Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 149 Yuan Shao2

The ministers asked for the establishment of the crown prince. Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was very unconcerned because of Liu's frivolous and shallowness, but he abandoned the direct concubine and was worried about the opposition of the ministers, so he was indecisive.

Zhen Shuo and other eunuchs certainly understood that the most important thing was that they did not want the power to fall into the hands of He Jin, so on the pretext of Han Sui's rebellion, he proposed to ask the general to lead the army to the west to suppress the rebellion.

At this critical moment, He Jin understood the eunuch's tricks and asked Yuan Shaodong to return to Xu Yan. When Yuan Shaobing returned, he would attack Han Sui to the west. A few days later, Emperor Ling of Han died of illness. Jian Shuo decided to kill He Jin first and then set up Liu Xie, so he sent people to welcome He into the palace to plan. He Jin gathered troops outside the palace and waited for him, saying that he was ill. Under pressure, Jian Shuo had to appoint Liu Wei as emperor.

Liu Wei ascended the throne, and Empress He was controlled by the Empress Dowager. Yuan Kui and the general He Jin assisted the government and recorded the calligraphy together. [ 4] This is a victory for foreign relatives and bureaucrats and doctors against eunuchs.

At this time, Yuan Shao said to He Jin through He Jin's guest Zhang Jin: "The eunuchs of Huangmen and Changshi have been in power for a long time and specialize in bad things. The general should choose another virtuous person to rectify the country and eliminate harm for the world."

He Jin thought so, so he appointed Yuan Shao as a lieutenant, He Yu as the middle officer of the Northern Army, Xu You as the servant of Huangmen, and Zheng Tai as Shangshu. At the same time, more than 20 people were promoted, and they all became He Jin's confidants.

Zhen Shuo was very uneasy about this and planned to kill He Jin again, but he was reported, and He Jin ordered to arrest and kill Zhen Shuo. In view of the eunuch's eagerness to move, He Jin was afraid of an accident and said that he would not participate in the funeral of Emperor Ling.

Yuan Shao believes that only by killing all eunuchs can he avoid future troubles.

He said to He Jin: "In the past, Dou Wu was going to kill his internal pet, but he suffered from it because the incident was not secret and his words leaked. The soldiers of the five battalions all obeyed the eunuchs' orders, but Dou Wu trusted them and died. Now the general is on the throne of the emperor's uncle, and his brothers lead strong soldiers. The army generals are all handsome and famous men, and they are willing to serve the best for the general. Everything is in the hands of the general. This is a good opportunity given by heaven. The general should eliminate the scourge for the world in one fell swoop and go down to the future!"

He Jin reported to the Empress Dowager He, but the Empress Dowager He disagreed, and He Jin did not dare to disobey the Empress Dowager's intention.

After that, he thought, "Or just kill a few guilty people?" Yuan Shao saw He Jin wavering, and then said to him, "The eunuch is close to the supreme and conveys the imperial edict. If you don't catch it all, there will be endless troubles. Besides, now that the plan has been revealed, why didn't the general make a decision earlier? Things have changed for a long time, and it will be a disaster if you start late.

However, because Empress Dowager's mother Wuyangjun and He Jin's younger brother He Miao were bribed by eunuchs many times, they blocked them and obstructed them. Also because He Jinsu was indecisive and hesitant, there was still no result.

When Yuan Shao saw this situation, he was very anxious and said again, "You can mobilize the fierce generals from all over the world to lead the capital to give advice to the Empress Dowager."

He Jin thought this was a good idea, so he ordered to summon Dong Zhuo, the governor of Bingzhou, to lead the army to Beijing, and sent his subordinates Wang Kuang and captain Bao Xin back to his hometown to recruit troops.

When the soldiers rose from all over the world, the capital was shocked, and the Empress Dowager He felt that the situation was serious. She hurriedly put the Zhongchangshi, Xiaohuangmen and other eunuchs home.

The eunuchs panicked and panicked like a homeless dog. They went together to beg for forgiveness. Yuan Shao repeatedly advised He Jin to take this opportunity to kill them, but He Jin still let them go.

Yuan Shao was very unwilling to inform the state and county, falsely claiming that it was He Jin and ordered the arrest of the eunuch's relatives to be sent to prison.

The eunuchs had no way out and took risks. They entered the palace on the pretext that they were willing to serve the empress dowager for the last time before leaving Beijing. Under the command of Zhang Rang, Duangui, the servant of Zhongchang, led dozens of party members and waited for He to enter the palace and killed He Jin in front of Jiade Hall.

He Jin's general heard that He Jin was killed and led his troops into the palace. Hu Ben Zhonglang attacked the palace with Yuan Shu and burned the Qingzhao Gate. Zhang Rang and others then kidnapped Liu Wei, the young emperor, and Liu Xie, the king of Chen Liu, and fled in a hurry.

Yuan Shao and his uncle Yuan Kui claimed that they had received an edict and killed the eunuchs and relatives Xu Xiang and Fan Ling, and then killed the eunuchs who did not have time to escape under the rosefinch palace. They also ordered to close the palace door, strictly prohibit access, and commanded the soldiers to search the eunuchs in the palace, both old and young, to be killed. More than 2,000 people were killed, some of which were not long. The bearded man was also killed as a eunuch.

Just as Yuan Shao slaughtered eunuchs in the inner palace, Dong Zhuo led his army to the western suburbs of Luoyang and met the young emperor and King Chen Liu under Beipi.

