has an in-depth study of Zhang Zhongjing's theory at the same time.

When he read the tenth volume of Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Typhoid Fever, he said happily, "This is really a living book", which shows that Zhang Zhongjing's theory has a great influence on Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo followed the path opened up by his predecessors and opened up a new world with a down-to-earth foot. For example, at that time, he found the in vitro compression of the heart and the mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. There are many examples of this. The most prominent are the invention of anesthesia - the boiling powder of alcohol and the creation of the "play of five birds" of sports therapy.

Some drugs with anesthetic properties were used as anesthetics, which were used before Hua Tuo.

However, they are either used for war, assassination, or pestering, but not really for surgery.

Hua Tuo summarized the experience in this area, observed the sleeping state of people when they were drunk, invented the anesthesia of Jiufu Ma Bo San, which was officially used in medicine, thus greatly improving the technology and efficacy of surgery and expanding the scope of surgical treatment.

According to the research of the Japanese scientist Huagang Qingzhou, the composition of the boiling powder is one liter of mandala flowers, four cents each for raw grass black, Quan Angelica, Xiang Baizhi and Chuanxi, and one cent for one yuan for Nanxing. Since the advent of the anesthesia method, Hua Tuo's surgery has been more mastered and more patients have been cured.

. When he encountered those abdominal diseases that could not be cured with acupuncture and soup, he asked the patient to take hemp boiling powder with alcohol first. When the patient had no sense after anesthesia, he applied a surgical hand to cut off the abdomen and back and cut off the affected part. If the disease is in the stomach, cut it and wash it, then suture it and apply ointment.

The wound heals in four or five days, and the disease will be completely healed in about a month. At that time, Hua Tuo was able to perform surgical operations such as tumor removal and gastrointestinal suture. Once, a patient with a cart bent his feet and shouted for a stomachache.

Soon, the breath was weak, and the sound of shouting pain gradually decreased. Hua Tuo cut his veins, pressed his stomach, and concluded that the patient was suffering from intestinal disease.

Due to the dangerousness of the disease, Hua Tuo immediately gave the patient "Boiling powder" with alcohol. After anesthesia, he was given another operation.

After treatment, the patient recovered in about a month. His surgery has been respected by all generations. Chen Jiamo's "Mengzhi" in the Ming Dynasty quoted a poem in the "Praise of Famous Doctors of All Dynasties" as a summary: "Wei Youhua Tuo set up a sore department, removes bones and cures diseases, and has many divine effects." It can be seen that Hua Tuo, the "surgery ancestor" is worthy of the name.

According to academic research, he was born in the first year of Han Yongjia (AD 145) and died in the 13th year of Jian'an (AD 2080). This research is very suspicious. Because the Book of the Later Han Dynasty ยท Biography of Hua Tuo has a record that Hua Tuo is "100 years old, but still has a strong appearance, and people think he is an immortal". There is also a record that he still maintains his appearance in his 60s by the age of 150 or 60, and it is a childlike face. According to this, Hua Tuo may have lived more than 64 years.

Records of the Three Kingdoms commented: "Hua Tuo's medical diagnosis, Du Kui's vocal music, Zhu Jianping's Xiangshu, Zhou Xuan's dream, Guan Li's skill, all of which are mysterious and extraordinary skills. In the past, there were legends of Bian Que, Cang Gong and Japanese, so it was widely anecdotal and strange. Therefore, it is recorded in Yun'er.

In the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Xun Yu once said, "It is appropriate to add full mercy to human life."

Hua Tuo is one of the few outstanding surgeons in the history of Chinese medicine. He is good at using anesthesia, acupuncture, moxibustion and other methods, and is good at surgery to open chest and abdomen.

The method of surgery is not the mainstream treatment of traditional Chinese medicine based on the culture of "respecting Confucianism". Under the proposition of Confucianism, surgery has not developed on a large scale in traditional Chinese medicine.

Some medical historians have verified that the treatment used by Hua Tuo has been recorded in Indian medicine. The main drug "Mandala Flower" in the he used is also produced in India. Therefore, they proposed that Hua Tuo has traveled all over the Central Plains all his life, and he is likely to be a doctor from India. This statement has a certain reference value.

Traditional Chinese medicine surgery has reached a relatively high level as far away as the Han Dynasty. However, with the passage of time and the continuous progress of traditional Chinese medicine in theory and practice, most diseases can be cured by acupuncture, drugs and other treatment methods, and these surgical prescriptions that are painful, seriously damaged and damaged meridians and collaterals are broken. The law has gradually been replaced by a more "civilized" and "simple" internal law.

Under this condition, traditional Chinese medicine has also made great progress, and many other medicine has to admit that it transcends the science and the profoundness of its theory.

Although Hua Tuo's medical books were completely burned, his academic ideas have not completely disappeared, especially in the research of traditional Chinese medicine. His disciple Wu Pu is a famous pharmacist, and many contents of Wu Pu's Herbs can be seen in later medical books.

Hua Tuo's tomb in Xuchang, Henan Province is located on the west bank of the Shiliang River in the south of Suqiao Village, 15 kilometers north of Xuchang City. The tomb is 4 meters high and covers an area of 360 square meters. The tomb is oval-shaped, and a stone tablet was erected in the 17th year of Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1752 AD) with regular script: "Han God Doctor Hua Cemetery". The cemetery is hexagonal, surrounded by green brick walls, and green pine. In 1985, the Henan Branch of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine held a "Hua Tuo Academic Seminar" in Xuchang, engraved with a stone tablet of "the Tomb of Hua Tuo, an outstanding medical scientist in the Eastern Han Dynasty".

In the southwest corner of Shenqiu Huaidian Town, Zhoukou, Henan Province, on the south bank of Shaying River, there is a large mound like a small mountain bag. The locals call it Huagu Tomb, also known as Hua Tuo Tomb. It is said that Hua Tuo, a famous doctor, was buried here at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In January 1979, the then Shenqiu County Revolutionary Committee designated the tomb as a key cultural relic protection unit. In 2003, the People's Government of Shenqiu County renamed the road in front of the tomb to Hua Tuo Road. There is a village called Hua Tuo Temple in Zhongnan, which is named after Hua Tuo Temple in the village.

It can be said that Hua Tuo's image has penetrated into everyone's heart, and this spirit has been passed down with his name.

And he is also one of the few historical figures I admire.