Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 227 Go Home

Originally, Mizhu saw that Li Zhong was still young, handsome and handsome. The most important thing is that this person is definitely the top man now in terms of strength and identity.

However, living in this era is the misfortune of people. There is no peace everywhere. Warlords everywhere have self-respect for themselves. Of course, ordinary people can't avoid it, but this is also an era full of opportunities. As the saying goes, heroes come out in troubled times, which is the truth.

And although the reason why his family can achieve today is inseparable from their efforts, it is also inseparable from Tao Qian's support, otherwise it would have been robbed long ago, and for such businessmen in Taiwan, their end is definitely worse than ordinary people, because they hold huge wealth in their hands. If one of them is given, it will offend the other princes. If not, the result can be imagined.

So he is eager to go online with Li Zhong, at least he has to get acquainted with him, which is absolutely beneficial and harmless to their Mi family.

But unfortunately, it seems that God didn't give him this opportunity.

"Brother, you're back." Mizhu, who was a little frustrated, returned home, and a young woman came to Mizhu and asked.

At first sight, Mi Zhu quickly cleaned up her depression and said with a smile, "It's my little sister. Why did you come back so early today?"

It turned out that this woman was Mihuan, Mizhu's sister (she couldn't find her real name, so she had to choose one by herself). She was the plan of her youth. In 1928, she was very beautiful in her boudoir.

"What's wrong with the eldest brother? Why is his face so ugly?" asked softly.

Mizhu and Mifang (Mizhu's younger brother) usually love this only sister very much. Although their parents have died early, the family also lives in a quite harmonious way.

The screen retreated the servant maid in the hall, sat in the seat, and talked about his thoughts with Mi Huan.

After listening to this, Mi Huan suddenly smiled and said, "If any former general mentioned by the eldest brother really has such strength, then why should he accept our Mi family? Even if we get on his line, what will Tao Shijun (referring to Tao Qian) think, and it may not be reused." Mi Huan said her own thoughts. .

There is nothing to make a fuss about. His little sister has been talented since she was a child, and she can't even compare with some opinions, which makes him often joke that if the little sister was a man, his father would have handed over the Mi family to her long ago.

Mi Zhu smiled bitterly and had to look for the next opportunity.

However, Li Zhong and his party said that after a ten-day journey, they passed through Langya and went straight into Linzi, Qingzhou, and met Qingzhou Mu Tiankai. The next day after a conversation, Li Zhong set off. Originally, he wanted to go to Beihai to meet Kong Rong, but at this time, news came from Youzhou that Gaoguli was marching eastward and asked Li Zhong to go back to the Lord. Holding the overall situation, and the order of Liu Hong, Emperor Ling of Han, also came to Li Zhong.

However, Li Zhong had to leave for Youzhou.

Although this trip to the south has not yet achieved all the goals, it has also gained a lot. Moreover, the world is not complete. The so-called sun is eclips, and the moon is full. Sometimes it is better to learn to be satisfied.

"Miss, Miss", a maid shouted in a quiet and scholarly small courtyard in Mifu, Xuzhou.

"Xiang'er, what are you doing," the young lady said with some dissatisfaction.

"Miss, you have been stunned by this poem for two hours," the maid whispered. Although they are masters and servants, this lady is very good to her, as if to her own sister.

Listening to the maid, the lady's face suddenly turned red, but she couldn't find any reason to refute it.

I saw this poem written: the delicate clouds, the flying stars, and the silver man's darkness. As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, he won countless people in the world. Tenderness is like water, and a good period is like a dream. If the two love last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening?

Isn't this the poem in Li Zhong's letter to Xiuer?

It turned out that this young lady was not someone else but Mihuan's precious sister Mihuan. That day, she saw an unusual relationship in his brother's eyes. How could she not understand? Although she had a little loss in her heart, she was more looking forward to and longing.

"Xiang'er, did you see him that day?" Mi Huan asked confusedly and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Miss, Xiang'er just looked at him from a distance." "Do you see what he looks like?" Mi Huan asked.

Xiang'er shook her head and said, "It's too far away. Xiang'er didn't see it clearly, but Xiang'er saw his back." After saying that, the little girl was crazy about it. Her eyes were full of spring water and looked like an emotional little wild cat.

Mi Huan saw Xiang'er's appearance and smiled bitterly. It seemed that the little girl was also emotional.

"Xiang'er", Mi Huan had to shout.

"Ah, miss," Xianger, who was looking forward to a beautiful dream, was awakened and quickly shouted.

Looking at Xiang'er's soulless appearance, Mi Huan only rolled her eyes. She knew that she might not be able to ask anything today, so she had to look at the poem in front of her and continue to be dazed. Suddenly, she showed a shallow smile, like a spring breeze brushing her face, which made people couldn't help but want to hold him in her arms and love him well.

Because of Huang Xu's disease, the speed of the brigade was not very fast. Anyway, Li Zhong was not in a hurry. Ten days later, he finally returned to his home.

After placing the people, Li Zhong also returned to the general's mansion and met with Li Wen and Han, but Li Wen's condition seemed to be a little serious.

"Father", although the old man with white temples in front of him is not his father, he has given him a lot of help since he came to this world. Although he is very strict, he still does not hinder his love for her.

And not to mention Han's. In Li Zhong's eyes, this woman is definitely the best mother. Although he also has his own father and mother, he is not a plant. Who can be ruthless? He sees their love for him from the bottom of his heart, and he is also accepting it little by little.

Now he also regards these two people as his real parents, and his heartfelt care for them makes him still feel at home.

"I'm back", Li Wen just answered faintly.

Han came forward to hold his hand and ask for warmth, which moved Li Zhong for a moment. "Mother, the child is fine," Li Zhong comforted.

Now her son is a former general of the Han Dynasty, the herdsman of Youzhou, and now he has married the princess of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, which also makes her a mother very proud and satisfied. How can her son not be proud of her mother?

"Father, your body," Li Zhong asked.

Li Zhong waved his hand and said, "It's no big deal. There is no problem in living for a few years." Although he said it freely, Li Zhong found a trace of old age in his eyes, which made him a little puzzled.

As soon as Li Zhong asked about Li Wendong's illness, Han stared at Li Wen and said, "Since Zhonger left Youzhou, how many times have you been sick? Don't you know? If it weren't for Hua Tuo...", Han couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

Since they got married, the two have also been close and harmonious, but for a while, Li Wen suddenly changed a lot, which made Han confused, but he did not delve into it. However, since then, her husband seems to have sick every once in a while, which made her doubtful and helpless. In the past, although her husband was not healthy OK, but it's not so serious, but as a woman, she doesn't have so much say, and she also knows that she burys all her doubts in her heart.

"Well, don't I know my own body?" Li Wen said with an indifferent look.

Li Zhong also has doubts about his father, but he is more puzzled, just like a mystery, which makes Li Zhong a little confused.

"Okay, you're tired too. Go down and have a rest first," Li Wen said to Li Zhong.

Seeing Li Wen say so, Li Zhong only nodded, saluted Li Wen and withdrew from the courtyard.

"My husband, this is not good," Liu Xiao came to Li Zhong and said.

Holding the beauty's softness, Li Zhong smiled and said, "There's nothing wrong with you. You're tired. It's not too late to greet your father and mother tomorrow," Li Zhong comforted.

Seeing her husband say so, Liu Xiao nodded her head and went back to her room with Li Zhong to "rest".