Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 216 Li Yan

Li Zhong returned to the courtyard and asked Liu Xiao to rest. He took Chen and Xu Chu and Guo Jia to the study.

"Zhong Kang, go and call Mr. Wen He over," Li Zhong said to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu nodded and turned away from the study.

"Uncle Zhi, what do you think of Li Yan's martial arts?" Li Zhong turned his head and asked.

Chen came to think about it and said, "Master, this man is skilled in martial arts, and I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to kill him." That is to say, Li Yan's martial arts are very good.

Li Zhong nodded, which was also expected. If Li Yankong had a false reputation, it would be disappointing.

Li Yan (?-234), later changed his name to Li Ping, a native of Nanyang (now Nanyang, Henan).

During the Three Kingdoms period, he was the important minister of Shu Han and Zhuge Liang, who was the orphan minister before Liu Bei died.

Li Yan was a full-time official in the county when he was young and was known for his talent. Liu Biao, the pastor of Jingzhou, asked him to serve in various counties in the county. When Cao Cao entered Jingzhou, Li Yanzheng was the county magistrate of Zigui, so he went west to Shu. Liu Zhang used him as the county magistrate of Chengdu and gained a capable reputation.

213 AD (18th year of Jian'an), Li Yan replaced him as a guard and resisted Liu Bei in the area of Mianzhu. Li Yan led his men to surrender to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei appointed him as General Fei.

After the pacif of Chengdu, Li Yan was appointed as the Taishou and General Xingye. Because of Liu Zhang's governance, Yizhou is loose in law and discipline, moral politics and punishment.

Liu Bei then ordered Zhuge Liang, the military general, General Yangwu and Shujun Taishou Fazheng, General Zhaowen Yiji, Zuo General Xi Caoyu Liu Ba and Li Yan to formulate Shuke together, which later became the basis of the legal system of Shu Han.

218 AD (23rd year of Jian'an), thieves Ma Qin, Gao Sheng and others raised troops in his wife's county and gathered tens of thousands of troops to arrive in Zizhong County.

At that time, Liu Bei was in Hanzhong, and Li Yan did not wait for another army. He only led 5,000 soldiers from the county to fight and kill Ma Qin, Gao Sheng and others.

The rest of the people fled for their lives and went home for the people. Soon after, Gao Ding, the Yishuai of Yue County, led his army to besiege Xindao County. Li Yan went to relieve the siege. Gao Ding was defeated and fled.

Liu Bei then added Li Yan as a general of Fuhan, and also served as the former county guard as before.

In being the Taishou, he showed his excellent political ability: chiseling Tianshe Mountain, building the road along the river, building a large-scale construction, and reorganization of the county, so that "the officials and the people are happy", "the view of the building is magnificent, for a state's victory".

Li Yan is arrogant and difficult to get along with others. During his tenure, he built a large house to satisfy his own selfishness. He once quarreled with Cao Yanghong, who was opposed to the relocation of the county magistrate's residence. Yang Hong resigned in anger and took the initiative to retire.

After the governor of Jiangzhou, he had friction with his subordinate Wang Chong. Wang Chong knew that he was hated by Li Yan and was afraid of being framed and defected to Wei.

Li Yan regards himself very highly, and the age and status of the military guard Fu Kuang are similar to Li Yan, but Li Yan is unwilling to take the initiative to interact with them.

222 A.D. (the second year of Zhangwu), Liu Bei defeated Wu, recruited Li Yan into Yong'an Palace, and appointed him as Shang Shuling.

223 AD (Zhangwu's third year), Liu Bei was seriously ill, and Li Yan and Zhuge Liang were edicted to assist the young master Liu Chan; with Li Yan as the central capital protection, he controlled the internal and external military, and left to guard Yong'an. 223 (the first year of Jianxing), he was awarded the title of Marquis of Duxiang, a fake festival, and Guang Luxun.

AD 226 (four years of Jianxing), Zhuge Liang was in Hanzhong and prepared to send troops to attack Wei, so he wanted to mobilise Li Yan to lead the army to guard Hanzhong, but Li Yan tried his best to shirk it, but asked to divide five counties as Bazhou and let him serve as the assassin of Bazhou. Zhuge Liang did not agree.

Previously, he advised Zhuge Liang to accept Jiuxi and encouraged Zhuge Liang to enter the throne, which was refuted by Zhuge Liang. As a result, the two became discord and gradually separated.

Li Yan's fellow minister ordered Chen Zhen to send an envoy to Eastern Wu and privately told Zhuge Liang that "there are scales in Li Zhengfang's abdomen", implying that Li Yan's mental skills were not correct and might cause trouble. Zhuge Liang thought that he and Li Yan could still tolerate each other and cooperate side by side for the country.

230 AD (eight years of Jianxing), Cao Zhen, the master Sima of Cao Wei, prepared to force Hanchuan on three routes. In order to strengthen Hanzhong's defense, he asked Li Yan to lead 20,000 people to Hanzhong to stop the enemy.

