Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

"Why do you need to be so modest?" Li Zhong felt more and more that this person was not simple and became very interested.

"I'm under Jia Xu," the messenger looked at Li Zhong and said lightly.


Li Zhong was shocked. Looking at the man in front of him, who was the "poison man" in later generations, was ecstatic!!

Looking at Li Zhong's shocked face, Jia Xu also muttered to himself, did he really know me?

"But Wuwei Gu Zang Jia Xu Jia Wenhe", Li Zhong looked at it expectantly. If it was true, then Li Zhong would make a lot of money, at least in his heart.

The messenger looked at Li Zhong with an incredible face and said, "I'm really down. I don't know how the general knows my name?" There was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Hahahaha, Li Zhong laughed in his heart and said secretly, God treats him well. This is the top counselor of the Three Kingdoms.

Jia Xu (147-223 August 11), a native of Wuwei Gu Zang (now Wuwei, Gansu). From the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the beginning of the Three Kingdoms, he was a famous counselor and military strategist, and was also the founder of Cao Wei.

Jia Xu was not famous when he was young. Only Yan Zhong, a famous scholar at that time, thought he was different and said that he had the wisdom of Zhang Liang and Chen Ping.

In his early years, Jia Xu was taken as his husband by Cha Xiaolian. He resigned due to illness and returned to his hometown to reach the land. On the way, he met the rebels and was captured by dozens of his colleagues.

Jia Xu said, "I'm Duan Gong's grandson. Don't hurt me. My family will definitely redeem me with a lot of money."

At that time, Lieutenant Duan Hao, because he had been a border general for a long time and shocked the western land, Jia Xu pretended to be Duan Hao's grandson to scare the people. The traitor did not dare to harm him, and vowed to send him back, but the rest of the people were killed.

Jia Xu has the ability to deal with things so randomly, and there are many things like this.

In September 189 (the first year of Yonghan), Dong Zhuo abolished the young emperor Liu Wei and established the emperor Liu Xie.

In November, Dong Zhuo was his prime minister, praised him for his name, did not enter the court, and went to the palace with his sword.

At this time, Jia Xu was appointed as a lieutenant of Pingjin, and then he was promoted to a lieutenant. At that time, Dong Zhuo's son-in-law put Niu Fu in Shaanxi, and Jia Xu assisted the army in Niu Fu's army.

Soon, Niu Fu sent Li Wei, Guo Yan, Jia Xu and others to attack the Kwantung allied army, first to Sun Jian, and defeated their army in Liang Dong. Sun Jian led thousands of horses to besiege.

In 192 AD (the third year of Chuping), Dong Zhuo was killed, Niu Fu also died, and Wang Yun liquidated Dong Zhuoyu's party.

At that time, Li Yu, Guo Yan and others were uneasy and planned to escape separately. Jia Xu came forward to stop them and said, "I heard that Chang'an City is discussing the intention to kill all the people of Liangzhou, and you abandon the masses and walk alone, and a pavilion chief can catch you.

It's better to lead the troops to the west, restrain the soldiers along the way, and then attack Chang'an to avenge Dong Gong. If you can succeed, you can conquer the world according to the country's (order). If you can't succeed, it's not too late to escape. This plan is adopted by everyone.

So Li and others spread rumors that "Wang Yun wants to wash away the people of this side", contacted the generals of Liangzhou, led the army day and night, attacked Chang'an, and gathered more than 100,000 people under Chang'an City.

Li Wei, Fan Chou, Li Meng and others besieged Chang'an City, but they were not defeated because of the strong defense of the city.

Later, the rebel soldiers in the city guided the Liangzhou army into the city and launched a street battle with the guard Lv Bu. Lv Bu was defeated and only led more than 100 horses to flee. Li Wei and other soldiers were abducted, and more than 10,000 people died, and their bodies were piled up.

Taichangzhong Buddha, Dahongyu Zhouhuan, Chengmen lieutenant Cui Lie, Yueqi lieutenant Wang Qi and others were killed.

Li Yu and others sent troops to the Nangong Gate, threatened Emperor Xian and Situ Wang Yun, and appointed Li Yu as General Yangwu, Guo Yan as General Yang Lie, and Fan Chou as General Zhonglang.

Li Wei also killed Sili lieutenant Huang Wan, Zuo Fengyi Song Yi, You Fufeng Wang Hong and Situ Wang Yun and his wife. For a while, the capital was in a bloody storm, and the government and the opposition were in chaos.

After Jia Xu was left Feng Yi.

After Jia Xu's merits wanted to make him a marquis, Jia Xu said, "This is a plan to save his life. What's the credit?" Definitely not accept it.

Li Wei and others asked Jia Xu to be the servant of Shang Shu. Jia Xu said, "Shang Shu Fu She is the division commander of hundreds of officials and an example of the world. I, Jia Xu, have always had no reputation and is difficult to convince others. Even if I can enjoy vanity, what good is it for the country?

So he changed his name to Shangshu, was in charge of the selection of talents, and made many contributions to personnel. Li Wei and others were close to Jia Xu but were also afraid of him.