Dong Zhuo inadvertently got a trump card. He surrounded the young emperor and drove into Luoyang City with his army.

When He Jin decided to transfer Dong Zhuo to lead the troops to Beijing, Chen Lin once reminded him: "As soon as the soldiers arrive, the strong will be the hero. This is to fight back and give it to others. Not only can they not achieve their goals, but I'm afraid it will also cause chaos!"

Seeing Dong Zhuo's majestic and invincible appearance, Bao Xin, who had just returned to Luoyang from Taishan to recruit troops, said to Yuan Shao anxiously: "Dong Zhuo has strong soldiers and is scheming. If he can't take measures as soon as possible, he will fall into passivity. If he takes a long march, Shi Malauton, launches a sudden attack and can also capture him. " Yuan Shao was afraid when he saw Dong Zhuobing and Ma Zhuang, and did not dare to act rashly.

Bao Xin was very disappointed and took the troops back to Mount Tai. Dong Zhuo was very arrogant and determined to abolish it to establish his personal authority.

He arrogantly said to Yuan Shao, "The Lord of the world should choose wise people. Liu Xie seems to be okay. I want to make him emperor. If it doesn't work, there will be no need for Liu's descendants to stay.

Yuan Shao was very angry when he heard this and said tit-for-tat, "Are you the only powerful people in the world, Mr. Dong!" After saying that, he held the knife horizontally, arched his hand to Dong Zhuo and left.

Yuan Shao did not dare to stay in Luoyang for a long time. He hung the talisman issued by the imperial court on the upper east gate and fled to Jizhou. Dong Zhuo ordered to be wanted for Yuan Shao. At that time, someone advised Dong Zhuo to say, "It is not understandable for ordinary people to abolish major events.

Yuan Shao doesn't know the general situation, so he is afraid of running away, which means nothing else. If he is wanted in a hurry, it is bound to cause trouble.

The four generations of the Yuan family have spread Ende, and their students and former officials are all over the world. If Yuan Shao recruits heroes and pulls up the team, the heroes will take advantage of the situation. At that time, I'm afraid that Kanto can't control it, so it's better to pardon him and give him a county guard. Then he will be exempt from the crime and won't cause trouble. Therefore, Dong Zhuo appointed Yuan Shao as the governor of Bohai and gave him the title of Marquis of Yongxiang.

In September 189 (Zhongping 6), Dong Zhuo abolished the young emperor as the king of Hongnong and appointed Liu Xie as the emperor for the purpose of Xian. He signed his own prime minister and called himself "noble" and was extremely cruel. At that time, "Luozhong's noble relatives looked at each other, gold and silk property, and the family accumulated. Zhuo indulges soldiers, rushes into his house, **s women, and plagiarizes assets, which is called 'searching'.

Dong Zhuo's unauthorized abolition and various atrocities aroused the resentment of the bureaucrats and doctors, and the Kanto herdsman he appointed also opposed him.

The calls for a crusade against Dong Zhuo are increasing day by day. In the fight against Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao is the most appealing figure, which is not only because of his family status, but also because of his achievements in extermination of eunuchs and not cooperating with Dong Zhuo.

Originally, Han Fu, the pastor of Jizhou, was afraid that Yuan Shao would start an army, so he sent several counties to carry out surveillance in Bohai County and restrict Yuan Shao's actions.

At this time, Qiao Mao, the governor of Dongjun, pretended to be the three princes and wrote to the states and counties, counting Dong Zhuo's crimes, saying that he was "forced by Dong Zhuo and could not help himself. He was eager to be a volunteer to save the country." Han Fu received a letter and called his subordinates for discussion. He asked everyone, "Should we help Yuan or Dong now?"

Liu Zihui, who is engaged in governance, said, "The military is for the country. How to talk about Yuan and Dong!" Han Fu's words are stuffy and his face is ashamed. Forced by the situation, Han Fu did not dare to stop Yuan Shao any more. He wrote to Yuan Shao to express his support for his uprising against Dong.

In the first month of 190 (the first year of Chuping), Guandong County raised troops to fight against the director and elected Yuan Shao as the leader of the alliance. Yuan Shao rode himself as a bicycle general and served with Wang Kuangtun, the governor of Hanoi, and Han Fu stayed in Ye to provide military food.

Yuzhou assassin Kong Yutun Yingchuan, Yanzhou assassin Liu Dai, Chenliu Taishou Zhang Miao, Guangling Taishou Zhang Chao, Dongjun Taishou Qiao Mao, Shanyang Taishou Yuan Yu, Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin and Cao Cao Tun Zao, and later generals Yuan Shutun Luyang, each with tens of thousands of troops.

When Dong Zhuo learned that Yuan Shao raised an army in Shandong, he killed Yuan Shao's uncle Yuan Kui and the Yuan clan in Beijing.

Dong Zhuo then sent Dahongyu Han Rong, Shaofu Yinxun, Jinwu Hu's mother class, general Wu Xun, and Yueqi lieutenant Wang Yu to persuade Yuan Shao and other troops.

Yuan Shao assigned Wang Kuang to kill Hu's mother class, Wang Yu, Wu Xun and others, and Yuan Shu also killed Yin Xun. Only Han Rong was spared from death because of his high moral reputation.

At this time, most of the heroes were attached to Yuan Shao, and because his family was moved by the suffering, everyone wanted to avenge him, so there was no army that swarmed up in the state and county that did not fight the Yuan family's banner.