Li Yan was dissatisfied with being transferred from Jiangzhou. There were private rumors that Sima Yi and others had set up official positions to lure him down. Zhuge Liang knew his intention, so he moved Li Yan to the cavalry general, and his son Li Feng took over the governor of Jiangzhou defense. Li Yan was willing to go north to Hanzhong.

Zhuge Liang ordered Li Yan to protect the affairs of the Prime Minister's office. Li Yan changed his name to Li Ping.

In the spring of 231 (the ninth year of Jianxing), Zhuge Liang sent troops to Qishan, and Li Ping was responsible for supervising the transportation of grain and fodder. In the summer and autumn season, it was cloudy and rainy, and the transportation of grain and fodder could not be supplied. Li Yan sent Huzhong and the governor Cheng Fan to send a message to Zhuge Liang to withdraw his troops. After receiving the letter, Zhuge Liang promised to withdraw.

Li Yan heard that the army had retreated, so he pretended to be surprised and said, "There is plenty of military food, why did you withdraw from the army again!"

The intention is to relieve his responsibility for supervising the inability of food and fodder, which shows Zhuge Liang's mistake in delaying the fighter.

He also reported to the queen, saying, "The army disguised to retreat is actually used to lure the enemy to fight against it." Zhuge Liang handed over Li Yan's original handwriting, and Li Yan's mistakes and contradictions were suddenly exposed. Li Yan resigned and had to kowtow and plead guilty.

So Zhuge Liang impeached Li Yan and said, "Since the death of the previous emperor, Li Ping has been thinking about his family and still has made some small favors. He just wants to live smoothly and seek fame, and is not worried about national affairs.

He sent troops to the north, hoping that he would lead his troops to guard Hanzhong. Li Yan repeatedly refused on excuses and had no intention of coming to Hanzhong. Instead, he wanted to connect the five counties and become the assassin of Bazhou himself.

Last year, I planned to go on a western expedition and wanted Li Yan to take charge of the guard of Hanzhong, but Li Yan said that Sima Yi and others were recruiting people to be senior officials there.

I understood Li Ping's despicable psychology and wanted to take the opportunity to force me to give him some benefits, so I asked his son Li Feng to be in charge of Jiangzhou affairs and give him such an exceptional treatment. I wanted to solve a temporary urgent matter. After Li Yan took office, he entrusted all the power of big and small affairs to him. The whole court wondered why I treated Li Yan so kindly.

It is precisely because national events have not been decided that the Han Dynasty is in danger. Instead of exposing and criticizing Li Yan's shortcomings, it is better to praise and encourage him.

I just think that Li Yan's nature is just to get some honors and interests. Unexpectedly, he has the intention to reverse right and wrong, so that so.

If such people and things are left to exist, it will inevitably lead to the failure of the country. This is stupid for the minister, and he is ashamed to say too much. So Li Yan was abolished as the people and exiled to Zitong County.

AD 234 (the 12th year of Jianxing), Li Yan heard that Zhuge Liang had died, so he fell ill and died. Before his death, Li Yan often hoped that Zhuge Liang would use him again, considering that it was impossible for other ministers to use him, so he was furious. Li Feng, the son of Li Yan, went to Zhu Ti.

According to the Water Sutra, during his tenure as county guard (214-222), Li Yan also rebuilt the Pujiang Dam, also known as the "Liushuimen" hub project, so that it can connect the two sides of the river.

In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the war was extremely chaotic, and large-scale water conservancy projects such as Dujiangyan and Liushuimen were seriously in disrepair.

After Li Yan took office, he reorganized the water conservancy project, which was a meritorious to the production and construction at that time.

Li Yan's water conservancy improvement project affected later generations, so that Li Xinchuan, a scholar, a servant of the Ministry of Industry and Jingyan in the Southern Song Dynasty, believed that "Mezhou Tongjiyan was founded in Jian'an" and recorded the credit on Li Yan's grand event at that time.

Chen Shou once commented, "All protect Li's strictness and self-esteem." Peng Wei and Liao Li were promoted, Li Yan were appointed bravely, Yang Yi was an official, Liu Yan was an old official, and he was noble. Look at its actions, follow its rules, bring disaster and take the blame, all of them.

Now it seems that history is also wrong. Although Li Yan is a little arrogant, his personality is no longer so arrogant, and this person is proficient in strategy. In addition to his pride, he is also a useful talent, Li Zhong thought to himself.

"Lord, Mr. Wenhe is here," Xu Chu came to the study and said to Li Zhong, following Jia Xu behind him.

"Lord", Jia Xu holds boxing.

"Sit down," Li Zhong said.

After sitting down, Li Zhong looked at several people and said, "Looking at today's situation, I guess we have to leave as soon as possible."

Several people nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Wenhe, have you found the person I'm looking for?" Li Zhong asked sideways.

The monthly ticket basically does not exceed five votes. What's the situation!!

I hope some friends can break this strange circle!!