Soon after Jia Xu's mother died, Jia Xu resigned from his official position and was worshipped as Dr. Guanglu.

In 195 AD (the second year of Xingping), Li Wei, Guo Yan and Fan Chou rose up to attack Chang'an and jointly control the power of the central dynasty. After the three of them suspected each other, fought for power and profits, and fought many times.

Jia Xu blamed him in general every time, so although the three people were at peace, they were okay on the surface.

So there are three parts of Chang'an City, each guarding its own boundaries. In the spring of the same year, Li Yu stabbed Fan Chou to death with Hu Feng, and the conflict between Li and Guo became increasingly intensified and began to hand over troops.

Li Yu asked Jia Xu to be General Xuanyi to help himself. Jia Xu has contributed much to helping Emperor Xian of the Han escape and protect the minister.

After the two stopped the army, Jia Xu returned the seal.

At that time, General Duan Wei and Jia Xu were stationed in Huayin. Jia Xu went to join Duan Wei.

Jia Xu has always been well-known and admired by Duan Wei's army. Duan Wei is afraid that Jia Xu will take away his military power, but on the surface, he is very courteous to Jia Xu.

After Jia Xu saw it, he was not at ease.

Nanyang Zhangxiu had a secret contact with Jia Xu, so Zhang Xiu sent someone to welcome Jia Xu.

When Jia Xu was about to leave, someone asked Jia Xu, "Duan Yuan treats you so well, why do you still want to leave?"

?" Jia Xu said, "Duan Yu is suspicious and suspicious of me. Although the treatment is generous, it can't be relied on. If you stay for a long time, you will definitely be harmed by him, and I must be very happy to leave him, and expect me to connect with foreign aid and treat my family well. And Zhang Xiu lacks counselors and is willing to get me, so that my family and I can be saved.

When Jia Xu arrived at Zhang Xiu's place, Zhang Xiu was really overjoyed and led his descendants to welcome him. Duan Shu knew that Jia Xu had left, and he was really kind to his family.

In 197 AD (the second year of Jian'an), under the persuasion of Jia Xu, Zhang Xiutun joined forces with Liubiao, the shepherd of Jingzhou. Since then, the two have become Cao Cao's confidants.

In March 198 (the third year of Jian'an), Cao Cao marched south to Zhangxiu and surrounded the city guarded by Zhang Xiu.

Soon, Cao Cao immediately retreated from the city when he heard that Yuan Shao wanted to take advantage of the false attack to take Xudu. Zhang Xiu led the troops to follow up. Liu Biao also sent the Jingzhou army to occupy the Anzhong, cut off the retreat of Cao's army, and attempted to attack Cao's army with Zhang Xiu. Cao Cao's surprise soldiers defeated Zhang and Liu's allied forces.

After Cao Jun won, he quickly withdrew north. Zhang Xiu personally led his troops to pursue, and Jia Xu dissuaded him and said, "Don't chase, you will be defeated."

Zhang Xiu didn't listen and forcibly pursued him. He was defeated by Cao Cao himself. Jia Xu said to Zhang Xiu at this time, " Hurry up and chase again, you will definitely win."

Zhang Xiu said, "I didn't listen to your advice to this point. Now that I have been defeated, why should I pursue it again?"

Jia Xu said, "The situation has changed. Hurry up and make a profit."

Zhang Xiu followed Jia Xu's suggestion, collected scattered soldiers, and then pursued them, and defeated Cao Cao's guard troops.

After winning, Zhang Xiu asked Jia Xu what was going on. Jia Xu explained, "This (reason) is easy to understand.

Although the general is good at using troops, he is by no means the enemy of Cao Gong.

Although Cao's army has just retreated, Cao Gong must be behind the palace in person. Although our pursuers are fine, the generals can't compare with them. Their soldiers are still very morale, so I know that you will be defeated.

The reason why Cao Cao withdrew his troops before he tried his best must be that something happened in the rear. Therefore, after defeating the general's pursuit, he will definitely retreat with all his strength. After leaving others, the general he left behind is not as powerful as the general, so I know that the general can win with defeated soldiers. Zhang Xiu is very impressed.

In 199 AD (the fourth year of Jian'an), Yuan Shao sent people to recruit and surrender Zhang Xiu and made a good relationship with Jia Xu.

Zhang Xiu was ready to agree, but Jia Xu refused Yuan Shao's envoy in front of Zhang Xiu, accurately pointing out that Yuan Shao could not tolerate people, and there were three advantages in surrendering Cao Cao: Cao took the emperor to order the princes, which was justifiable; Cao Cao's troops were weak and more willing to win over his allies; Cao Cao was ambitious and must be able to care about the past.

Zhang Xiu listened to Jia Xu's advice and led the crowd to obey Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was overjoyed after hearing the news. He met Jia Xu in person and held his hand and said, "It's you who made my reputation all over the world!"

Cao Cao worshipped Jia Xu as Jinwu, became the Marquis of Duting, and moved to Jizhou.

Because Jizhou was occupied by Yuan Shao at that time, Jia Xu stayed in the military. At the same time, he worshipped Zhang Xiu as General Yangwu and let his son Cao Jun marry Zhang Xiu's daughter.